
  1. Mister Anemone

    Two For The Price Of One

    This is a test… Just a test… Nothing but a test… True American Patriots have launched a new wave of offensive against the Oligarchic Patriots in Washington D.C True American News Network; May 2044 Heavy fighting took place in the ruins of Washington D.C as Greenists aimed to push...
  2. Chandra

    The Great South Asian Rip in Reality (GSARIR): Short stories, flash fiction, and research papers
    Threadmarks: Some basic information

    Original Worldbuilding Short Story 
    From the intro of Toxic Sludge Fountain (a WIP serialized novel, to be released sometime this year): A collection of stories set in The Great South Asian Rip in Reality (GSARIR), a fantastical science fiction which came into being in the 2040s... approximately. Actually, its very existence...
  3. SpoopyGhost

    A Ghost's Oneshot Compendium
    Threadmarks: Introduction And Table Of Contents

    It seems that sometimes the best cure for writer's block is to write something completely different. Or so, that is the hope at least. In any case, I have a number of miscellaneous ideas that do not warrant becoming their own full projects, but which I still wished to write out in some form, so...
  4. Kordelius

    Quick Ideas and One-Shots
    Threadmarks: Not afraid to die.

    Short Story 
    Decided to cross post some of my quick ideas and one-shots from QQ, not sure how strict the NSFW is here so only the SFW ones will be here. Here is the song that inspired this idea: As the man fell to the ground, his world...
  5. Qaletaqa

    Epic of Hiccstrid
    Threadmarks: The Epic of Hiccstrid

    Worldbuilding Short Story Romance 
    Hiccup groaned, sliding into a chair as his exhaustion finally set in. "How in Thor's name did dad handle this job? I swear, Loki must have invaded the minds of everyone on this island!" He grunted, barely lifting his hand before something cold, damp and rectangular was placed in it. "Thanks...
  6. Qaletaqa

    Harry Potter and the Grimorie Legacy
    Threadmarks: Magic Swords are not for Luna

    Worldbuilding Short Story Romance 
    Magic Gloves are not for Luna Throughout the ages, many heroes sought to end a darkness, for there was always some would-be tyrant to put down. From Arthur and Mordred, to Albus and Gellert, a hero and villain rose together. To aid them in their duels, these heroes sought out the Potters, a...
  7. Qaletaqa

    The Collection of Fate Prompts, WIPs, and Misc Ideas
    Threadmarks: Fate/Fairy Tale

    What if? Crossover Short Story 
    Name: Shirou Emiya Origin: Sword Element: Sword Magecraft: >Gradation Air >Tracing >Reinforcement >Transmutation >Runecraft Magic: >Heavenly Body >Requip >Telekinesis Race: Human (Sword) Route: Unlimited Blade Works Changes: >Shirou is Saber's Master >>His FT Magic didn't kick in till his...
  8. redspah

    Seedlings on Barren Soil [Pokémon]
    Threadmarks: Seedlings on Barren Soil

    Short Story Modern 
    Seedlings on Barren Soil Author's Note: This work takes place in the same setting as From the Vast and Lunar Magic. Bless us, Saints, bless us, Winds May the Winter pass us by May the Demons turn their eyes May we live to see Spring rise “Moooom, do...
  9. IlPogitano

    Valley of the Furbies (Naruto AU)
    Threadmarks: Valley of the Furbies

    Kankuro had been prepared for the worst when he and his siblings departed the Hidden Sand Village to come to the Leaf's aid, more or less. He loves Gaara, really, with all his heart—but a spade is a spade and a jinchuriki is an explosive tag waiting to go off. Sasuke is one thing, and Kankuro...
  10. IlPogitano

    hell is other people (Golden Kamuy)
    Threadmarks: hell is other people

    Note: Mentions of canonical violence, including major spoilers for chapter 310. 🔫🔫🔫 If he hadn't fired on it from the outside, a part of Ogata had felt, his head would have simply exploded from the inside. Maybe it was the poison, or the deafening noise of the train on the rails, or merely the...
  11. Moi777

    Midnight visit (IDV fanfiction Oneshot)
    Threadmarks: Moi777

    They're not exactly at the labs but instead about to sleep, Orpheus has a room for him inside the count manor and so does Sam, but this night he wanted to check something quickly with him inside his dorm. knock knock. Orpheus is focused on writing his upcoming book. There's a silence and the...
  12. MilitantBird

    The Blue Anemones Blossoming Over You (Worm/Touhou Project)
    Threadmarks: The Blue Anemones Blossoming Over You

    It was a clear, warm mid-summer day. The air was pleasant- it had rained recently, and the humidity was at a comfortable level compared to the usual sweltering muggy heat that dominated the east coast this time of year. Armsmaster took a moment to appreciate the breeze against the exposed half...
  13. From Beyond the Starlit Sky

    From Beyond the Starlit Sky
    Threadmarks: From Beyond the Starlit Sky

    Original Short Story Sci-Fi 
    From Beyond the Starlit Sky “...and we’ve recently had some disturbing signs coming from the north-eastern district of Region 3, though it’s still unclear what exactly...” Arzhela Ar Garreg paid little attention to her virtual assistant’s monotone voice. There were a great many things to do...
  14. Thorison1080

    Super Gamer Bro's (A Uber and Leet Short Story)
    Threadmarks: Super Gamer Bro's.

