Thread One: Bounce bounce bounce


Trust and verify.
Hello all, and welcome to my first Let's Read. My folder of reaction images is almost vast, my flying knowledge is grand, and this is going to be one of the most interesting things for about five minutes. Welcome to the insanity, folks. Advanced warning- the author of the original work utterly slams Strike Witches, and after watching the series and holding up my Anoku to ward of the lesbian stupids, I'll be slapping it too for the begining bits. After that, well, there's pleanty of shit the author screws up to make fun of too.


Brilliant quicksilver radiance lights the night sky, reflecting well off the thick carpet of clouds that stretch out below you. The late winter sky is crystal clear, the Milky Way a stunning band of luminescence cutting across the sky. It's easy to forget the earth exists, on nights like this - staring into that vast expanse of sky, begging you to dive in.

And singing softly over the lambent-lit cloudscape, a gentle, hesitant, sweet melody... La la... la la la... la la la...

Ahh, sweet free, clean, mostly good prose, how I thought you didn't exist-

"Does this bitch ever shut UP?"

You smack your fist into your kneeboard in frustration.

"Seriously. Every fucking night, this tuneless 'la la la la' bullshit in my headphones. It drives me fucking nuts. Doesn't that bint know the goddamn WORDS?"

"It's a piano tune, you knuckle-dragging ape," Ian interjects languidly from his seat above and behind you. "Her father's a famous Russian composer. Piano tunes don't have words, so you have to-"

"La la la de fucking da all night long, righto, gotcha," Sean gripes. "Fantastic composing, that. Just the kind of pissweak elegance you'd expect from the Russkies."


Anyway, things continue on and are happily boring for a minute, before the Author remembers something. He's writing Pilots. Young, male, American pilots who are bored. The following is practically mandatory.

Top Gun jokes aside, there's no real choice here. It's bouncing time, and ohwaitaminute. I bet y'all don't know what that is, because you're not Pilots, which is practically a separate language. Click the spoiler if you want the gritty details.

Bounces are a fairly simple pilot trick that trades altitude for airspeed to get into a pursiut curve, pictured.

Most bounces aim for a pure intercept, which puts the enemy right in the bouncing plane's gunsights. However, as we're about to see, this is a "friendly" bounce, designed to scare the everloving shit out of someone without situational awareness.

Such as a bored radar witch.

You remind yourself that you've got serious responsibilities, and this $200,000 twin-engined night fighter is not your personal toy.

That reminder amounts to diddly squat. You're twenty years old, you're a fighter pilot, you've got 4,000 horsepower at your fingertips and you're bored as hell.

For reference, the plane in question is a P-61 Black Widow.

A brick with wings and an assload of guns with the radar in back, this is the plane you fly for the entire series with one exception. Designed as a night fighter and radar hauler (because that shit was heavy and planes were smaller) they had a lackluster record in the real world because by the time they were in production and flying most of the Axis airfields and carriers were reduced to chunky salsa or empty parking lots because of the fact that islands make AWESOME airbases from which to bitch-slap the other guy and the fact that America never ran out of material.


Nosing over, you put your massive P-61 into a steep power dive, screaming out of the heavens like a black brick of fury and thunder. Aiming a little behind the Junkers, you haul back on the stick, coming level six hundred yards behind them with almost 550 MPH on the speedometer.

You eat up the distance nigh instantly, thundering underneath the Junkers while bellowing into your radio.


And as any fifth grader with a good sense of curiosity, bricks fall like, dah dah daaaaah, bricks. Mounting engines only makes 'em fall faster.

After discovering that ditching your patrol route and pantsing your bosses is a BAD IDEA, our Intrepid Hero quickly proves that he can haul ass faster than an angry 13-year-old with a pair of tiny little reality-fucking engines. Look at this chick.

Look really, really hard. Does this look like the face of a trained aviator and all-around soldier? I'm gonna say after you dig through the PTSD and abandonment issues, Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope.

Back to our regularly scheduled fuckery, though. With the po-po on his six, his crew yelling at him for being a retard, and the Radar Witch bearing down on him, it's time to do something.

Time for your move. The witches magic might mimic radar, which shows her where you are... but not how you're oriented. With the last of your airspeed, you roll the Black Widow inverted, and wait.

"I've got a visual," Sean says, voice heavy. "She'll have our numbers in a seeeEEEOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH-" he wails as you ram the stick forward. The spoilerons deploy and your Black Widow literally drops out of the sky like a stone. Nose pointed at the earth, you slam the throttles forward against the stops, and both massive Double-Wasp radials scream with primal fury as over four-thousand horsepower surge through the aircraft.

"YAAAAAHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo" you whoop like a red injun with a scalp in each hand as you thunder out of the sky. Ian, behind you, sounds interested for the first time in weeks when he interrupts you.

"Pull... UP...." he manages a placid grunt, a skill unique to him.

Now, here's a kicker- most planes have a barometric altimeter, which gives out your height above sea level. This is really useful for navy-types, but the ground tends to be a weeee bit higher than the sea, which means that if you fuck up the math, you get a nice shiny metal coffin that was your plane when you dig your grave at 300+ knots.

You decide to oblige him, reeling in the stick around 3,000 feet. The airframe groans in earnest this time, and your ass is crushed into your parachute with a vengeance this time, but you easily level out before passing 1,000 feet. You hear Ian and Sean emit flaky sighs.

"What were you approaching again, sweetheart? WOOHOO!" you howl in triumph. The moon can't press through the solid overcast and this low to the ground, even the Witch's magic will be greatly confused by ground clutter - or that's how Sean explained it, anyways. In the pitch-dark, near the ground, you're safe.

Of course, the ground fucks up radar just as it much does planes, and if you get close enough to the ground you can hide next to it, which is the general plan here. Add in the fact that England is effectively a cloud magnet, and the only way the Witches are gonna find him is if they ram him.

He's flying a brick. They're flying their panties and some engines. Three guesses as to who wins.

