Commission Artist Registry


Australian Dragon

This thread provides a registry of all artists on Sufficient Velocity who are interested and able to take commissions, in various fields. This is provided for your ease of reference only. SV does not take responsibility for these postings, mediate disputes, handle money, or otherwise do anything besides control their general formatting and provide them as a public service.

If you are an artist who is interested in being listed here, please make a thread in the Ask A Private Question subforum with the same formatting as the listings below, and we'll add you.

What are the perks? Other than exposure of simply being on the registry we're also offering artists on the registry free ad space within SV's internal advertising system, and user banners that link to the same. If you're on the registry, you can submit a banner up to the normal standards (ownership of element, size, file format) through the Submit Internal Advertisement subforum, and we'll add it to the rotation - entirely free. Free advertising to nearly 12,000 dedicated fans - it's not a bad deal, right? Free ads will run for at least a month, and possibly longer depending on demand. (Subscribers, of course, can run them indefinitely.)
Contact @foamy for more details.

If you are interested in commissioning one of our artists, please feel free to PM them.

Note: Just because an artist has 'yes' marked in the NSFW column, this does not mean they will agree to draw anything and everything that may fall under that category. Check their user profile, and ask if you're still unsure.

Index of Artists:
Username Does NSFW? Type of Work
AdmiralKew No Hard Surface Models (Spaceships, Aircraft, Tanks and Mechs, Waterborne Vessels)
AlexGarcia No Political Maps, Flags and Coats of Arms
Andelevion Yes Basically anything?
bluepencil Yes storybooks, storyboards, and most things related to fiction and fandom
Camellia Yes (content dependent) Almost anything, character designs preferred.
CornyBones Yes Figures, environments, and Concept Design. Also Fanart.
Dekutulla No Logos and visual design
DestinyPlayer Yes (content dependent) Logos, Sigils, Streaming Layouts, Graphics Design and other assorted Vector Art, also 3D Renders.
Duskwitch Yes Pretty goth clothes and fantastical settings.
elykk Yes Anything goes, with a preference for cyborgs and armours.
Fenfel No Simple drawings single character lineart, color and shaded.
GeeBomb No Pretty much anything except an anime style
Guessmyname No Digital character painting and pixel art.
GUNINANRUNIN Yes Large pixel art.
Jen No Digital Characters, Fantasy costume design.
Krekian Yes Anime-esque, Creepy/Sora-grotesque, Silly, Cute, Assorted.
Leila Hann Yes Mostly scifi art and creatures, but can do just about anything.
LifeofGesture Yes Traditional Art. Will do anything.
Lupercal No Minatures Painting
MaskedAndDanger Yes Pretty much anything...
Medb No Embroidered Fabric Patches
Microwave MKII Yes (soft) Digital and Traditional Characters, Creatures, Environments, and More!
Nemuikougi Yes Banners, Logos, assorted vector stuff.
Norad the Borad No Character Illustrations, Comics, Character designs (I mostly draw humans and humanoids)
Novus Ordo Mundi No Basic Visual Design - From Logos to Youtube Thumbnails (And Everything Inbetween)
open_sketchbook No Graphic design, logos, book covers!
orbispelagium Yes Characters, environments, gadgets, artifacts
Priest Yes (content dependent) Digital Character Design and Cover Work
Ralson Yes Illustrations of fantasy creatures, aliens, robots, and other furries
Redshirt Army No No NSFW. Logos, graphic design and cover work.
Renu Yes Nearly anything goes
Ronan O'Brien, aka Phearo Yes Anything, really.
SGStudios No Basically anything but NSFW? Won't know until you ask. But I am well versed in a variety of art.
Shyft No Cheesecake and/or Badass
Sinkquattro Yes Cute girls, armour and weapons!
Slayers148 Yes (soft) Anything Anime (Except Hentai)
Space Jawa No Posters, webcomics, etc.
TheFanficAddict No Pen and paper. Almost anything.
TheOneMoiderah Yes An overabundance of 3/4s, frowning faces and psychotic grimaces.
Also armor and character designs.
thongnguyen No Portrait and illustration, especially fantasy style.
TopHattedZombie No People and Costume/Character Design
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Pinups - cheesecake and/or badass.

