dark souls

  1. Naruto: The Chosen Undead

    Naruto: The Chosen Undead
    Threadmarks: Chapter no.1 Dark Souls

    Crossover Mature Fantasy 
    Chapter no.1 Prologue Giggles echoed through the dark forest, and Naruto couldn't help but laugh louder, aware of how ridiculous he must have looked—alone and laughing under the moonlit trees. But none of that mattered—not tonight. Because after countless failed attempts and frustrations, he'd...
  2. Naruto: The Chosen Undead

    Naruto: The Chosen Undead
    Threadmarks: Chapter no.1 Dark Souls

    Chapter no.1 Prologue Giggles echoed through the dark forest, and Naruto couldn't help but laugh louder, aware of how ridiculous he must have looked—alone and laughing under the moonlit trees. But none of that mattered—not tonight. Because after countless failed attempts and frustrations, he'd...
  3. VoidofEyes

    Spark Buried Within Ash (Warhammer Fantasy x Dark Souls)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Crossover Fantasy 
    From fading fires, a spark drifts outward through the liminal spaces, feeding on drops of blood falling from a dreaming city. It devoured the glimmering lights of shed power from lands between and consumed the errant specks of soul-stuff floating throughout the currents of life and death, until...
  4. Redking0380

    Kings Court, One-Shots & Ideas
    Threadmarks: Preface

    You've seen one you've seen them all, another thread added to the many that consist of random things and stories. May do more with whatever is here, may not. Should someone get inspired by something, go ahead and do it. Just send me a story link at some point. Yes some will suck. Some might...
  5. TheCynicalPogo

    Twisted Ever-Afters
    Threadmarks: Red

    ~Red like blood fills my nightmares and brings me to the place you die~ The duo danced across the field, white flowers spread across their battlefield like grass, glowing softly beneath the pale moonlight. Their sylveren shine was only sullied by the sprays of blood through the air, dark...
  6. It's That Guy

    Ashes of the Void (Familiar of Zero/Dark Souls 3 crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Ash Seeketh Embers

    Chapter 1: Ash Seeketh Embers "Does anyone else need to complete the summoning ritual?" Louise tried to make herself smaller when Professor Colbert called out to the assembled class. It was a meaningless action in the long run. All of her classmates had completed the Familiar Spirit Summoning...
  7. var1able

    A Bygone Sunlight, Fallen from Grace (Dark Souls/Elden Ring)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Burnt Ember, Reignited

    From within a charred, ashen primordial kiln, there laid a hollowed husk of a Lord of Sunlight, once upon a time known as Gwyn. Slumbering though he may be, his skin thrums with the pulsating fire of the First Flame with his dwindling soul, having been burnt for eons untold as its kindling...
  8. StriderInCosmos

    A Star, Glimmering Between Sun and Moon
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: A Different Gleam of Gold

    Chapter 1: A Different Gleam of Gold The world was almost silent around the tree as the blood seeped into the ground at its base. It was the quietude of death, dealt out and left uncaring to rot and fester. The only noises that dared interrupt the silence were the wind rustling the branches, the...
  9. Fizzicks

    Dark Sun Resurgent - Dark Souls/DC
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    It was a strange thing to look upon the night sky and behold a moon so similar, yet still different from the one he had drawn his power from for millennia. Stranger yet to feel the presence of foreign gods who laid claim to a domain he alone held sole dominion over for his entire existence. This...
  10. Ibuki Suika

    Moundmaker [Worm/Fromsoft]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: New Game +Infinite

    Crossover Fantasy Superhero 
    Moundmaker, or New Game Plus Infinite Fromsoft[Dark Souls/Elden Ring PvP/PvE community shenanigans]/Worm I don't care what you tell me, Dark Souls is a comedy...
  11. Souls Betwixt (Dark Souls / Fairy Tail) [Complete]

    Souls Betwixt (Dark Souls / Fairy Tail)
    Threadmarks: Prologue - Cycle's Catalyst

    Quick note up ahead: there are some spoilers to Dark Souls in this, major spoilers for Fairy Tail, and AU elements to the latter. Though that is mainly me improving or changing the... lacking parts of its plot and filling some holes. The flame burned bright, an end and a beginning. Then from...
  12. TheNine

    Artorias Quest: Abyss to Erdtree
    Threadmarks: Chapter 0

    You can taste blood, but you know it isn’t yours. It’s easy to tell, seeing as by now you know full well your blood is black, sour, corrupted by the Abyss. You fought with every drop of vigor and courage you could draw out, and Sif remained by your side with infinite fury and valor, but it was...
  13. FluffyDroid

