Vote tally - “Human Resources” Shouldn’t Be This Literal: A PMMM/ProjectMoon Quest

Adhoc vote count started by catgc on Dec 30, 2022 at 1:14 PM, finished with 39 posts and 20 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
“Human Resources” Shouldn’t Be This Literal: A PMMM/ProjectMoon Quest
Post #8659
Post #8697


  • [X] Let Mami take the lead on this. She knows Kyoko best out of anyone. Support Mami.
    [X] "It's not the strong who survive; it's those who survive that are strong. Empathy and Friendship are the privileges of the strong, you have earned them at the least."
    [X] She knows that her dying wouldn't be that simple, not for anyone that cares about her, and she isn't dead anyway.
    -[X] If nothing else, Mami still wants to be her friend, and she care about her happiness. Don't throw away a perfectly good second chance.
    -[X] It's important she knows that after this, things won't be the same. She probably won't have a Soul Gem, and thus no need to hunt witches. But she'll still have power.
    [X] "It's not the strong who survive; it's those who survive that are strong."
    [X] Let Mami take the lead on this. She knows Kyoko best out of anyone.
    [X] In the end, Nothing There was defeated and Kyoko was a part of it. She saved Mami.
    -[X] Do you really need a reason to help her?
    -[X] Mami would be hurt if Kyoko left, she was really glad for the chance to restore their relationship.
    -[X] The world can be dark, cruel, and unfair, but with enough will, anyone can make it a little better, even if only for a small number of people.
    -[X]Light can give Kyoko the strength to fight injustice for the things she wants to make a reality. And you and Mami will be there for Kyoko to support her.
    -[X]Maybe you can link Mami and Kyoko's minds so they can talk?