The Stars and the Moon (Naruto AU Quest)

[x] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".

[x] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.

[x] Wear it.

[x] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.
[X] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".
[X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
[X] Wear it.
[X] Gracefully deflect. It might be good to get Ikki's perspective on this team thing, and you'll see plenty of him later
[X] Trick Shot—your familiarity with this technique has risen to the point where you have some control over how your Needles behave in flight. Your Needles are now usable at long range, can be arced around cover or other obstacles, and can even track juking targets to a limited degree. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Quill Field".

Quill field looks cool

[X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
[X] Wear it.
[X] Gracefully deflect. It might be good to get Ikki's perspective on this team thing, and you'll see plenty of him later.

We should totally consult with our boy ikki
[X] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".

[X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.

[X] Keep it somewhere safe.

[X] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.
[X] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".
[X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
[X] Wear it.
[X] Gracefully deflect. It might be good to get Ikki's perspective on this team thing, and you'll see plenty of him later.
[X] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".
[X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
[X] Wear it.
[X] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.
[X] Trick Shot—your familiarity with this technique has risen to the point where you have some control over how your Needles behave in flight. Your Needles are now usable at long range, can be arced around cover or other obstacles, and can even track juking targets to a limited degree. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Quill Field".
[X] Full Contact—you've managed to isolate and refine the chakra formation that Impact requires, and can now emit the technique from any part of your body, so long as you have the presence of mind to ready it. This can, with sufficient practice, also have defensive applications, letting you counteract incoming attacks with opposing force of your own.
[X] Wear it.
[X] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.
Hrm. Good gearing up for war tidbits. And interesting team assignments.

[x] Trick Shot—your familiarity with this technique has risen to the point where you have some control over how your Needles behave in flight. Your Needles are now usable at long range, can be arced around cover or other obstacles, and can even track juking targets to a limited degree. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Quill Field".
[x] Full Contact—you've managed to isolate and refine the chakra formation that Impact requires, and can now emit the technique from any part of your body, so long as you have the presence of mind to ready it. This can, with sufficient practice, also have defensive applications, letting you counteract incoming attacks with opposing force of your own.
[x] Wear it.
[x] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.

- Medium-range precision dominance, and with the future Quill Field technique, drawn out fights will very much favor her.
- More precision control.
- If it breaks or gets lost, Ikki can get her a new one after the war. ^_^
- At first, I thought it would be better to try onboarding both new members at once, rather than integrating Keizo first. So waiting would be better. On the other hand, they might not have *that* much time, and Kana can probably acquit herself well.
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Alright, closing the vote. Looks like we're going with:
[X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
[X] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".
[X] Wear it.
[X] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.
Had some minor family medical troubles, but update soon hopefully.
Adhoc vote count started by Death and Faxes on Dec 21, 2017 at 8:37 PM, finished with 183 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Breaking Blow—by better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
    [X] Wear it.
    [X] Ask Keizo to come with. It's important that you get to know each other if your team is to work at all.
    [X] Second Nature—hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Needle Storm".
    [X] Gracefully deflect. It might be good to get Ikki's perspective on this team thing, and you'll see plenty of him later.
    [X] Mass Driver—experimentation with shape control has allowed you to form your chakra into a more coherent, heavier, and more damaging projectile. Your Needles are significantly more damaging and hit hard enough to send unprepared targets tumbling. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Great Spear".
    [X] Keep it somewhere safe.
    [X] Trick Shot—your familiarity with this technique has risen to the point where you have some control over how your Needles behave in flight. Your Needles are now usable at long range, can be arced around cover or other obstacles, and can even track juking targets to a limited degree. Also, unlock the B-rank technique "Seiton: Quill Field".
    [X] Full Contact—you've managed to isolate and refine the chakra formation that Impact requires, and can now emit the technique from any part of your body, so long as you have the presence of mind to ready it. This can, with sufficient practice, also have defensive applications, letting you counteract incoming attacks with opposing force of your own.
Update! Sadly there were some family medical problems over Christmas and then I didn't get to write all that much over the rush. Then I got caught up with trying to fix the mechanics to not suck and got stuck on that, but I figured it would be pretty shitty to delay the update by a week just for that, so here it is.

