The Hopes and Dreams of the Future Era! (One Piece Quest)

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It has been hundreds of years since the legendary adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates. Monkey D...
It has been hundreds of years since the legendary adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy and his crew sailed the entirety of the Grand Line, defeating all obstacles and becoming the second crew to gain the legendary One Piece! As the Pirate King, Luffy lived freely with his crew. However, the rise of the new king brought massive consequences as pirates came in droves, invigorated by Luffy's success! Marines fought harder than ever to keep the peace and this caused what was known as The Great War.

The Great War lasted for centuries, long after Luffy and his crew had passed away. However, the war did eventually fade after wiping out most of the old world. Soon, the world began to rebuild from the ashes and the Marines, knowing of the Pirate King's legacy, tried to erase Luffy's history. This worked for a time, and pirates became mere fairy tales told to scare young children. It would seem the age of pirates and dreams had come and gone. But as long as ambition and dreams exist, legends never die! People held the fairy tales of pirates in their hearts and eventually set out on their own adventures!

These brave explorers were the start of the the new age. These dribbles soon turned into a flood that no one could have expected! Piracy returned once more, all to find the One Piece. But not to merely gain the treasure for themselves, but to prove that the fairy tales were real! To prove that hopes and dreams will spring for eternally!

The new era has begun, but only one will shine above the rest and take the reigns of the world!


It was a pleasant, sunny day on Fenn Island. Located in the South Blue, Fenn Island was the capital island of the Fenn Archipelago, ruled by the noble Fenn family. You had been born and raised on this island! You had just turned eight years old and you were on top of the world! School had finished up and you had an entire summer to play and goof off! No more homework! No more stuffy teachers! No more doodling in your notebook! It still sucked how they had you stay after school for one last detention though.

You ran down the street in the center of the main town of Fenn Island, a wealthy looking place with high class looking houses and buildings everywhere. But you quickly turned left into an alleyway and ran out of the town and towards the forests that surrounded the island. Sweat trickled down your face as you raced to a specific location, a small clearing deep in the forest! You knew the path like the back of your hand, so it was easy to reach your destination!

In the center of the clearing was a shoddily built hut, made of old wood and slapped together with ropes and tape. It was only big enough to fit three kids, but that's all it needed! You saw two people, your best friends, shouting loudly and holding sticks, holding them like weapons.

"I am Miles D. Fenn, and I'm the Pirate King! Bow before me!" a boy shouted. Miles was a tall boy for his age with dark skin and dark red hair. He wore rather fancy clothes, most notably a button shirt with ruffly trimmings on the sleeves. He was the prince of the Fenn nobility, but he wasn't stuck up or snooty about it. He just liked playing pirate!

"Oh yeah?! I'm June D. Harpe, Fleet Admiral of the Marines! I'll arrest you, Pirate King!" a girl defiantly shouted out, twirling the stick in her hands clumsily before stamping it to the ground. She had long , wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes. She wore a simple blue shirt and a black skirt with leggings. Tied around her neck by the sleeves was a white jacket, an attempt to mimic the coats the high ranked Marines wore.

"Have at you!" Miles cried out, swinging his stick slowly at June. June matched his strike, the sticks making a loud sound as they clashed together. They did this a few more times until Miles had noticed you were there!"

"Oh hey!" Miles happily said, waving at you. June turned around with a large smile

"Finally, you're here! Why are you so late?" she asked, putting a hand on her hip.

"I got detention. Sorry!" you answered with a chuckle.

"Oh well, no harm, no foul," Miles said. "We were playing Pirates vs Marines!"

You smiled at how excited Miles was for this game. It was basically the only game you three ever played, with Miles always being a pirate and June always being a marine. You were more flexible and you played whatever side you wanted, sometimes even being a third party like a bounty hunter or something cool like that!

"So, what're going to play as? You wanna be a pirate, or a marine?" June asked. "You know better than anyone the Marines always win!"

"Nuh-uh! Pirates always win! Just like in all those stories!" Miles shot back.

"No, Marines!"




You knew Miles and June would be absorbed into this argument for awhile, which gave you plenty of time to decide!

So what would you play as?

[] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!

[] You'll join June and play as a marine!

[] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!

[] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!

While we're at it, let's build the MC a bit.

[] Male
[] Female

[] (Write in. Anything's okay as long as its not connected to a canon character. No Monkey D. Snowflake or whatever.)