"Oh man, how are we going to talk our way out of this?" Sean marvels. "There's only one ship assigned to that corridor, and that's us." He's silent for a minute, which you respect as the feat of phenomenal will it is - for Sean. "Yeah, can't see an excuse good enough to save us from Misses Super-Pissed. We're boned."

"You don't sound very worried," you grump.

"Probably because you're the pilot," Sean says cheerfully. "Which means you're boned. We're just victims of circumstance."

Sometimes you really, really want to put the Widow in a steep climb and let that asshole just fall right out the back. Alas, they fixed the imploding plexiglass problem months ago.

"We were never here," you decide. "We turned for home five minutes ago with engine trouble. Right there in my logbook."

"And the radio chatter?" Ian says.

"Sure was some smart-mouthed Black Widow pilot. Boy, I'm glad I'm not him!"


Pilot, your plans are shit. They are all of the shit. You really think that this excuse will save you?

>But wait!
>The Witches are flying under RAF control!
>The Royal Ass Fuckers hate talking to the stinking Americans!

Thank you greentext memory, just when I needed to remember that the English had more beauracray issues than the Americans before you bring in the Witches.

After parking the plane on one engine because he fucked the other over, Pilot proceeds to laugh loudly and get out of dodge to the O-club, where this thread ends.

Of course, please comment and enjoy!
Thread Two: My Plane is Fight.
Thread 2: It's a serial!

Once more unto the breach, dear friends. This quest drew out three years of spinoffs, and I will cover all the good ones, plus all 120 threads of the original. This is gonna be a looooooooooong Let's Read.

Incidentally, in order to keep some of the flavor of the source material, I'm going to post the OP pic in each thread's beginning, along with any other good pics, such as the David Stirling vs. Erwin Rommel pic.

You are a young American night-fighter pilot who's just bounced a few Witches harder then a goddamn superball, and the best part is you're probably going to get away with it.

Because you aborted your patrol due to "engine trouble," it's only 4AM, so you've got a few hours to kill before you'll be tired enough to sleep. You mosey on down to the Officers Club, where booze and bangers are to be had - whatever the fuck a banger is. England is a strange nation. You carelessly barge through the door in your accustomed fashion, saunter over to the bar and drum on it with your palms. "Paddy! A pint!"

The bartender, who is neither named Paddy, nor remotely Irish, slams a heavy glass mug upon the bar and slings it towards you with all his might. You snatch it easily, your palm stinging from the hefty impact. It's an old game between you two, a warm, fuzzy mutual hate. If Paddy's arm gets any better, you'll have to scrounge up a catcher's mitt.

You chug down some of the low-quality draught, reviewing what you know of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing:

1. They're Witches.
2. You owned them pretty hard.
3. At least one of them probably wants to gut you like a fish.

Ahh, the base bar. A veritable den of bad beer, sleepy people at four in the morning, and scuttlebut, which as we all know is the fastest means of communication known to man. The reliability might be shit, but it does let our Pilot MC do things like this.

"Sounds like he bounced 'em. And he sounded American. A Mosquito could outrun a Witch, perhaps, but a P-61?" One of the other men at the table shakes his head. "He wasn't from the 442nd. Must've been a Mossie driver who's good with accents, feeding them a red herring so he didn't get his ass a court-martial."

You stroke your chin and look at the ceiling pensively. "Well... if a Black Widow dove for the deck, that 'Night Witch's' magic is as obscured by ground clutter as regular radar. And no little girl is going to match a Black Widow in a dive, either."

All the men at the table stare at you.

You sip your beer, a carefully neutral expression in place.

"In fact," you say, "I hear there was a Junkers flying a couple of their officers home tonight. And they've only got one Witch capable of night operations, so if she was slacking off, shooting the breeze with her friends when some bored Widow driver happened upon them..." you twirl your finger in the air to indicate that it's completely theoretical.

Ahh, the de Haviland Mosquito. An excellent light bomber and fighter, it also holds a warm and dear place in what's left of my heart as the best plane the English ever built. Of course, the minute the Pilot MC finishes his retelling, a good friend of his shows up.

The man across from you frantically blows bubbles in his beer. You wonder what the hell he could be trying to hint at, and tilt your head back to drain your mug -

- and keep on tilting, your chair following, until the back of your skull meets the wooden floorboards. Through the glass bottom of your mug, you can make out an extremely pissed-off man hovering over you.

Oh, wait, that's no friend. That's your CO!

Oh shit, that's your CO!

"What? Why are there three of you?"

"That'd be me, my bad attitude, and my LAST OUNCE OF FUCKING PATIENCE," Luke bellows, shaking you by the shirt. "Bounce the Navy, bounce the Limeys, Bounce the fucking MARTIANS once in a while, like you're supposed too, you layabout FUCK, but for FUCKS SAKE, never, ever, EVER bounce a WITCH!" The Major punctuates each statement with a vigorous shake that rattles your brain around your skull quite nicely. "It's a political landmine, and when all that shit comes back to earth, guess who's fucking desk it lands on!?"

He's silent.

You stare at him, disoriented, until you realize he wants an answer.

Now, this is one of my personal moments of doubt. A Leiutenant must fly, a Captain may fly, and a Major might fly on a bad day. It's pointed out that Luke's a Major, which isn't so big, until you look at how long he's been flying combined with the number of casualties everyone's been taking because these aren't Neuroi. They're Martians from War of the Worlds, and much like Well's original creations, they have the bare minimum of plot armor. Luke should be at least a colonel, if not major colonel in full.

Oh shit oh fuck oh doom on you, he knows.


"I don't know how you did it," Luke growls. "Your crew chief said that engine was overhauled not two days ago. Either you can make engines fail on command or you're the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on earth. Get to your goddamn quarters, I'm putting you on the dawn patrol."

Thankfully, the bullet is dodged, and I take a minute to take get another tea, because things are about to get hairy.

"Fuck you, asshole," he growls, his hand flexing on the haft of the wrench.

