Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar): Third Time the charm

[X] The Sublime Communion of the Slaans, Incarnate of Stars

Just in case the vote would be reset by this
In time, Lord Kroak and the Sublime Communion will be able to make stars live and die as their whim. In battle the skies will be torn asunder and they will order celestial bodies to leave their place and fall upon their foes. They will master the unfathomable distance between the stars and for them space will be an illusion as it will fold to their desire and bring them wherever they desire. Their eyes will see the future always in movement and their hands will try to order probabilities to their liking. Both the moon's fickle light who brings madness and change, and the sun's fierce radiance who burns away evil will be in their ancient eyes. Yet for all their mastery the secret to create true sentient and sapient life will forever elude them for they are the universe in all its distance and lifeless wonder.

In time Nagash the Undying King will be master of souls and ephemeral. In his left hand will sit Resurrection and by his will none of the Incarnate's faithful will fear for their souls and some will even be granted new bodies to continue to serve. When he will raise his left hand the shades of all who were, all who are, all who will be will answer the call and order themselves in rank to fight for him. In his right hand will sit Silence and it will swallow the screams of those who worship the dark gods. Yes, in time it will even swallow daemons' true name, condemning them to death beyond death. Yet even as he will become death and the abode of every soul Nagash will only master what has passed and what has yet to be, not what is.
This is why y'all should've picked Sigmar.

Sigmar is a bit difficult to model in this way because I don't have many ideas on his high-level bullshit shonen stuff.

He would have been a combat monster and a good crafter (not only because he was a blacksmith but also because invention remains humanity hat in Warhammer Battle) but besides Zeus-things like hurling thunderbolt with Ghal Maraz or playing mountain-tennis with Gorkamorka and Grimmir, nothing comes.
I mean, Sigmar was also the god of Law and Order in the Empire. He was Conan the Barbarian, yes, but he was Conan if Conan loved setting up courts and writing laws and making roads. He liked administering the Empire, he found real pleasure in that. Probably enjoyed it more than being a barbarian.
Unfortunately for him, Sigmar must share in this setting the Incarnatehood of Azyr with Lord Kroak and let's be honest the "rules of the universe" aspect of the Domain of Heaven is better embodied by the old frog.

I think Sigmar would have ended as
  • Great Fighter by the standards of the Incarnates just not at Gorkamorka or Grimmir's
  • Great Crafter by the standards of the Incarnates, just not at Grugni's level
  • Great Anti-Chaos but not at Tyrion-Teclis or Allarielle level
  • Potentially the God of Man, making him the guy with the most diverse followers with the capacity of innovating wildly.
  • Surely something to do with the canon Stormcast.
[X] The Sublime Communion of the Slaans, Incarnate of Stars

Meh, it won't stop SV from pushing through the limits imposed by petty biology.
If needs be I would like to say that Nagash needs not to be horrifically evil in this setting and that for several reasons.

  • Each Incarnate remembers the End Times and thus Nagash will remember that it was in part his pride who enabled the whole thing, notably his refusal to ally himself with the Empire before all was lost
  • Nagash in Battle had no peers. There he stands with Eight beings of similar powers than him with several (Allarielle, Tyrion-Teclis, Sigmar) who would be perfectly willing to ally against him.
  • Every dead soul will end in Shysh, making Nagash the guy who has everything to gain in staying patient and serving the cause, thus discouradging the other Incarnates of trying to create their own private afterflives or making their servants immortal.
  • The Incarnates are the people they were but also devoured many souls while the world ended. Nagash has thus been exposed for the first time to feelings and memories, and as the second-last Incarnate to release his power, has passed the most subjective time simmering in it.
I'm not really going for Nagash to be assholish, I'm going for him for the HAM HE BRINGS TO THE TABLE I AM NAGASH NYEHEHEHE. Who doesn't have a weak spot for cheesy skeleton villains?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Aigloss on Oct 2, 2017 at 6:25 AM, finished with 43 posts and 28 votes.