Ten Little Ducklings... (A Murder Mystery Mafia)

I turn to Frank, and my fierce gaze softens. I suppose I was being a bit aggressive.

"Look, I just want everyone to get along. Tensions are high, and any sort of poor attitude here isn't an asset."

(OOC: Um, people are aware that when I said 'Frank' I was referring to Francis?)
(Thank you for this info, I'll snapshot my old post here and correct that)
"Ah but wait, don't we have a Doctor among us?" George's voice rose as he turned to Dr Patterson "In that case, we've been fretting over nothing, for didn't that recording say the true villain had what was so poisonous to the Beast within his body? Come now, a few blood samples from all of us and everything will be solved, and we'll all be on our merry way. Well er, except the perp, naturally".
"Do we even have the supplies to do so? And for that matter, could we even tell the poison by this method? If we do, I'd be all for it."
"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Susan asks. "It clearly would take a lot of money to pull something like this off but not all of us are rich. Shouldn't we get everybody to introduce themselves before we go throwing people to the wolves at random? There's got to be a way to puzzle this out."
Sam leans back in his seat and downs his... seventh(?) glass of brandy before speaking up for the first time. "Well I'm just a fisherman, 'm afraid. Own a few boats, make enough to keep food on the tables and my gear serviced and functional, but I don't have enough spare cash to throw away on this shit, and I sure as hell ain't never been to Australia."
Sam leans back in his seat and downs his... seventh(?) glass of brandy before speaking up for the first time. "Well I'm just a fisherman, 'm afraid. Own a few boats, make enough to keep food on the tables and my gear serviced and functional, but I don't have enough spare cash to throw away on this shit, and I sure as hell ain't never been to Australia."
I quirk an eyebrow at the drunk fisherman, before a thought passes through my head.

"Would fire deter this beast? The gramophone did say it dislikes bright light."

(@Look to the Left, are the blood test and fire valid options? Is there even a doctor?)
[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere
Honestly you just seem like an annoyance and I don't care for an open declaration that you'll force people to dig through your overlong fluff posts for any actually useful information you give. Oh, and the declaration that you made up an entire background for the character also raises flags, because it means more fluff easily used to obscure what your actual role does.

As for me I'm Yu Kaji, minor bureaucrat in the employ of the government. Don't really feel like going for RP right now.
"I'd rather be a dog that a boar," I say somewhat caustically. "At least one cares about those around them. That being said, I'd like to believe everything I do is for good, be it running a restaurant, or asking whether a person who has quite this reputation is good for anyone here.

"We do agree on one thing, though," I continue, my walking cane twirling in my fingers, before I clasp it firmly in my grip, pointing at the so called Duke, "we need more information, and other than a title, you've provided nothing but misogyny and venom, so speak fool!" I finish with conviction.
"I've spoken my piece, perhaps as a fool but most certainly as a man of many means." Francis spits out darkly. "No matter what you may think of me, I'm not interested in mass murder. Despite what my reputation and what your biases may say, I am not the mastermind of this farce!"

"That being said, I must repeat myself. I will not take being targeted very lightly, and I am specialized in avenging myself on those who seek to impinge upon my honor or my livelihood."

(Just in case I'm not super super clear, my role is so nasty and the Duke's got a terrible reputation and investigation results kind of aren't stacked well with him though we are Innocent and win with other Innocents. But, he's also got the means to take down those who target him, so I would suggest targeting other people. It's a role to draw suspicion, but eh, I assume someone can watch and confirm that I can do nothing by myself.)

"And logically" he took a deep breath "As much as probably a few of us would like it to be true, I doubt our old buddy Frank, may I call you Frank, here is the perpetrator. For any self-respecting evil genius would have to forfeit the 'genius' part if he were to paint a great big bullseye on his poor self so immediately".

"As for who I am? Hah, but a comedian it would look like. Even though right now I might not be employed as one, with how my finances have gone down the drain and now this here pickle, I'm practically fated to take the role".

[X] Unlynch Andelevion
"This is quite confusing. Call me what you wish, jester, but make clear that you are speaking to me. Nonetheless, I'll make good on my word."

[X] Unlynch Lapin Lune

(Why are you the one unlynching me? Did you lynch me before and I just didn't notice?? haha)

Frank watched on in muted shock as the party bickered and argued. Was it because of the circumstances, everybody was so highstrung, or was even the factor of a loose madman unable to dissuade them from their yelling?

(Otherwise, who hasn't talked yet....)
"And logically" he took a deep breath "As much as probably a few of us would like it to be true, I doubt our old buddy Frank, may I call you Frank, here is the perpetrator. For any self-respecting evil genius would have to forfeit the 'genius' part if he were to paint a great big bullseye on his poor self so immediately".
(OOC: Um, people are aware that when I said 'Frank' I was referring to Francis?)
(Gonna be honest here, I totally skipped over this on accident.)