I'll probably do a meta-vote about mechanics after this vote closes to get some feedback, because this is basically my first actual quest and, as they say, I have no idea what I'm doing. Character sheets have been updated with the gains from XP expenditure though.

Thanks to @keios and @bidoof for looking at drafts of this.


Keizo stands around awkwardly.

"So you have any plans for tonight?" you ask.

"Um," he says, looking at his feet. "No."

"That's great!" says Ikki. "We were going to go pick up some curry."

You weren't aware of such plans, but it's probably not worth arguing about.

You sit down and eat to light chatter with Ikki. Keizo is reticent, to say the least. He hasn't talked at all since he agreed to come with you. You worry that he's bored or unhappy or something, but he seems attentive and his eyes follow the back-and-forth of your conversation.

You try to draw him into a conversation a few times. You ask him about his sensei, whether he has any hobbies, what he thinks about the food. You learn the answers to these questions are: Yoshiro-san, yes, and it's fine. There's nothing wrong with the answers, you suppose, but for some reason that's all he gives you.

It's actually Ikki who makes the first bit of real progress.

"So this team, huh," he says. "It's really something."

"My dad wanted to put my brother on it instead but he was too old," says Keizo. You stare at him in a bit of shock, because really? That's the conversation-starter he responds to?

"I don't think my dad even knows about it," says Ikki.

"Why are you staring at me?" you ask him.

"It's your turn. Say something about your dad."

"Well, he obviously knows about this team, if that's what you mean, since, you know, he kind of put it together."

Keizo almost spits out his food.

"You're the Hoshikage's daughter?" asks Keizo.

"You didn't know that?" asks Ikki, incredulous.

"Well, obviously he didn't," you say. "And it's not a big deal."

"Iof course it isn't," says Keizo, although he doesn't look terribly convinced.

He spends the rest of the dinner mostly in silence, stealing a few furtive glances at you as you eat, which isn't weird at all. You excuse yourself almost as soon as food is paid for, leaving Keizo alone with Ikki. He might be nervous around you in particular, but it certainly wouldn't hurt for him to get to know one of his new teammates.


The next week, your team's training regime starts officially. It's open-ended; there's basically no oversight on what you're doing. You do know you're supposed to be a front-line team, symbolic nature or not, so you have Hotarubi-sensei help you put together a routine. He even agrees to come observe when he can, to give you pointers both on your own training and also how the team responds to the exercises.

You arrive early on the big day, and are a little bit surprised to see Ikki and Keizo already there. They're actually chatting, too, which is nice, although Keizo tightens up as soon as you get near.

Takeo shows up only a little late but scowling like nothing else. You were actually thinking he might skip entirely, but you suppose his father probably wouldn't like that; the point of having him here, after all, is to get him some visibility and renown alongside you.

Since they're all here, you round them all up and get started.

"For the first session, I figured we could get a feel for where everyone is at skills-wise," you begin, before you notice Takeo's glare.

"This is ridiculous. I will not be judged by a child," he says. "Feel free to engage in whatever childish exercises you wish. I will be over there," he jerks a thumb over in the direction of the next field, "training."

Rude. He's a few years your senior, technically, but not quite enough to not be a "child" himself.

You consider trying to shout him down, but… no, Keizo doesn't seem like the kind of person who would think less of you for "weakness", and you've known Ikki for long enough that you're completely sure he doesn't care. You'll deal with it later.

"Well," you say. "I was going to start with introductions but we all know each other already. Instead, let's go over some basic exercises. Then we'll see how you do in a spar, Keizo-kun." You already have a very good idea of where Ikki's skills are, so there's no real point there.

Keizo nods, jaw set, but doesn't say anything.

You lead Keizo and Ikki through a run, ranged weapon target practice and taijutsu katas, and finally some sparring. Ikki offers to match up against Keizo so you can take notes, although he's suspiciously quick to suggest it.

"Okay," you say. "Go for it."

