And as long as you're willing to be ruthless enough, nobody will stop you. Like Heartbreaker, Nilbog, the Nine, Lung, or Kaiser.

Nilbog literally has kill switches that are basically super viruses, Heartbreaker is an extremely dangerous master and if they ever find anyone immune to his power he would be done for, Lung is too useful for EB fights so he gets liberties, the Nine have Jack Slash who has a high thinker level power and even then they lost a ton of members over time finally Kaiser despite being a nazi is probably smart enough to not push too far.

It's important to remember that a lot of capes end up in the Birdcage and going to far is just going to end up with us going there as well.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

I'm somewhat opposed to roboticization in the sense of robot conversion, but we COULD use them like larger versions of the Rat/Dog power sources, it doesn't hurt them physically and they can't do any harm.
If for some reason they become useful later on we can decouple them from their machines.

The giant amusement park isn't going to power itself.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

Oh, fine.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

Side note. People we "capture" in stasis to power other things should not be put inside sentient badniks we will be reluctant to kill/disassemble. Just stack them up in generator hubs and sell power back to the city's power grid for the extra cash. Make sure we can get them back out on short notice.
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[X] "Fine you two work for me now capiche?"

I say we at the very least take them with us but keep a very tight leash on them and slowly losen it along with seting down some ground rules they go to far we throw them to the PRT but this gives us ready acess to parahuman abilties to test things with and another tinker to compare notes with they may be high off there ass most of the time but if we string them along with a ocasional fix for a good job that makes the deal that much sweeter and with skidmark we have a ready source to test our abillity to copy parahuman powers either through a emerl unit or other means
[x] "I suppose we can come to a compromise." (Start getting tribute from the Merchants, the Merchants become an allied group, public opinion doesn't shift, resources increase)

I rather get work out of them, but this should do. Especially, if we go through if the empire idea.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

I'm somewhat opposed to roboticization in the sense of robot conversion, but we COULD use them like larger versions of the Rat/Dog power sources, it doesn't hurt them physically and they can't do any harm.
If for some reason they become useful later on we can decouple them from their machines.

The giant amusement park isn't going to power itself.
Is there a reason you don't want to go with this version?
Is this write-in viable?

[X] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
-[X] Propose the use of Chaos Extractors as a more humane and practical alternative to the Birdcage to the PRT, with Skidmark as the first inmate.

It'd be awesome if Dragon could be brought in on this. It's a perfect restraint that also provides a disproportionate amount of power to accompanying facilities, and doesn't involve tossing them all into a horrific murder pit!
It accomplishes the same thing, while also setting the precedent for the national scale with PRT backing and gives us a better reputation than imprisoning them ourselves.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

This seems like a nice comprimise, it takes them off the streets, does it in a humane way that won't freak people out to much while making them actually useful.
Adhoc vote count started by Red Bovine on Dec 6, 2017 at 8:08 PM, finished with 55 posts and 29 votes.
[X] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
-[X] Loot everything, the things that aren't nailed down go first, those that are go second, then finish it up by nicking the nails too.
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[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!
Is there a reason you don't want to go with this version?

It accomplishes the same thing, while also setting the precedent for the national scale with PRT backing and gives us a better reputation than imprisoning them ourselves.

I imagine because it feels too early to announce that kind of thing. That said it does seem like a good suggestion once we have proof that it's safe and works. Hell Cauldron would probably be thrilled at the tech since it means preserving way more capes that would have been sent to the bird cage and likely killed. It's also a lot more humane as well despite it being a bit creepy with the battery thing, still better than the birdcage though.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

Better than asking the PRT, who would obviously say no to letting a rogue element power their tinkertech with *actual capes*.