Prices: 10$ USD for 1-hour sketches, with possible opportunities for larger projects. The minimum price for full-color is 100$ USD. All payments are made via Paypal

Additional Notes:
I am best suited at pinup/cheesecake illustrations, so asking me to draw things outside of that impacts overall quality and speed of completion.

I am not interested in 'hard' NSFW illustrations (explicit sexual acts, blatant nudity, or obvious fetish content.) I will happily draw guys or gals in skimpy outfits. Minor BDSM is fine, for example. Tentacles, hypermuscularity or outlandish proportions is not. As long as I can post it publicly and not harm my brand, we're good!
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Pretty much anything...

Sketch (Bust) $5 $8
Sketch (Full) $7 $10
Inked (Bust) $10 $13
Inked (Full) $12 $15
Color (Bust) $15 $18
Color (Full) $17 $20
Comic (B&W) $30 per page $36 per page
Comic (Colored) $35 per page $40 per page
CG Model (Bust) $40 N/A
CG Model (Full) $50 $60
Storyboard $12 per board $15 per board
Animation $100 per minute $125 per minute

Additional Notes:
I'm most familiar with drawing or modeling characters, although I can do architecture or landscapes for an additional $5. I went to college for CGI animation, so I can do modeling and rigging of characters using ZBrush.

I'm willing to draw pretty much anything, and can mimic or invoke styles if you want me to, although NSFW images will cost extra
The Exceptions:
  • Extreme mutilations
  • Pedophilia or other images involving underaged characters in sexual positions
  • Depictions of rape of any kind
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Basically anything except an anime style.

Sketch: $3
Inking: $5
Flat coloring: $7
Full monty: $10

payment method: pay pal
currency: US dollars

Additional Notes:
The art i prefer to do is mostly characters and such. I could do some wallpapers whether it's themed in the way my samples are made, or some landscapes, but don't expect anything realistic. I'm a cartoonist after all.
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Digital character painting, 3D toon rendering and pixel art / animations.

Digitally painted art:

3D rendered toon:

Pixel art shenanigans:

Digitally painted character: £25 - these take some time, sketching and so on and generally take up an entire day at the minimum. The example painting is an example of one of these.

3D toon-style rendered character: £25 - I previously wasn't doing 3D art commissions but then I discovered I can do these stupidly fast and it's actually really of fun! So yeah, 3D toon/anime character commissions are open. (Photorealism is where GPUs and 3D commission artists go to die, I am not doing that).

Pixel art character: £10-25 - a static pixel art character. I actually like making these, so I'm good to go fairly cheap here. In terms of style I typically go 48x64 (as above) or 32x48 if you want to go full RPGMaker. Exact pricing depends on the desired scale.
Pixel art character, animated: £25 to 50 - these though take a lot of time. This varies considerably with resolution and art style; talk to me about it and I'll set a price. For context, the low-res man in a tank is an example of the cheaper end, the higher resolution Takamachi Nanoha idle loop is an example of the higher and more expensive end. It's all about the required time investment.

Additional Notes
I'm willing to do SFW character art primarily, though mecha/robots etc are fine too. Landscapes are also possible, mostly depends on scene complexity.
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Cute girls, Fantasy, and Monster Girls

  Bust Full Body +add. pose/chara
Line Sketch $1 $4 +50%
Color Sketch $8 $15 +50%
Line+Color $15 $20 +50%
Sketch Comics Per 4 Panels
Line Sketch Comic $15
Color Sketch Comic $30

Additional Notes:
Mostly limited to skill, will change over time. NSFW OK.

Backgrounds and animals not recommended. Since I'm still learning, I'm willing to draw a large variety of subjects, but I will not draw real people or their likenesses, or extreme fetishes. In the interest of posting these on my blogs, I will not draw NSFW Nintendo properties.