    Somone Take Me Home ( Dark souls/FGO SI )
    Threadmarks: Death

    Hallo. This is my first time here on SV and my first story ever. I am completely open to any and all criticism. Happy reading! --- 01 --- Death How long. How long has it been since I ended up here, in this twice-dammed land of the undead. How long has it been since I was infected...
  14. S

    Last of the Darkmoon's (Dark souls 3 Yorshka Quest)
    Threadmarks: 1

    It is called Lothric, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge. In venturing north, the pilgrims discover the truth of the old words: "The fire fades and the lords go without thrones." When the link of fire is threatened, the bell tolls, unearthing the old Lords of Cinder from...
  15. Rapturous Rhapsody (WC/Soulsborne/Superheroes) {Completed}

    Rapturous Rhapsody (WC/Soulsborne/??)
    Threadmarks: Volume 1 Confinement 1

    Crossover Mature 
    I felt an angel near today, though one I could not see I felt an angel oh so close, sent to comfort me ****** Wakefulness did not come quickly to Robin. It was slow, rough, and entirely disorienting, like crawling through mud. That she was waking up at all was certainly a surprise. In her...
  16. Captain Flint

    Artorias Quest: To Seek the Elden Ring
    Threadmarks: 1. Something Ends, And Something Begins

    Death is inevitable. Even Hollows die, though they comprehend it not. All life finds its end, at the point of a blade or at the judgment of time. Some dare hope for their end to be mercuful. You know better. Manus is dying. He refuses to accept it, wretched monster that he is, thrashing and...
  17. Laplace

    Threadmarks: 1. Wake Up

    You awake on the shores of the Soundless Sea. You spit out black salt water from your mouth and recall. It comes hazy and in pieces to you. Names without association. Places without memory. This and that. Colagualting slowly. Like a soup, you think through a delirium (so fucking cold, that...
  18. J

    Gwyn, Lord of Multiverse (Dark Souls/multicross)
    Threadmarks: The start

    A long time ago, there was nothing. No planets, no galaxies and no universes, there was really nothing. Then, from the nothing a flame appeared. A powerful flame, the First Flame. It created the multiverse with it's power, creating countless universes with no limits. There are numerous stories...
  19. The moon rising- A Gwyndolin CK2 quest.

    The moon rising- A Gwyndolin CK2 quest.
    Threadmarks: First post

    The shift in the world is subtle, but immense. The linking of the fire to the Chosen Undead gave the world another chance at life. The glory of fire waxed strongly once more. Time resumed it's natural flow, many hollows died properly, and the world celebrated a return to relative normalacy. It...
  20. CloudyFuture

    Throne of the Six Gods (Soulsborne AU)
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Long Ago in the realms beyond; there existed the fated circle that brought upon "The Great Reimagination'' which recycled the world's stream into its new fated existence that would happen every 66 years. With the Reimagination's occurrence it brought upon the thrones of the gods to create a...
  21. TheCynicalPogo

    Fire and Gold, Blessed by Grace (Dark Souls/Elden Ring)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Let There Be Fire

    The world crumbled around them. Age upon age upon age, countless years and lives, all folding in on itself as a world that should not still live shambled forward, pushed along far past its lifespan. A rotten, sinful thing that further decayed the more it was prolonged. And at the nexus of this...
  22. J

    Fear your king! (Dark Souls/Multicross CK2 quest)
    Threadmarks: Turn 1

    You are Gwyn the Lord of Sunlight and king of Lordran. The world has changed, with the past and future merged with the present, the world is at chaos and you must be the one to fix it. This is now your journey of conquering and bettering this world. Choose 8 actions Martial: As the king of...
  23. BlackHadou

    The Last Wish of the Living (Elden Ring/Soulsborne in general)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Character Creation

    Once upon a time, the falling leaves of gold whispered a story. A great tale of the Elden Ring, shattered forevermore. Rent and twain lay our home, the Lands Between hidden within the Fog. Alas, our great Queen Marika the Eternal is nowhere to be found. Lo, Godwyn the Golden, fallen...
  24. J

    Which covenants those characters belong?

    This thread is simple: You choose a character, can be any character possible, and decides on which covenants from Dark Souls they belong. You can use covenants from Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3. Simple,right? Well, let the fun begin!
  25. J

    Welcome to Firelink Shrine (Dark Souls 3/Multicross)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    You defeated Iundex Gundyr, but you aren't an unkindled, you are a human! But you decided to change the destiny and turn Firelink Shrine into something more Actually you have Fire Keeper, Andre of Astora, Shrine Handmaid, Ludleth of Courland and Hawkwood at Firelink Shrine. What will you turn...