Vote tally
Adhoc vote count started by toxinvictory on Dec 20, 2017 at 4:15 PM, finished with 63 posts and 32 votes.

  • [x] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?
    [X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    --[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
    [X] He wants flexing? Alright, you'll flex. Give him a taste of the same medicine you gave Pyrrha. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you won't put up with a year of this bullshit when you're ostensibly equals so he'd best cut that shit out now.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    [x] Pyrrha's. You made a little headway in the forest (you think), but she certainly seems the type to be the most actively resistant to your leadership. Maybe with a little more background you can bring her on-side properly, maybe even get her help in cracking the tough nut that is Ren and Nora.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    -[X] "First, I'm going to take the time to read these files, then try to get to know my teammates, see if I can't find some common ground to build off. I barely know anyone on my team after all. Afterwards I'll try to learn how best to go about doing this. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing just yet, it hasn't even been a full day since I've been appointed leader after all, but Hunters work in teams as standard protocol so getting a group of unfamiliar Hunters working like a well-oiled machine must be a problem that older Hunters have encountered and solved. Possibly on a regular basis, depending on casualty rates. I'll see if I can't dig up some references, learn what does and doesn't work, maybe interview one of the teachers or an experienced Hunter on the subject."
    -[X] If called out on how weak the answer was, respond that we're here to learn. If we knew everything there is to know about being a Hunter right off the bat, we wouldn't be here in the first place.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    -[X] First thing's first. Since you're going to be fighting together you need to know how each other fight. Enter a discussion about each other's fighting styles, weaponry, and Semblances. This not only informs each team member about the abilities of the others, but will serve as an icebreaker of sorts. As for general team cohesion: It could be disastrous if two team members get in each other's way in the middle of a fight, so establish basic roles and plans for general scenarios. Example: when encountering an enemy, person A should engage the enemy while person B provides fire support, meanwhile person C flanks the enemy and prevents escape/finishes them off. Since you're new, do not try anything complicated, just stick to the basics for now. However, roles should not be set in stone so early on so allow members to change roles if they feel they could be better in another position. Someone who normally provides fire support may feel they could be better as a direct fighter, or vice versa, so change the team composition around to experiment. To further get to know our team mates' personalities, discuss potential scenarios a hunter would face on the field. What would you do if you encountered this type of Grimm? Now let's say there are innocent civilians you had to defend when this Grimm shows up, would you do anything differently? If so, what? What would you do if your teammate was injured while surrounded? Would you eliminate all the enemies before providing medical treatment? Would you attempt to grab your teammate to escape? Or something else? Not only will their answers provide insights to their personalities, but these scenarios are likely to happen in the future so it's something useful to think upon as well.
    [X] Turn the question back on him. Maybe he's the one flexing because getting to Beacon with his cobbled-together team was just as much a fluke as anything else you've done.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    --[X] ... shit, thinkthinkthink, what's the closest thing Jaune ever got to social activity? "A multiplayer videogame. We have a week to get to the point where we're never losing a single round together. We only play when all of us are together, and we have to use a different character every round."
    [X] Eat Ruby, then eat Cardin. You ain't gotta put up with this.