They face off across the training ground, weapons at the ready.

The terrain here is a relatively flat, uninteresting affair—not much cover, no possibility of ambush, and at most a few small trees to break line-of-sight given how destructive even low-level ninjutsu can be. It's a little disadvantageous for Ikki, who's very much an improviser and isn't particularly good at taijutsu, which you'll have to keep in mind.

It goes more or less how you expected it to. Keizo dashes in, making a beeline straight for Ikki and trying to hold him in melee. Ikki, for his part, does his best to keep his distance through the fight, dishing out various ninjutsu when he can, but he's hard-pressed to stay away with the absence of any real terrain or obstacles. In the end, he barely manages to eke out a win. For your purposes it's good enough.

Keizo's skills are pretty standard for a Koizumi—his ninjutsu is mediocre, but he has good power and acceptable speed, and with his clan's unique taijutsu style he gives Ikki more than a bit of trouble at close range. He'd be just a little too slow to keep up with you, of course, but that's what the training's for.

His big weakness actually seems to be his total lack of battlefield awareness. He blundered into incredibly obvious ninjutsu traps, overcommitted to attacking clones, and just generally didn't do a good job of tracking Ikki around the (mostly flat and featureless) battleground.

Koizumi Keizo
Age: 12

Nature Affinities
earth 0, water -2
Strength 14 (C-)
Agility 11 (D-)
Constitution 13 (D+)
Chakra Capacity 10 (E+)
Perception 8 (E-)
Intelligence 9 (E)
Taijutsu 14 (C)
Ninjutsu 10 (D)
Genjutsu 9 (D)
Ranged Weapons 11 (D+)
Stealth 11 (D+)
Chakra Control 10 (D)
Doton: Shuriken 11 (unreliable)
(long; d-rank) Fire a small earthen projectile, either from available earth or created by the user's own chakra. Comparable to a kunai in size and effect, and remains after it hits or misses its target.

Body Replacement Technique 11 (unreliable)
(self; e-rank) The user swaps positions with a nearby object of similar mass. This technique may be done reflexively without hand-seals; however, the target of the replacement must be chosen beforehand.

Clone Technique 11 (unreliable)
(self; e-rank) The user produces a number of intangible illusionary clones. The clones cannot attack, but can provide useful distraction in a fight.

Transformation Technique 11 (unreliable)
(self; e-rank) The user assumes the appearance of another person, animal, or inanimate object of roughly the same size. This requires constant emission of chakra to maintain and can therefore not be used in combat, and can be easily detected by most ninja.
Still Growing
Although he's obviously started his growth spurt, Keizo is not yet an adult, and is correspondingly still physically weaker. (-1 to base strength, agility, constitution, and chakra capacity)

Rude Health
The Koizumi are a hardier and more robust folk than most. (+1 base strength and constitution)

You give Keizo some feedback to this effect, as well as a few little pointers on his taijutsu, and set him to working with Ikki before wandering over to the corner Takeo's in. To his credit, he's actually going at it pretty hard, running through katas and doing some basic seiton exercises that you're mostly familiar with. It takes him a while to notice you, and he doesn't look happy at all when he does.

"Mind your own business," he says, the venom clear in his voice.

"Technically, this is my business," you shoot back.

He holds your glare for a few seconds. "Fine. I'm done for today anyways," he says, before leaving in a huff.


Despite your new responsibilities working with a full team of four, "training" with the star continues.

For the most part, it's quiet. The chakra that you felt the first time is there, still, but weaker, hidden beneath the surface. Instead, you've been working on your chakra circulation and control. It hasn't been a total waste—you've received flashes of insight from time to time, changes and improvements to techniques in your current repertoire, but it's hard to say if it was the influence of the star or just your own ideas.

Your father had said, after your first encounter with the star, that the first experience was always the worst. Still, he'd taken some time to instruct you a bit in centering yourself, holding your mind steady for the next time—and although such a skill could only really be improved by practical application, having it be an option was immensely helpful the next few times you faced the star, after the first.

It worries you that you haven't yet been tested.

