Clash of Heroes and Kings

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Hey guys! After reading several original Quests, I've decided to start up my own!

Featuring a...
Northern Ireland
Hey guys! After reading several original Quests, I've decided to start up my own!

Featuring a mish-mash of several mythologies such as Arthurian and Norse, along with real-life populaces such as the Iceni and Romans, this quest will go the way you guys want it to, though I have several things in mind in regards to certain things.

The next several posts will be reserved, as well as featuring the first inaugural choice of the quest.

I hope you enjoy!
0: Background

The land of Elysium is but one of many continents inside the world, but is the biggest of them, spanning many miles and having enough land for several kingdoms and factions. The Land of Shadows is an isle off the coast of Elysium, whilst another continent, Elysium's neighbour, is shrouded in mystery and grandeur.

It is a peaceful place full of many citizens who merely wish to live. However, the Kingdoms that exist are at each other's throats most of the time, and as such adversely affect the peace. The land is bathed in conflict, though in recent times there is merely a cold war.

To the north dwells the Iceni, a tribe of warriors that barely wear clothes and paint themselves whenever going into battle, but make up for it with a ferocity that rarely any can match. Their leaders are Boudica and her husband, Prasutagus, who lead with a fair but iron hand when called for. Their elite warriors are led by Scathach, a witch who wields a cursed spear but whose strength is unrivalled. Alongside her is Cu Chulainn, who became one of their warriors after accidentally killing a hound and was taught by Scathach, growing into a warrior. The Iceni clash with both Rome and Camelot frequently, and less so against the Volsungs, whom they have an unsteady peace with.

Many miles away from the Iceni but still in the North is the Kingdom held by Sigurd, king of the Volsungs. A formidable Dragon Slayer, killing the dragon Fafnir, Sigurd amassed much wealth in earlier years and managed to found his own Kingdom after inheriting land from a noble he had saved. Ruling alongside him is his wife, Brynhildr, a Valkyrie of Odin whom Sigurd saved from a burning circle of fire after he slew Fafnir. They rule justly, but occasionally have skirmishes with the Iceni as is natural. However, imbalance is present within Brynhildr's heart, regarding her duty towards her father and relatives, and her love for Sigurd...

Rome dwells in the mid-west of Elysium, an immaculate city of marble created on several hills. As of now, it is ruled by a Senate, headed by Gaius Julius Caesar, the face and mouthpiece for the governing body. He is a ruthless but reasonable ruler, with his nephew Gaius Octavius serving under him. At his left hand is Marcus Junius Brutus, his chief enforcer and very close friend, who exercises Caesar's will and keeps the peace. At his right, Marc Antony, general of Rome's considerable military forces. Rome thinks little of the Volsungs and Iceni, seeing them as somewhat uncultured and savages- mostly of the Iceni. As such, a constant enmity that could be ignited at any moment exists between Rome and the northerners. Should anything go wrong, it could be devastating...

To the center of Elysium dwells Camelot and its territories. A shining capital of magnificence and royalty, it is ruled by King Arthur and his faithful wife Guinevere, created after Arthur pulled the mythical sword from the stone when he was a young teen. He rules justly though constant struggles with his sister's own forces has left him weary and somewhat cynical. He fights against Rome and the Iceni frequently, though Arthur admits he has no desire to do so: he only does so to make his regions peaceful, as Rome has expanded into it to an extent. His court magician Merlin acts in mysterious ways- some altruistic and some cruel, and his endgame is unknown. Lancelot is the greatest Knight within Camelot and is the only one present, as the others have been sent on assignment throughout Elysium. He follows his King unquestionably, but all the same harbours something for the Queen, whilst harbouring regrets for a certain child he abandoned...

Yet, even Elysium is not without a dark side. Dwelling near the Land of Shadows, Morgan le Fay consolidates her power, angry and resentful that her younger brother took her rightful place as ruler. She harbours a secret, something that very nearly no-one knows about, with only rumours abound. Of a forbidden union, of Morgan creating an artificial human for her own use. Though she presents herself as the ultimate villain, Morgan is perhaps more cordial to her forces than she would admit, having a soft-spot for several of her minions...

On the mysterious second continent, Loki awaits his chance. Having been cast out of Asgard by his brother-in-arms Odin, for the crime of ending Baldur's life, the silver-tongued god, with the aid of his children Fenrir and Hela, seeks to completely eradicate the Volsungs, as they are evidence of Odin's power and are his direct descendants. It is rumoured he may be starting an alliance process with Morgan, though these are only rumours, unable to be confirmed. And yet, something in the oceans of the world that Elysium dwells in stirs, green scales and equally green eyes straining to free themselves...

You are the Executioner. You are the black sword, the cloak and dagger of your ruler. The shield of the people. You make sure the Kingdom is safe from all harm, no matter the cost. Though many are unnerved by you, your dedication to your ruler is noted by all. You woke up one day, years ago, memories blank, with only a battered and cracked sword beside you before being taken in under your ruler- it is for that reason that you are so loyal.

Your tale begins, as something stirs within Elysium's core, threatening to shake it loose. All the Kingdoms desire the throats of the other, some more than or less than others, but the lust is still there.

However, one matter remains...

To what Kingdom/Faction do you belong?

[] The Iceni.

[] The Volsungs.

[] Rome.

[] Camelot.

[] Morgan's Kingdom.

[] Loki's Kingdom.

In addition, what is your behavioural alignment?

[] Lawful

[] Neutral

[] Chaotic

Finally, what about your moral alignment?

[] Good

[] Neutral

[] Evil
Main Character Codex
The Executioner

Name: ???
Alias: The Executioner
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

You are the cloak and dagger of Morgan le Fay. Anyone who threatens her and her kingdom, you will purge without discrimination. Your loyalty to your monarch is absolute and cannot be shaken. Though you unnerve your comrades, they can see you are sincere in your efforts to protect the Kingdom from all threats.

