A cringing, crying, shivering young girl lay alone in bed, bugs swirling around her.
She was confused and so-so-so terrified. Terrified of getting caught for what she had done earlier. Terrified of her dad finding out. Terrified of what the hero she had hurt would do when they next met. Terrified that her new friends would turn on her as she had, but oh so foolishly hopefully they wouldn't.
High above of her house, high above her city, high above her country, high above her world another being was terrified as well.
It was a twisted winged monster of metal and flesh. It's thoughts likewise where part machine: calculated, knowing what actions it would need to take, and part organic: terrified knowing what the actions would do to her.
At that moment it was a she, however, and she made a choice.
A choice to erase a couple zeroes in front her chance of surviving after IT was defeated.
She shifted a few numbers, and an insignificant human, world's away, stumbled and closed his eyes for half a second.
And then he opened them.
He was standing gazing at a young blond woman tied to a chair.
She was crying.
Her tears rolled down her bloody check, down over her uncovered chest, and hit the floor with a quiet splat.
He, Coil, or was it, Ethan?
Coil knew her name was Sarah, but that she preferred to be called Lisa. Coil called was calling her Sarah at the moment though. Coil knew he had done this to her. Knew that he did this to drag out any information she kept hidden. Coil also knew that he did it because he enjoyed it.
Ethan knew on the other hand that this was Tattletale. An unwilling villain. Ethan knew that one day she would help rule this city and would help save the world. Ethan knew that what Coil had just done was wrong. Ethan also knew for some fucking reason he didn't feel the revulsion he should.
Ethan knew he was Coil. Coil knew he was Ethan.
For a brief second, they panicked.
Because they knew that they had lost focus for a brief second of comprehension.
That the timeline they had been testing had become reality.
That the naked bleeding girl in front of them would continue bleeding and continue sobbing for a while.
And that messed up their plans.
It messed up everything.
There drugged pet's numbers suddenly changed.
The most powerful cape in the world numbers suddenly changed.
Tattletale's eyes met his and she screamed.
stopMature content is allowed on SV. However, the rules state that it must be handled maturely, and when minors are involved, content must depict minors in a way that is situationally appropriate and sensitive to their ages.
While you do not go into gratuitous detail, the sexualized torture of Tattletale, a minor at this point in Worm, does not meet those standards, particularly as you note that your SI Ethan "didn't feel the revulsion he should" at this action.
You have received 25 points and this thread will remain locked. I strongly encourage you to review SV's rules in detail before posting any other works of fiction containing mature content.
Additionally, while mentioning specific content warnings in your opening post is appreciated, any thread containing mature content must be marked mature. I have added the mature prefix and the nsfw tag to the thread. Use these when you post another work of fiction going forward.