"Uh." You retreat, holding your palms up. "I didn't do shit."

"I just fixed this, and you go and fuck it up."

"... what?"

Marv shows you what. Leading you into the hangar, he shows you a few cracked gaskets in the fuel line and carburetor.

"And we just replaced all of those two days ago," he grumbles. "Every fucking gasket, every grease fitting, every spark plug. They don't dry out that fast, even when one of you knuckleheads push it for the extra ten pounds of boost-pressure. It just doesn't happen."

You reach out to feel the steel around the gaskets. "Shouldn't it have started a fire?"

Hey, MC, this doens'nt look like like a coincidence?

I sure think it smells like a coincidence. A perfectly ordinary coincidence. Don't you agree with me, Audience? Either way, this is a fairly easy job for the 24-hour chop shop that is a squadron mechanic s bay can get that engine fixed in time for the Dawn Patrol. Dawn Patrols, FYI, are the Army Air Farce's way of looking for easy targets or dawn attacks and punishing idiot pilots who piss off their COs. To make it worse, they're on coast patrol too- which means glare.

As someone who's done early morning bullshit on the ocean before, FUCK glare.

"I hate this fucking country," you mutter.

My sentiments exactly. MC is not overpaid, oversexed, or getting any of the benefits of being over here.

Daytime attacks usually consist of those fucking steam-sleds (or whatever flavor-of-the-week the little green men pick,) dropping in from high orbit, right onto population centers like London. A pilot tooling about at 30,000 feet has a decent chance of scoring a kill on one, if he spots it early enough to match speeds in a dive.

Coast patrol, however, is -

"-cleaning up the Witches sloppy seconds," Sean bitches, "if we're incredibly lucky."

"What, you want to get into a real fight in this clunker?" Ian marvels from the back-seat. "More power to the girls, I say."

Your crew didn't get their asses kicked last night, so they're a bit more talkative then you. An hour later, you're feeling a little more awake, and you've gained about 20,000 feet of altitude by the time you reach the cliffs of Kent.

"The channel sure is pretty in the morning," Ian says as you wheel North for the first leg of your patrol. Sean announces his intention to get some sleep, and leans back - Ian and you both have 20/10 vision, and with the morning fog burned away by the rising sun, there's little call for the radar.

"There's Sparkle City," you say, nodding at the little spit of an island off your nose, where the 501st Witches squadron is based.

"It's got a proper name, you know," Ian scolds you. "That's one of the most ancient and fabled castles in all of England, you lout."

You lean forward in your seat, peering intently at something a little nearer. It looks like gnats at twenty paces on a hot summer day - just the hint of a cloud of tiny things, darting about swiftly. "You see that?"

"I do," Ian says.

Looks like the Witches & Bitches left a little extra out on the line after last night. Hell, it could be something innocent. Good things are a thing.

"YES!" his hefty Irish voice kicks you in the head through the intercom. "Martian gobbledeegook, we've got aliums!"

Good thing?

A long minute later, your sharp eyes start to recognize the movement patterns of the battle. "Oh, shit."

It's Witches all right, and they're up to their scantily-clad asses in aliens. You're close enough now to see the tracers of the Witch's small arms floating across the sky, and the sinister smoke-contrails of Martian rocket-bombs.


Right now, this is a pilot's wet dream. The furball below (and thus in easy reach) is disolving, which means lots of easy targets to bounce. More importantly, it also lets MC do things like yo-yo out of a bounce, which is a turning fight in the vertical and something he can do without breaking a sweat because the P-61 climbs like an angel going home. More engines/weight=more climb, and the Widow is up there in power/weight.

Time to kick some alien ass.

Still inverted, you haul the P-61 into a steep dive towards the fleeing Witch. Aiming slightly behind her, you let your reflector gunsight drift onto the biggest pursuing Martian, one of those pipe'n'jets affairs, the nasty ones with the spiral-y rockets.

You scream out of the sky like a jet-black avatar of death, and at the right moment, you thumb the firing stud. Four twenty-milimeter cannons and four .50 caliber guns roar, shaking the entire airframe, and the Martian disintegrates.

"FUKKINBULLSEYE!" you scream wildly, crushing yourself into the seat with four-gravities of force as you haul back on the stick. The massive fighter soaked up a ton of energy in the dive, which you burn in a zoom-climb, climbing two-thousand feet in only four or five seconds.

You finish the loop, coming out inverted again, but this time you're at a near-standstill and half the altitude. Still, that's enough. Some of the Witch's assailants are splitting off to turn towards you, but the rest are still driving her over the Channel, further and further from help.

Well, fuck that.

You roll upright and dive again. Several Martians throw their noses up at you, and Sean shouts over the intercom, "Masers!" A second later the small radar-scope in your instrument panel clicks on at Seans command. Usually used for terminal intercept in the dark, it now lights up brilliantly where the emitted radiation of a charging maser is detected. Thus guided, you put your big plane into a tight spiral, blowing right through the climbing Martians before a single one manages to discharge.

Through! You level off at the same altitude as the Witch and her pursuers, but you're still five-hundred yards distant. You unload the plane, sleeking for speed, and ride your extra airspeed for as long as possible. The Widow isn't the fastest plane, and you only close to about four-hundred yards when you sense your speed has matched - and is now slipping.

Good enough. "Tally-ho, you fucking freaks," you breathe, and press the firing stud.

The Hispano may be a finicky, difficult, unreliable pain-in-the ass, but when it works, sweet Jesus does it WORK. The four belly-mounted cannons have no convergence factor to worry about, and the huge, high-explosive/armor piercing shells tear through the four-hundred yards of intervening airspace like miniature missiles, the smoking tracer contrails looking like the spear-shafts of Apollo himself. You give one bandit a good hammering, then use the rudder to swish the gunsight over two others. The heavy BABABABABABABABABABAM~! of the huge cannons sends a stattaco vibration up through your seat mountings and through the base of your spine. One Martian explodes, another goes spinning into the Channel, missing a wing, and a third breaks off in a desperate dive, smoking badly.