Today, it's different. As soon as you reach out it surges forward against your presence. You're as ready as you can be. You center yourself amidst the gale, straining against its sheer volume, and as soon as you do you realize you've been thinking about this all wrong; only in your resistance is it an obstacle at all. The first time you pushed and pulled against it, like someone holding an umbrella open in a storm.

You let it sweep over you and slip between those waves into the light beneath.

The stars glitter above you, a million cold fires burning in the void, casting the world in pale blue.

This time there is no battle, no crimson moon, no great beast. This time you sit at a table awash in starlight, surrounded by spires of twisted wood, each pregnant with cocoons. Cocoons the size of human bodies, you think.

A pale man sits across from you. He has your eyes.

You already know the question he wants to ask. "I saw," you begin. "I saw fire and blood and a great beast and the end of all things." The words spin from your throat like a fugue, strangely steady, unwavering, reed-thin.

The pale man nods. "Yes," he says.

"Something is coming," you say.

"Something is coming," he agrees. There is silence except the thrumming pulse of the stars above.

"What do I do?" you whisper.

The pale man locks eyes with you. "Here is where it begins," he says. "Here you must learn and grow. And then one day soon you will shed this pale existence, and you will find me again."

You nod. In your mind it is the clearest of things.

"A gift, then," says the pale man. "To herald gifts to come."

He reaches out, places a finger upon your brow, and the world jolts—

You awake with a start this time, still sitting. Your breathing is a little ragged and your heart thuds in your chest, but you feel more aware, as if a veil has been lifted from your sight, and your eyes prickle strangely in the afternoon light.

(Gained Gift of the star [1/3]: +1 perception)


By the end of the week a routine is beginning to crystallize. You train with your team on every day but weekends, and spend much of your free time figuring out the weaknesses of the two members of your team who are actually willing to talk to you.

For the next several months your team will probably be left alone to your own devices. Training continues, of course. (Everyone will receive +1 to all skills. Ikki and Keizo will receive an additional two +1s to a skill or attribute of their choice.)

You, personally, wish to work on your:
[] Close combat abilities. (+1 taijutsu, +1 strength, +1 agility)
[] Supporting abilities. (+1 ninjutsu, +1 genjutsu, +1 chakra control)
[] Stealth and misdirection. (+1 stealth, +1 agility, +1 genjutsu)
[] Stamina and staying power. (+2 constitution, +1 chakra capacity)
[] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[] Write-in. (+1 to 3 skills or attributes, please specify)
[] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)
Based on the team composition, you feel that your team-wide training routines should focus on:
[] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[] Fundamentals and conditioning. For a team—like your own—whose existence is somewhat political in nature, having a collection of powerful individuals is arguably more useful than having a team of weak ones, and Ikki and Keizo both have obvious weaknesses and improvement areas they could be working on. (You gain +1 to a random skill or attribute)
-[] Shore up weaknesses. (Ikki gains an additional +1 to taijutsu, Keizo gains +1 to perception)
-[] Emphasize strengths. (Ikki gains an additional +1 to ninjutsu, Keizo gains an additional +1 to taijutsu)
Regardless of your actual technical coordination, it's pretty apparent that your team doesn't really click that well together. The really obvious sore thumb is Takeo, but you're pretty sure Keizo feels uncomfortable around you as well. Socially speaking, you want to:
[] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
-[] Persuade him. Takeo is too proud to be shown the truth; he has to be convinced on his own terms. If you can find some way
[] Try to get more familiar with Keizo. A close team of three is probably better than a loose, vaguely functional team of four, and Takeo seems kind of like a lost cause anyways.
[] Ignore them both and focus on your own training. Unless the war goes very sideways, you probably won't deploy as a unit except in mostly symbolic ways. (you gain another +1 to two skills or attributes of your choice)
-[] which skills and attributes? (write-in)
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[x] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)


[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)

I'll go with the Kakashi way of things. We ought to be more than the sum of our parts.

