[X] Nora Valkyrie. You know vanishingly little about her, but she's going to be on your team so you might as well start somewhere. As an added bonus, an 'in' with her is an 'in' with Ren.

[X] Xiaolong Yang. A fighter and a killer, a true Huntress, yet strangely close to Ruby.What history do they share?
[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is tocome to Beacon from abroad.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.

So Yang is a faunus in this? Is this new info or did I just miss it before?
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[x] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad.
As much as I like Lady Nikos, and I really do like her, we are on a team with her and will have a chance to work that social link on our own. Weiss on the other hand is this big mystery that we want/need answers to but trying runs into her attitude.

It's worth noting that the Groom might just tell us what her connection to the Snow Queen is. He's smart in his own way and high enough in those councils to have some idea about the boss lady.

Also it works as a play on/distorted reselling Canon where Jaune was consistently trying to ineptly romance Weiss with little luck. Only here were pursuing her out of a desire for information and were being coached by a Grimm serial killer.

[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.

So Yang is a faunus in this? Is this new info or did I just miss it before?
People were noticing 'she has horns' as early as her intro, though I don't recall if the text explicitly labelled her a Faunus until now.
[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad.
[X] Professor Glynda Gotthard: You're a seasoned Grimm and you need a real woman in your life, not a mere babe. Also she smells like Grimm, what's up with that.

@ZerbanDaGreat you went through all this trouble to describe this woman, but she's not an option? I'm disappointed.
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And with that said:
[X] Blake Belladonna. A faunus accepted to a prestigious Hunter academy, yet surly and disdainful.Even the teachers are struggling with her attitude.

Because kitteh, because sarcasm, and because Jaune needs to learn the ways of the Snark.

Also, old hunter is basically Professor Port from canon RWBY, which probably makes horse-Faunus the best counterpart to Oobleck.

Also also, Holy shit goddamn actual Norns as faculty, and Urdr making the ES:O basic prophecy about Pyrrha ("She is but flesh and blood. She knows her doom, but not the hour") means tragedy all around, folks.
I feel like we're gonna eventually end up assimilating whoever we pick.

So with that in mind, who am I most comfortable with killing and replacing...?

None of them, the answer is none of them. Dammit Zerban, I wanted to become beautiful but not like this.
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[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company
Adhoc vote count started by nemo1986 on Dec 17, 2017 at 10:10 AM, finished with 84 posts and 52 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by nemo1986 on Dec 17, 2017 at 10:11 AM, finished with 84 posts and 52 votes.
One more reason to vote Blake.

the beast
Descends From Shadows
[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad

Our very own titninja!
[x] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.

You'd need pliers to pry anything out of her
[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Blake Belladonna. A faunus accepted to a prestigious Hunter academy, yet surly and disdainful.Even the teachers are struggling with her attitude.
I'm tempted to vote for Weiss simply because that's probably the vote that gives us information on the internal politics of our "superiors."

I mean, maybe Winter's planning on invading Beacon now because now is when Weiss is there? Bunch of stuff going on.

And as powerful as our "backers" are, we need to know more about what they're doing and why.

/opens mouth
/closes mouth

You know, up until this post I managed to completely forget about Weiss' older sister? I assumed the snow queen link connection thing was a rework of Salem or something and completely forgot about her sister, even though her name is fucking Winter.

i'm just
gonna be over here
bashing my head into my desk for the rest of the year
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
Something to consider, this isn't a choose our romantic partner for the Quest choice, Zerban tends to lets one's actions and choices overtime decide that (and anyway the complete lack of male characters on the list is pretty clear indication that this isn't about who will become Shadow's waifu).

What this is the Groom being a creep, who as @TenfoldShields notes seemingly can only really understand the universe through the theme of seduction and luring his bride (prey) somewhere secluded. Its him giving Shadow advice on a how to handle X person and that's why I'm voting for Weiss. Because we have Pyrrha's number (not like that, but maybe in future) the detective we ate gives us insight into her motivations and we already have worked with her.

Weiss is the character whose motives are a mystery the one who Jaune Dark doesn't know how to handle, yet at the same time her influence and potential connection to our Boss make her a priority.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.

What? No female faculty member option? No completely suicidal Snow Queen option? How disappointing.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.