Two kills and a probable. Who's betting on more?

"Sean, Ian, turret!" you say, flipping the switch to unlock the top turret. There's a brief whine of servos as the remote-operated turret swings about, obeying commands from the remote aiming controls both Ian and Sean have mounted at their positions.

You take a deep breath and ram the throttles forward, snapping the thin wire stretched over the throttle channels, near the end.

The huge fighter lurches, raw power shocking through the airframe as the massive Double Wasp radials are unchained. Thirty-six cylinders bellow towards the redline as you push into War Emergency Power.

You'll need every ounce of that power. Flipping your Black Widow upside-down, you cut into a hard split-S (upside-down half-loop,) reversing direction towards your playmates. You open fire at 600 yards, betting on your range advantage to save you against the Martians broadsides.

Minus the early-installment wierdness (Martian broadsides?) the answer is simple.

When I say Split-S, you say U-turn. It's that simple, with the one problem that if you screw up the altitude, you crash. That said, you can also Split-S tighter than the reverse maneuver (an Immelman) so don't say it's bad.

So, what's the plan? Dodge. Dodge more.

You cut the left-engine throttle, stand on the pedals, adjust the mixture and prop pitch and pop the left spoilerons almost in the same motion, sending the heavy fighter into a vicious left-hand skid, neatly dodging the worst of the fire. Explosions and the screech of rent metal let you know you've been hit, but the instruments never waver and the powerful fighter plows through the storm resolutely.

Ok, "dodge more" might not work so well when there's a metric assload of Martians trying to kill you. Ian, the gunner, at least manages to bag one Martian via the quad .50 turret. I can practically feel my old asshole GM saying "Roll DEX."

You break hard right, hoping to set up a defensive weave with the Witch, but as you do you see your playmates finishing their own hard, flat turn to come about on you. Now you recognize them as heavy-hitters, what most pilots call "Steam-sleds" after their general appearance. They're usually used when the Martians want to hit like a freight train, and they generally do.

"Fuck *me,*" Sean breathes from the intercom, and you hear the turret guns go to work on something behind you. Naturally, the lighter, smaller Martians are already on your ass.

You take your Black Widow through another head-on exchange, but this time you keep your piper on-target longer, getting a good lick into an alien 'sled, which explodes and wheels out of the sky. Your own fighter bucks hard as a spiral-rocket explodes under your belly, kicking you in the ass and lifting the whole machine several feet.

Owww. See, problem here is that the Widow is an energy fighter, and this is gonna either be a turning fight and MC gonna get fucked up, or it's gonna be an energy fight and he's out of smash from the snap-roll he did earlier.

Something loud and ugly yanks your fighter to the left, and you see your Number One engine explode in flames.

Doesn't matter witch he picks now. Remember that great engine to weight ratio? Yeah, that's gone.

You are about to die.

The cool, crisp simplicity of it is seductive, and you embrace it wholeheartedly. You enact the only go-to-hell plan you've ever had: if you're going to hell, you're taking the largest honor guard possible.

You wheel your badly-wounded fighter around for another go. Neither Ian or Sean speak, but you hear the top-turret swinging around for one more lick.

The Martian steam-sleds thunder towards you, huge billowing contrails of grey smoke billowing out behind them as they give it the gas. Just as they approach firing range, you shove the stick down and dive under them. They fire, but the extreme closure rate and sharp deflection angle spoil their aim, but, as always, your top-turret is not so limited, and the quad-fifties roar.

You know, without having to look, that the Martians have flipped inverted to turn back into you and follow your dive. Rolling your striken Widow, you make a sharp turn back the other way, still diving steeply, then roll again and turn back the other way, weaving left-right-left as you plummet from the sky. The left-hand engine vanishes in a cloud of white mist and thick black smoke as the extinguishers fire.

"They're still on u-" Sean begins to say, then his voice vanishes into the hideous sound of a hefty blast in the rear of your plane. The Widow bucks and tumbles, and you scream incoherently into your cockpit, knowing Sean is dead...

Now, if I didn't know this author, I'd be waiting on Sean to either get confirmed as a pile of ludicrus gibs by Ian or choke out an "I'm ok!" through his radio. Since I do know the author, though, I can safely say that the shit has hit the fan.

More importantly, this is turning into a turn fight real damn quick, and heavy fighters like the Widow suck at them. IRL, the Nazis found this out when they sent Bf. 110's out in the Blitz- the 110s got their shit kicked in by Hurricanes and Spitfires because they were escorting the piece-of-shit Ju 88 which had no goddamn reason to be preforming the sort of raids the Blitz entailed. In the few sims I've played, the Bf. 110 actually compares well against them if you can get an energy fight going, such as a vertical yo-yo or scissors.

Either way, time to make a Gallant Last Stand.

Fighting the sluggish controls, you take your downward weave and nudge it into a downward spiral. You unfeather the propeller on the dead #1 engine, letting it spiral freely, creating a ton of drag on your left wing, and drop your flaps. The Widow's handling deteriorates rapidly as you lose what speed you had, but the gamble pays off - the Martians don't notice your loss of speed until it's too late, and two of them zip out in front of you. Fighting the controls for every ounce of lift, you manage to put your gunsight on one of them and you feed the fucker several 20mm rounds, blowing big chunks of important-looking stuff off his ship and making him peel away, out of the fight. There's a sharp explosion above you, but you spare no time to look up, just nose down and steepen the dive again, spiraling a bit and looking up through the canopy to get a glimpse behind you, now that Sean isn't talking.

Right now, the deck's stacked, and I'm biting my nails. The Widow's main cockpit has zero view behind it, and the guy who looks behind is presumed dead. Worse, the Widow's down an engine and stuck in a turning fight, out of smash, altitude, and thrust.

Through the melted and charred plexiglass you see the long runway of Castle Barin, the ancient Witches stronghold of the British Isles. The fight has carried you close enough you might attempt it.

