I believe this is the concession most easiest to make back. With this, even if we lose land to the Turks, we can both earn it back later and still have the Greeks within their borders to help us out. The Latin path potentially takes out our main economic advantage against our neighbors while also synergizing negatively with improving the silk quarters. The Dynatoi path only empowers our already disloyal vassals while risking the loss of our weaker vassals, thus upsetting the internal balance. That's not to say of the dangers of the precedent set by asking the Dynatoi to help.
While no doubt forming an army of our own people seems an easy choice at first look, it is better to look at the historical situation behind each of the options. The Varangians are made up of what are not only recognized as the fiercest warriors of the area, they were initially created to avoid the problem of local warriors getting involved in court politics and overthrowing the emperor. We DO NOT want to repeat the mistakes of the old emperors with their praetorian guard. While we will undoubtedly have some difficulty integrating them into our main command structure, the Varangians will prove to be the easiest to keep loyal and the best for our buck seeing as how many would already have training fighting. They would mostly need discipline. As for the Vardaratoi option, that would likely be the second best option. They are the "middle-path" option in that they are blank-slates. There is really not that much to be said for or against of them.
While I really hate the potential for continuing a tradition of nepotism here, it is unfortunately necessary to cement our internal power against the other powerful families within the empire. The Tatikios option would be favorable would it not be a slap in the face to every single noble in the land, and possibly cause disorder in the ranks. The Mother option will make us look weak and contribute to nepotism without any real long-term benefit that is not already covered by Michael.
This is for the best long-term, seeing as how it emphasizes our most important asset, as well as having the possibility of making the Latins even more reliant on us (thus perhaps being willing to help us for cheap rather than the large concessions now). If we need money in the future, we could possibly open up with the Doukoui as a last resort seeing as how we will already be appointing Michael. Borrowing from the Church is a bad idea in general. The only semblance of legitimacy currently holding the empire together is the emperor being both the secular and de facto religious leader. If we destroy that, the empire will fall into disarray.
This will ensure that we don't suffer another Norman problem until far into the future, if ever again. We don't want to anger the Turks seeing as how my plan has us allying with them. In fact, we may even manage to get Greeks into more places of power should relations become friendly enough. The Rus is a REALLY good option, but it is too long-term. We need to survive in the short-term in order to do something like that.
While I would personally prefer we spend time with the wife to deepen ties with the Doukoui and ensure the emperor doesn't die child-less, it is best we begin to consolidate our rule by ensuring the loyalty of the army first. The Alexiad is fine and all, but it is really not something for the "now" when we have just begun. It is likely just a book that will give us prestige and/or stat boosts for our ancestors anyhow.
@Telamon Will a companion ever have an opportunity to write the book instead of us? If I recall, it was the emperor's daughter who wrote the Alexiad.
[X] Plan: Short-Term for Long-Term
-[X] The Turks
-[X] The Varangians
-[X] Micheal Doukas
-[X] The Silk Quarter
-[X]The Norman Lords
-[X]The Army