    Short Story Superhero 
    Super Gamer Bro's (A Uber and Leet Short Story) Backing Music: Like a Prayer (Choir Mix) Uber and Leet Overlooked the Roiling almost septic waves and torrential Downpour that blanketed their home, their city, even if people often forgot they were also there. Just like the teleporter who had...
  15. bh18

    Edge of the Abyss
    Threadmarks: Edge of the Abyss

    12/6/2178 CE "Move it marines! Double-time and check your corners!" Lieutenant Harriet Shepard shouted to the marines running ahead of her in the cave. A purely performative shout to assure the frightened jarheads that she was still there while acting as rearguard. Shepard took her own advice...
  16. waito_x

    The Fate of the Vermillion Quillon
    Threadmarks: Header edit: The [dice rolls] may appear out of place, though it helps me visualize the 'latency' of fleet response times... to battle, then. ***
  17. UmbraofChaos

    so shall I give of myself (Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree)
    Threadmarks: so shall I give of myself

    "I abandon here the first of the flesh of my body" In the beginning, Miquella thinks of the past. It is as his fingers sink into the skin. As he grips through his body and squeezes the bone of his rib, agony turns his vision white. Blood spills like sap; flesh separates as easily as the tender...
  18. Zeist

    Night Winds
    Threadmarks: Story

    As he swooped over the large white concrete platform while mounted on his golden wyvern Aurelian, Marco Belvia struggled to keep his eyes open and his mental link to Aurelian strong. Up ahead, a flying drone with a red clay target on it buzzed in the air. Marco clenched his fire-spear. One...
  19. Martin Noctis

    Many Nights at Freddy's (A One Shot Collection)
    Threadmarks: A Different Shade of Purple AKA What if somebody else became The Purple Guy?

    Michael was late William noticed. He always came to Fredbears right after school with his friends right behind him. But today he was late. William would usually not notice after all he had more important things to focus on but Henry mentioned it so it got Williams's attention. "He is probably...
  20. azatol

    Azatol’s random ideas, drabbles
    Threadmarks: Soar

    This thread is for sharing some shorter ideas / writing. Either new ideas or something carried from my blog or file folder. For the intro I'll share a weird sci-fi world with aliens, zeppelins, and a sort of soul / personality as an actual quantifiable force. — Traveler Knight, Chapter 1...
  21. The Englanderish

    Heartbeats and Markings
    Threadmarks: Heartbeats and Markings

    Short Story Romance 
    Heartbeats and Markings Heartbeats thumped. Throbbed in the warmth, stoked by bare skin contact. Coiled together in the bed, in the dimly lit room, were two young women. The dead of night claimed the corners, licked at by flickering candles. The warmth cast long shadows, but bathed the pair in...
  22. Incog9012

    An Absolutely Ferocious Tussle - A Poke-Western Oneshot
    Threadmarks: Start

    Wrangling was a difficult profession. Granted, that was true for most professions on the Unovan frontier. Ranchers had to deal with ornery herds of Tauros alongside pokemon rustlers and thieves. Lawmen had to keep the peace where they could, be it in town or the wilds, and faced constant threat...
  23. all fictions

    A Certain Mimicked Iteration (Raildex SI parody oneshot)
    Threadmarks: Chapter n: Does Anyone Even Copy Kamachi's Fall Out Boy-Like Long Ass Chapter Titles? (Does Fall Out Boy Even Do Those Anymore? Does Panic! At the Disco? And Didn’t Panic! Disband? I Am Old) — Sous-Titre_Dans_Une_Autre_Langue.

    Short Story 
    A Certain Mimicked Iteration Chapter n: Does Anyone Even Copy Kamachi's Fall Out Boy-Like Long Ass Chapter Titles? (Does Fall Out Boy Even Do Those Anymore? Does Panic! At the Disco? And Didn't Panic! Disband? I Am Old) — Sous-Titre_Dans_Une_Autre_Langue. There are few openings to a story...
  24. A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces Oneshot (Completed)

    A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces Oneshot (Completed)
    Threadmarks: Oneshot: How It All Began

    With every story, there is a beginning. And with every beginning, there is a story. But enough about such things. As I am sure you have already been reading the sequel fanfic to this oneshot, A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces. Well, this is the prequel. And it was on a day like any...
  25. Octobre

    Good boy (oneshot)
    Threadmarks: Good boy

    Good boy Brutus does his best. Is good boy. * "Fucker!" Brutus cowers at the back of his cage. Stranger is not talking to Brutus, but stranger is angry, and fucker means bad. Bad means Brutus hurts. Dog on the right is barking. Brutus can't see him but can smell him. Angry. Scared. New...