Of course, then this happens. This is a BAD IDEA, just saying. No control, inbound enemies...

You pull your wounded P-61 out of the spiral at 500 feet altitude, and let go of the stick, unloading the control surfaces. Number Two engine is thundering violently, flames blasting from the exhaust stacks. You violently shove #2's cowling control all the way down, slamming the cooling flaps closed, sleeking the plane for speed and caging the intense heat of the redlined engine inside the carburetor.

You frantically attack #1's panel, turning off the magnetos and shoving the mixture to full-rich to flood the engine with volatile fuel. Holding your breath, you flip the magnetos on and fire the remaining extinguisher again in the same breath.

The engine BANGS! to life, and fairly explodes in flame at the same moment - which is smothered by the CO2 from the last extinguisher bottle. With superhuman speed you lean the mixture fast enough for the turning engine to rattle weakly, then catch. It's still trailing the thick, vile black smoke of an oil fire, but it's running, and for the next thirty seconds that's all you need.

A quick Reader vs. Bullshit round ensured here, and this shit holds up, barely. Is this hellspawn of a landing gonna work?

"Castle Barin, Castle Barin, Romeo-Two on short final, clear the runway!" you wail into your radio.

"Romeo-Two, what are you flying?"

"Twin-engine! We-"

"Request denied, Romeo-Two," an extremely annoyed female voice informs you."Barin is a Strike Witches base and off-limits to male aircrew, and we've got an entire flight of Witches low on mojo to recover. Divert to Eddington Strip, it's almost on the beach."

Alright, this is a BIG no-no. You don't cut people off on the radio. Especially military radio. Especially when there's a RUNNING BATTLE ON YOUR DOORSTEP. Because I lack a "Kick the door in" .jpg, all you guys get is me laugh as the Widow absorbes every fuck in a ten-mile radius to land here and troll the shit out of this dumbass and their associates.

"Ooooh you duckfaced-shit-licking-cum-gargling-hog-humping-curtain-of-smelly-TWATMIST!" you thunder into your microphone as you shove #1 engine to half-throttle. "Go fuck yourself with a rabid badger you sparkle-fantastic fairy-dust-farting sack of triplecrank fizzle-bitch FUCKSLUMPS!" You don't even know what you're saying anymore, but it sounds hateful, fiery and violent, and that suits your current feel quite nicely. You can feel the old 'Widow losing inertia, and between the heavy combat damage and your critically low airspeed, you don't want the drag of the landing gear till the last second.

You dimly note the concussive hammerblows of the .50 cals smacking your eardrums every now and then - the top turret still speaks. The walls of Castle Barin grow ever larger before you, and all at once the island lights up with muzzle flashes and tracers, black clouds of ack-ack exploding about you.

Trigger-happy fucks are SHOOTING at you!? You thumb the firing stud again with pure rage, but the cannons click empty. Fuck it, you'll crash on them.

This is what happened, and remember my earlier remark about "Fuck the RAF?"

Yeah. Anyone want to wonder why? I'll tell you right now, that tower crew ain't all Witches, and somebody should have thrown a few punches. No tribunal would get them for it.

You're too low and too slow for a proper approach - not enough lift. Your wings must be shot up. The runway is looking awful flat; you've very little altitude. As the edge of the long runway approaches your nose, you hit the gear switch, letting the wheels fall out of the belly via gravity, and give the stick a sharp jerk backwards, praying that the little "snap" will be enough to ensure the wheels lock in.

The long runway is finally underneath you, and you hear the sweet, sweet sound of rubber smacking concrete at last. Now it seems the 'Widow is moving rather too fast, but you don't dare tap the breaks - ground-looping now would send you right over the edge and into the rocky shoals on either side of the runway.

It's a pretty fucking stupid runway, you know that?

I've seen pics. Senic, yes. Safe, no. What retards designed Castle Barin, anyway? The Japanese can into castle, so cultural differences are not part of it. Either way, the MC dismounts with grace and aplomb, greeeting the assembled Witches with a very apros cultrual greeting.

"YOU. ARE. SMALLTIME," you snarl.

Then you pass out.


Anyway, due to Grevious Injuries to you, your crew, your plane, and the moral of everything sans penis on this miserable rock, MC comes to in an infirmery. At this point, the thread ends and I wrap this post up because I blew through most of my pic limit per post.
I kinda figured the alleged bounce did that already.

See, now we need to get into specifics. That was a "You're not doing your job" flavored Fuck You, delivered by a profesinal shaming. This is a personal "You fucktards left me to die, so fuck you" kind of insult which also nails their professional skill in passing.

These things are very nuanced.
You like Strike Witches but freely bash it, and you like Stand Still, Stay Silent (I think).

You are my new friend.
You like Strike Witches but freely bash it, and you like Stand Still, Stay Silent (I think).

You are my new friend.

It's easy to make fun of, the writing is normally OK, and there's enough material with all the other related quests to use for years. And hell, if I ever run out, I can hit up A Wizard Is You or see if planefriend finally came off hiatus yet.

Waitaminute, that's never happening, so time to keep plugging away.
Thread 3: Welcome to the isle of the Witches.

This pic accurately describes my unhapiness at this bit and makes a better OP than the OP pic. The archive is kinda fucked here, so ehhhh...

You are a fighter pilot of the 442nd Night Fighter Squadron, rated for the P-61A Black Widow, and as suits the death-dealer of the dark skies, you're currently squelching about in waterlogged jeans and no shirt, kneeling by a rotary phone to listen into a conversation.

Leaning over the phone, you very, very carefully lift the metal "Y" cradle in which the handset hangs, but you don't remove it, to avoid making any telltale clicks or clanks that can be heard on the line. It's a trick you learned at home, in another life.

"-ny more then you'd want a trio of schoolgirls running around *your* base," you hear Minna's voice saying. "So come collect your people, would you?"

A beat.

"Hell no," says Frank Luke.

*Two* beats.