[] (Write in, but at minimum all I need to hair color, hair style, and eye color.)
Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 1:50 AM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Aleppo B. Reed
    [X] Has a wild and unkempt brunswick green colored mane. Has icterine colored eyes with heavy bags underneath them. Oh,and she's much bigger than almost every adult in fenn,and she ain't done growing yet
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 1:51 AM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Aleppo B. Reed
    [X] Has a wild and unkempt brunswick green colored mane. Has icterine colored eyes with heavy bags underneath them. Oh,and she's much bigger than almost every adult in fenn,and she ain't done growing yet
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 1:56 AM, finished with 19 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Reed.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 12:13 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Reed.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [x] A Nice Body, black hair and green eyes.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 3:38 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Reed.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [x] A Nice Body, black hair and green eyes.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 8:28 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Reed.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [x] A Nice Body, black hair and green eyes.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 8:35 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Reed.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [x] A Nice Body, black hair and green eyes.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 1, 2018 at 8:39 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
    [X] Female
    [X] Bonny Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Reed.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
    [x] A Nice Body, black hair and green eyes.
    [x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
    [X] Female
    [X] Wren B. Read
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Character Sheets
Wren B. Reed
Captain of the Frost Pirates
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bounty: 0
Height: 16'6
Weight: 625 lbs
Blood Type: O+
Favorite Food: Steak!
Least Favorite Food: Anything too soft.

Hand to Hand: A-
Melee Weapon Skill: B+
Ranged Weapon Skill: E
Strength: A+
Intelligence: D
Speed: D+
Endurance: C+
Stamina: B
Haki: E-
Overall Rank: B

Tarvos, The Sky Carver:
Tarvos is a large, one headed, one handed axe. It looks no different than a normal axe, except for the edge of the blade is a gleaming white. Tarvos is made out of a special unknown alloy that gives it powerful cutting abilities and never dulls, making it a very powerful offensive weapon.

Devil Fruit Abilities:
The Snow Snow Fruit is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into the element of "snow" at will, turning the user into a Snow Human. The fruit was eaten by Wren B. Reed. Despite its great power, the Snow Snow Fruit has a rather large weakness to heat and large amounts of it can directly hurt the user.

A devastating move where Wren creates a tidal wave of snow and sends it at the opponent. The destruction this move causes resembles a natural disaster and shouldn't be used unless Wren does not care about collateral damage.

Blizzard Beatdown:
After using Eternal Winter, Wren then controls all the snow in the area and pummels the opponent with fists made out of snow that comes in from all sides.

Eternal Winter:
Wren unleashes an enormous amount of snow from her body. The technique can easily topple over foes and bury them in snow, but the main use of this technique is to create an environment where Wren has the advantage. After using this technique, snow falls from the sky, giving the illusion of snowy weather.

Igloo Barrier:
Wren creates a defensive igloo around herself to block attacks. Wren can also use this on opponents to trap them within an igloo

Powder Blizzard:
Wren creates a blizzard with powdery snow. This can distract and blind enemies, giving Wren an advantage in battle.

Powder Breath:
Wren inhales and then exhales a large amount of powdery snow, which can be used as a distraction or for cooling something down.

Rapid Snow Cannon:
A simple technique where Wren turns her arms into snow and fires out snowballs at a high rate. The snowballs are condensed as much as possible to inflict the maximum amount of damage.

Rolling Snow Crasher:
Wren creates a large slope made out of snow and makes a snowball on the tip of the slope. The snowball then rolls down the snowy slope, rapidly increasing in size and momentum until it smashes into something.

Shredding Snow Squall:
A powerful technique where Wren creates hundreds, if not thousands of snowflakes that are compressed to their densest point, being razor sharp at the edges. From there, Wren controls the snowflakes to attack an opponent, the effect looking like a miniature blizzard.

Snow Bomb:
Wren creates a large snowball made of powdery snow. When it makes contact with something, it explodes into a blinding smokescreen of snow, allowing for quick escapes or distractions.

Snow Capture:
Wren uses the snow underneath an opponent and traps them, preventing them from moving and giving her a chance to follow up with an attack.

Snow Creation:
A versatile ability that lets Wren create, shape, and morph her snow into objects, such as weapons, shields, and anything she can think of.

Snow Cruncher:
A simple technique where Wren forms a giant fist made out of snow to hit someone with. Wren can freely adjust the size of the fist as needed.

Snowy Ripper Claws:
Wren morphs her fingers into dense claws made out snow. These claws are rather durable and can even cut through rock.

