
  1. endwaar

    Tales of Union City: A Chronicles of Darkness Quest
    Threadmarks: The Case of Liverless Harry: Starting with a Ghost Hunt (Chapter One, Scenes 1-2)

    Tales of Union City Chapter 1 Prologue Union City. Many call it the most haunted city on the USA's East Coast, and not without good reason – not that they know it. You've encountered five ghosts personally in the past ten years alone, and know of dozens more. Union City is a city vibrant with...
  2. Martin Noctis

    Project Deicide (Murder Drones AU)
    Threadmarks: ACT 1 Prologue: Time

    Earth is going to die. It isn't an if, it's a when. Maybe it'll be in ten years, maybe ten months, maybe ten days. If we're particularly unlucky, ten hours. But if history has taught us anything, it's that death doesn't arrive on a predictable schedule. It creeps up behind you with a smirk...
  3. The Washerwoman of Brookhollow

    The Washerwoman of Brookhollow
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Welcome to another character backstory, this time for an upcoming DnD campaign using kibble's occultist class as the character base. It'll be short (since I have to have it done by next week), and it's a break from the long and in-progress works. Technically it's just for my game master and the...
  4. R

    Hero (Jujutsu Kaisen X Tsukihime Remake)
    Threadmarks: Day 0- Sleeping Willows

    The sound of a hospital monitor beeps. Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes open slowly, groggily, like I'm waking up from a dream I can't quite remember. The room is bright—too bright. White walls, white ceiling, white sheets. Everything feels sterile, lifeless, except for the sunlight streaming...
  5. Centergg

    A humble bearer of word (wh30k idea)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 and 2.

    Chapter 1. <-> I was playing Space Marine 2 again. Everybody on the internet was dissing out assault class, but armed with power fist, I consistently finished missions as leader by number of kills. I felt great, my two hearts beat with excitement, as I crushed a head of bug-like xenos. Something...
  6. SeaweedTresses

    A Song of Longing
    Threadmarks: Manifestation and Allegiance 1

    The night is finally here where you will break away from your home and seek out the calling in your soul that you have been trying to ignore for some years now. You had wrapped yourself in the chains of your connections with your people, and you have found that trying to deny what you are is...
  7. A

    Mascot Horror Setting Idea

    Discussion Worldbuilding 
    This is an idea that I was inspired by Pendog Creative Library. Basically, this is a shared universe of various mascot monsters where you can post your ideas for mascot horror. First are the ground rules. Rule Number 1: You can post anything you want, except if it contradicts previous stuff...
  8. notAperson

    Apathy (Amy AU) (Alt Power) (Fixfic?)
    Threadmarks: 1 - A Nice Night For A Walk

    July 4th, 2009 The Moon was high, and the clouds were scarce. The stars shined brightly, and if anyone could've see them, they would have been in awe of their beauty. But no one could see them, not for the lights of city blocking out the stars, not for the pollution smothering the sky. Not...
  9. His Devilship Chan

    His Devilship Chan
    Threadmarks: 001▷ Dead Sun Illumination I

    A foot slams down, grinding my shoulder. “Gambler who schemes behind the scenes,” I lift my eyes to the dragon’s scornful gaze. “Fortune has abandoned you, a flame on a frozen field.” The scythe presses sharp against my neck. Blood snows from hell. Hell now and then, hell ever after. This...
  10. Mazeka

    Final Destination: Bloodlines

  11. B

    New Dark fantasy setting

    Discussion Help! 
    Ok so I, well I won't say I created the setting because it's pretty heavily inspired by a game or project called Jinn Hunter. The creator's YouTube channel is called Venom Moe and they even have a game on steam! I hope it's different enough to not be a straight up ripoff but ehh. I'm sourcing...
  12. Orthium

    The Broken Clock (Cultist Simulator Quest)
    Threadmarks: Rules, Stats, and Character Creation

    Mature Horror 
    Well, it’s time I dropped my hat back into the writing ring after a long-ass time again. This time with a bit of a semi-custom Secret Histories/Cultist Simulator setting. That setting has captured my heart for quite a while, and honestly getting to do something with it is gonna be very...
  13. By Blackest Will (Original Fantasy Dark Priest Quest)

    By Blackest Will (Original Fantasy Dark Priest Quest)
    Threadmarks: 0.1: Horror

    Liskaet. A vast and rich continent overwhelming in history and influential figures. Although the Hero of Light and his party are the most acclaimed, there are others who seek to carve their own path in their own journey. While brave heroes and kind hearted citizens seek to live their lives well...
  14. notAperson

    Fuck You, Ungrimdarks Your Worm (A Crack Fix-It Fic)
    Threadmarks: Fuck You, Unscenes Your Locker