Adhoc vote count started by toxinvictory on Dec 20, 2017 at 4:16 PM, finished with 63 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    [x] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?
    [X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?
    --[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
    [X] He wants flexing? Alright, you'll flex. Give him a taste of the same medicine you gave Pyrrha. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you won't put up with a year of this bullshit when you're ostensibly equals so he'd best cut that shit out now.
    [x] Pyrrha's. You made a little headway in the forest (you think), but she certainly seems the type to be the most actively resistant to your leadership. Maybe with a little more background you can bring her on-side properly, maybe even get her help in cracking the tough nut that is Ren and Nora.
    -[X] "First, I'm going to take the time to read these files, then try to get to know my teammates, see if I can't find some common ground to build off. I barely know anyone on my team after all. Afterwards I'll try to learn how best to go about doing this. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing just yet, it hasn't even been a full day since I've been appointed leader after all, but Hunters work in teams as standard protocol so getting a group of unfamiliar Hunters working like a well-oiled machine must be a problem that older Hunters have encountered and solved. Possibly on a regular basis, depending on casualty rates. I'll see if I can't dig up some references, learn what does and doesn't work, maybe interview one of the teachers or an experienced Hunter on the subject."
    -[X] If called out on how weak the answer was, respond that we're here to learn. If we knew everything there is to know about being a Hunter right off the bat, we wouldn't be here in the first place.
    -[X] First thing's first. Since you're going to be fighting together you need to know how each other fight. Enter a discussion about each other's fighting styles, weaponry, and Semblances. This not only informs each team member about the abilities of the others, but will serve as an icebreaker of sorts. As for general team cohesion: It could be disastrous if two team members get in each other's way in the middle of a fight, so establish basic roles and plans for general scenarios. Example: when encountering an enemy, person A should engage the enemy while person B provides fire support, meanwhile person C flanks the enemy and prevents escape/finishes them off. Since you're new, do not try anything complicated, just stick to the basics for now. However, roles should not be set in stone so early on so allow members to change roles if they feel they could be better in another position. Someone who normally provides fire support may feel they could be better as a direct fighter, or vice versa, so change the team composition around to experiment. To further get to know our team mates' personalities, discuss potential scenarios a hunter would face on the field. What would you do if you encountered this type of Grimm? Now let's say there are innocent civilians you had to defend when this Grimm shows up, would you do anything differently? If so, what? What would you do if your teammate was injured while surrounded? Would you eliminate all the enemies before providing medical treatment? Would you attempt to grab your teammate to escape? Or something else? Not only will their answers provide insights to their personalities, but these scenarios are likely to happen in the future so it's something useful to think upon as well.
    [X] Turn the question back on him. Maybe he's the one flexing because getting to Beacon with his cobbled-together team was just as much a fluke as anything else you've done.
    --[X] ... shit, thinkthinkthink, what's the closest thing Jaune ever got to social activity? "A multiplayer videogame. We have a week to get to the point where we're never losing a single round together. We only play when all of us are together, and we have to use a different character every round."
    [X] Eat Ruby, then eat Cardin. You ain't gotta put up with this.

Velvet's weapon allows her to make hard-light copies of weapons she has photographed, which last for a few hits. Using this weapon in conjunction with her Semblance gives her the ability to mimic the fighting styles and abilities of other Huntsmen. However, she is not able to fully utilize a copy of a weapon, as she does not have the power to mimic the Semblance relating to a weapon's full capabilities.

Velvet's Semblance is the ability to mimic the exact moves that other people have learned and used in combat to a degree. However, her Semblance does not allow her to mimic the Semblances and capabilities of others and perform moves that are a direct result of another person's Semblance.[3]
Velvet Scarlatina

Like I said, Shirou Emiya.
Chapter Twelve: A Great Deal Of Homework
"... well give me a second to actually read the thing first," you reply a touch irritably. Not the scathingly witty retort your souls might have wanted, but it's enough to keep Cardin off your case for now. You drag Nora's file over and flip it open.

It's easy to scan through for what actually matters. For one thing, the detective's flipped through enough personnel files to fill a library. For another, Ozpin or whoever it is that collected these made sure to keep it condensed. No words wasted on whether she takes her coffee black or with milk, a couple small passages redacted, nothing major. "Name: Nora Valkyrie. Semblance: Thunder. Weapon: Dynamo-warhammer (Magnhildr)." Short and sweet. Hm... ahh, you see. She can generate and manipulate lightning through her Semblance, but her hammer lets her do much the same through some mechanical Dust-imbued contraption. One feeds into the other. Quite well-designed, given first impressions

And then her history. Ethnically Valesian but colonial by birth, in... Arcadia? You flip back and forth between two pages rapidly to make sure you're reading right. Ten years ago there was an attack on the once-proud kingdom, the ravening tides of Grimm they once held back overwhelming their weakened borders. Separated from friends and family in the mad scramble to flee ahead of the horde, she found Lie Ren in much the same position. They've been inseparable ever since. Applied to Beacon the moment they were able, straight out of the kingdom's care and onto the airship.