Snow Wall:
A defensive move where Wren creates a thick wall of snow to defend against attacks. This move can also be used to block a doorway or an exit should Wren's opponent try to escape.

Snow Wings:
Wren creates large wings made out of snow. These wings can give Wren the power of flight for a short time, but are most useful in letting Wren glide across an area quickly. These wings can also be condensed so they can attack or defend if needed.

Tundra Goddess: Himaraja:
Wren creates six extra arms made out of condensed snow. From there, Wren can use these extra arms to attack, defend, or other various tasks.

Relationship Points:
Krane B. Reed: 8/10
Robin B. Reed: 8/10

Crew Mates:
Reese: 3/10
Waffles: 2/10
Aure: 3/10

June D. Harpe: 5/10
Miles D. Fenn: 0/10
Legba: -7/10

Navigator of the Frost Pirates
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Bounty: 2,000,000
Height: 5'7
Weight: 145 lbs
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Food: Bananas.
Least Favorite Food: Crunchy foods.

Hand to Hand: E
Melee Weapon Skill: E
Ranged Weapon Skill: C
Strength: E-
Intelligence: B+
Speed: C+
Endurance: E
Stamina: E
Haki: E-
Overall Rank: D

Standard pistols used by many pirates. Reese always carries around three pistols on him at any moment.

Water Pistol:
A unique firearm invented by Reese. Instead of using bullets, it instead fired out water from a tank attached to it. This pistol fires out the water with enough force to pierce flesh.

Official Pet of the Frost Pirates.
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Bounty: 0
Height: 7'10
Weight: 230 lbs
Blood Type: Wolf's Blood.
Favorite Food: Raw meat.
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate, raisins.

Hand to Hand: B
Melee Weapon Skill: E-
Ranged Weapon Skill: E-
Strength: B+
Intelligence: E
Speed: C+
Endurance: D
Stamina: C+
Haki: E-
Overall Rank: C-

Aure Sonique
Hairstylist of the Frost Pirates.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bounty: 0
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 lbs
Blood Type: AB-
Favorite Food: Anything juicy.
Least Favorite Food: Anything dry.

Hand to Hand: C-
Melee Weapon Skill: A
Ranged Weapon Skill: C
Strength: C+
Intelligence: C+
Speed: B
Endurance: C+
Stamina: C+
Haki: E-
Overall Rank: B-

Blood & Lust:
Aure's signature weapons, they are a large pair of scissors that can disconnect in the middle into two separate blades. These blades can easily cut through most objects, but when combined, their cutting power is drastically increased. The blades are individually named Blood and Lust, but only Aure knows which blade is which.

Hedge Shears:
Aure owns two hedge shears that she holsters on her sides. These are mainly used as backup weapons in case Blood & Lust are unable to be used. Despite this, these shears are much sharper than normal shears and are effective and brutal weapons.

Scissor Sash:
Aure has two ashes with the pointed ends of many scissors sewn into them. Aure usually wraps the sashes around her arms or legs to increase the damage of her strikes, or to defend against physical attacks.

Throwing Scissors:
Aure has an innumerable amount of scissors on her person that are used as throwing objects.

A simple yet devastating maneuver where Aure combines Blood & Lust together and closes the blades on a target. The power of this attack is immense and Aure usually uses it as a finisher to battles.

Breaking Wheel:
Aure combines Blood & Lust together, closes them, and throws them as hard as she can at the opponent. Usually, the foe is hit by the thick, blunt sides of the blades which can easily break bones.

Aure stabs her blades through someones shoulders or hands, pinning them to the ground or a wall.

Firing Squad:
Aure simply throws many scissors at once at a foe.

After jumping in the air, Aure swings her blades down on an opponent with enough force to cut through bodies.

Aure traps the head of her opponent in one of the handles of Blood & Lust and pulls back as hard as she can, suffocating the foe and potentially breaking their neck.

Lethal Injection:
A brutal maneuver where Aure impales the foe with the tip of Blood & Lust, then forcefully opens the blades.

Aure slashes at her foe with very fast strikes, causing many shallow yet extremely painful cuts. Without proper treatment, an opponent will slowly and painfully bleed to death.

Aure throws the separated Blood & Lust at a foe, the blades meeting at an intersection and causing a cross shaped cut. The blades then fly back to Aure's hands.

Scissors Strike:
After wrapping her arms or legs with her Scissor Sashes, Aure merely attacks the foe with them.
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Stats will be handled rather simply. Instead of numbers, it'll be with letter rankings. These rankings from highest to lowest are X, SSS, SS, S A, B, C, D, and E. Each of the ranks have a + and - if they are on the level of the rank, but is above or below average respectively. Also, these make the 'stats' more generalized instead of hard numbers, so even a person with a higher rank could lose to one with a lower rank.