Since I'm still learning, the way I draw will change over time. If there is any particular style here you'd like, please say so.
I will usually add a splash background, please specify if you don't want one.
My SFW art blog can be found in my status. I use Paypal exclusively.
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Logos and visual design.

i dunno how you guys are doing those tables but here goes:
Type Cost
Basic Stuff $5-$10
Banner Ad $15-$20
Big Logo $25-$30
these prices are incredibly rough estimates that are subject to change depending on how complicated and difficult the thing you are asking for ends up being. if you pay me for a logo maybe I'll throw in the banner ad for a lower cost due to lower labor, I dunno. I reserve the right to raise the price on you if you're incredibly difficult during the revisions process.

Additional Notes:
as much as I'd like to say otherwise, currently I'm only gonna be able to do stuff in photoshop/illustrator, not actually draw people, so that's probably gonna sink me as it is on a fanfic based forum. that said, if you want a big header logo like fate/hollow fake, one of those banner ads, or just graphic design in general, i'm your man.

Nearly anything goes.
Art thread because there's a limit of 20 images per post =(

(yes I know this isn't actually black and white but it still counts)

Honestly I've kind of given up on a price chart and will price it on a piece by piece basis, but baseline would be 120-150€

Additional Details:
SFW and NSFW ok, though some extreme cases might make me go "no, dude, just no". NSFW'll probably be a bit more expensive given it's usually really hard.

Hard, get it?

Obviously I can't post samples of my NSFW stuff here so look up Lenuer on HF.

Oh, and I use Paypal.

Status: Open for business.
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Graphic design, logos, book covers!

Basic Logo Type Deal $15
Real Elaborate Logo $25
Banner Ad w/ Logo $25
A Whole Dang Book Cover $40

Additional Notes
Also, just as an aside, I do 3d models for video games and write RPGs. If you're looking for a consultant on roleplaying game design, or you want some 3d stuff, hit me up and we'll work something out.
Space Jawa

Posters, webcomics, misc, etc.

Art Samples:

Otherwise, feel free to check out either my DeviantArt account (note there are a couple pages in there that are commissions or were otherwise done for me by other people, not my own work, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out which they are, and all are noted as such on their own pages) or my Webcomic.

Additional Notes:
What I'm willing to make: I run mostly on a 'call it as a see it' basis, but if it's NSFW, I'm almost certainly not going to want to have anything to do with it whatsoever at all.

Price Structure: I don't know, make me an offer, and I'll think about it. If you play in money, I take US $$$.

Other Notes: I have my own projects I work on, if I'm busy with something else and I'm open to taking on your project, I'll be sure to give you a definitive time frame before I'll be able to get started so you can decided if you're open to waiting that long or if you'd rather not. Otherwise, my willingness to accept commissions at this point in time is very much on a 'call it as a see it' basis.
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Basically anything?: OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS
Updated: September 20, 2024
Example Art / Pricing Below may be slightly Outdated


There are 5 commission slots available. If you're interested in commissioning me, you can contact me via email (andelevion|@| or send me a private message to get a slot~

You can also donate some money to my Ko-Fi if you feel like being extra generous!

Commission Slots:


Price List
ChibiBustPartial BodyFull-Body
Flat Colors$30$30$40$60
Shaded Flats$35$35$50$75

I will charge extra for more detailed character designs, props, and backgrounds.

Cost of Additional Characters:
Second Character: 75% of the original commission cost
Additional Characters: 50% of the original commission cost.


  • When you contact me with the details of your commission, you will receive my price estimate for the commission.
  • In the case that you agree to the estimate, I will send you a Paypal invoice for the commission. (This will require an email to send the invoice to.)
  • Complete payment of the commission is required before I start work.
  • I will require confirmation that each process stage/edit is satisfactory before continuing progress.
  • There are limited numbers of edits per stage that you can request before progress would require additional fees.
  • (You may only request drastic edits in the Sketch stage.)
  • Sketch: 2 edits
  • Lineart/Color/Shading: 1 edit each.
  • Painting: 3 edits
  • By confirming a stage, you understand that I am not obligated to go back to change what has been confirmed.
  • Commission turnover can take up to two weeks or more. I will regularly send updates and progress shots about your commission through our chosen communication medium.
  • When the commission is finished, I will send the finished product to the provided email of your choice.