(Otherwise, who hasn't talked yet....)


(Frank and Fred are two very similar names, alright? :V This is why I use weird names for my characters..)
(Oops, got a bit mixed up on how unlynching works, in that I thought you could unlynch someone lynched by someone else.

As for who hasn't talked, think it's just Sachiko, Oliver and Amelia, though Nanimani apparently isn't gonna RP)

"Ah yeah, may have spoken too soon. Just assumed this gent here" he gestured to Patterson "Was the medical type, him being the methodical sort and all. I myself took up Biology at McGill U, flunked miserably though but hey".

"Now 'bout that fire idea, why yes, that could work! Hmm, but who to send out, who? I guess Susan appears the toughest among us, maybe she'd have the best chance of setting that beast alight an making it out alive. If that's okay with her of course? Ah, Luciano old boy, might you also be up to the task, since you did bring it up in the first place?".
(Just in case I'm not super super clear, my role is so nasty and the Duke's got a terrible reputation and investigation results kind of aren't stacked well with him though we are Innocent and win with other Innocents. But, he's also got the means to take down those who target him, so I would suggest targeting other people. It's a role to draw suspicion, but eh, I assume someone can watch and confirm that I can do nothing
(I'll retract my no spill statement, I suppose, as there's no way Luciano would reveal anything in the day about his role. My role is one that would have backfired against yours, and is a strange amalgamation of a few different ToS roles.)
"Ah yeah, may have spoken too soon. Just assumed this gent here" he gestured to Patterson "Was the medical type, him being the methodical sort and all. I myself took up Biology at McGill U, flunked miserably though but hey".
Fredrick (Not Frank) stayed quiet, deigning to simply adjust his spectacles and dab at his mouth with the napkin.
(Luciano has a bit of a reputation himself, despite his name never gracing any of the rumors)
..Isn't that everybody? Who's voted so far?

Also, just saw the post before mine. Woops.

There is a difference between posting and voting. Speaking of that
[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

Joebobjoe has the right of it. I'm sure you're a nice person and all but these posts are already getting annoying, the making your own background let's you pull things out of nowhere for fluff, and actually extracting relevant info from these posts would be like pulling teeth.
Woo boy, all this RPing... Gonna be a different experience alright. I'm kind of tempted to join in. Curse my tendency to go with the prevailing group attitude!
It'd probably be a bad idea for actually getting ideas across, though, so I won't.
(Two more questions then:

Are the Eastern names in traditional or Western order?
Is Yu Kaji or Sachiko Tomoe the maid?)
Sachiko Tomoe is, yes.
I'm pretty sure I can tell who's the male and who's the female.
Really? I thought Yu was a name that could be given to either gender, from my quick googling.
"And truly--Do any of us know why we were invited here? I certainly don't, yet we all chose to accept, as if on a whim."
Question. Is this typical? I know why I accepted, as does Archeo. Kinda wondering how widespread this trend is.

That being said, if I do get lynched that means my retaliation will be upon a visible voter rather than this mysterious VIP...so, what are they trying to do...)
Oh? You retaliate against people who target you in the night, and against being lynched? That seems an odd role, with only the information about it I know.

(Luciano has a bit of a reputation himself, despite his name never gracing any of the rumors)
And now I see two people who are implying they show up as guilty to sheriffs? Am I wrong in this interpretation?
Oh? You retaliate against people who target you in the night, and against being lynched? That seems an odd role, with only the information about it I know.
(More specifically, if I get lynched I can take someone down with me. If I get killed at night, I take my killer with me.

This isn't exactly the worst talent to reveal considering I'm also trying to survive with the rest of the Innocents.)
Sorry, when I think of Yu, I think of this guy:
Hey, no worries, same here. I was gonna go comment something about "Do both of these look like female names to you?", but then checked and made sure Yu wasn't gender-neutral so I wouldn't make a fool of myself.
(More specifically, if I get lynched I can take someone down with me. If I get killed at night, I take my killer with me.

This isn't exactly the worst talent to reveal considering I'm also trying to survive with the rest of the Innocents.)
This does not seem a balanced role.
At this point, I'm torn between guilty and some sort of jester variant. I'll hold off my vote for now, I guess? Cop, can you please investigate her?
(To be honest I'm not sure. Fact of the matter is, my role is simultaneously invest, killing, and one night protection)
If you show up as guilty, it will tell you you do. Do you or don't you?
Question. Is this typical? I know why I accepted, as does Archeo. Kinda wondering how widespread this trend is.
(This being said, Luciano isn't being 100% forward IC about his reasons for accepting this invitation, for reasons of privacy and safety once he goes home, mostly.)