Think of the stats as more a guide rather than a set in stone number.

Hand to Hand: How skilled you are in hand to hand combat

Melee Weapon Skill: How skilled you are with a melee weapon.

Ranged Weapon Skill: How skilled you are with a ranged weapon.

Strength: How hard you hit, also doubles a durability.

Intelligence: How smart you are, how easily you can see through lies and trickery, and a punch of other passive stuff.

Speed: How fast and agile you are.

Endurance: How much damage you can take before going down.

Stamina: How much energy you have. You can fight longer and stuff.

Haki: How skilled you are with Haki! This covers both forms in general, but the specialized techs will be listed in the moveset.

Overall Rank:The average of your letter ranks, which tells you how strong a person generally is.

NOTE: These stats only record your base. It does not take Devil Fruits or other modifications into account, such as Fishmen getting a boost under water, etc etc.

Devil Fruits:
Should you have eaten a Devil Fruit, the only real limit is your creativity and the ability to train your new moves. As a bunch of Devil Fruits are mostly usable first thing, it stands to reason you really can't rank them like normal stats. So how this would work, should you have eaten a Devil Fruit, is that you can try most ideas, but don't expect them to quite work unless its the most basic of the basic. Further fights and experience will naturally make you stronger with your fruit!

When you make a real bond with a character, you'll have a relationship score with them. This goes from -10 to 10. Negative numbers mean how much a character dislikes you. On the flip side, positive numbers tell you how much someone likes you. I know One Piece has a rather strict rule on romance, but I don't really mind, so you can go have romances all you want. The general level for initiating a romance is around 7, but it mildly varies depending on each person.

Game Overs:
Should you pick a fight you couldn't win, or took that dare to eat the mystery meat, you'll most likely game over. The system is simple. You have 3 lives per arc. Should you keep on dying past the third life, you'll still continue, but you'll suffer permanent consequences and eventually be shunted into a bad ending should you die enough times.
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[X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!

[X] Female

[X] Aleppo B. Reed

Why not B.:V

[X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playing today. Just stand back and watch!

[X] Has a wild and unkempt brunswick green colored mane. Has sharpteeth. She also has icterine colored eyes with heavy bags underneath them. Oh and she's much bigger than almost every adult in fenn,and she ain't done growing yet

One piece is that ridiculous.:V
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[x] You'll join Miles and play as a pirate!
[X] Female
[X] Wren B. Read
[x] A Nice Body, black hair and green eyes.
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[X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
[X] Female
[X] Bonny Read

I'm terrible with coming up with an appearance. I don't really care too much so long as we aren't too out there though.
[X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
[X] Female
[X] Bonny Read
[X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
[X] Female
[X] Bonny Read
[X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
[X] Female
[X] Bonny Read
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playingtoday. Just stand back and watch!
[X] Female
[X] Wren B. Read.
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playingtoday. Just stand back and watch!
[X] Female
[X] Wren B. Read.

Let's be a B.:D
[X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playingtoday. Just stand back and watch!
[X] Female
[X] Wren B. Reed.
[X] You won't join either of them, you'll be the mysterious bounty hunter looking to claim both their bounties!
[X] Female
[X] Bonny Read
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Eh, you don't quite feel like playingtl today. Just stand back and watch
[X] Female
[X] Wren B. Read

I want to see what happens if we have the initial B instead of D.

[X] Has a wild and unkempt brunswick green colored mane. Has icterine colored eyes with heavy bags underneath them. Oh,and she's much bigger than almost every adult in fenn,and she ain't done growing yet.

It would be fun playing to be playing as a giant for once.
Prologue: Chapter 1
Actually, you didn't quite feel like playing today. Detention and running all the way to the secret hideout made you rather exhausted. You interrupted June and Miles's argument and said, "Actually, I'm gonna stay out today! I'm feeling pretty tired!"

You could hear Miles sigh in relief. To be entirely fair to him, despite your young age, you were taller than most adults and you were growing bigger every day! Anytime you joined a side, it basically meant a win for that side...even if you played against both June and Miles! June only gave you an odd stare. You felt your skin crawl as her bright green eyes drilled into you. You turned away and muttered, "Creepy!"

"C'mon Wren! Its fun when you play!" June pleaded.

