[x] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
[x] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a...Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
A RWBY Quest about a sentient Grimm by Zerbandagreat? This looks promising.

I quite was quite intrigued by the glimpse of what I assume is Salem and want to see more of her. IC this means Jaune's teenage hormones are affecting the Grimm's judgment.

[X] Lie down and attempt to Dream. You have done as your greater commanded, and your mind is more complex - for better or worse - than ever. It -she- did promise that more would be revealed to you once you had consumed the indicated prey.
[x] Explore the prey-made forest. It is nothing like the one you left behind, full of such strange and curious scents and sounds. Perceiving these new things with new senses could help sort through the jumbled concepts the prey's mind, enhance your understanding.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.

Lol, this is perfect.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
I don't know how to vote because my secret desire is to make @Claudette Savagely 's post calling Pyrrha "Achilles: Boobs Edition" correct in all ways

Which means that Jaune needs to:
1. Crossdress as her
2. Get killed because someone confuses him for Pyrrha

These are important long-term goals people

Also, if those two benefits of this plan don't convince you, let me make a third one

Patroclus was Achilles' lover :V

And I know how SV loves its wifus
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[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.

Yeah this should be good.
Stay the fuck away from Ren. If he peeks into our dreams he'll know what we really are.
Ren: Reads "Jaune's" mind


Ren: What the hell

In all seriousness I kinda hope that no one catches on and just thinks of us as "that weird Arc kid" until we like, eat a whole sandwich by dislocating our jaw.

I mean that assumes this is before canon events so y'know

[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
[ ] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
Ren: What the hell

In all seriousness I kinda hope that no one catches on and just thinks of us as "that weird Arc kid" until we like, eat a whole sandwich by dislocating our jaw.

I mean that assumes this is before canon events so y'know

I'm almost sure it is given @ZerbanDaGreat seems to be taking @Leila Hann's commentary in her let's watch about how Jaune only makes any sense if you assume he comes completely from outside human culture and running miles with it.

This began in context of Jaune's entry to the academy, so, uh, yeah.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.

We may stick to our inhumanity, but the moment we eat pancakes were never going back.
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Your body's name is Jaune Arc, and it was meant to go to school tomorrow.


Well, shit.

[X] Lie down and attempt to Dream. You have done as your greater commanded, and your mind is more complex - for better or worse - than ever. It -she- did promise that more would be revealed to you once you had consumed theindicated prey.

Dreams for the dream god!
I don't know how to vote because my secret desire is to make @Claudette Savagely 's post calling Pyrrha "Achilles: Boobs Edition" correct in all ways

Which means that Jaune needs to:
1. Crossdress as her
2. Get killed because someone confuses him for Pyrrha

These are important long-term goals people

Also, if those two benefits of this plan don't convince you, let me make a third one

Patroclus was Achilles' lover :V

And I know how SV loves its wifus

Vote for dream contact with Salem/Cinder/Attractive Finger-Puppet of Cthulhu Grimm. Because this choice means Jaune attraction to the opposite sex is bleeding through to the Grimm that killed him and is now wearing his face.

With a precedent set finding human females attractive a romantic comedy centred on Pyrrha, involving cross dressing and mistaken indentity can commence.

But seriously I really like how Zerban has expanded the canon generic monster of the Grimm and made them into something that feels like a Supernatural monster, a thing of creeping shadow, hunger and base cunning. I'm actually quite hyped to see what he does with the setting as a whole.
I'm almost sure it is given @ZerbanDaGreat seems to be taking @Leila Hann's commentary in her let's watch about how Jaune only makes any sense if you assume he comes completely from outside human culture and running miles with it.

This began in context of Jaune's entry to the academy, so, uh, yeah.
I honestly forgot that, thanks.
Then they'll just think he's a snake faunus. :p
We don't know if it's just a snake Faunus with a swarm form

I mean then we can spook Port by turning our fingers into mini snakes
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.
But seriously I really like how Zerban has expanded the canon generic monster of the Grimm and made them into something that feels like a Supernatural monster, a thing of creeping shadow, hunger and base cunning. I'm actually quite hyped to see what he does with the setting as a whole.
I mean, in theory, that's what the Grimm already were.

This intro is just better written than, like, the entire run of RWBY so far.
[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.

time for our grimm juane to ragdoll his way through the house

EDIT: also i hope you don't mind if I call this "jaundicequest" from now on
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[X] Explore this 'body'. Do your old abilities still function? Can you still divide? Can you even still feed? If you cannot, that will be a... Problem. Best to discover one way or another as soon as possible.

Let's do this!
[X] Lie down and attempt to Dream. You have done as your greater commanded, and your mind is more complex - for better or worse - than ever. It -she- did promise that more would be revealed to you once you had consumed the indicated prey.