lord of the rings

  1. Smugraptor

    Rise of a New Age (Lord of the Rings AU CKII Quest)
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Rise of a New Age It is the beginning of the fourth age. An age in which is thought to start with the disembarking of the elvish people from the land of Middle-Earth. Humanity is running to their newly found King, while the dwarfish community continues to mine their lands for their precious...
  2. Sayle

    The Straight Road (LoTR/?/Original Universe)

    Of the end days, which of the Four did worse to mankind is difficult to say. He Who Shapes turned all the creatures of the world against us, while the Darkness That Devours tore down our cities and the Fire King leapt from the hearths that kept us warm. But the Bone Walker, in many ways, was...
  3. yinko

    The Quest for Middle Earth (LotR Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Info

    The Quest for Middle Earth [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] {/slide}[slide] [slide] [slide] {/slide}[slide] [slide] {/slide}[slide] [slide] [slide]
  4. lordnyx

    Unity, Rebirth, War...(LOTRO + Multi)
    Threadmarks: Opening Post

    Death. They said there would be a light, I see only darkness... Your death was simple as it was quick. One moment you were alive, the next simply dead. There was no pain at the end... It lies! Pain unimagined.. Death is often called the gift of mankind[/insert species here] given by the...
  5. L

    Ungoliant Reborn
    Threadmarks: 1

    Ungoliant Reborn. Timeline may not follow the movies/books. Hermione – “So, what do I do now?” I sat atop a fallen behemoth of a tree, tapping at my hip as I mused in front of the hourglass. Talking to myself wasn't something I normally did, but sometimes it was simply unavoidable. Vocal cords...
  6. Telamon

    Uruk-Hai Warband Quest (LOTR)
    Threadmarks: Starter Post (Charsheet/Info)

    Uruk-Hai Warband Quest {}{}{}{}{}{}{} Character Sheet: Other Info: {}{}{}{}{}{}{} You are an Uruk, a twisted thing born under the earth. Inhuman strength ripples under your murky skin, and foul intelligence simmers in your hateful eyes. Lesser creatures are born, but you were bred...
  7. horgoz

    Uruk quest (Lord of the Rings)

    So I have been wanting to try out running a quest for awhile now and with my recent playthrough of shadow of mordor it gave me some more ideas to add into a possible quest, which I am now starting. The system used is insipired by Rise Quest by Thales, which in turn was insipred by A Knight's...
  8. GeneralXanatos

    Sauron's Won, Time to Run - Dynasty Quest
    Threadmarks: The Beginning.

    Sauron has won. King Aragorn and his army lie dead in front of the Black Gates, and the Dark Lord has reclaimed the ring. In the deepening shadows of Mordor, he musters his armies for a final push against the Free Peoples. You are: [] One of the strong and hardy dwarfs from the Blue...
  9. Telamon

    Memories of Celebrimbor (LOTR/MCU)
    Threadmarks: 1

    So, what happens when someone reads Memories of Iron despite knowing nothing about Worm and then plays Shadow of Mordor the next day? This. This happened. MCU meets the dubiously canon Shadow of Mordor LOTR. Might continue. ___________________________________ Once, long ago, on a world...
  10. the contractor

    Spain (Assassins Creed Black Flag) is transported to Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings)

    Inspired from a similar thread. The Spanish as of Assassins Creed Black Flag era are transported to Middle Earth. A large land mass the size of Spain forms off off the coast of Gondor, so that "Spain" borders Gondor and the ocean. They have their ships , soldiers, and civilians. Scenario...
  11. Overlord Glenloc

    Union Troops defend Minas Tirith against Saurons army.

    So for this debate a force of Thirty or forty thousand union troops and whatever support weapons they'd have replace the Forces at Minas Tirith. How would they do compared to the original defenders? They each have one-hundred bullets each and have a weeks prep to set things up.
  12. Ekans Ekans Ekans

    Faint Ember (A Figwit Adventure) [Dresden/LotR]

    Valinor is breathtaking. Under the restored Trees, its beauty grows daily. It is a land of astounding beauty, tranquility, and kindness. But the joy that the others feel escapes you. The elves dance, and sing and laugh. The Ainur tread softly, light and life in their wake. The War has taken from...
  13. Zooboss

    A Song of Rings and Men (ASoIaF/LotR)
    Threadmarks: 1

    The Elder King A shield protected this vestige of Arda, this Middle-earth, from the maddened guardians of Adanardhon, the world in which it was stranded. The shield was failing. This had been a long time coming. Heedless of all the signs Manwë sent to warn them away, 1500 years ago the...
  14. B

    Decisions in Isengard: A LotR AU
    Threadmarks: 1

    Lord of the Rings: Decisions in Isengard Isengard, 1 March 1419 S.R. (Shire Reckoning) Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregin Took looked up at the large tower as the Orc pack slowed. “Well, Pip, we’re in for it now,” Merry said. Pippin had barely time to nod before Ugluk said. “Silence. Saruman will...
  15. EricD

    The House of Elendil [LOTR/Game of Thrones Crossover]
    Threadmarks: 1

    Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI (Part 1) Chapter XVI (Part 2) Appendix Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn'...
  16. Tabi

    Age of Orc [LotR Nation-Building Quest] OOC

    Scraped from here. After the War of Last Alliance ended in Sauron's defeat, the warhosts of orcs scattered. Most settled down in squabbling little tribes every which way. They formed tribes led by brutal chieftains and fought amongst themselves. Some attempted to regroup upon places of...