Nascent Goddess Quest

We have one follower left. If we are the goddess of ambition, why would this be so, and what will the world look like where the ambition of man has faded so much?
The number of followers a god has doesn't reflect the state of the world. The gods and goddesses just super powerful entities that have lots of power over a particular aspect, they get more powerful the more followers they have, but just because the God of Water has no followers doesn't mean the world becomes a desert for example.
The number of followers a god has doesn't reflect the state of the world. The gods and goddesses just super powerful entities that have lots of power over a particular aspect, they get more powerful the more followers they have, but just because the God of Water has no followers doesn't mean the world becomes a desert for example.

I was thinking more from the mortal angle though. Following her would be very popular, openly or more likely secretly, with any hoping to improve their lot in life.
suppression of her followers down to a single one is not something I see happening naturally or easily. Or she has been down and out for much longer and our one follower is a nutcase that tracked down a "lost" goddess.
Ok, there's no need for a title in place of a name, we'll just earn a title many titles over the course of the quest.

[X] Calico
[X] Nature
Adhoc vote count started by MilitaryAaa on Dec 26, 2017 at 1:03 AM, finished with 54 posts and 35 votes.
You guys sort out that....mess of a name vote.

[X] Nature


Because critique was asked. Small problems mostly. Some sentences were sentence fragments. Some missing a comma, and some a bit too long with their commas.

The elipses thing mentioned isn't so much a problem with non-dialogue writing as it is in dialogue, which it could use a few less.

But It's nice to see that not all paragraphs starts with the word 'you' which I've been now to do sometimes when I wasn't paying enough attention to my writing
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[X] She Who Soars Above
[X] Ambition


[X] Eshani, She Who Soars Above
[X] Ambition
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Why are you people voting for something that will almost certainly never be used, as a name?
If it's for the domain y'all can just vote for it and nothing else or even come up with your own name
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[Q] Sapphos
[Q] Lesbians

Okay, more serious time now.

[X] Eshani
[X] Ambition

Eshani means "a wish or a desire" so I think it fits.
[] Eshani
[X] Ambition

Make this

[x] Eshani, She Who Soars Above

if possible, though. I like the compromise.

edit: is possible.
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[X] Eshani, She Who Soars Above
[X] Ambition
Adhoc vote count started by Lone Courier 6 on Dec 26, 2017 at 5:17 PM, finished with 68 posts and 42 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Lone Courier 6 on Dec 26, 2017 at 5:17 PM, finished with 68 posts and 42 votes.
In light of the new vote and the fact that people are busy/sleeping and might not have had the chance to see it, I'm going to be nice and extend the vote another day.
In light of the new vote and the fact that people are busy/sleeping and might not have had the chance to see it, I'm going to be nice and extend the vote another day.
I don't think any new vote will win against the current leading one, just look at the tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Dec 27, 2017 at 8:12 AM, finished with 72 posts and 43 votes.