Found without memories one day by Morgan with nothing but a sword at your side, you dedicated yourself to pay her back for saving you from possible death. As such, you have risen to a prestigious position in order to do so.

Your blade seeks corruption and will sever all that seeks to destroy your beloved Kingdom and ruler. No matter what you must do, you will protect them all.

Such is your oath.

The Executioner's Sword: a battered and slightly broken blade that you woke up with when you were taken in by your monarch, it is your trusted tool and the one weapon you will never discard. A strange aura emanates from it on occasion, something you have been unable to unravel.

Execution, Level 5: +5 to execution/fighting rolls.

Angel of Death: +10 to fight/kill/execution rolls.
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Relation Points

- For each character The Executioner encounters, they have Relation Points that can be gained. Relation Points refer to how cordial and amicable their relationship is with the person, and as such can play an important part in the future of the quest.

- Relation Points have no set level cap, at least ten. Each level consists of fifteen 'points', which can be increased through interacting with the chosen person and other such things. Eventually, around level ten, there will come a choice to either propose to or enter a relationship with the chosen person- this locks off some Relation Levels with other characters as a result. Each Relation gives a special buff or effect to the player, thus causing players to strategise and such.


- Skills are basic abilities the player can learn through various ways in order to be able to complete certain tasks. They each have ten levels, with at first fifteen points apiece to raise a level, though the requirements increase by five each level. Raising a Skill by a level increases its proficiency and the less chance of a certain action failing.

- There is Forging, related to forging armour, weapons and such; Execution, related to how good the player is at executing and killing enemies; Riding, how well they are able to ride mounts; Monster Slayer, what bonuses they get when fighting monsters and the boosts associated; Brewery, associated with potions and such; Magic, on how proficient you are with using magic; and finally Resistance- in terms of how resistant the player is to poisons and such.

- There are many other skills beyond the ones highlighted above, but they must be discovered.

- More Skills can be learned, but it is, in general, VERYfickle- there is not a good chance of learning a Skill you do not know of, and it takes time to practice.


- Some characters also have Traits, inherent Skills that cannot be learned. For example, Morgan has 'Blood of the Fae' which increases her magical ability, and Arthur has 'The Sword in the Stone', which grants him most immunity to malignant magic.

- Traits boost gameplay aspects, though they also serve a narrative purpose which may eventually be revealed.
[X] Loki's Kingdom.
[X] Chaotic
[X] Neutral

Lie smith, shape changer, father of monsters, mother of slepnir. No honor save for victory, no loyalty save for brotherhood
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[x] Morgan's Kingdom.
[x] Lawful.
[x] Good.

Was a bit put off that the choices of kingdoms cover only Europe, and even then no Charlemagne, Byzantines or Kievan Rus and such.
But on the other hand, if you had too many options the Quest could get pretty overcrowded and unfocused, so this is something I can understand.
A shining capital of magnificence and royalty, it is ruled by King Arthur and his faithful wife Guinevere, created after Arthur pulled the mythical sword from the stone when he was a young teen.
The sentence makes it sound like the stone creates waifus now.

Not much of a fan of an alignment system that is assigned at the beginning of the game, rather than the one that is formed in the process. But we'll see how it works.

[x] The Volsungs.
[x] Lawful
[x] Neutral
The sentence makes it sound like the stone creates waifus now.

Not much of a fan of an alignment system that is assigned at the beginning of the game, rather than the one that is formed in the process. But we'll see how it works.

[x] The Volsungs.
[x] Lawful
[x] Neutral
Apologies. I just really wanted to try something new.
Adhoc vote count started by TyrantOfKings on Dec 17, 2017 at 3:14 AM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TyrantOfKings on Dec 17, 2017 at 8:07 AM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.
I'll be closing the vote in about four hours, so get your vote in before then, if you still haven't cast it!
Adhoc vote count started by TyrantOfKings on Dec 18, 2017 at 7:25 AM, finished with 20 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Loki's Kingdom.
    [X] Chaotic
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Rome
    [X] Chaotic
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Morgan's Kingdom.
    [X] Chaotic
    [x] Good.
    [x] Morgan's Kingdom.
    [x] Lawful.
    [x] Good.
    [X] Camelot.
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Good.
    [X] Camelot.
    [X] Chaotic
    [X] Neutral
    [x] The Volsungs.
    [x] Lawful.
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Rome

    [X] Chaotic

    [X] Neutral
    [x] The Volsungs.
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Good.
Chaotic Neutral seems to be the clear winning alignment, but Rome and Morgan's Kingdom appear to be tied right now.
Alright, vote's closed. Chaotic Neutral is the winning alignment, and I'll roll a dice for which Kingdom wins. I'll put the result of the die roll here accordingly.

I'll have the update done in the next few days- I hope you guys like participating in this original Quest!
Adhoc vote count started by TyrantOfKings on Dec 18, 2017 at 7:27 AM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Loki's Kingdom.
    [X] Chaotic
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Rome
    [X] Chaotic
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Morgan's Kingdom.
    [X] Chaotic
    [x] Good.
    [x] Morgan's Kingdom.
    [x] Lawful.
    [x] Good.
    [X] Camelot.
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Good.
    [X] Camelot.
    [X] Chaotic
    [X] Neutral
    [x] The Volsungs.
    [x] Lawful.
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Rome

    [X] Chaotic

    [X] Neutral
    [x] The Volsungs.
    [X] Neutral
    [x] Good.
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After 5 rounds of a randomiser list, Morgan's Kingdom is the winner. However, because it is so close a vote, Loki's Kingdom will play an important part in the Quest as well.