[X] Archery Club
[X] I'll try to learn Alchemy.
[X] I'll train in Projection, there's something missing.
[X] I'll get physically fit through exercising.
[X] Spend time with your father
[X] Spend time with Rin Tohsaka
Nice quest! But we just got archer memory or we are archer reborn?
[X] Archery Club
[X] I'll try to learn Alchemy.
[X] I'll train in Projection, there's something missing.
[X] I'll get physically fit through exercising.
[X] Spend time with your father
[X] Spend time with Rin Tohsaka
Nice quest! But we just got archer memory or we are archer reborn?
A knife appears in your hand yet again, but there's something missing. You dispel the projection and think deeply on what to do. It's the start of the summer break, and it's been almost nine months since you started learning Magecraft.
For some inexplicable reason you find that bladed objects are much more easier to project than others. There's still something missing, something gnawing at you, something that would just make it right.
Giving up on projection for the day, you move to the opposite side of your shed-which is now your makeshift workshop, and you open the book on thaumaturgy gifted to you by your father.
Your latest muse was alchemy, and you've spent the past few months trying your best to learn it. You grab a knife that you'd set aside the day before, and quickly run a light wave of Prana over it, studying its structure and getting all of its characteristics.
Wooden handle, steel blade, overall a simple object.
The main thing you've gained from Alchemy is Alteration, and you started with turning changing the objects state of matter, such as turning liquid to solid or gas to liquid. After getting the hang of it you began what you call 'rebinding', taking each specific part and changing the structure so that the object itself would change.
Sending Prana and reworking the structure of the knife, you pack it more tightly together and sharpen the edge to an extreme. Using your prana, you extend the blade out, duplicating the metal blade until it reaches the length of a typical katana. You create little gaps in the blade that will allow your Prana to seep through it, to allow you to power it up even more.
In your hands is a metal katana, with a circuit pattern running through it. Moving outside you go towards the large tree standing at the side of your house's garden. Picking a suitably thick branch, you slash the blade upwards, letting your Prana get launched out and slicing through the branch.
The branch falls with a loud thud and you grin at your success. Perhaps you could further your studies with transmutation? The possibilities excite you.
Gained Skill Alteration!
Alteration: 15/100 – You are better than amateurs when it comes to Alteration.
You leave the garden and enter your house, and you notice how empty it feels now that your father's gone to Germany for a business trip. You quickly prepare for bed, and you are greeted by a hill of swords when you fall asleep.
The dream brings a hazy picture, a man with a lance stands in front of you, his face blurred and his words inaudible due to the heavy white background noise.
"Trace On." You mutter, and you widen your eyes as you see yourself project in an entirely different way.
Judging the concept of creation.
Hypothesizing the basic structure.
Duplicating the composition material.
Suddenly the world warps and you wake up to see that the sun is shining bright outside. You stand up and immediately hold your hands out in front of you.
"Trace On." You say as Prana floods you yet again, however you copy what you did in the dream.
You summon the knife, judging all of the concepts that make it a whole. Filling the gaps in your knowledge by duplicating the composition already given to you. A flash of light brightens the room as a blade appears in your hand. You run a flood of Prana through it and realize that the interior of the knife is actually made up of actual copied material and not just Prana.
Projection Skill Increased!
Projection: 5 -> 15
Your father returns home from Germany looking even more tired than before, and you notice that he spends most of his time indoors, wallowing in despair. You resolve to spend some time with him.
Listening to his stories and just talking about random things seems to lighten him up a lot. You're even able to persuade him to tell you about his Magecraft.
Persuasion Increased!
Persuasion: 1 -> 5
"The Emiya family was dedicated to using Time based Magecraft. My family wished to reach Akasha using a bounded field where we could manipulate time. I changed it somewhat and limited the bounded field to my body. Only part of our Magic Crest is till within me, the other parts are held by the Association."
You listen in rapt attention as he finishes. "Can I inherit your Magic Crest?" You ask.
Your father looks at you with pain in his eyes as he shakes his head.
"Only blood relatives would survive the transfer… I'm also okay with the knowledge that the Emiya Magecraft will die with me."
