Winning votes:
[w] Yes, I'd like to ask about
-[w] The Elder Cultists
-[w] The Blackfire Assassins
-[w] Other Gods
Tobias lets out a long sigh as you ask your questions. "Well, I suppose it makes sense that you would want to know about the more dangerous individuals around. The Elder Cultists are a broad group, with a sect for each Abomination that has been heard of. No one knows how many Abominations exists, but it is theorised that there is one to oppose each God, though that doesn't address the fact that there have been multiple Abominations with the same powers; there are three known Abominations of Fire for example. The principles of each cult differs depending on the Abomination they choose to worship, but the core idea remains the same: Spread ruin and chaos throughout the world, for that is the inevitable conclusion and there is no reason to prolong it." Tobias lets out a dismissive hiss, "As for why they choose not to worship Etorr, the God of Chaos or Xena the Goddess of Destruction, it is likely because they teach that Chaos and Destruction can be used to progress, while the cultists want society to collapse!" Tabias rears back a fist to slam it down one more, but glances at you and stops, instead continuing his lecture with a little embarrassment, "Despite this some sects have managed to convince the authorities in some territories that their worship is not illegal, though this usually happens in Atruona, where enough money would let you publicly execute someone. I have no doubts however that these so called 'legal' cults would jump to crime and attempt to harm you if they learn of your true nature"
"As for the Blackfire Assassins, there are more rumours than fact, so I do not know how much is true. What I do know about them is that they are an organisation of murderers that stretches across all the territories, if you want someone dead and have enough money, they'll get in touch. Their members all carry what is called an Ash Dagger, no one outside the Blackfire Assassins has been able to make one, the dagger leaves a trail of hot ash along its path, limiting the movement of their target as well has causing immense pain to anyone cut by it, some have been reported to even cut off a God's natural healing abilities. The ash does not sear nerves as it burns the flesh, ensuring constant pain. There has never been a chance to study one of these daggers in great depth because they explode when their wielder dies, and these assassins are very much willing to die rather than expose their secrets. The daggers are said to be made only by those at the highest level of the organisation, a widely spread rumour is that the Blackfire Assassins have captured an Abomination somehow and use the ashes of its flesh in their daggers. There have been attempts to infiltrate the Assassins, but by the time anyone reached a position powerful enough to do anything, they had been indoctrinated. The Blackfire Assassins scar both their victims and their members, the more scars a member has, the more powerful he is. Despite the rumours of them having an Abomination, the Assassins do not worship one, though they have the same goal as the cultists: make society collapse. The organisation's ranks are filled with sadists, arsonists, anarchists and other scum, they are equally likely to ask you to join them as they are to kill you if they meet you, but if they knew of your nature and situation? You would be hunted down and killed in one of the most painful ways known to mortals."
"As for the other Gods, there are too many for me to list, but there is thought to be a God for each aspect of the world. The most important god to know of is Galtar the God of Divinity, the first God and thought to be the creator of the other Gods, his worshippers are by far the most powerful and influential religious figures. As I have said there are Gods with domain that are considered destructive, but all Gods works towards, and teach their followers to, seek the betterment of society. This is not to say the Gods are perfect, some Gods have been known to become corrupt and paranoid over time, but they usually return to their normal mannerisms quickly. There are several Gods that you should know of, though you should be able to remember them all when your memories return. First, the Cultivation Trio; Aiden, the God of the Sun, Morgan, the god of the Sea and Petra, Goddess of the Land. These three Gods provide us with all we need to survive: warmth, water and food; as such they have many worshippers. There are also several Gods your domain opposes that you should know of; Nistos the God of Apathy, Pavel the God of Humility and Ashlyn the Goddess of Relaxation. Those are the important Gods you need to know about." Having answered your questions Tobias rises from the ground and folds up the map.
"So, what are we doing next?" you ask.
"Next," he says, while leading you through a new corridor, "we are going to teach you how to fight." After walking for a short while you arrive at what appears to be an arena of some sort. Seeing your look of confusion Tobias explains, "Every God has a weapon they favour, all their followers are taught to fight with this weapon." He pauses to walk over to a glittering box, pulling out a thin blade. "This is your weapon: a rapier. Light enough to maneuver past an opponent's guard yet sturdy enough to deflect an attack if you have the right finesse. Much like how an ambitious person must be able to evade and deflect obstacle in their path while striving towards their goal."
As Tobias hands you the sword, you notice that the blade and handle have been engraved with various patterns, carefully done as to not upset the balance nor weaken the integrity of the weapon. You glance away from the marvelous looking instrument and up at your caretaker, Tobias stands in the center of the arena and beckons you. Stepping in you note that he also holds a similar blade in his hand, though much less fancy.
"Let us begin."
Of course Tobias beats you again and again, but you improve at an incredible pace, getting the upper hand several times in your most recent bout. You are taught that a rapier should not be used for directly blocking, but for deflecting a blow to the side and then stabbing through the opponent's open guard and that only the thicker bottom of the blade should be used for this. The rapier feels like another part of yourself, you can feel exactly how long it is and precisely how to turn it to deflect a blow. {Got the 'Rapier Training' Perk}. By the end of the day you feel confident that you might be able to beat Tobias.
"My Lady, the sun is beginning to set, we should have time for one last match."
[] Skip the fight (outcome will be decided by a single roll)
[] Do not skip the fight
If 'Do not skip the fight' is chosen, vote for combat as well.
[] Fists (-20 to rolls) melee against a guy with a sword?
[] Rapier (no bonus)
[] Full Offence: +30 to hit, increased damage, no defence roll
[] Offence: +20 to hit, increased damage, -40 to defence roll
[] Balance: no bonus/penalty
[] Defence: +26 to defence roll, -26 to hit
[] Full Defence: +40 to defence roll, no attack
[] Yes
[] No