[X] Loved

Let's try not to become a sociopath, please?
Thats what we're trying to do. Cold leaves us largely normal, if well...cold, outside of our extant social links.
Lonely is daring the slippery slope to do its worst.

Cold is not healthy, but it's stable. Lonely is unstable and if we botch theres no brakes.
[X] Concerned, but open.
[X] Listener

Oh God, mother is religious! Middle age religions are not the peak of either sanity, common sense, and/or logical thought.

Elsa might have to be the pillar of sanity, and what a prospect that would be.

Also, Elsa might have be too intelligent to fully accept the Loved option here. I mean we had her semi-deny her sister's madness.

Edit: Changed vote to Listener
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I feel like the Gm could make something realy interesting out of that.
The draw of this quest to me is the dark part of it.
(The canibalism mostly...)
[X] Loved
If you think Glutton is grimdark...so be it. It's what drew me to the story in the first place.
I love how dark this quest is, it's a major part of its appeal, but constant failure can kill quests or at the very least, player engagement/attachment. The QM does a great job of piling on the dark twists but with players actively helping with that, grimdark can quickly become grimderp.

The playerbase actively working towards a happy ending, on the other hand, creates a sense of tension since we're less sure of what'll happen. The QM isn't likely to ever make this easy for us so we don't need to deliberately make it more difficult for Elsa. Especially with pretty much all outcomes already depending on chance.
[X] Loved
[X] Lonely

Cold is asking for trouble because it is remarkably isolating from any future people that become relevant in the quest. Yes we can preserve the loved ones we have now but we'd be boned on getting any new ones or even allies whatsoever really. It might even make us enemies reliably which is a very risky trait to have. Lonely OTOH gives quite a solid buff to charisma and its penalties can be mitigated simply by using said buff to maintain a decent amount of loved ones.
Alright, I'm up. Let us see what's happening an-JESUS

Well...that is, uh, quite the discussion. Wasn't expecting that. Don't know why, I really should have.

In any case, the questions.

@Metaldragon868 The character sheet for Elsa doesn't show her relationships. I want to know what her current relationships look like? Does she have a relationship with Merida, Fergus and her aunt?

That is one of the things I forgot to do. So yeah, I'll update that.

So we are now technically a changeling?

No, you still don't know what you are other than part human. And even then, changeling is something of a vague and general term. There's a wide variety of beings that one could technically call a "Changeling", Werewolves included.

In other news, the discussion seems to be between Cold and Lonely. Almost makes me wish you could have both.

Oh, and there's a tiny minority who want to have Listener. Ironically enough, despite sounding the worst, in terms of retaining your sanity, Listener would actually give you guys the most control. Basically the Listener would have me give you guys tips and hints through the voices on occasion, and it would be completely and totally up to you on what to do about it. I'd never have Elsa make a descion about it without your direct input, mainly because that wouldn't be the point.

but I'm getting off topic.

Lonely is, funnily enough, the most human option, in that it basically turns Elsa's humanity up to insane levels.

Here's what I mean. One of the worst tortures a human can endure is Solitary Confinement, which is literally just putting someone in a dark box by themselves and away from everyone else for a long time. Humans are social creatures and there brains are hungry machines. We crave information and social interaction, yes, even the most anti-social amoung us. Extended periods of time without any kind of social interaction can drive the brain to insanity, mental degradation, and basically force you to make social interaction happen through hillucination and imagination.

Think Castaway.

It's not great.

So imagine that, but accelerated by a factor of, like, 5.

If Elsa was still in her tower under this scenario, she would snap. And if anyone she loved were ever killed...well, pray that doesn't happen.

However! The light at the end of this tunnel is that you socialize very well. Being around people you care about is a balm on your mind and soul, and does great things for you. So if you ever want to be the charisma master, it's pretty helpful. It's also pretty good for in character reasons, making her more reliant on people and loved ones.

Her mother and sister aren't just people she loves, they're lifelines to her sanity. Though you are a bit...clingy.

Plus, I mean, as long as you socialize you'll be fine.

Cold is pretty much what it says on the tin.

Though...given this:
Let's try not to become a sociopath, please?

