This thread provides a registry of all artists on Sufficient Velocity who are interested and able to take commissions, in various fields. This is provided for your ease of reference only. SV does not take responsibility for these postings, mediate disputes, handle money, or otherwise do anything besides control their general formatting and provide them as a public service.
If you are an artist who is interested in being listed here, please make a thread in the Ask A Private Question subforum with the same formatting as the listings below, and we'll add you.
What are the perks? Other than exposure of simply being on the registry we're also offering artists on the registry free ad space within SV's internal advertising system, and user banners that link to the same. If you're on the registry, you can submit a banner up to the normal standards (ownership of element, size, file format) through the Submit Internal Advertisement subforum, and we'll add it to the rotation - entirely free. Free advertising to nearly 12,000 dedicated fans - it's not a bad deal, right? Free ads will run for at least a month, and possibly longer depending on demand. (Subscribers, of course, can run them indefinitely.)
Contact @foamy for more details.
If you are interested in commissioning one of our artists, please feel free to PM them.
Note: Just because an artist has 'yes' marked in the NSFW column, this does not mean they will agree to draw anything and everything that may fall under that category. Check their user profile, and ask if you're still unsure.
Index of Artists:
Username | Does NSFW? | Type of Work |
AdmiralKew | No | Hard Surface Models (Spaceships, Aircraft, Tanks and Mechs, Waterborne Vessels) |
AlexGarcia | No | Political Maps, Flags and Coats of Arms |
Andelevion | Yes | Basically anything? |
bluepencil | Yes | storybooks, storyboards, and most things related to fiction and fandom |
Camellia | Yes (content dependent) | Almost anything, character designs preferred. |
CornyBones | Yes | Figures, environments, and Concept Design. Also Fanart. |
Dekutulla | No | Logos and visual design |
DestinyPlayer | Yes (content dependent) | Logos, Sigils, Streaming Layouts, Graphics Design and other assorted Vector Art, also 3D Renders. |
Duskwitch | Yes |
Pretty |
elykk | Yes | Anything goes, with a preference for cyborgs and armours. |
Fenfel | No | Simple drawings single character lineart, color and shaded. |
GeeBomb | No | Pretty much anything except an anime style |
Guessmyname | No | Digital character painting and pixel art. |
GUNINANRUNIN | Yes | Large pixel art. |
Jen | No | Digital Characters, Fantasy costume design. |
Krekian | Yes | Anime-esque, Creepy/Sora-grotesque, Silly, Cute, Assorted. |
Leila Hann | Yes | Mostly scifi art and creatures, but can do just about anything. |
LifeofGesture | Yes | Traditional Art. Will do anything. |
Lupercal | No | Minatures Painting |
MaskedAndDanger | Yes | Pretty much anything... |
Medb | No | Embroidered Fabric Patches |
Microwave MKII | Yes (soft) | Digital and Traditional Characters, Creatures, Environments, and More! |
Nemuikougi | Yes | Banners, Logos, assorted vector stuff. |
Norad the Borad | No |
Character Illustrations, Comics, Character designs (I mostly draw humans and humanoids) |
Novus Ordo Mundi | No | Basic Visual Design - From Logos to Youtube Thumbnails (And Everything Inbetween) |
open_sketchbook | No | Graphic design, logos, book covers! |
orbispelagium | Yes | Characters, environments, gadgets, artifacts |
Priest | Yes (content dependent) | Digital Character Design and Cover Work |
Ralson | Yes | Illustrations of fantasy creatures, aliens, robots, and other furries |
Redshirt Army | No | No NSFW. Logos, graphic design and cover work. |
Renu | Yes | Nearly anything goes |
Ronan O'Brien, aka Phearo | Yes | Anything, really. |
SGStudios | No | Basically anything but NSFW? Won't know until you ask. But I am well versed in a variety of art. |
Shyft | No | Cheesecake and/or Badass |
Sinkquattro | Yes | Cute girls, armour and weapons! |
Slayers148 | Yes (soft) | Anything Anime (Except Hentai) |
Space Jawa | No | Posters, webcomics, etc. |
TheFanficAddict | No | Pen and paper. Almost anything. |
TheOneMoiderah | Yes |
An overabundance of 3/4s, frowning faces and psychotic grimaces. Also armor and character designs. |
thongnguyen | No | Portrait and illustration, especially fantasy style. |
TopHattedZombie | No | People and Costume/Character Design |
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