Heyya Torr, sorry about the silence man, but I've been busy lately, both with a commission and job hunting. Not a lot of marketing firms or businesses here need graphic designers apparently, so I've been checking things out internationally. It's a little depressing right now, but hey, just need one company to say yes. Right?
You're the best. Right now I can only do things online until I can get something figured out. So I'm not sure if it's viable on their end. Thank you for the offer either way man, I really appreciate it.
If you're looking for a project, I'm also making a game (on the side) to be kickstarted at some point... If you want, we can work out something if you want to join in. Obviously I'd pay you if we're successful (and I'd try to pay you a least little even if we aren't)!
I think I'd like that man, it sounds like fun, but just make sure that it won't affect your game's marketability in the process. If need be, I can shoot you my current portfolio to give you an idea of my design style and if it will fit what you're looking for.