Vote tally - A Central African Colony Quest: Long Live The colony of Mittelafrika.

Scheduled vote count started by James Poopert on Jan 8, 2023 at 6:04 PM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
James Poopert
A Central African Colony Quest: Long Live The colony of Mittelafrika.
Post #43
Post #55


  • [X] Plan: Everything could be better
    -[X] Standards in the workplace act: will see the implementation of a work day of 8 hours with businesses having to pay overtime pay for 1.5 times Regular pay. it bans child labor and puts in place a minimum of 14 vacation days paid and 8 sick days paid.
    --[X] Immense lobbying(10 million costs,)
    -[X] a Internal investigation: you shall investigate your predisecsors actions and see just how much he imbezeled. (2 months, 5 million)
    -[X] A rebel inestigation: you shall investigate local rebels and figure out more about them. (3 months, 20 million)
    -[X] Trans-africa railway: you will build a railway between Mombasa, Dar Es Salem, and Wilhelmsville. it will be the first railway built in 14 years (9 months, 100 Million)
    -[X] farmer investigation: you will inverstigate the farmers in your nation and see what the farms are like. (2 months, 5 million)
    -[X] war games: you shall make your 5 infantry and 1 cavalry division face the 1 german infantry ivision you brought in a large series f war games to see just how bad they are, each division is a standered german divison with 17,500 men (russia had 16,000 britian 18,000) this will give you a iew onjust how effective your army is at the current time. (1month) (1 million)
    [X] Plan: Middle Africa Industrial Legislation
    -[X] Standards in the workplace act: will see the implementation of a work day of 8 hours with businesses having to pay overtime pay for 1.5 times Regular pay. it bans child labor and puts in place a minimum of 14 vacation days paid and 8 sick days paid.
    --[X] Immense lobbying(10 million costs,)
    -[X] a Internal investigation: you shall investigate your predisecsors actions and see just how much he imbezeled. (2 months, 5 million)
    -[X] A rebel inestigation: you shall investigate local rebels and figure out more about them. (3 months, 20 million)
    -[X] Trans-africa railway: you will build a railway between Mombasa, Dar Es Salem, and Wilhelmsville. it will be the first railway built in 14 years (9 months, 100 Million)
    -[X] farmer investigation: you will inverstigate the farmers in your nation and see what the farms are like. (2 months, 5 million)
    -[X] Fiance Local Industry (4 months 20 million) Mittelafrika Textilunternehmen