[x] Officer of the Confederacy
[x] Male

While I'm not that hot for the CIS... well. More work in diplomacy required is an acceptable drawback.
[X] Jedi Knight
[X] Male

Male mainly as the two other star wars Ck2 gams have female leads. Jedi because lets face it the force is part of Star Wars.
[X] Jedi Knight: That you survived at all was a miracle. Everything is still so foggy...but survive you have. You don't know how many other Jedi survived, if any. You almost don't care. Those who came here with you matter more than anything else. But, some old habits die hard. You want to help others, and you hate everything the Empire stands for. Damn the code.
[x] Officer of the Confederacy: Separated from the holdouts elsewhere, you fled with what parts of your command you could salvage. The Clone Wars were over, but it didn't really feel that way to you. The same reason you had joined the Confederacy in the first place remained--a central government that didn't care for those outside the Core. Only now, that government did the same to everyone. It was a forgone conclusion that you would keep fighting...wasn't it?
[x] Female

Fuck the Empire ,Fuck the Core in General and Coruscant in Specific also Suffer not the Slaver to Live.

...and boobs those are good too.
So if we do get the Confederacy choice, might I suggest that we pull a G0-T0 and start distributing a Protocol droid that is actually an Assassin Droid in disguise?
[x] Officer of the Confederacy
[x] Male

Jedi are overused anyway. May as well have fun and be a little original.

Besides, droids are great for starting out with no manpower.
If we get droids, the Confederacy had not just droids as troops. At least in Legends.
If we get droids, the Confederacy had not just droids as troops. At least in Legends.
True but it is undeniable that they had a lot of droids in their armies and odds are any Confederate Officer hightailing it to the unknown regions would have the good sense to throw as many of them as they can in storage for later.
True but it is undeniable that they had a lot of droids in their armies and odds are any Confederate Officer hightailing it to the unknown regions would have the good sense to throw as many of them as they can in storage for later.

Yeah, the question is if our character had the time to get some. A problem will also be the possibility that they are either deactivated from afar or can be hacked by the Empire. But against anything in the Unkown Region, they will be very useful. If we get them online again and stop the possibility from hacking.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Sinsystems on Jan 8, 2018 at 6:05 AM, finished with 48 posts and 37 votes.