[X] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?

[X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
--[X] ... shit, thinkthinkthink, what's the closest thing Jaune ever got to social activity? "A multiplayer videogame. We have a week to get to the point where we're never losing a single round together. We only play when all of us are together, and we have to use a different character every round."

Yes, I'm saying they should train by playing Overwatch. Having to swap characters every round will do shit for their actual familiarity with them, but it'll also mean that their teamwork becomes that much more important.

Nora will like it, Ren will go with it, Phyrra will go for it once we make it a challenge in her mind, and since it's non-physical Jaune isn't totally fucked.
Last edited:
[X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?
[X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
[X] Tenfoldshields

If there's one thing I know about Hunters named Winchester, it's that the only way to stay alive long term is to be male and have a snarky sort of antagonistic but not really with homesexual undertones relationship with them.
[x] Pyrrha's. You made a little headway in the forest (you think), but she certainlyseems the type to be the most actively resistant to your leadership. Maybe with a little more background you can bring her on-side properly, maybe even get her help in cracking the tough nut that is Ren and Nora.
[X] He wants flexing? Alright, you'll flex.Give him a taste of the same medicine you gave Pyrrha. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you won't put up with a year of this bullshit when you're ostensibly equals so he'd best cut that shit out now

I'm sad that Weiss won the waifu vote. She was my least favorite member of team RWBY in canon (not that she's bad, everyone else is just better) and she's done nothing to really change that here so far.
Come on guys, vote to play Overwatch.

Videogames are probably one of like s4kills Jaune has besides 'Desperately trying to be a Huntsman', 'being ignored', and 'music?'.
[X] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?

[X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
--[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
[X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?

[X] Eat Ruby, then eat Cardin. You ain't gotta put up with this.

Zurb zurb, pls. Stop forgetting to add the super sekkrit mega speshul options in invisitext. You forgot this during the waifu vote too. Hmph.
[X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?

[X] Eat Ruby, then eat Cardin. You ain't gotta put up with this.

Zurb zurb, pls. Stop forgetting to add the super sekkrit mega speshul options in invisitext. You forgot this during the waifu vote too. Hmph.
Look I know the tags say this is a vore quest but you gotta edge into that stuff

(Plus eating students will probably result in Ozpin pulling out the Bioware-approved cutscene knife, so y'know, don't)
You've enjoyed the freedom of your true form so much that you didn't expect that squeezing back into a human body has to have all the appeal of a prison cell.

Your beta reader missed this bit.

Anywho, onto the meat of the update.

Is it just me, or did the Groom basically just advise us to act like canon Jaune in creepier terms? I mean, I was also thinking that he was advising us to act like the protagonist of a romantic comedy...you know, the kind where the director hasn't heard of the idea of consent and no never actually means no? Anyways, as expected at its core the advice is very stalkerish and predatory, not to mention the bit about Weiss looking for the warmth and comfort of a man being...almost certainly hilariously far off, no matter how many daddy issues she may have.
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Anyways, as expected at its core the advice is very stalkerish and predatory, not to mention the bit about Weiss looking for the warmth and comfort of a man being...almost certainly hilariously far off, no matter how many daddy issues she may have.
Eh, I don't think it's much more than three words off.

Weiss is likely very lonely and in need of honest companionship, just not of the romantic kind. She might not admit it and Shadow might not be capable of giving it, but that doesn't make it not true.
[X] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?

[X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
--[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
[X] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?

[X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
--[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
Spoiler alert, I've never actually read The Snow Queen, but my image from the various retellings I've stumbled across is that she's really one of Andersen's less bad antagonists. The real 'villain' of The Snow Queen isn't the Snow Queen herself, but the Devil who originally made the magic mirror. The Snow Queen mainly sought companionship, and though she kept Kaj away from everyone it's not like he would've been a great fit for society with a mirror stuck in his eye. Maybe our Snow Queen similarly seeks human companionship, and uses the Shadow as a testbed to see if its at all possible for a Grim to survive amongst the humans.

Seems odd to desire human companionship and then decide to make an army to wipe out a human city, but hey Grimm are weird.

Maybe that is her mask the evil witch who wants to dominate/destroy everything?