"The fuck did you just say," Minna's flat, cold voice cuts across the line.

"I said, I'm not going to stand on my head just to run and fetch three of my boys who had their ride shot out from under their asses saving yours."

You can almost hear Minna bristle over the line. "I'll get a fishing boat and let them row, you bastard."

"No," Luke says, sounding smug, "you won't. I've already contacted Maloney about making them the first liaison crew."


Luke is not a mortal creature right now, but rather a person-shaped container of hate, salt, and Military Tradition- and he has just been given the chance to hit a bird he doesn't like with a stone he likes less.

I really wish I got to be this much of TACTICAL GENIUS at my job...

"Five hundred feet, underneath overcast," Luke says thoughtfully, and you try to melt Minna's fucking brain with a mental hate-ray. God damn dames and their big goddamn mouths. "And how many incidents does this make, Commander?"

We are spoken of in Valhalla the officer's office! Uh-Oh...

"Eight!" she says, and you hear her slam her fist into the desk all the way across the hangar. "In almost as many months."

"Bingo," Luke says. "What you don't get, Wing Commander, is that there's a lot of fucking resentment among the conventional forces for you Witches. You've got magical shields and shit, and all these men have are finicky machinery and a little luck. How many Witches have been killed in action in the last eight months, Commander?"

Minna is silent.

Remember how I said there'd be dumping on the Witches in the early bits? Well, here's the thing about Special Snowflake units- their appreciation by the grunts is directly proportional to their level of badass. When Witches fail to be spectacularly badass and look more like cowards, well, you get this.

Third-world dictators, take note: make sure your badass enforcers actually do some gud fightan regularly to keep their badass stays good.

"You don't dictate what happens with my girls, on my base,," Minna says coldly. "And if you try, I swear to god, I'll take it out of your ass."

"Try?" Luke says. "I already have." The receiver slams down, and the call ends.

And, in this wonderful moment, David Luke lets slip the stone that ends up felling Goliath Minna. There's nothing here more than pure, blissful schadenfreude as Minna realizes she's caught a hand grenade shaped like a plane, while MC discovers he's been lobbed into a den of Witches. Needless to say, there's only one good thing to do.

Aquire booze, aquire toga to make up for missing pants, and acquire crew (after making sure that the plane can be fixed. Eventually.)

"Hello, Sakamoto." Sean salutes the far wall before Ian can yank the pillowcase off his head.

"You boys drinking?" Sakamoto says sternly.

"Did we forget to invite you?" Ian asks.

"Yes, you did," Sakamoto says, taking the flask and plopping down on a couch.

This is another one of my favorite moments, and is a fairly good quote that explains why this witch gets the nickname "Sakabroto"

Of course, thing's can't be all rainbows, bouncing, and alcohol. Or even just alcohol. Or at all good, really. As Sakamoto starts talking turkey over a glass of Manly Pilot Booze, some things come up.

"Yeah, I've got one," Ian says, leaning forward. "How many Witches have been killed in action since the Invasion?"


Ian nods.

"Eight," Sakamoto replies immediately.





Sakamoto nods. "A Witch is a supreme concentration of force - small in number, but we make up for it in potency. And with Striker Units, it's hard to pin us down long enough to overwhelm us."

The flask reaches you, but you pass it on with but a token sip. "Then why the Joint Wing?" you ask. Before the formation of 'Joint Wings" like the 501st, most Witches served in their nations own military, in units of three or four - single flights - evenly distributed throughout the forces.

"Yes, why?" Ian says, puzzled. "The clever chaps poured all their resources into battleships, and that didn't prove as useful as they'd thought."

"Witches would take off with a squadron of escorts and come back alone," Sakamoto says simply. "Depending on the Witch, they all took it differently, but none of them took it well."

Alright, I'm putting my Angry Slav Costume away. See it over there in the corner? That's as away as it's getting for now. Props to the author here- the amount of bullshit he was trying to polish here is amazingly huge. On a scale of one to ten, the anime was a solid 8.6 on the Bullshit Scale, so I give him a pass on this handwavium display.

(A/N: Much like the Richter Scale, the Bullshit Scale is calculated by orders of magnitude in base 10. If this was an earthquake, California would have dropped off and sent a giant F U to Japan via tsunami and the remains of all the eco-weenies with "Save The Whales" T-shirts)

Anyway, there's a whole lot more Frantic Greek Spinning going on here to make things approach sense which boils down to "Witches kick like sons of bitches, but are shit in furball and are sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow" so I'm going to skip ahead to the next good part.

"So they're looking to get conventional units into the Witch wings, now?"

"Ah! Not just anybody. No meaty shields. Concentration of power!" Sakamoto says, driving her fist into her palm with a loud SMACK! "The best aces, with the best planes, covering each others deficiencies!"

"Only aces?" you say, intensely curious.

"Only aces," Sakamoto repeats. "Speaking of that, we've confirmed three of your kills. The ones that blew up immediately, we all saw those. Your Major Luke received shore spotter reports that confirmed one of your two probables, the one chasing Trude."

"What about the one I nailed in the downward spiral?" you ask.

Sakamoto shakes her head. "That one made it back to France. I saw him running."

God shit fuck DAMN. In your mind, the "ACE IN A DAY - WORLD TAKES A KNEE TO SUCK PILOTS MASSIVE VICTORY DONG" headlines begin to fade.

"Hey," Ian says, "I got one during that defensive spiral. He blew up real good."

Remember the clusterfuck earlier? Well, technically on a multi-man plane, if the pilot makes Ace everyone makes Ace. Even if they're a bomber. Yeah, that happened in Korea, if my dodgy memory of a young boy's trips to Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum hold true.

As Sakamoto retires, though, the Intrepid Aircrew puts their heads together. There are some things that must be Professionally Handled.

Read, food.

You locate the battered frigidare, wondering idly where the power comes from, and crack it open to find fish oil, a gallon of some nasty-smelling herbal tea, blueberries, milk and a carrot casserole.

