47 Presidents, 47 Earths [A Semi-Collaborative Multiverse TL]

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47 portals open in 47 versions of Washington D.C., one for each president. Interesting times ensue.


On Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 2001 EST, a mysterious portal opens up in the US National Herb Garden in Washington, D.C. It leads to what would have been the neighborhood of Blue Plains if humanity had never existed, along with 46 other portals arrayed in a partial imaginary circle concentric with the square boundaries of the District of Colombia. Further investigation leads to the discovery that this hubworld is not located on a proper planet, but a flat dymaxion projection of the Earth situated in a spherical pocket dimension.

Each of the 47 portals leads to a different point in American history, one for each presidential administration. For example: the 1st portal led to the base of the newly rechristened Capitol Hill two and half months before the laying of the cornerstone of the building that bears its name; the 16th portal led to the Capitol Riverfront neighborhood, just miles away from Confederate territory; the 35th portal led to Anacostia mere weeks before the outbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis; and so on.

Here are the list of dates corresponding to when each portal is opened in each timeline:
  1. 07-09-1793
  2. 05-30-1978
  3. 01-11-1805
  4. 11-22-1813
  5. 08-10-1820
  6. 10-13-1826
  7. 12-30-1833
  8. 03-28-1839
  9. 03-17-1841
  10. 05-12-1843
  11. 01-13-1847
  12. 02-28-1850
  13. 04-19-1852
  14. 06-06-1856
  15. 08-01-1859
  16. 02-11-1862
  17. 12-13-1866
  18. 01-27-1874
  19. 07-09-1879
  20. 06-21-1881
  21. 11-08-1883
  22. 01-25-1887
  23. 02-24-1891
  24. 04-24-1895
  25. 02-28-1899
  26. 05-14-1907
  27. 10-06-1910
  28. 09-27-1916
  29. 02-24-1922
  30. 07-06-1926
  31. 08-05-1930
  32. 03-22-1937
  33. 11-16-1949
  34. 07-31-1956
  35. 09-25-1962
  36. 10-15-1964
  37. 11-16-1972
  38. 01-12-1976
  39. 07-27-1979
  40. 10-21-1983
  41. 05-28-1990
  42. 09-12-1997
  43. 02-09-2004
  44. 03-16-2015
  45. 04-03-2019
  46. 10-06-2022
  47. 07-31-2030
Now at the moment, I don't have much in the way of events that happen after the opening of the portals beyond some general ideas, but feel free to suggest anything that might come to mind - although since this is a semi-collaborative TL, I reserve the right to veto any new ideas provided I give a good reason as to why. I also have the precise location for each of the portals listed in private, but since it might not be a good idea to get so specific I'll wait to see what you guys think of putting it out there before I do anything.

Finally, I'm well aware of the sheer madness associated with trying to tell the stories of 47 separate timelines within a single thread, as even a concerted group effort would be quite unable to describe them all in sufficient detail. Therefore, I suggest that a focus be set on at least four Earths in particular: Earth-4, Earth-16, Earth-32, and Earth-46. These represent some of the most eventful or currently relevant periods of US history, and they might be a good starting point to start exploring inter-timeline relationships.

Sorry if I went a bit too formal with my writing, though. I kinda doubt this is going to go anywhere, but there's no harm in trying, I guess.