Although now that I think about it maybe the groom did the creepy stalker courtship thing with the Snow Queen.

[X] Revlid
Changed vote:

[X] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?

[X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
--[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
Adhoc vote count started by toxinvictory on Dec 19, 2017 at 4:12 PM, finished with 53 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    [X] He wants flexing? Alright, you'll flex. Give him a taste of the same medicine you gave Pyrrha. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you won't put up with a year of this bullshit when you're ostensibly equals so he'd best cut that shit out now.
    [x] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?
    --[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
    -[X] "First, I'm going to take the time to read these files, then try to get to know my teammates, see if I can't find some common ground to build off. I barely know anyone on my team after all. Afterwards I'll try to learn how best to go about doing this. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing just yet, it hasn't even been a full day since I've been appointed leader after all, but Hunters work in teams as standard protocol so getting a group of unfamiliar Hunters working like a well-oiled machine must be a problem that older Hunters have encountered and solved. Possibly on a regular basis, depending on casualty rates. I'll see if I can't dig up some references, learn what does and doesn't work, maybe interview one of the teachers or an experienced Hunter on the subject."
    -[X] If called out on how weak the answer was, respond that we're here to learn. If we knew everything there is to know about being a Hunter right off the bat, we wouldn't be here in the first place.
    [x] Pyrrha's. You made a little headway in the forest (you think), but she certainly seems the type to be the most actively resistant to your leadership. Maybe with a little more background you can bring her on-side properly, maybe even get her help in cracking the tough nut that is Ren and Nora.
    -[X] Your group will at a set time before or after lessons do a series of challenges, based on field required skills (combat, tracking races etc). Nikos and Valkyrie have shown a competitive streak making them see working together and completing tasks as a competition should get results.
    -[X] First thing's first. Since you're going to be fighting together you need to know how each other fight. Enter a discussion about each other's fighting styles, weaponry, and Semblances. This not only informs each team member about the abilities of the others, but will serve as an icebreaker of sorts. As for general team cohesion: It could be disastrous if two team members get in each other's way in the middle of a fight, so establish basic roles and plans for general scenarios. Example: when encountering an enemy, person A should engage the enemy while person B provides fire support, meanwhile person C flanks the enemy and prevents escape/finishes them off. Since you're new, do not try anything complicated, just stick to the basics for now. However, roles should not be set in stone so early on so allow members to change roles if they feel they could be better in another position. Someone who normally provides fire support may feel they could be better as a direct fighter, or vice versa, so change the team composition around to experiment. To further get to know our team mates' personalities, discuss potential scenarios a hunter would face on the field. What would you do if you encountered this type of Grimm? Now let's say there are innocent civilians you had to defend when this Grimm shows up, would you do anything differently? If so, what? What would you do if your teammate was injured while surrounded? Would you eliminate all the enemies before providing medical treatment? Would you attempt to grab your teammate to escape? Or something else? Not only will their answers provide insights to their personalities, but these scenarios are likely to happen in the future so it's something useful to think upon as well.
    [X] Turn the question back on him. Maybe he's the one flexing because getting to Beacon with his cobbled-together team was just as much a fluke as anything else you've done.
    --[X] ... shit, thinkthinkthink, what's the closest thing Jaune ever got to social activity? "A multiplayer videogame. We have a week to get to the point where we're never losing a single round together. We only play when all of us are together, and we have to use a different character every round."
    [X] Eat Ruby, then eat Cardin. You ain't gotta put up with this.

