
  1. Ved17

    Spider-Man: Web of Life
    Threadmarks: Issue Zero

    Megathread Crossover 
    Issue Zero: Dog Star Welcome to Oscorp! the screen chirped. Norman Osborn welcomes the [Midtown High Class Trip] to these illustrious halls! In order to have a day pass, please fill out your name! The average-sized teenager fiddled with his favorite pen as he looked at the screen. 'I could use...
  2. all fictions

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

    Another decade, another Spider-Man cartoon for the kids to grow up watching: https://youtu.be/N3J2JRQg040?si=7ha-o5PD9B-_iy3N Discuss the plot, spoilers, or one particular VA being a dumbass (incredibly funny he talked about the show not being "woke" when the first episode has )
  3. A

    Avengers 2000
    Threadmarks: Recruitment Drive (Part 1)

    AVENGERS 2000 Disclaimers: All characters are property of Marvel Entertainment and henceforth Disney, I don't own anything here. Spoilers: for the Raimi Spiderman movies, Hulk (2003), Daredevil (2003), Ghost Rider (2007) and the X-Men movie series Inspired by this fan trailer...
  4. E

    Marvel: Ominiversal Clones
    Threadmarks: Chapter-1 Creation of Mutants

    The primitive Earth, filled with towering trees and dangerous predators, was also host to the ancestors of humanity. The Homo erectus, the species that would evolve to become Homo sapiens in a million years, represented the pre-evolutionary forms of modern humans. One such tribe of wanderers...
  5. Symbolic Joker

    Team RWBY & Super-Friends Watch: “With Angry Friends Like These...”
    Threadmarks: Chapter 0.1 (Kara Zor-El): Who Was The One Who Gathered Us All Here?

    Chapter 0.1 (Kara Zor-El) — Who Was The One Who Gathered Us All Here? As she stretched her body while lying on her bed, Kara decided that she was having one of those days. The days where she wondered why she bothered getting up in the morning instead of just staying in bed and spending the...
  6. WokeRonin

    The Astonishing Spider-Man Quest
    Threadmarks: Superhero Origin

    Sci-Fi Alt. History Superhero 
    Frankly, you were kicking yourself for even thinking it; it was unfair and frankly just gloomy. Even after expenses you had a few hundred extra bucks in your pocket, even after expenses. You shouldn't be kicking yourself over the ol' Parker Luck. Most guys and gals in New York would consider...
  7. Martin Noctis

    Rising of The Shield Villain (Marvel/Rising of the Shield Hero)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Shield Villain VS The Summoning

    What if? Crossover 
    "Talking" "Thinking" [Status Magic or other reference to a system or power] NYC, The Bar With No Name, A Few Minutes before the Incident Herman Schultz was reading a book. This wasn't that weird. What was weird was that it wasn't an engineering one but rather a fantasy one. The Bar With No...
  8. lakitubomber

    Leap of Faith: A Spider-Man Fanfiction.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Basophobia.

    Falling is second nature to me. Gravity's my natural enemy. I close my eyes and the din of the city rises before me. Yeah, yeah… second nature. The wind hits me and I dig my fingers into the wall. Whew… just… just one push. One little push and I hit the air, wind ripping through my ears, diving...
  9. Saucy

    The Long Way Home [Worm / MCU/ Spider-Man]
    Threadmarks: No Way Home 0.0

    It had all been going so well. Peter Three-no, wait, Peter Two managed to cure Sandman and get him to calm down inside Lady Liberty's crown, he himself, being Peter One, had cured Dr. Connors, and it seemed like Peter Three had fixed Electro. Not to mention, Doctor Octavius wanted to go home...
  10. Martin Noctis

    My Little Shock (Spider-Man Villian Parent Fic)
    Threadmarks: Issue 1: Nine months later

    Someone knocked on my door. For anyone else, this might have been normal, if a bit unusual, given that it was the middle of the night. But I wasn't anyone else. I'm Herman Schultz—or The Shocker, if you prefer—a wanted supervillain. So this was either the S.W.A.T. team, the webhead, or Frank...
  11. A

    Silk & Swarm
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 Spidey & Skitter

    Sunday— April 10th, 2011. SOMEWHERE-SOMEWHERE?? 7-O'CLOCK-AM. What was it like to spawn in a videogame? Peter would know, though he was unsure, but he had the impression he just 'spawned' into existence. Peter sat up, rubbing his eyes in disbelief as he opened his helmet by retracting it via...
  12. B

    Spider Quinn (Daria/Spider-Man)
    Threadmarks: 01 Quinn and the Spider

    Spider Quinn Let's do this one more time. My name is Quinn Morgendorffer and for the past several years, I have been the one and only SpiderGirl. But let's start at the beginning… 01 Quinn and the Spider It was an ordinary day at Lawndale High. Quinn Morgendorffer certainly thought so as she...
  13. Hanging by a Thread (My Hero Academia/Spider-Man)