Unconventional. Takes nothing seriously. Habitual disregard for authority. One of the carers at the orphanage attached a note accusing her of being a 'sociopath'. Seems to respect no one but Ren.

The detective's seen cases like this before - the make-or-break, the ones you throw at rookies just to see what sticks. If they fail, they learn how to walk away. If they get lucky and break it open, they earn their stripes. Hell, who can say where the tests even begin and end with a guy like Ozpin? Ever since you lay eyes on him it's felt like he's been playing you. Ugh. And he's going to show any minute. Problem for later. Right now Cardin's still waiting on an answer and you've got all you're getting for now. You shut the file with a soft snap.

"We're split down the middle and that's exactly why Ozpin put us together," you say. "Pyrrha and I have... I dunno, an 'understanding' if nothing else. The other two're in it for the long haul, partners to the end. I'm going nowhere fast until I crack that open. That's why I'm going to buddy up with Nora over the next few days, and get Pyrrha to do the same to Ren."

"Really think she'll listen to you?" Cardin asks.

"Think she could pass up the chance to beat me at making friends?" you fire back. "Or live with herself if she doesn't even try but I manage it?"

Cardin lifts his eyebrows, tilts his head and shrugs. "Ffffaaaaaair." He flips through his files, blowing air through his lips in an exhausted sigh as he considers his own task. "Well let's see on my end. Taube's serious about this and he doesn't cause trouble, so I can pretty much ignore him for now so long as he follows orders. Sky's just a country bumpkin blowing his parents' money on his one big shot, he won't go rocking the boat over anything minor. Maybe check in with him a couple times, pretend I give a shit what kind of corn his eight brothers and twelve sisters farm. Then Russell..."

Cardin leans forward, elbows on the table, kneading the point between his temples and his eye sockets with the heels of his hands. Groaning, low and long. "Fffffuuuuuuck he's gonna hate me."


He glances up at you, gesturing. "Well he's a faunus, isn't he? Gonna be all insecure about being the charity case on the same team as two noble kids. Gonna be all day every goddamn day with him. Probably have to give him special treatment 'til he shuts up about it..."

"Oh, you're making friends too?" Ruby beams at you, as if Cardin hadn't spoken at all. "I've got a head start too, what with Yang and all! Weiss is kinda grumpy so she probably just needs time to settle and yeah Blake's kinda grumpy too but she brought some books with her I saw and I like books too so we can talk about our favourite ones and oh maybe she's into Skyfire-!"

Cardin slowly rounds on Ruby like a turret. He doesn't laugh in her face, but it's a pretty close thing. He mostly just seems a mix of confused and incredulous, his brow creased into a befuddled knot, eyebrows curling up like question marks.

"Look, I don't know what school you just came from, but this is Beacon," he says. "And you don't sit down braiding each other's hair and talking about boys or whatever it is you had planned in Beacon. You're here to learn how to hunt Grimm and safeguard the kingdom - and, more to the point you're team captain! You don't make friends in a team, you get them to follow orders!"

"Maybe in your team," Ruby remarks petulantly, folding her arms in a huff.

Cardin blinks. "Are you taking this even slightly seriously?"

"Aren't you taking this a little too seriously?" she shoots back. "It's our first day! Relax! It's fine! Right now is exactly when we should be getting to know each other!"

"The debate is already piping hot, I see."

Everyone present reflexively snaps to attention. You didn't hear him come in. You have no idea how long he was listening. You suspect he greatly relishes both facts. Ozpin slowly circles the table, starting right behind you, going clockwise past Ruby, before coming to a stop by Cardin's left shoulder. He takes a long, grateful gulp from his coffee mug and simply lets it absorb for a moment.