Adhoc vote count started by toxinvictory on Dec 19, 2017 at 4:13 PM, finished with 53 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Ren's. He's a mysterious sort, quiet and unassuming, seemingly content to just go along with whatever Nora wants him to do. Is there some kind of hidden reason for it, or is that just who he is?
    [X] He wants flexing? Alright, you'll flex. Give him a taste of the same medicine you gave Pyrrha. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you won't put up with a year of this bullshit when you're ostensibly equals so he'd best cut that shit out now.
    [x] Nora's. Outspoken and confident and barely on speaking terms with the concept of shame. She has some sort of history with Ren, and for lack of a better frame of reference she seems to be his own Pyrrha. Perhaps if you get to her, he'll follow suit?
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    --[X] We teamed up with Pyrrah in the forest, and Nora ran off with Ren. Our team is split down the middle, and the longer we leave it that way, the more likely we're going to end up with "sides". We'll ask Pyrrah to talk to... Ren, probably, while we tackle Nora. That way we can all bond together as a foursome. Hopefully. If Ren will listen to anyone but Nora, and Nora will listen to anyone.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    -[X] "First, I'm going to take the time to read these files, then try to get to know my teammates, see if I can't find some common ground to build off. I barely know anyone on my team after all. Afterwards I'll try to learn how best to go about doing this. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing just yet, it hasn't even been a full day since I've been appointed leader after all, but Hunters work in teams as standard protocol so getting a group of unfamiliar Hunters working like a well-oiled machine must be a problem that older Hunters have encountered and solved. Possibly on a regular basis, depending on casualty rates. I'll see if I can't dig up some references, learn what does and doesn't work, maybe interview one of the teachers or an experienced Hunter on the subject."
    -[X] If called out on how weak the answer was, respond that we're here to learn. If we knew everything there is to know about being a Hunter right off the bat, we wouldn't be here in the first place.
    [x] Pyrrha's. You made a little headway in the forest (you think), but she certainly seems the type to be the most actively resistant to your leadership. Maybe with a little more background you can bring her on-side properly, maybe even get her help in cracking the tough nut that is Ren and Nora.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    -[X] Your group will at a set time before or after lessons do a series of challenges, based on field required skills (combat, tracking races etc). Nikos and Valkyrie have shown a competitive streak making them see working together and completing tasks as a competition should get results.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    -[X] First thing's first. Since you're going to be fighting together you need to know how each other fight. Enter a discussion about each other's fighting styles, weaponry, and Semblances. This not only informs each team member about the abilities of the others, but will serve as an icebreaker of sorts. As for general team cohesion: It could be disastrous if two team members get in each other's way in the middle of a fight, so establish basic roles and plans for general scenarios. Example: when encountering an enemy, person A should engage the enemy while person B provides fire support, meanwhile person C flanks the enemy and prevents escape/finishes them off. Since you're new, do not try anything complicated, just stick to the basics for now. However, roles should not be set in stone so early on so allow members to change roles if they feel they could be better in another position. Someone who normally provides fire support may feel they could be better as a direct fighter, or vice versa, so change the team composition around to experiment. To further get to know our team mates' personalities, discuss potential scenarios a hunter would face on the field. What would you do if you encountered this type of Grimm? Now let's say there are innocent civilians you had to defend when this Grimm shows up, would you do anything differently? If so, what? What would you do if your teammate was injured while surrounded? Would you eliminate all the enemies before providing medical treatment? Would you attempt to grab your teammate to escape? Or something else? Not only will their answers provide insights to their personalities, but these scenarios are likely to happen in the future so it's something useful to think upon as well.
    [X] Turn the question back on him. Maybe he's the one flexing because getting to Beacon with his cobbled-together team was just as much a fluke as anything else you've done.
    [X] Answer him. Tell him how you plan to get to know your teammates and work on getting them functioning like a cohesive unit.
    --[X] ... shit, thinkthinkthink, what's the closest thing Jaune ever got to social activity? "A multiplayer videogame. We have a week to get to the point where we're never losing a single round together. We only play when all of us are together, and we have to use a different character every round."
    [X] Eat Ruby, then eat Cardin. You ain't gotta put up with this.
[X] He wants flexing? Alright, you'll flex. Give him a taste of the same medicine you gave Pyrrha. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you won't put up with a year of this bullshit when you're ostensibly equals so he'd best cut that shit out now.
Interesting note, the different grimm breeds like Bosenwulf are presumably weaker, more generic stories Grimm have used to define themselves. It's why Grimm from different regions have different types and names, they're pulling from the local stories.

Also, uh, I think Groom just said that Winter stuck a human soul in us for kicks.


[X] Revlid

Yeah I don't got anything planned Revlid hasn't already written.
[X] Revlid

I was gonna do something about getting Pyrrha and Nora compete for an XO slot, but that wouldn't really help bring anybody together, even if they seem like they'd like it.