[x] Plan: Run in little circles. -[X] The Rumor Mill
--[x] Argalia -[X] The Observation Tower
--[x] Sayaka, Kyoko -[X] The Wizard's Court
--[x] Mami, Homura -[X] The Black Forest
--[x] X, Leonie
[X] Smash and Grab -[X] The Rumor Mill --[X] Argalia, Leonie (Maybe give Argalia some buffs if possible) -[X] The Observation Tower --[X] Kyoko, Sayaka -[X] The Wizard's Court --[X] X -[X] The Black Forest --[X] Homura, Mami
[X] Shi Association Special -[X] The Rumor Mill
--[X] Homura, Kyoko -[X] The Observation Tower
--[X] Mami, Sayaka -[X] The Wizard's Court --[X] X -[X] The Black Forest --[X] Argalia, Leonie