Some people might be misreading the tin.

Cold wouldn't make you emotionally stunted or dead. Nor would it make you a straight up sociopath. You would become more mumb to the world, but you could still engage with people, you could still empathize with others, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Sure, it would make things harder, but it's far from impossible.

You'd primarily be less expressive, less emotional, and less outwardly passionate, but to people who knew you, you could still be as passionate as you need to be.

The reason you get more sanity is that you are, again, like a rock. Large emotional shocks would wash over you. They'd still affect you, don't get me wrong, but you'd react less to them. Like, for example, if you killed someone else by accident. As it is now, you'd be devastated. And in the emotional upheaval of knowing that, once again, you'd accidentally killed someone because you can't control yourself, you'd lose a bunch of sanity and another's blood lies on your hands.

But, with Cold, you'd be...unhappy. You wouldn't like it, but at most you scowl at your lack of self-control and the fact you just accidentally murdered someone and take an internal punch to the gut. You'd be far from happy, or even neutral, about it, but you would weather the emotional backlash like a champ.

Something that might kind of disturbing for anyone else watching a 13-year-old girl kill someone.

But results would vary based on who it was. I mean, accidentally killing your sister would produce much different results as compared to accidentally killing another assassin.

On the flip side, some people who didn't know you or you weren't close with would find you unsettling in how...numb you were.

Hopefully, this has been helpful.

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[X] Listener

Grave mother, grave mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.

Elsa can have friends. They just live in her mind. They still count!
[X] Loved
[X] Lonely

Definitely prefer Lonely over Cold given the above author snippet. Listener is probably second for me, but Cold is not super narratively appealing in comparison to the other two.
Character Sheet's been update with relationships:
  • Anna Lothbrok (Sister): A [Love]
  • Inda Lothbrok (Mother): B [Love]
  • Agnar Lothbrok (Father): E [Greater Fear]
  • Fergus Dunbroch (Uncle): C
  • Merida Dunbroch (Cousin): D
  • Caitlyn Lothbrok (Aunt): D
  • Camlulus Baldaren: E [Fear]
  • Nereia Baldaren: E [Fear]

Our relationship with Agnar is pretty shit, as expected. Fergus is surprisingly close to us for somebody we just met, but we did have a bunch of good rolls related to him, he was nice and we had lots of fun with him while simultaneously impressing him. It probably helped that we view him as fun. Merida and Caitlyn are unfortunately at D, which makes sense since we just met them, and we didn't crit with them.

As of now, Idna and Anna probably negate Cold's negative effects. Fergus might be able to as well. I seriously doubt Merida and Caitlyn are able to do so at this stage, but I hope that if Cold wins our existing positive relationships aren't ruined by our lack of ability to emote.

It should also be kept in mind that Elsa's gonna eventually become Queen of Arendelle, and it's not a very great thing for your Queen to lack charisma and ability to emote. It just doesn't inspire people.
Honestly.... Why aren't more people picking listen?

Cold has benefits, but it also has some rather nasty drawbacks, crippling Anna socially. for what? Ice magic? Composure? It won't actually improve our control, it will just make us take it better when we do lose control and chew somebody up. Lonely is practically the same, but in the other direction. Creating a dependence on other people.

Listener doesn't MAKE us do anything, and on top of that it provides something way, WAY more valuable than more magic, or more emotional dependence.

It's provides knowledge, and insight. Everybody seems to be REALLY undervaluing that.

Knowledge and experience are a lot harderto get than magical power.

At least for Elsa.
But that knowledge might sometimes be fake and it could lead to bad situations. I think that's the main reason people aren't going for Listener.

Personally I just really dislike the cold option and don't want voices telling us fake infomation if we get the listener option. Glutton is meh, but I prefer the lonely option because it gives a nice bonus to charisma, and all we need to do to not go insane is talk to people. Also it brings us one step closer to becoming a proper yandere.
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Given the above information, changing my vote back to

[X] Loved
[X] Lonely

The reason I'm not going for Listener?

Because it'd be the GM giving us the information.

And if there's one thing I've learned from my tabletop role-playing days, it's that you never trust the GM.