[x] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[x] Persuade him. Takeo is too proud to be shown the truth; he has to be convinced on his own terms. If you can find some way

Let's use diplomacy first before resorting to force.
You, personally, wish to work on your:

Getting that Sensing skill appeals to me. If not that, then I will probably go for Everything just to get four increases instead of three.

Based on the team composition, you feel that your team-wide training routines should focus on:

Teamwork is good, but I'm also inclined to shore up weaknesses. One or the other. It'd help if Takeo were included in the Teamwork option, but he's busy sulking.

Regardless of your actual technical coordination, it's pretty apparent that your team doesn't really click that well together. The really obvious sore thumb is Takeo, but you're pretty sure Keizo feels uncomfortable around you as well. Socially speaking, you want to:

I'd like to get Keizo more comfortable, but Takeo, as he is now, will probably be a liability on missions when he refuses to listen to a "child," so that needs to be solved ASAP.
[X] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.

Sensing would be a massive boon
[x] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[x] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[x] Persuade him. Takeo is too proud to be shown the truth; he has to be convinced on his own terms. If you can find some way

I like this vote. Though I'm tempted by the sensing option...
[x] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
[X] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.

I'm probably going to change my mind later.
[X] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)
[X] Fundamentals and conditioning. For a team—like your own—whose existence is somewhat political in nature, having a collection of powerful individuals is arguably more useful than having a team of weak ones, and Ikki and Keizo both have obvious weaknesses and improvement areas they could be working on. (You gain +1 to a random skill or attribute)
-[X] Emphasize strengths. (Ikki gains an additional +1 to ninjutsu, Keizo gains an additional +1 to taijutsu)
[X] Ignore them both and focus on your own training. Unless the war goes very sideways, you probably won't deploy as a unit except in mostly symbolic ways. (you gain another +1 to two skills or attributes of your choice)
-[X] which skills and attributes? (write-in) Strength and Taijutsu
[X] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
[X] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
[X] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
[X] Sensing and awareness. (+2 perception, gain the "Sensing" skill at rank 10+2(prodigy)=12)
[x] Teamwork. Coordination, specific formations, and just better communication are all more important than individual performance in the field, and this will likely be your weakest area as a newly-formed team. (You, Ikki, and Keizo gain "Synchronized Maneuvers".)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
[X] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)
[X] Fundamentals and conditioning. For a team—like your own—whose existence is somewhat political in nature, having a collection of powerful individuals is arguably more useful than having a team of weak ones, and Ikki and Keizo both have obvious weaknesses and improvement areas they could be working on. (You gain +1 to a random skill or attribute)
-[X] Emphasize strengths. (Ikki gains an additional +1 to ninjutsu, Keizo gains an additional +1 to taijutsu)
[X] Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[X] Challenge him. It seems obvious that the basis of his resentment is that he doesn't respect your abilities. Some kind of empirical demonstration might make him change his mind.
[X] Everything. (+1 to 4 random skills or attributes)
[X] Fundamentals and conditioning. For a team—like your own—whose existence is somewhat political in nature, having a collection of powerful individuals is arguably more useful than having a team of weak ones, and Ikki and Keizo both have obvious weaknesses and improvement areas they could be working on. (You gain +1 to a random skill or attribute)
-[X] Emphasize strengths. (Ikki gains an additional +1 to ninjutsu, Keizogains an additional +1 to taijutsu)
[x]Try to bring Takeo into the fold
-[x] Persuade him. Takeo is too proud to be shown the truth; he has to be convinced on his own terms. If you can find some way.
[x] Stamina and staying power. (+2 constitution, +1 chakra capacity)
[x] Fundamentals and conditioning. For a team—like your own—whose existence is somewhat political in nature, having a collection of powerful individuals is arguably more useful than having a team of weak ones, and Ikki and Keizo both have obvious weaknesses and improvement areas they could be working on. (You gain +1 to a random skill or attribute)
[x] Ignore them both and focus on your own training. Unless the war goes very sideways, you probably won't deploy as a unit except in mostly symbolic ways. (you gain another +1 to two skills or attributes of your choice)
-[x] which skills and attributes? (write-in) Strength and Taijutsu