    Hanging by a Thread (My Hero Academia/Spider-Man)
    Threadmarks: Issue #1

    Issue #1 - - - What is a hero? It's a question we all have different answers to. Someone who follows the law? Someone who wins no matter what? Someone with a strong sense of justice? Maybe. To me, a hero always does their best to help someone in need – no matter the personal cost. So that's...
  14. Martin Noctis

    The Hero he didn't want to be. (What if Herman Schultz became Spider-Man?)
    Threadmarks: Editors Note

    Editors Note ´Alright let's do this One last time. My name is Peter Parker (Yes THAT Peter Parker) and for the last twenty-five years, I have been investigating the hero or vigilante if you like known only as Spider-Man or as recently revealed Herman Schultz. Spider-Man was a renowned hero...
  15. Pidge

    Arachnophilia (Worm/Spider-Man) [Taylor Alt!Power]
    Threadmarks: Crossroad 1.1

    [A/N] This marks my second Worm fic! The first being Wishmaster. I've had this one on the back burner for quite some time, and the recent release of Spider-Verse 2 only placed this idea in the forefront of my mind. Figured I should get it out since it wanted to so, so badly. For those following...
  16. The Savage Scarlet Spider.

    The Savage Scarlet Spider.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Boy in the Battle Vest.

    The Savage Scarlet Spider. Chapter 1: The Boy in the Battle Vest. Life is good. At least that’s what I think when I wake up every day. Just getting up from my bed to the sun shining in from outside on this beautiful Queens Monday. Arms go up, stretching for the sky, a rush of a yawn sounds...
  17. Spider-Man ('77) [Cartoon Producer Quest]

    Spider-Man ('77) [Cartoon Producer Quest]
    Threadmarks: 0.1 Creator Introduction [Character Creation]

    The year is 2077, and following a series of events that culminated in what can only be referred to as the Franchise Wars, the global corporate landscape is in utter ruin. A result of which has rendered the various properties held by them in the public domain, something you plan to take immediate...
  18. dermenscha

    Wait a Second (Raimi Spider-Man Slice of Life)
    Threadmarks: Wait a Second.

    “Wait a second.” “Hmm?” Peter Parker flicked his eyes over to Mary-Jane as she was laying on the couch, Vogue open in her lap. She looked like she had just made an immensely important realization. “Did you seriously say ‘You know who I am’ the day you saved me from Osborn?” Peter blinked and...
  19. Shanejayell

    Across The Spider-Verse

    WE HAVE A TRAILER!! Also it starts RIGHT after Into the Spider-Verse ends.... https://youtu.be/BbXJ3_AQE_o
  20. T

    A Spider Skitters into Worm
    Threadmarks: Spring Break Begins

    A spider skitters into Worm 'C'mon, Peter, a couple more seconds and a full week of spidey time and relaxation.'I was tapping against the ground rapidly as his heartbeat quickly in excitement. As good of a teacher Gwen's dad is, it's hard listening to his long, boring lectures without thinking...
  21. TheStranger

    The Sensational Spider-Girl (Spider-Man/Worm [AU])
    Threadmarks: Issue #1

    Issue #1: What's Up Danger Thirty-something Danny Hebert returned home, intending on grabbing a cold beer from the fridge, take a shower, have dinner then wait for his daughter to come home. He barely made it five steps in when he noticed Taylor, 13-years-old then, sitting in the living room...
  22. There was a Spi...dea. (Sony, Spider-Man Producer Quest)

    There was a Spi...dea. (Sony, Spider-Man Producer Quest)
    Threadmarks: 01- The Start (2010)

    The year was 2010. Spider-Man 3 was not... the grand success that Sony thought it would be, but Iron Man, had done incredibly well, and even The Incredible Hulk hadn't done... too badly. You heard rumors of a sort of Cinematic Universe starting, like the old days of Universal. And so, they...
  23. A Left Turn Albuquerque [Marvel What-If/AU]

    A Left Turn Albuquerque [Marvel What-If/AU]
    Threadmarks: 01. Lunch At The Stacy's I [Matt I/Steve I]

    Matt I Matt Murdock had been coming to this spot for nearly eighty years at this point, virtually every Sunday without fail after Church. While much had changed in the decades since he'd first start coming here, the decades seemed only to add to the charm of this area of the park, giving it an...
  24. Locomotivation

    With Great Power, Comes Great Irresponsibility (DC/Marvel SI/OC)
    Apocrypha: Prelude: A Happy Little Tale (Old Version)

    Crossover Superhero 
    Author's Note: Something I'd thought I'd do before conking out tonight. Been on my mind for a little bit now, and I thought I would put it here...
  25. S

    boruto is possessed by the carnage...

    before the Chūnin Exams, boruto is possessed by the carnage, could he pass the exams? how would that affect the boruto?