A Wise Hermit
Well, Sometimes.
[X] Use the teacup
[X] Use the broken diadem
Let's conquer Fuyuki.
[X] Use the broken diadem
Let's conquer Fuyuki.
[X] Use the piece of the Argo
[X] Use the broken teacup
I think you guys are missing the point. Using a piece of the Argo gives us a chance for Hercules as an Archer.
EDIT: Oda is also a good choice, as is Arjuna. Ultimately, I think Oda will be better, because Oda has a decent anti-Divinity Noble Phantasm and there exist chances we'll see Gilgamesh in this. That said, Arjuna, too, has an anti-Divine Noble Phantasm that's instantaneous, and Gil might find some bullshit way out of dying if we use Oda's Reality Marble. Oda, however, has no Divinity, so Enkidu won't do much.
And then, that's just pure speculation. Gilgamesh might not even be in this.
Honestly, I can think of no other Archers that the Argo has. The closest would perhaps be Peleus (but he was never stated to be an Archer, at least explicitly, but he did hunt for the Calydonian Boar.) A friend of Heracles, and the father of Achilles. Should be at least decent.
One of the Argonauts was AtalantaHonestly, I can think of no other Archers that the Argo has. The closest would perhaps be Peleus (but he was never stated to be an Archer, at least explicitly, but he did hunt for the Calydonian Boar.) A friend of Heracles, and the father of Achilles. Should be at least decent.
If you can convince me against this, I will chane my vote.
[X] Use the Harp
[X] Use the broken diadem
Short opinion about the servants we can summon:
Robin Hood: Mostly suited for more dishonorable fighting, would be in trouble if he were to be forced into a disadvantageous sitituation. Considering that our player character can hold their own in a fight, he could be a good match for us.
Argo piece:The mystery box option. I'd rather avoid this, since it's highly unlikely we're going to get Archer Herc out of this, however, I do admit that if we really had that much luck things would go well for us. (Addeneum: Provided that aside from our presence all other servants and masters are the same, then we have no chance of getting Archer Herc.)
David: His stats aren't that good, but he's got the Ark of the Covenant, an incredibly strong NP if used in a clever way, also Hamesh Avanim can be used to steal the main armament of enemy Servants, which would be useful.
Arjuna:The safe option. Good stats, good skills, good NPs.
Oda Nobunaga: Too specialized, VERY effective against high Divinity, Mystery and Rider type servants, but if up against servants that don't match any of these characteristics, her effectiveness falls off drastically. Also, not sure about how effective the stat boost from being summoned in Japan would be.
Final verdict: 1 (Same servants as canon) Arjuna=Nobunaga=David>Argo Archer (whoever they may be)>Robin Hood
2 (Different servants from canon) Arjuna=David=Argo Archer (if Herc)>Argo Archer (if not Herc)>Robin Hood>Nobunaga
NOTE:Most of these assumptions were made based on what I know about the Nasuverse and the Fate wiki, so it's possible the author of the quest may make modifications to the servants.
Actually, Atalanta refused partaking in the Argo Quest, if I remember.One of the Argonauts was Atalanta
[X] Use the teacup
how can I not vote for GLORIOUS NOBU
It depends on the source but she was definitely part of the Argo's crew in the Nasuverse.Actually, Atalanta refused partaking in the Argo Quest, if I remember.
I mean nobu is japanese, so this seems like its going to b "our charachter didnt know the rules ic and we get a random summon." Thats a shame, as nobu does well against sabers, riders, many lancers an, and all divine servants thanks to anti riding and anti divinity. Instead, Im going to have to vote for
[X] Use the broken diadem