"What the fuck?"


A few minutes later, you hear a light tread coming down the staircase, and look up to find the fabled Night Witch entering the kitchen, probably for breakfast before she flies night patrol. You're familiar with the schedule, you fly it yourself.

"Ho," you say, waving at her with your spoon. She starts upon seeing you. You wonder why, and look down at your bare chest.

"It's okay, I've got pants on," you say. This doesn't seem to reassure her much.

"What's with all that gook in the fridge?" you ask.

"G... gook?"

"Fish oil and shit. What gives?"

"Oh... eyesight."

You choke on your blueberries, making Sanya flinch. "Are they still force-feeding you girls that crap? In flight training we just pitched that shit right out the window when the watchdogs turned their backs. We still do."

Yeah, this don't work. Nice try, RAF. Nice try.

"Uh..." you proffer the tin of blueberries. "Blueberries?"

With a final, muted squeak, the Night Witch's courage fails, and she flees up the stairs.

Yeah. Stellar future wingman, there. This new job is looking better and better all the time. You finish the blueberries in disgust, offer a silent prayer that there's coffee in the morning, and stumble upstairs to the room you've been provided. Pushing it open, you see your mostly-dry shirt and flight jacket awaiting you, and even your sidearm, flight helmet and parachute neatly stacked on the end table to one side.

With a sigh of relief, you collapse into the sheets and fall into a dreamless sleep.

Ahh, such a peaceful way to end a thread-

You come awake instantly, kicking madly and taking hold of the offending hand with both of yours, doing your best to pry it off. You don't get very far.

"Fuckhead, it's me! Sean! Sean!"

You blink at the foul-mouthed shadow hovering over you, and calm down a bit. He takes his hand off your mouth.

"I don't swing that way, you asshole. What's your damage!?" you hiss. However much sleep you got, it wasn't enough to improve your mood.

"Can it." You feel the cold wooden grips of your Colt .45 as Sean shoves it into your hand. "Somethings wrong. I think we've got aliens in the castle."

Well shit. The department of NOPE called and told me to type moar. Well, time to make an important distinction.

See this thing? Yeah, fuck it. You don't fight this thing.

You fight these things, and all the bullshit they pull out of their asses. And unlike some writers, planefriend can in fact make these guys a credible threat in all theaters of war.

"Shut up and follow, flyboy." You mutter darkly, but follow him into the dark hallway, barefoot. Sean motions you closer to the wall, then begins creeping down the hallway like a commando. Feeling incredibly stupid, you fumble to secure your standard-issue shoulder holster with one hand while holding your gun in the other.

"Ian?" you ask quietly, but Sean just shoves his palm at you, accompanied with a "shut-the-fuck-up" gesture.

He freezes outside one particular door.

Then he kicks the fucking thing in.

You blink, absolutely dumbfounded, as Sean rushes into a room occupied by an underwear-clad blonde girl like a night-time bandit bent on pillage and rape. The girl screams, and scrabbles away from Sean frantically, freshly awake and confused. She presses up against the closed window shutters, and her hand darts for a nearby table drawer.

You see where this is going, and open your mouth to shout, when a tentacle thicker then your arm smashes through the shutters, wraps around the blonde, and hauls her out, still screaming.

Aside from giving you your Dramatic Fight Music for your first stab at the aliens, we now begin our unscheduled XCOM base raid.

"Shut up and follow, flyboy." You mutter darkly, but follow him into the dark hallway, barefoot. Sean motions you closer to the wall, then begins creeping down the hallway like a commando. Feeling incredibly stupid, you fumble to secure your standard-issue shoulder holster with one hand while holding your gun in the other.

"Ian?" you ask quietly, but Sean just shoves his palm at you, accompanied with a "shut-the-fuck-up" gesture.

He freezes outside one particular door.

Then he kicks the fucking thing in.

You blink, absolutely dumbfounded, as Sean rushes into a room occupied by an underwear-clad blonde girl like a night-time bandit bent on pillage and rape. The girl screams, and scrabbles away from Sean frantically, freshly awake and confused. She presses up against the closed window shutters, and her hand darts for a nearby table drawer.

You see where this is going, and open your mouth to shout, when a tentacle thicker then your arm smashes through the shutters, wraps around the blonde, and hauls her out, still screaming.

And we end there, to my immense relief. 9/10 pics used, screw you image limit.



To be fair, in canon Strike Witches all witches are able to make their weapons stronger using magic (and it's already impressive that they carry the weapons they do), which is a detail I'm fairly certain never made it into the quest. In fact, I'm fairly certain Planefriend nerfed witches in general, intentionally or not, which might have actually resulted in this state of affairs (the number of witches lost) being harder to explain than canon. Or not, it's been a while since I've read the quest and I'm hardly an expert on Strike Witches canon.
It's not outright stated to my knowledge, but it is implied.

Of course, I kinda fail to see why Neuroi need any significant buffing since it's canon they can literally saw battleships in half with a single laser beam and shat all over the Karlsland (German) military so hard that they had to evacuate most of the continent.
Honestly, I'm trying to find a very good picture that sums up my RAEG at the Witches here.

Basically, one of the Witches going "Food's flyin' in", and below it is a picture of Veniza from the anime in flames, with the caption "Meanwhile in Venice".....

Easy for them to be all cocksure and all, what with only 8 goddamn deaths in the entire war. Hey, French Army? Imagine that, only losing 8 men in the entire war!

No? How about the Kriegsmarine? What's your take on those casualty rates?


I agree.
To be fair, in canon Strike Witches all witches are able to make their weapons stronger using magic (and it's already impressive that they carry the weapons they do), which is a detail I'm fairly certain never made it into the quest. In fact, I'm fairly certain Planefriend nerfed witches in general, intentionally or not, which might have actually resulted in this state of affairs (the number of witches lost) being harder to explain than canon.

That's going under my tab labeled "Small Details" and can be countered by the fact none of the Witches are carrying non man-portable weapons. The only one who gets anything close to a pass is Trude, who carries the best firepower out of all of them.