    January 7th, 2011 Something felt off about today. Taylor couldn't put a finger on what it might have been, but something was different. As she walked through the ever more decayed halls of Winslow, she felt eyes on her. Watching, waiting for something. Some of them felt anticipatory, some...
  15. notAperson

    The Color Of Taylor (Original/Worm Alt power quest)
    Threadmarks: 1 - A Colored Call Outwards

    Original Crossover 
    You screamed your lungs out. You scratched against the metal of your steel coffin until your finger bled. You kicked and thrashed and generally tried to make noise, to get attention, to get help. No one helped. You're pretty sure you passed out at some point. But between the vomit, the blood...
  16. KarenFromFinance

    Biovive Earth: Genesis Awakens
    Threadmarks: Evolvium Chronicles: Ringo's Refrain

    Original Novel Alt. History 
    Snap snap snap. The sound of the camera clicks breaks me from my reverie. Another day, another deluge of demanding interviews for the adoring public. Don't get me wrong, I loved my fans but sometimes…I wanted to just transform and maul a reporter for asking me what color of underwear I was...
  17. THE MADMAN THEORY - It's Your Choice

    THE MADMAN THEORY - It's Your Choice
    Threadmarks: Turn 1: The Madman Theory (2004)

    IC Superhero Horror 
    OOC Thread Public Character Sheet Thread Turn 1: 2004 The world has gone mad. The destruction of the Empire State Building by terrorists associated with 'The Family of the Atom', allegedly linked to Al-Qaeda, in 2001 did not - could not - go unanswered. The United States of America, the...
  18. notAperson

    And Thus You Are, And Thus You Aren't (Possible MultiCross Cosmic Horror/Trickster Quest)
    Threadmarks: 1-Falling

    Original Crossover Fantasy 
    Twist. Turn. Spiral. Spin. Float. Flip. Fly. Fall. Ground. Down. Pound. Boom. [] Choose A Color
  19. Smile Like You Mean It (A Disco Elysium/Hazbin Hotel Inspired Original Quest)

    Smile Like You Mean It (A Disco Elysium/Hazbin Hotel Inspired Original Quest) (SV now caught up.)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: A Hellish Beginning

    A/N: This story is a Quest that I started on another site before moving here, I have now finished catching Sufficient Velocity up but here's a link to the Spacebattles Thread for anyone who wants it. --- Smile Like You Mean It --- ??? --- The world was on fire, and all he knew was...
  20. Martin Noctis

    Metal Mind [Archie Metal Sonic SI]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    If there's one lesson I wish I could drill into my past self, it's this: don't bite off more than you can chew. It's a piece of advice that would've saved me an inordinate amount of suffering—like the suffering of being kicked through five apartment walls in rapid succession, for example. I'll...
  21. Mazeka

    28 Years Later by Danny Boyle and Alex Garland

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poEFz8Ivzug Also, the chant in the trailer seems to be "Boots" by Rudyard Kipling. According to Business Insider, the chant is used in U.S. military SERE schools for POW training.
  22. waito_x

    Informational: Introduction

    https://i.imgur.com/mgM42OZ.jpg INTRODUCTION Aqua finds herself stranded on an alien, otherworldly oceanic planet, far from the familiar comforts of the more standard fare beach resort. Nope. Instead, bioluminescent flora beckon to her from depths she dare not tread. A PDA Voice presses her...
  23. TheLunchKing

    The Evil Maykr! (Evil Genius Issei SI)
    Informational: Congratumalations on Gradutations

    First of all. I would like to congratulate our Great and Almighty Evil Genius SI that is the Evil Maykr, for he has graduated from the P.A.I.N train as the One True Muse has now taken an interest in him and his story. Which means that his story will no longer be updated in [Preserved Archive of...
  24. Stonehelm101

    Who Knows?
    Threadmarks: Nightmare

    Mature Modern 
    Who Knows? By: Stonehelm101 Rating: M Notes:Fate/Stay Night is the property of Kinoko Nasu, Type-Moon, et al. No copyright infringement is intended in this work. This is a fanfiction, made solely for fun, and not profit. However, should I receive a request to remove this fic, I will immediately...
  25. Morrowlark

    Shimmer, Glimmer, & Gleam - A Quest of Loss & Gain
    Threadmarks: Character De-Creation Pt. 1

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy Horror 
    That sound is so annoying. Shrill, repetitive, completely out of sync with the red light that keeps flashing through your closed eyelids, making you wince and groan. What is that? You open your eyes and immediately regret it; pain makes your vision swim, aggravating the pain in your head and in...