warhammer fantasy

  1. Miriam

    Inheritors of Volans: A Warhammer Fantasy Wizard Quest
    Threadmarks: Character Creation: Part 1

    In the twenty-five centuries Sigmar's Empire has existed in some shape or form, practitioners of magic have not been treated kindly for most of it. Open practitioners were burned, hedge mages were executed or exiled, and even children displaying magical potential faced the pyre, the noose, or...
  2. daedalus725

    For Ulthuan, For the Alliance (Warhammer Fantasy & World of Warcraft)
    Threadmarks: Character creation Part 1

    It has Been Only a scant few years , barley half a decade, sense the portal to the land of Azeroth had opened. You were working to finish the expedition to Kuresh to put down a rising champion of Chaos. While it had won you the favor of the phoenix king you had missed what great feat had earned...
  3. Strigoi Grey

    Crossing Over (crossover one-shot/story collection)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Warning Disclaimer: I don't own any of the stories involved here. Do you think I'd be here if I did? Ahem...so, I was originally planning to post this, and the fanfic collection, after I finished at least the main plotline for my original fantasy story, The Scholar's Tale. But, due to how long...
  4. Clockmosis

    Jester Quest (Warhammer fantasy)
    Threadmarks: Character Creation

    You were luckier than most. Being a Jester meant being well-fed, well-protected, and exempt from the levies that were called up. It was a good gig, truly, so long as you didn't run afoul of the lords you served in the court. This generally means you had to be funny, and very, very, careful to...
  5. Maugan Ra

    The Ubersreik Question (WHF Wizard Quest)
    Threadmarks: I - You're in the Army Now

    Southern Reikland 24th Jahrdrung 2512 Between the ice-capped peaks of the Grey Mountains and the sluggish expanse of the mighty River Reik lies Reikland, the homeland of the Unberogen. For three thousand years or more the tribe and its descendents have called this land their home, founding...
  6. Bloodgrounds (Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen Warherd Quest)

    Bloodgrounds (Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen Warherd Quest)
    Informational: Introduction & Information

    Mature Fantasy 
    Introduction The Beastmen are the true Children of Chaos. Grotesque hybrids of fierce animal and primitive human, of vitriolic temperament and unshackled lusts. These horned and foul warrior-beasts infest the blighted forests that cover the Old World. They know that the cities of Mankind are...
  7. blueayes

    Warhammer the City of Earth
    Threadmarks: 1

    The burning hot wind that comes from the Badlands is somewhat cooled by the pools of water that we built so that we could have drinking water and fish to eat. The knight's powerful bodies along with their near indestructible armor and weapons made digging through the hot sand and hard rock a...
  8. It Belongs to a Museum

    It Belongs to a Museum
    Threadmarks: Character Creation, Part 1

    Museums are wonderful. They provoke wonder. Museums are marvellous. They contain marvels. Museums are fantastic. They perpetuate fantasies. Museums are terrific. They beget terror. The phenomenon of the Kunstkammer, or 'cabinet of curiosities', began in Europe as a predilection of the learned...
  9. W

    Saga Brjóts Bauga (Warhammer Fantasy Norscan Chieftain Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Creation Part One

    Saga Brjóts Bauga (Warhammer Fantasy Norscan Chieftain Quest) "Say what you will of us, call us heathens because we deny your weak pretender-god. Call us savages because we strike at you but know this -- it is we who are closest to the Ruinous Powers. WE servants of the gods most high, shall...
  10. Warlord D Thoran

    Making Malekith less of a Dick (Dark elves quest)
    Threadmarks: kicked out of your own home

    The war against those that would deny him his birth right the throne of Ulthuan was not going well. His force have been forced back into his coastal cities, the war all but lost, he could almost feel the humiliation and execution that awaited him. His mother come to him with a ritual that...
  11. prometheus110

    Hour of the Wolf (WHF)
    Threadmarks: I - The Beasts Must Die

    Hour of the Wolf A Warhammer Fantasy Quest A howl escapes your throat as harsh and terrible as your form, clawed hands as big as dinner plates slamming into the unsuspecting Ungor and tearing a bloody gash across its hairy hide. Bowled sideways, the Ungor slams against the still-smouldering...
  12. snow eternal

    Snow's Snips
    Threadmarks: Warframe/warhammer oneshot

    It took a great deal of punishment to kill a Tenno, a level of force that unaugmented forces were incapable of dishing out. It is therefore not common knowledge, to those who are even aware Tenno are more than a myth, that Tenno do not stay dead. You can kill the warframe and it will simply...
  13. D

    Guards? Guards! -- Altdorf City Watch
    Threadmarks: Character Creations: Origins and Commission