Except Sakamoto and her Type 89 Hand Grenades.

Of course, I kinda fail to see why Neuroi need any significant buffing since it's canon they can literally saw battleships in half with a single laser beam and shat all over the Karlsland (German) military so hard that they had to evacuate most of the continent.

See, this is an opinion, but I actually think the switch from Neuroi to Martians was a net nerf, going by the strategy of concentrated force that was the nom de guerre for the time. You have to remember, back then the idea was to amass the biggest force possible, and then either ram it into the enemy as hard and as constantly as you could (navy) or sit very still very carefully and then run up and give the other guy a hug around the throat while bitch slapping him (army) until dead.

This is a gross oversimplification, but its also anime. Thre thing is, because the Neuroi's big stick is bigger than Earth's, that's the game, set, and match. The Martians have damn big sticks, and more of them, but because of the timing to get them here and the fact they're not insurmountable, it evens out and lets everyone in on the Alium-killing fun.

Honestly, I'm trying to find a very good picture that sums up my RAEG at the Witches here.

Here's the author on the topic. Please, though, pm me any good pics. I can't Booru due to the Terms and Conditions on my wifi.
That's going under my tab labeled "Small Details" and can be countered by the fact none of the Witches are carrying non man-portable weapons. The only one who gets anything close to a pass is Trude, who carries the best firepower out of all of them.

Except Sakamoto and her Type 89 Hand Grenades.
Also plenty of witches outside the mainline cast who are packing heavier guns. Most american witches are packing 50 cals, which are at least barely in the realm of man portable. Most night witches are flying beefier strikers that give a greater strength boost (separate from explicit superstrength magic like Trude's) and can thus carry heavier weapons like 20mm cannons (and the standard loadout for the jet strikers was a 50mm, but those provide an even larger boost to the witch's strength). And all of that pales before the one witch who's somehow lugging around a fucking flak 88. Yes, in the air.

Also, fun fact!

For a anime supposedly set in Britain, there are a SHITLOAD of IJN Witches. Like, 30+. I mean, Greece has one, FFS. GREECE@!
Well, I mean, it is written by Japanese people, so that's just to be expected, alongside the rest of the blatant nationalism. Like making up an entire fictional island conveniently full of shittons of valuable resources just for Japan Fuso.
Well, I mean, it is written by Japanese people, so that's just to be expected, alongside the rest of the blatant nationalism. Like making up an entire fictional island conveniently full of shittons of valuable resources just for Japan Fuso.

A lot more realistic than not giving Fuso a free resource-laden island, not giving them China, and handwaving them not having collapsed martially by 1944.
Like making up an entire fictional island conveniently full of shittons of valuable resources just for Japan Fuso.

I'd rather they get another island than China. That empowerment of the Army (which had more inbred chowderheads than the Hapsburgs) was part of what forced the Navy to go balls-out and be Daring Smarty People who could take on the Damnyankees, yes sir!

A lot more realistic than not giving Fuso a free resource-laden island, not giving them China, and handwaving them not having collapsed martially by 1944.

Wait, in the anime Japan actually gets China? That's retarded...
Wait, in the anime Japan actually gets China? That's retarded...

Oh no, it's worse. China gets obliterated by Neuroi so Humikane doesn't have to deal with the awkward situation of explaining China and why (or why not) Fuso has occupied it, and what they're doing there. Can't exactly have war crimes in a franchise about the world uniting to fight aliums, no sir.

Of course, the biggest cop-out in the franchise remains having the Neuroi nuking the Levant in 60 AD, thus eliminating having to explain how the Abrahamic religions evolved in a world with magic.
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One of the biggest reasons I don't like mecha musume shows like SW and KanColle (the anime, anyway. The fanfics, on the other hand…) is that the writers cop out. Hard. I'd rant, but unfortunately I have work to do. Also, I love how our Airborne Queer turned Arizona into an absolute badass.
One of the biggest reasons I don't like mecha musume shows like SW and KanColle (the anime, anyway. The fanfics, on the other hand…) is that the writers cop out. Hard.

Yeah. My WTF on this:

Oh no, it's worse. China gets obliterated by Neuroi so Humikane doesn't have to deal with the awkward situation of explaining China and why (or why not) Fuso has occupied it, and what they're doing there. Can't exactly have war crimes in a franchise about the world uniting to fight aliums, no sir.

Of course, the biggest cop-out in the franchise remains having the Neuroi nuking the Levant in 60 AD, thus eliminating having to explain how the Abrahamic religions evolved in a world with magic.

is so painful that the series just got moved 8.6 Bulshit to a 9.2 Bullshit. To continue the earthquake metaphor, California just dropped off the face of the earth, sent a tsunami at Japan loaded with dead eco-wennies wearing "Save The Wales" shirts, and the aftereffects managed to bring back Atlantis located conveniently off of Iceland.

My respect for Demetrious just went up another notch. KanColle was ambiguous on purpose (more time for moeblobs that way) but this shite is just baaaaad. Fail writing school bad.
is so painful that the series just got moved 8.6 Bulshit to a 9.2 Bullshit. To continue the earthquake metaphor, California just dropped off the face of the earth, sent a tsunami at Japan loaded with dead eco-wennies wearing "Save The Wales" shirts, and the aftereffects managed to bring back Atlantis located conveniently off of Iceland.
One for the book of over-the-top insults. :V
A brick with wings and an assload of guns with the radar in back, this is the plane you fly for the entire series with one exception. Designed as a night fighter and radar hauler (because that shit was heavy and planes were smaller) they had a lackluster record in the real world because by the time they were in production and flying most of the Axis airfields and carriers were reduced to chunky salsa or empty parking lots because of the fact that islands make AWESOME airbases from which to bitch-slap the other guy and the fact that America never ran out of material.

There is very little in this assessment that is correct.

Also, just for clarification, is this a fanfiction you're reading?