General Terms of Service:
  • By commissioning me, you agree that you have read through my T.O.S. and accept the terms of service stated.
  • By commissioning me for an R-18/NSFW commission, you acknowledge that you are 18+ and able to access adult work legally.
  • I reserve the right to decline a commission order based on subject matter/content.
  • I reserve the right to cancel a commission in case of unforeseen circumstances, in which case, there will be a full refund if a payment was already made.
  • I retain rights to the use of the commissioned image, such as using it as an example for a future commission post or as a piece for a portfolio
  • The commissioner will get the full-size, high resolution digital image of the final commissioned work through email. (In PNG format)
  • If you want a specific Height x Width, DPI, etc. for your commission, please inform me beforehand. Otherwise, the file/image size will be left up to my discretion.
  • You have the right to use your commission for personal use.
  • You do not have the right to use my art with AI art generators such as Mimic. This applies to non-commissioned artwork as well.
  • If you plan to use your commission for commercial use, you will need to state this upfront, as this will require a different payment structure and contract that we can negotiate.
  • The reselling of any personal commissions not explicitly granted commercial rights is expressively forbidden, such as with printing the design and selling merchandise, NFTs, and other similar commercial structures.
  • No changes to the commission details can be made after the payment has been sent.

  • You can contact me to reserve a commission slot through email (andelevion/ sans the "/"), or private messaging.
  • Details, references, and other relevant information for the commission should be sent to me at this time.
  • Links to visual references or attached images in emails of your characters would be nice.
    • If you only have a text description of your OC, please share that information with me through bullet point format rather than paragraph/essay format. That will be easier to understand!
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Anything Anime (Except Hentai)

Every payment will go toward funding for the ultimate figure collection.getting a PS4 so I can play FFXV IT'S COMING TO PC, TIME TO GET NEW GPU. Valkyria Chronicles 4. Surviving in UK for a year.
Closed. Doing my Dissertation. Clients are eligible to PM their detail to me to reserve queue.

FB Page: Steve148 | Facebook

Pixiv Page: steve148 [pixiv] steve148 [pixiv]

USD $10: Sketch
USD $20: Line Art
USD $40: Black and White
USD $60 - $100+: Coloring (depending on the detail - the more the detail, the more expensive it gets)

I also work by hours for USD $15-$20/hour (again, depending on the work details)

Additional cost for background (this can be discussed later in the PM)

I accept only PayPal

Additional Notes Section:

I'm a digital artist. You can follow me via Facebook or Pixiv.

My drawing style is a mixed influences from various Japanese mangaka and character designers, and Thai comic artists, so expect anime-esque drawing. I'm also more familiar with human character rather than animal character, though kemonomimi and moe anthropomorphism are doable.

Please address any form of measurement in metric system (you know, the one used by countries that didn't land on the Moon).

I accept soft NSFW (i.e. ecchi...but no hentai/porn...yet).

Feel free to contact me via PM, Pixiv Conversation or FB Inbox.
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Banners, Logos, assorted vector stuff.
Free I'll make a thing for you, it may take a while though.

Additional Notes:
I may not be either the fastest, or the most talented banner artist. But I am the most prolific. (Also the cheapest)
I work almost exclusively in Adobe Illustrator, which means my output is going to be in vectors. So if you want an infinitely resizeable logo I'm your guy.
I'm willing to make stuff for NSFW ends, though I doubt anybody would want my style of work for that.
Still, if you want a banner for cheap or free hit me up and we can hash it out.
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Dynamic Illustration​

– No rendering: Base $30:
Extras: +$10 for Background, +$15 per character +$5 for color

–Rough Rendering $40-80
Extras: +$25 for Background, +$35 per character

-polished rendering: $80-120
Extras: +$60 for Background, +$70 per character

U.S Currency. NSFW OK, subject to my discretion. Payments will be handled through Pay Pal. Half upfront, Non-refundable, with the final half upon completion.
Estimated Prices shown, special enquires and more info available through PMs. I can work with you on your budget, and negotiate on prices and timetable depending what you're looking for.