    As you step into the dimly lit great room of the watch barracks, you just manage to catch the last of the gossip flying back and forth between the dirt-caked men who lounge around on chairs that probably haven’t been cleaned since they were dumped here. A clamor of rough voices washes over you...
  14. boredblues

    Troll Quest (Warhammer Fantasy Monster Rising Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Creation Part 1

    The world is full of monsters. From the frigid highlands of Norsca to the sprawling lands of the Empire of Man, from the wind-swept deserts of Nehekara to the burning plains of Zharr, things that are neither good or wholesome slither, stomp or trudge their way across the land. And you're one of...
  15. O

    A new Player into the Game
    Threadmarks: Arrival

    Arrival The Age of Reckoning has begun, under the orders of the Grudgebearer across all of the Karaz Ankor Dawi of all beard-length and standing prepared to fulfil their duty towards the High King. Throngs are rallied and clans gather their belonging, all ready to march out from their Hold...
  16. A

    Pearl, Gold, Blood, and Bone [WHF]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Chapter 1 The onset of the evening storm was surprisingly beautiful. I peered into the blue-tinged glades, blinking every so often as lightning burst forth from swollen skies in the distance. Far below was a sea of mist, obscuring the ground in a haze of white. On occasion, I could see the...
  17. Maugan Ra

    Daughter of Ghrond (WHF Druchii Sorceress Quest)
    Threadmarks: Chargen Round 1

    Daughter of Ghrond A Sorceress Quest In the desolate northern wastes of Naggaroth, where snow smothers the ground and the wind cuts like knives, the black citadel of Ghrond stands beneath a boiling sky. But a few leagues further north lies the maddening, ever-shifting realm known to mortals as...
  18. HeWhoIsAshamed

    From the Depths They Come (Fantasy/40k CK3 Quest)
    Threadmarks: Prologue - The Appointment

    Crossover Fantasy 
    A new world, a mountainous metropolis of metal and glass… That's what the messengers and scouts kept reporting back upon arrival at a trash heap of scavenge piles that only seemed to grow by the second, dumped from the treadmills embedded in the walls in the plate of the sky. Indeed, the reports...
  19. O

    The Greatest of Kings
    Threadmarks: Character Creation

    The Greatest of Kings Character Creation "You will have heard, my lord, of a region to the east of the Tilean city-states ... sometimes known as the land of the Border Princes. This land is reckoned by its own people to be civilised enough, and it is not unlike Estalia or Tilea in that...
  20. Warhammer Engineers Quest

    Warhammer Engineers Quest
    Threadmarks: Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 1

    Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 1 Welcome to my first quest. I've been inspired mostly by "A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism," one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever read, but I also draw from "A Tattered Eagle" over on Spacebattles. This quest will be about a citizen of the empire working...
  21. Prospalz

    Servant to the Unlife - A Warhammer Fantasy Quest
    Threadmarks: Character Creation - Part 1

    "How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams." ― Bram Stoker, Dracula *** "We cannot go any further. From here onward, you must go on your own." You mutter thanks, and after a moment...
  22. W

    Araby Quest (Reboot)
    Threadmarks: Araby Quest (Reboot)

    To the south of Tilea and Estalia and the west of the Dead Lands lies the realm of Araby. An ancient land ruled by semi-independent city-states ruled by sultans or caliphs in the west and nomadic peoples who traverse the rest of the country's inhospitable deserts. You are one of the many people...
  23. Warhammer: Age of Woeful Change — IC Thread

    Warhammer: Age of Woeful Change — IC Thread

    IC Fantasy 
    It is a time of lies. A century after the assassination of Mandred Skavenslayer, the Empire is once more at a precipice. Gunthar II, known as the Faithful, had brought men together once more on hunting out witches and rooting out cults. Only dogma and paranoia appears to hold the Empire...
  24. M

    An adventurers life for me: A Warhammer Fantsy 2E quest
    Threadmarks: OP

    The Old World, home of the Empire. The Empire, greatest of the human states in the Old World (no matter what the Brettonians say). The Empire has lasted for over 2500 years and shows no sign of stopping in its long march towards the future. You are a small cog in this machine, a single person...
  25. Warhammer: Age of Woeful Change

    Warhammer: Age of Woeful Change
    Threadmarks: Opening Post + Lore

    OOC Fantasy 
    It is a time of lies. A century after the assassination of Mandred Skavenslayer, the Empire is once more at a precipice. Gunthar II, known as the Faithful, had brought men together once more on hunting out witches and rooting out cults. Only dogma and paranoia appears to hold the Empire...