The spring air carried the smell of blooming cherry tries in the air. This, you concluded, was the smell of a new beginning for you. After all these years, you had a chance to return home. The regrets that were left behind, as well as the happy memories you had gathered along the way, were now things of your past.
Standing on the hill overlooking the city where you spent your childhood years, you were astonished by the difference between a quiet town in the boonies and an absolute wonder that now stood there. The town of Ichihara used to be nothing more than oversized village, but now:
[] The wonders of modern technology were used to create Shin-Ichihara, a place where the brightest children of the world could gather and share their ideas. The concept was pioneered by the genius inventor and the mother of modern robotics, Uzume Mirai, whose vision shaped the world as know it now. Funny how both you grew up in the same town.
[] The rediscovery of magic jumpstarted a brand new era. Naturally, not everyone had the aptitude for the arcane arts, and the elite came to exist. The Academy City – Shin-Ichihara – is where those talented few come to be taught by the best of the best. People like the current Grand-Wizard, Uzume Mirai. Funny how both of you grew up in the same town.
[] It is an age of wonders we live in. Humans used their ingenuity and indomitable spirit to mix together magic and science. Nowadays, magic is only a commodity, and those whose pockets are deep enough can buy special apps with pre-programmed apps as they see fit. Of course, for an ordinary person, this still looks like a distant dream, but with each day, magical apps become more accessible and the one who is responsible for that is the genius of Uzume Mirai, the Inventor-Magician. Funny how both of you grew up in the same town.
[] Nothing has changed. At this day and age, the fact that absolutely nothing has changed since you left is a miracle itself.
Your handbag held firmly in your hands, you decided to simply march forward. Different or not, this place would always remain the same in your heart. The homesickness you felt while studying to become a splendid teacher was finally gone now.
However, as you marched down the street, humming a nonchalant tune, you had noticed something peculiar. There were words flying above everyone's head. To be more specific, they appeared to be titles of some kind. Things like…
[Old lady]
[Demon Hunter]
… The last few didn't quite add up in your mind, so you checked again. Indeed, floating above a pair of normally-looking schoolgirls were some pretty extravagant writings. The older woman that walked behind them was a maid, then. Well, she certainly didn't look like one at the moment.
Strangely, the so-called [Vampire] was perfectly fine with walking outside on a sunny day like this one. If anything, she appeared to enjoy it.
Maybe, you were still tired from travelling so much. Perhaps, you could take a day off to relax and calm down. Then, you remembered the current date and its significance. Moreover, you recalled that you had an opening ceremony to be at in five minutes. The new school year was about to begin, and it was your duty as a teacher to meet the new generation of youngsters in need of a direction and guidance.
So, without further ado, you run towards the main campus, hoping that the time would slower down for your sake.
Choose your character:
Name: []
Gender: []
Choose the difficulty level:
[] Easy. You're the strongest one there is.
[] Medium. You're pretty mediocre, but still better than most of your students.
[] Hard. You're not completely hopeless.
[] Nightmare. Even your weakest student is superhuman compared to you.