PM's are always open. Feel free to ask questions.
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Pretty goth clothes and fantastical settings

All prices are USD. I take PayPal.
Prices may fluctuate depending on what you want and how hard or easy it is for me.
Character: 30
Character and Background: 40
Each additional character: +10
Does NSFW: Yes

Additional notes: PM me! Don't be shy. :)
My SV Art Thread
My DeviantArt

Anything goes, with a preference for cyborgs and armors
Samples :

(commission for @Alectai )

(Fanart of BAHHSCQ)

  Head Bust Full body
Lineart 15 30 40
Lineart + color 30 60 80
Paint (may vary, based on complexity) 60+ 90+ 120+
(these prices are for one character, aditionnal chars mean additionnal fees. I'll gradually lower the total price for multiple characters because I'm thankful for you giving me stuff to do :> )
Additionnal notes:
I can do NSFW (and in fact have a NSFW thread here, in the sufficiently sexy subforum) for an extra 20% (the reason being it's harder to do since I can't hide bad anatomy with clothes and the posing can be tricky to get right)
I can mimicry a style you like, to a certain extent. This can add to the price too, depending on the difficulty.
Don't hesitate to ask me about anything either via PM or on my art thread !

Prices in USD, via Paypal.
I can stream while doing it, if you want. If you don't want me to that's okay :) (and you can see more samples on tumblr or my thread, links in my signature)
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Sample Image Content:
I paint portrait and illustration . Especially fantasy style , cover for SV's quest . I don't take NSFW commission
References to Deviantart, etc:
Norvice on DeviantArt
Payment Currency and Processing:
The Payment is via Paypal
Price range is depend on how hard and how long it takes . It usually around $200 for an 30hrs Illustration. Around $75 for a portrait .

Additional Notes Section:
To honestly , i'm not good at battle scene and fighting scene , include many character with hard composition .

Thank you for read :)
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I do art. Characters, Scenes, Everything.

$15-25 sketch

$25-50 Lineart

$50-75 Flat Color

$75-120 For painted colors.

$150+ For a Character Sheet

$125+ For art that involves backgrounds.

Prices are subject to change depending on complexity. Fees will be applied per character. Price can be negotiated.

Additional Notes:

I will happily do NSFW.

Invoices are sent through paypal.

I charge 50% upfront and 50% before the product is delivered.
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People and Costume/Character Design

I can work in several different styles (warning: realism on the level of that one headshot drawing requires a photo reference), and obviously things like complicated backgrounds and so on add to the price. Basically, these are more guidelines than anything.
Prices in USD.

  Head/Bust Torso Full body
Sketch 5 10 15
Char design b/w 10 15 20
Char design color 15 20 25
Paint depends ($25+)    
Comics/animation/large group pictures Ask    
I accept money via PayPal.

Additional notes:
NSFW is... okay sometimes? If it wouldn't get you banned for posting it on SV or SB, it's probably fine. I don't do big mechanical things, fetish, or furry art (so, uh, anyone who wants an spaceship wolf wearing bondage gear is out of luck I guess).
My dA account is located here: RespicePostTe on DeviantArt
Anime-esque, Creepy/Sorta-grotesque, Silly, Cute, Assorted.

Witchy Stuff:
40 USD - Lineart Only
50 USD - Colored/Shaded
60 USD - With simple background
+10 USD for additional characters

Accept Paypal. DM for details.
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Minatures Painting

Miniature Painting - Perticualy Games Workshop but I have expriance with other brands as well.

Base price is £10 per hour or £20 per hour for Character models such as warcasters, 40k HQ choices. etc

Depending on customer preferance I can either be sent and return the model by post or purchase the model myself locally and then send it to the customer by post.

For the first option then the cost will be the shipping costs for the model/s and the costs for customer requested colours that I do not already own plus 15% in British Pound Stirling.