"These assignments are not permanent," he goes on eventually. "In fact captaincy will rotate at regular intervals throughout your schooling, in addition to as individual lessons and exercises require. The position of Captain is as great a responsibility as it is a privilege, and when the time comes you will your surrender your position richer for the experience."

"Yes sir," Cardin replies, pulling a face as if he just realised a horrible implication.

"There's a good lad," Ozpin replies cheerily, patting his shoulder. "I want weekly status reports on your teams, both as cohesive units and individual assessments. Right here, on this desk-" he raps the varnished wood with two fingertips "-every Friday before light's out, without fail. I will be reading every word. If your report is missing or unsatisfactory, we will be having a chat face-to-face. Those have the potential to go very poorly for you. Understood?"

All three of you nod. Even Ruby seems cowed, albeit perhaps the early start is finally catching up to her.

"Good!" He starts circling again. "In addition-" you can feel Ruby and Cardin groaning from their very souls, no matter how hard they hide the outward signs "-I want daily journals detailing your progress, as captains and as teams. These I will not be checking, because they are for your benefit, not mine. Slacking will only do you a disservice. Also clear?"

The three of you nod once more.

"You three are excellent listeners," he comments. "Now, you really should be getting off to class."

"... don't you mean breakfast?" Ruby asks hopefully.

Ozpin's only answer is another long, indulgent slurp of his coffee. Ruby looks like he just shot a dog in front of her. Cardin looks like his soul just left his body. You're too preoccupied to offer up a similar reaction. Besides, human food is vile anyway.

No, it's this team leader business that has your full attention. You knew that this assignment would involve a great deal of uncharted territory, but writing down your progress? It seems dangerously close to recording a story. Your story. Jaune's story? The distinction is a little blurry and arbitrary at this point, and that only serves to put you more on edge. Ozpin knows their power, after those commends on the cliffside yesterday afternoon there can be no doubt. Hunters are the heroes that slay the monsters. They feed their story until it grows dense as armour, sharp as a razor. So then... how is something like you supposed to satisfy him? A wretched creature lower than Grimm?

No. You're overcomplicating this, thinking yourself into an inexorable downward spiral. Jaune's familiar with those. He wants journals so you write journals. He wants reports so you write reports. All about exactly what happened in plain words. Do team captain things, with a special focus on Nora of course but you suspect Ozpin would frown upon a weekly report in which you have literally nothing to say about the other two. The only question is how to gather the data he wants.

[ ] Meticulously note down their behaviours. Their habits, their comings and goings, their routines. Surely that information will prove invaluable!
[ ] Pay careful attention to their emotional states. Their moods, their highs and lows. Put what you know about humans to the test, and learn more besides. Exhaustive notes about their temperaments can only be an asset.
[ ] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.
Adhoc vote count started by ZerbanDaGreat on Jan 4, 2018 at 9:16 PM, finished with 43 posts and 32 votes.
[X] Meticulously note down their behaviours. Their habits, their comings and goings, their routines. Surely that information will prove invaluable!
Last edited:
[X] Pay careful attention to their emotional states. Their moods, their highs and lows. Put what you know about humans to the test, and learn more besides. Exhaustive notes about their temperaments can only be an asset.
[x] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.

Because Our Little Shadow encountering Blake's taste in reading sounds hilarious.
if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.

[X] Study them intently for likes and dislikes, then wait for the right moment to strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.
Last edited:
[X] Pay careful attention to their emotional states. Their moods, their highs and lows. Put what you know about humans to the test, and learn more besides. Exhaustive notes about their temperaments can only be an asset.
[X] Study them intently for likes anddislikes, then wait for the right momentto strike. Ruby said something about sharing an affinity for books with regards to Belladonna - if you pick your moment carefully, such a tactic can't possibly fail.