[X] You used to be a maid for a family. Their son was not of good character, and when the rumors of his behavior toward servants grew so did your desire to run.
[X] … not really your cup of tea. Your second hand is for a shield. The other wields a short blade that makes up for its lack in range with speed and dexterity. Capella was carrying these back when you traveled together to the Caer.
[X] … not quite what you're used to. You prefer the normal longsword, switching grips, either one or two handed. The longsword is the weapon of the brave and strong, to face one's enemy takes a Pyroar's heart. It is the weapon you held when Drake found you in that ditch.
[X] … but not unfamiliar. It's your weapon of choice as well, for all the advantages and disadvantages it brings. To wait for the right moment, a single miscalculation could lose you a fight. It is the weapon Drake held when he found you in that ditch.