"Sorry, but I don't mind watching you guys play! Please, play!" you counter-pleaded, going on your knees. You were still taller than both of them, which made you kneeling kinda pointless. Your wild and unkempt dark green hair flopped over your face as you bent forward, hiding your pale yellow eyes and the deep bags underneath them. Maybe you should start going to bed earlier...

"Fiiiiiine, I gueeeeess," June pouted, crossing her arms. She really liked it when you played, but she wasn't going to force someone almost double her height to join in. You got back to your feet, wiping the dirt off your knees and stretching in the sunshine. You sat on the ground and rested against the hut, it was something June's father had helped everyone make. It was originally going to be a tree house, but with your size it would have made it rather cramped and unstable.

"Okay Wren, you'll be the referee and count the wins!" June declared.

"Why would there be a referee in a fight between the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral? It's not a wrestling match!" Miles interjected.

"Now it is!" June said, throwing her stick away and tackling Miles to the ground. Miles yelped as he grappled with June, the two of them rolling on the ground with various shouts and taunts. You took your job as a referee very seriously, counting each pin and asking either June or Miles if they wanted to quit when they were put in a submission hold.

Eventually, June managed to pin Miles down for the one, two, three, and you grabbed June's arm and raised it into the air. Along with her entire body, due to your strength. "Here is your winner and the World Heavyweight Champion of the Seas, Fleet Admiral June D. Harpe!"

"That's not right! I totally kicked out, she was holding onto my pants to keep me down!" Miles whined, hopping to his feet. You put June down as June walked over to Miles and said, "Ewwww! I'd never touch your nasty boy pants! I beat you fair and square, Pirate King!"

Miles and June glared at each other, but Miles turned his face away from June's glare, muttering "Creepy!" under his breath. After a moment, everyone broke into laughter. Miles patted the dirt off his clothes while June shook the dust out of her hair.

"You were a really good referee Wren! Maybe that's your calling in life!" Miles chuckled as he smoothed out his red hair. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, which held his glasses. It was a really durable box, because the glasses didn't have a scratch on them!

"I dunno," you shrugged. Being a referee was fun, but you couldn't see it as a lifelong job. "My dream is...never mind."

"You always get like this, Wren! C'mon, tell us your dream! I want to become the Fleet Admiral of the Marines and Miles wants to become King of the Pirates! What do you want to do?"

"We won't tell anyone, I swear on a pirate's honor!" Miles declared.

"But pirates don't have any honor! You should swear on a marine's honor, Wren!" June interjected.

"Pirates have way more honor than you stuffy Marines!" Miles shot back at June.

"Nuh-uh! Marines!




Once again, June and Miles went back to endlessly repeating pirates and marines as they always did. It did give you a chance to think if you wanted to tell June and Miles your dream. You never told them because you were a bit shy when it came to personal stuff like that.

But you knew in your heart you had a dream. It was...

[] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[] To become Fleet Admiral of the Marines! You'll stop all the chaos that criminals cause and bring peace to the world!

[] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!

[] To become the world's best swordswoman! Your heard plenty of fairy tales of the legendary Roronoa Zoro and you want to follow in his path!

[] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!

[] To become the most famous musician ever! You want to become a superstar and perform and the grandest stages!

[] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!

[] To find and document every animal in the world! You love animals and you want to make sure to know about every single one!

[] To go into space and walk on the moon! You always loved the moon and you want to set foot on such a celestial realm!

[] Write In. (Just make it grandiose! This is Wren's driving goal! Something lame just won't cut it!)

Now you have the choice to tell your dream to June and Miles, who were still arguing! Will you tell them?

[] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

[] Only tell your dream to June.

[] Only tell your dream to Miles.

[] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 2, 2018 at 11:49 AM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 2, 2018 at 3:37 PM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 2, 2018 at 4:58 PM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 2, 2018 at 8:56 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 2, 2018 at 9:16 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 2, 2018 at 11:34 PM, finished with 16 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the world's best swordswoman! Your heard plenty of fairy tales of the legendary Roronoa Zoro and you want to follow in his path!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 3, 2018 at 12:59 AM, finished with 16 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the world's best swordswoman! Your heard plenty of fairy tales of the legendary Roronoa Zoro and you want to follow in his path!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 3, 2018 at 12:51 PM, finished with 17 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
    [X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
    [X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
    [X] To become the world's best swordswoman! Your heard plenty of fairy tales of the legendary Roronoa Zoro and you want to follow in his path!
    [X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
[X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
[X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!