Okay then. . .

[X] Two barrages on the enemies behind you.
-[X] If all enemies that can attack you are eliminated, resume bombing run on enemies below (making sure not to hit the other person).
-[X] If any enemies that can attack you remain, dodge any attacks they make and then either Throw or Barrage them again depending on how many are left.
[X] Two barrages on the enemies behind you.
-[X] If all enemies that can attack you are eliminated, jump down to meet the only other non bug here
-[X] If attacked, dodge and start throwing More bombs attack till nothing's left.
[X] Toss a barrage at the bugs behind you, then jump down to join the woman beneath you. It'll look cool when you jump with an explosion behind you, right?
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Hmm. How far down is the girl, and are we able to fall without taking damage as in KH?
Hmm. How far down is the girl, and are we able to fall without taking damage as in KH?
Fall Damage is not a thing. Also, the mysterious wo--y'know, fuck it, it's Aqua, I'm callin her Aqua, is in the bottom of the gorge.

It's not the deepest gorge. (like, you can reasonably jump down and land on your feet)
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y'know, fuck it, it's Aqua, I'm callin her Aqua,
Ah, yes... Aqua. I... definitely know who that is. (Probably the woman with blue hair that I vaguely remember, right?)

[X] Toss a barrage at the bugs behind you, then jump down to join the woman beneath you. It'll look cool when you jump with an explosion behind you, right?
Ah, yes... Aqua. I... definitely know who that is. (Probably the woman with blue hair that I vaguely remember, right?)
Yes. ...seriously though, go watch someone play Birth by Sleep, we're going to be referencing that a lot in the early stages of the quest, what with "miss main protagonist of that game" being nearby.
[X] Two barrages on the enemies behind you.
-[X] If all enemies that can attack you are eliminated, resume bombing run on enemies below (making sure not to hit the other person).
-[X] If any enemies that can attack you remain, dodge any attacks they make and then either Throw or Barrage them again depending on how many are left.
And votes are closed! Time for a tally~

Edit: Alrighty then, good to know. Next story post should be up soon!
Adhoc vote count started by Anya Homura on Oct 17, 2017 at 1:06 PM, finished with 89 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Two barrages on the enemies behind you.
    -[X] If all enemies that can attack you are eliminated, resume bombing run on enemies below (making sure not to hit the other person).
    -[X] If any enemies that can attack you remain, dodge any attacks they make and then either Throw or Barrage them again depending on how many are left.
    [X] Toss a barrage at the bugs behind you, then jump down to join the woman beneath you. It'll look cool when you jump with an explosion behind you, right?
    [X] Two barrages on the enemies behind you.
    -[X] If all enemies that can attack you are eliminated, jump down to meet the only other non bug here
    -[X] If attacked, dodge and start throwing More bombs attack till nothing's left.
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[X] Toss a barrage at the bugs behind you, then jump down to join the woman beneath you. It'll look cool when you jump with an explosion behind you, right?
0.5 Buggy Fireworks
[X] Two barrages on the enemies behind you.
-[X] If all enemies that can attack you are eliminated, resume bombing run on enemies below (making sure not to hit the other person).
-[X] If any enemies that can attack you remain, dodge any attacks they make and then either Throw or Barrage them again depending on how many are left.


You back away from the edge and turn around to face the Bugs. It's a large, shadowy horde, far more in this group than in the one you fought earlier? a long time ago? some time ago.

You summon twenty grenades and fire.

A lot of Bugs explode, that's for sure. You think that the bombs take out almost 80 in total.


There's 13 left after that glorious display of exploding demonic creatures. Two of them charge you blindly.

out of

You roll your eyes and sidestep the Bugs. As you do, you notice a third try and sneak up on you. They seem to be getting smarter.

Not quite smart enough, you think as you summon a grenade into your hand.

You throw it at the 10 who didn't move fast enough.


And they still don't.

There's only one left now. You decide to try something.

You glare at the weakened Bug on the edge of the cliff. Then you tell it something, putting every bit of malice you can in your wow your voice is quiet and it is a miracle you can even speak right now voice:

"Go. Away."

It listens, flashing away to somewhere in what seems to be a panic.

You're not entirely sure what you just did there. You're proud though.

[Locked Skill "Commanding Voice" discovered!]

[] Write In next action.
And Cannon Fodder remains Cannon Fodder, no matter how much of it there is.

[X]Check on the other person's battle.
-[X]If it is still ongoing, resume bombing run and be ready to defend yourself if more enemies show up near you.
-[X]If not, jump down and meet this other person.
[X]Check on the other person's battle.
-[X]If it is still ongoing, resume bombing run and be ready to defend yourself if more enemies show up near you.
-[X]If not, jump down and meet this other person.
[X]Check on the other person's battle.
-[X]If it is still ongoing, resume bombing run and be ready to defend yourself if more enemies show up near you.
-[X]If not, jump down and meet this other person.
[X]Check on the other person's battle.
-[X]If it is still ongoing, resume bombing run and be ready to defend yourself if more enemies show up near you.
-[X]If not, jump down and meet this other person.
[X]Check on the other person's battle.
-[X]If it is still ongoing, resume bombing run and be ready to defend yourself if more enemies show up near you.
-[X]If not, jump down and meet this other person.

With that taken care of, you go back to the edge and check on the woman's battle.

The valley down there is... practically empty, now. Only the mysterious woman remains, the monsters seemingly vanquished.

Subconsciously, you realize something i don't want to be alone here anymore and you jump down.

You land on the gray ground with a thud, feet first. The landing was definitely more graceful than your last.

She notices. She turns around, summoning a ...key-sword into her hand.

You throw your hands up in surrender as she seems to realize you're probably not one of those weird monsters.

Hold up a freaking minute she really does have blue hair why does she have blue hair???

"Who are you?" she asks, disbelief flickering in her eyes.

[] write-in what to respond with.

Well, this is a new record for me when it comes to update speed.
Okay, just wanted to be sure Etude was our character's name and not the Limit's or something. Moving on. . .

[]"My name is Etude. Beyond that. . . I don't know."

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