Personally I think Taylor needs to get started on her first assembly factory to really get the graveyard properly rendered to usable scrap.
I imagine because it feels too early to announce that kind of thing. That said it does seem like a good suggestion once we have proof that it's safe and works. Hell Cauldron would probably be thrilled at the tech since it means preserving way more capes that would have been sent to the bird cage and likely killed. It's also a lot more humane as well despite it being a bit creepy with the battery thing, still better than the birdcage though.
make the Extractor units an Opt-in program with clause that you get to upgrade to the Virtual reality version once its developed. that way they can't escape, don't get sent to the birdcage, produce power to repay their debt to soicity and the government can force them to undergo rehabilitation therapy until their no longer a danger to society.
"She'll be snapped up by the Empire before the week is out, assuming we don't find her first."

The simple quote, typed in block letters, tagged to the rig cafeteria's bulletin board, was currently making Armsmaster very upset. It was making him upset because it was posted immediately below another bit of paper, which read "Armsmaster's Quotes of Inverse Prophecy."

He had destroyed it last time. Assault's work, clearly, wasting precious notice space with practical jokes. This time Assault had apparently used glue to stick the paper to the board more firmly. Armsmaster could still remove the damned quote.

~~One day Later~~

"Let her have Lord's Port. It's all rust and scrap anyway."

Armsmaster's eye twitched. Assault smiled beatifically. "And what exactly is this even supposed to be? Nothing's even happened yet."

Assault just continued grinning stupidly, wandering off to hopefully do his job. "Just putting it up in advance, boss."
I imagine because it feels too early to announce that kind of thing. That said it does seem like a good suggestion once we have proof that it's safe and works. Hell Cauldron would probably be thrilled at the tech since it means preserving way more capes that would have been sent to the bird cage and likely killed. It's also a lot more humane as well despite it being a bit creepy with the battery thing, still better than the birdcage though.
Alright, I just want to point out that people are definitely going to overreact if they find out about this if we've been trying to keep it secret instead of being upfront and above board from the beginning, and the laws of narrative basically guarantee this'll happen.
[X] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
[x] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

Because they're capes their chaos energy will be much much bigger than of normal humans, right?
[X] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

We can capture all the merchant until we can help them and we can use them all for power and we should replace them with robots to stabalize the bay
And in the birdcage they are going to die
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

looks like this option is winning (and its also the closer one to my own out of the top two so changing vote)
Adhoc vote count started by san on Dec 6, 2017 at 9:19 AM, finished with 44 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!
    [X] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
    [X] "I suppose we can come to a compromise." (Start getting tribute from the Merchants, the Merchants become an allied group, public opinion doesn't shift, resources increase)
    [X] "Fine. You two work for me now, capiche?" (Acquired minions! The Merchants disband, public opinion shifts toward Supervillain)
    -[X] Propose the use of Chaos Extractors as a more humane and practical alternative to the Birdcage to the PRT, with Skidmark as the first inmate.
    [X] "Fine you two work for me now capiche?"
    -[X] Loot everything, the things that aren't nailed down go first, those that are go second.

Adhoc vote count started by san on Dec 6, 2017 at 9:21 AM, finished with 44 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!
    [X] "No can do. What we're gonna do is look at your lab, and then we'll go on a little jaunt to the PRT building." (Birdcage Skidmark, public opinion shifts toward Hero)
    [X] "I suppose we can come to a compromise." (Start getting tribute from the Merchants, the Merchants become an allied group, public opinion doesn't shift, resources increase)
    [X] "Fine. You two work for me now, capiche?" (Acquired minions! The Merchants disband, public opinion shifts toward Supervillain)
    -[X] Propose the use of Chaos Extractors as a more humane and practical alternative to the Birdcage to the PRT, with Skidmark as the first inmate.
    [X] "Fine you two work for me now capiche?"
    -[X] Loot everything, the things that aren't nailed down go first, those that are go second.
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[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!

We need reputation more then power at this stage.
[X] Just capture them and use them to power bigger, better creations. Sending them to the Birdcage is just criminally wasteful when you could take them off the streets AND make them useful!