Sufficient Velocity

4. Real world gender identity politics are not really equipped to deal with that in their current state, and thus, shouldn't have been brought into it the way they did.
5. Not to say that Zoat couldn't have handled it better, but well... fruit of the poisoned tree and all that.
And i agree with Rane as well.
It's about showing the appropriate consideration to your conversation partner and not immediately assume that he means something in a hateful way, looking for an EXCUSE to lash out.
(To exaggerate :"Hey guys!" ---> Missgendering! would be an example of jumping to the wrong conculsion)
It's about putting the spirit before the letter.
Hidden Variable
Hidden Variable
Suicidal thoughts come from a very dark place in your heart. One full and despair and self-loathing. If this is about actual suicide and not about politics, you shouldn't waste your time on getting some people to use proper pronouns. Make someone feel like they matter, having them accept themselves helps them far more than some strangers courtesy.
And even worse is basically inventing your own context to what your conversation partner says.
It felt surreal to see the thread look like it had been visited by the contexualization fairy's more evil cousin.
Was he "literally turned into a woman," or was he "literally placed into a woman's body"? Because it was damn well the latter given the character was talking about he should have had a male body.
The thing is, if he'd had his mind put into any of a host of other things you'd still be using "him" and "he," even in the absence of any sexual traits. Zoat didn't use "it" for Red Tornado. He certainly didn't talk about not being a dude anymore during his stint as a cyborg.
What mysterious and mystical trait is possessed by the body of a human female, that putting a dude into one makes that dude a woman?
1. And this is what i mean with contextualization fairy: For me those two basically mean the same thing. Probably because to me people are people first before they are men and women. Ex: "I am a women" would be true for me if i were to ever be "genderflipped" because for me that literally just refers to my body.
Hidden Variable
Hidden Variable
Kaizuki that's actually a good point. I agree with that and Zoat should have tried to avoid gender politics.
The context, as it existed and as I explained, is that Zoat was, quite deliberately, mocking and denigrating a group of people. And then burned all their bridges by repeating it writ large after the suspension lapsed. If you're upset about 'gender politics' being brought up, I think you should revise your target.
The thing is, Chaotic, that words mean things to people other than you, and you are not the center of the universe. If you believe that "FIRE!" means "hey guys have some free popcorn," it is still unacceptable to shout it in a crowded theatre.
Let's see:
@ foamy: P1: That was something you decided to conclude, not something inherent to the posts themselves (well, except maybe the last one, but that was a final "f you" anyway sooo.) You keep repeating an "accusation" like it is proof.
As for "gender politics", please note that i specifically referred to the "Real world" version.
@ kaizuki:
"meaning of words": To place the burden of consideration on the speakers shoulders only and absolve the listener of any responsibility to show consideration is not something that should be done.
"FIRE": False equivalence and you know it. To reduce the issue like that is honestly doing a disservice to the people you want to defend.
Hidden Variable
Hidden Variable
Foamy, I am sorry that the pronoun issue is referred to as gender politics. The dubbing thereof is due to some politicians using it as a talking point for legal changes and punishments, with heavy backlash. The pronoun issue in particular has quite a bit of baggage attached, as such quite a few people get 'heated' when it is used as a talking point.
Oh, is it?

They can both kill people. I thought you were aware of that?
ChaoticAwesome, i am not sure what (or who) you are referring to here. (they? Rane or me?)
I don't want to jump to conclusions :p
Hidden Variable
Hidden Variable
Kai was prolly referring to the fire bit. I have generally withdrawn from the discussion, since I gave my piece. I assumed Zoat got banned for something he put in his story, instead he was just too open with his views.
And my whole position is basically that he didn't get punished for HIS views, but the ones that were forced on him by people interpreting his words how they wanted without consideration of intent and insufficient consideration of context.
I can understand zoat being pissed. I would be if i was ex: Accused of being racist without actually being one.
We considered context and intent. You're upset about what happened as a result, but again, I laid out our reasoning in the thread. You can't claim ignorance of how or why we concluded Zoat's posting violates our rules, or our reasons for setting them up that way in the first place.
Oh, forgot about Kaizuki's comment: I don't think your argument really works.
The possibility of being lethal is a quality shared by a GREAT many things,but their actual likelyhood of doing so ranges from "safe bet" to "highly circumstancial".
(Also: gotta say, i am having fun discussing with people. So ty for that! :) )