For the second option the cost will be the cost of the model and shipping and customer requested colours that I do not already own plus 15% in British Pound Stirling.

Prices may be higher if the shipping costs, import duties or taxes in your home country are so high that I otherwise would not make a profit.

All payments are made via Paypal

Additional Notes:

I am not very good at faces on 24mm or smaller scale humanoids. That said I'm always up for trying and learning new things!

I've recently started a Deviant Art account and will be adding models and other art (pictures and cosplay) as time go's on.
Microwave MKII

Digital and Traditional Characters, Creatures, Environments, and More!

Currency is USD.
All payments only accepted via Paypal.

Mileage may vary. Pieces of exceptional complexity may result in a higher quote, but I am happy to discuss and negotiate on a case-by-case basis. I am also happy to provide discounts should I falter/deliver work later than estimated.

Digital Monochrome/B&W Sketches:
Portrait/Bust: $10
Half/Full Body: $15​

Digital Full Color Art:
Portrait/Bust: $15
Half Body/Knee-up: $20
Full Body: $25-30
Additional Characters/Groups: PM for quote
Traditionally Drawn/Painted Characters & Creatures:
Follows many of the same ranges as the above.
However, costs may be added based on medium, size, and if original is to be shipped.
PM for quote.
Environments, Covers, Logos, Miscellaneous:
PM for quote.​
Optimizing Your Requests:
- Soft NSFW (skimpy outfits/underwear and minor blood/violence) = Yes/Sure, why not
- Hard NSFW (full nudity, fetish content, explicit sexual activity, explicit gore, etc.) = No
- I am... okay at armor, vehicles, and mecha. Be warned: while I am willing to try, and have been practicing, I cannot guarantee normal quality levels in this territory.
- I haven't drawn furry characters in a long time, but feel free to request them; I have no problems with them as long as they remain within SFW/soft NSFW guidelines.
- Provided references are appreciated, and cut down time on reference-hunting. Reasonably detailed descriptions are okay. Both are the most helpful.
- Not a hard rule, but I will almost always have greater preference for drawing OCs over established characters, even if those OCs are designed for a particular established setting.

I run things on a pretty case-by-case, on-the-fly basis! Just feel free to PM me, and we'll work things out from there.

Additional Notes:

UPDATED 03/11/19



For intensive works, traditional works that need to be shipped, or for things with relatively hard deadlines (birthdays, anniversaries, publishings, etc.), please try to give me 1-2 months notice. I can do rush orders for these sorts of things, but may charge extra depending on timeframe and other variables.

For things like quick concepts and sketches, or things with very soft/no deadlines, feel free to PM me with offers at any time! I will respond to and accept offers based on available time, amount offered, and interest.

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Digital Character Design and Cover Work

Currency is USD.
All payments only accepted via Paypal.

Unless otherwise requested, my work is nearly always in monochrome.

Here's some general price ranges:


Digitally Painted Characters:
Portrait: $10-15
Waist-up: $13-20
Full-body: $15-25
Group/Cast Line-up: PM for quote
Color: +$5 per character, open to negotiation
PM for details and quote​

Additional Notes:

NSFW: MAYBE. Don't expect the world, but I can manage a few things; consider NSFW possible on a case-by-case basis. If our tastes overlap, you might be in luck.

(Furries and tentacles are probably better off applying elsewhere.)

Status: Available almost any day of the week, any time of day.
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Large pixel art.

I use Paypal for payment.

See this post on my DeviantArt account to find up to date prices!

When I receive a request I'll estimate how much time it will take and make an offer on the price. When an agreement is reached, I will require half the price ahead of time, and the other half upon delivery of the completed artwork.

Additional Notes Section:
Happy to do NSFW! Please inquire privately for questions about what I won't do (there's very little I wouldn't so please don't be shy). This won't affect prices at all.

I can animate as well, but this adds a lot to the time needed to finish a piece depending on the criteria. In general pixel art becomes exponentially more time consuming to animate as things get bigger.
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