Fate/Strange War [Nasuverse Servant Quest]

We're gonna be one hell of a surprise for Miyu...and Ilya, who have only seen Servants manifested through Class Cards :drevil:

Oh here's a thought: if Ilya's transformed, do we also have access to Ruby's infinite mana through our bond?
We probably just have access to Ilya's not insubstantial mana. The contract is still with her. It does mean that we don't have to share mana with Ilya's spells though.
We're gonna be one hell of a surprise for Miyu...and Ilya, who have only seen Servants manifested through Class Cards :drevil:
Oh yes, gonna be quite the surprise.

Oh here's a thought: if Ilya's transformed, do we also have access to Ruby's infinite mana through our bond?

Illya's passive connection to Ruby and the infinite mana she provides even when not transformed, along with her having awakened her very potent Magic Circuits allows Alkeides to exist and fight, using his Noble Phantasms too, without the presence of a Grail.

We probably just have access to Ilya's not insubstantial mana. The contract is still with her. It does mean that we don't have to share mana with Ilya's spells though.
You're half right. With Illya holding the contract the main mana source comes from her and her Circuits, and status as the Lesser Grail. However, as I have outlined above, her passive connection to Ruby through their blood-contract lets Illya subconsciously tap into the infinite mana of the Kaleidoscope, to allow Alkeides exist with no threat of disappearing if he overuses his abilities.
You're half right. With Illya holding the contract the main mana source comes from her and her Circuits, and status as the Lesser Grail. However, as I have outlined above, her passive connection to Ruby through their blood-contract lets Illya subconsciously tap into the infinite mana of the Kaleidoscope, to allow Alkeides exist with no threat of disappearing if he overuses his abilities.
Neat. The girl who in canon could support a servant without the Grail for around 2 months now has an extra mana source. We could wear down a Beast of Alaya at this point.
Neat. The girl who in canon could support a servant without the Grail for around 2 months now has an extra mana source. We could wear down a Beast of Alaya at this point.
Well, it won't be that game-breaking.

As you said, Illya sustained a Berserker for two months in canon- by the end, I believe her body was really straining. By doing what I am, it means we don't have to have Illya die on us. Rejoice for that!
Well, it won't be that game-breaking.

As you said, Illya sustained a Berserker for two months in canon- by the end, I believe her body was really straining. By doing what I am, it means we don't have to have Illya die on us. Rejoice for that!
Yey! Now all we need to do is protect the smile of a Nasuverse Homunculus! That shouldn't be difficult.

I'm betting that we and Shirou will have a competition to see who can protect Ilya the best by the end of this.
Yey! Now all we need to do is protect the smile of a Nasuverse Homunculus! That shouldn't be difficult.

I'm betting that we and Shirou will have a competition to see who can protect Ilya the best by the end of this.
We win, Ilya's Shirou is a unskilled scrub.

Miyu's Shirou, however, is a badass big bro :cool:
A Best Brother contest?

I think Illya will have an aneurysm trying to figure out who wins!
Either way I say we demand some UBW weapons! We need some good old fashioned Celtic Hax dammit!

Also we obviously lose. Any contest against Shirou is instantly lost once the judge eats the brat's cooking. :(
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[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.

Plus, we wouldn't want the wrath of a certain Emiya Shirou to get on us right? Weaken or not the guy is going to go to Hades and back to save his Imouto. Better get on his good side.
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GAR? What does that mean! I've seen the phrase before but I can't remember what it stands for.

Also Miyu Shirou is basically Heaven's Feel Shirou with some alternate family sprinkled in right?
GAR originated from someone mistyping they were 'gay for Archer', so it said 'gar for Archer', and overtime GAR came to mean someone exceptionally badass.
[] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.

Plus, we wouldn't want the wrath of a certain Emiya Shirou to get on us right? Weaken or not the guy is going to go to Hades and back to save his Imouto. Better get on his good side.
Put an X in-between the brackets, or the vote won't count.
[X] Shout out that you're not a corrupted Heroic Spirit
-[X] If you don't have time to, hold back and try to disable her nonlethally.
[X]Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.

Yeah we shouldn't roughen up too much the beloved sister of the best shirou.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
-[X] You already know from Ilya that they would be otherwise ordinary girls save for the artifact they wield. Confiscate it and she would be no threat.

I got an idea
Yeah, Illya in Kaleid in 10 years old, later 11.

I'm not entirely sure how that works, but it works regardless.
One way of rationalizing it could be that Ilya IS 20 chronologically, but lost 10 years of memory to being sealed away with her Grail powers.
(which has the side effect of leaving her a little gullible and dopey)
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Gilgamesh? Hell no, let's hope we won't ever fight him, cause' that guy when he is serious, everyone shit their pants... three times in a row each time he pull out anti-country noble phantasms or Ea, 'Goodbye World' will be appropriate here.
Unless, of course, you're dual kaleidostick illya and overpower it. Thats an option too.

[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.

Definitely can't hurt Illya's future waifu!
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
"I won't use them irresponsibly, Archer!" Your Master declares loudly. "I've seen this type of thing in anime and manga before- it's like a Monkey's Paw! I won't use them to make you clean my house, I promise! I'll be the best Master ever!"
:lol We shall hold you to that.
Your Master wilts a little from the verbal onslaught. You narrow your eyes, feeling your blood rise, and step forward just a little. Rin sees you do so, and pales considerably before getting back to her speech.
Establishing dominance as the strongest. Our Anti-Tsundere skill is very high.

[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.

Must continue establishing dominance as the strongest. :V