"It won't die with you!" You say enthusiastically. "I'm here to pass the Emiya name down."
Your father smiles and lets out a chuckle, as the two of you continue talking through the night.
As you get ready for bed, you notice that you have what looks to be strands of white hair. You think to yourself that you're just really tired and go to sleep.
The next day you change into a track suit and get ready for your morning run. You immediately enter into a sprint and star bursting through the neighborhood. Your father had theorized that whatever bloodline you came from or whatever Sorcery Trait you had would aid in the development of your physical body. You had to agree, as you've progressed in leaps and bounds in only a year of constant exercise. Push-ups, sit-ups and running shouldn't be enough to give you the abilities you have now, but for some reason it does.
Attributes Increased!
Strength = F -> F+
Endurance = F -> F+
Agility = F -> F+
You stop running and find yourself in a well off neighborhood, and you recognize Rin Tohsaka's house. You see a Priest leave her house and Rin seems to scold him about something before sending him on his way.
You decide to say hi. "Hey, Tohsaka!"
"Shirou-kun? What are you doing here?" Tohsaka asks.
"Going for my morning jog." You answer. "I just finished."
"Well come on inside, I need somebody to rant to." Without waiting for your answer she ends up pulling you inside of her house.
She tells you about her guardian, a fake priest though when you ask why she just says that it's complicated. You talk with her about a great deal of topics before looking at a jewel necklace draped on a bust. Something about it seems weird
You quickly reach out to it and feel a jolt of Prana. You dart back and quickly project a knife into your hand.
"Tohsaka, stay down!" You yell out. You scan the room for the source of Prana, ready to defend your friend. Is it a heretical Magi? Is it one of your father's vague enemies.
Abruptly stop as you realize that the necklace's jewels were the source of Prana, and that your friend is looking at you exasperatedly.
"You're an idiot." Tohsaka comments. "You never saw fit to tell me you were a Magus?"
You admit that for some reason, she looks really cute when giving her icy glare.
"I guess you're one too?" You wonder aloud.
"You idiot!" In Tohsaka's hands you see a small black red circle form, and a quick analysis shows you that it bears some sort of negative effect.
She launches it at you and you raise your knife quickly altering it from its regular projected form to a katana long Prana filled one. You easily deflect the spell with a clumsy swing, and you dart back out of the house as Rin chases after you.
Swordsmanship Skill Gained!
Swordsmanship: 5/100 - You are an amateur swordsman, but you learn faster than others
"Are you trying to kill me?" You yell out as you run into the forest.
"No you idiot! I'm trying to curse you!" Rin yells out as several football sized curses get sent your way.
"For what?" You yell out as you deflect another shot and continue running.
"For lying!"
"Technically I didn't lie about anything!"
"Shut up you stupid idiot!"
"Look I think you're acting too rashly."
"I'm acting too rash?!?"
A much larger curse is flung right beside where you're running.
Wrong choice of words.
"Listen to me please!" You yell out as you use your sword to block two more curses.
You abruptly stop and turn around and see a flushed Rin looking at you, her hand raised and ready to launch an attack on you.
"Please, can't we just talk?" You ask and she cautiously puts her hand down.
Persuasion Skill Increased!
Persuasion 5 -> 10
"First of all, I'm the second owner of this region so I demand you, a trespasser, answer all my questions without complaint. Why are you here?" She speaks slow and steadily, however her glare shows her fury.
"Second what?" You manage.
After a few hours of her explaining, you listening and her calling you an idiot, you finally understand why she was angry.
"So any Magus family living within a given territory must ask for permission from the Second Owner?" You summarize.
"Yes. Who's your family head? I need to speak with him." Rin asks, and you think with the way she's sitting and the way she's talking you could label this Rin personality as Business Rin.
"…Me? I actually don't know… My father's pretty much retired, he can't use Magecraft anymore." You supply.
"I'll just have to talk to him myself then." Rin says and walks out motioning for you to follow.
The two of them talk about your current predicament, and you mostly just stay silent. Eventually Rin and you both sign a Geis Scroll, which completely binds you to fulfilling whatever promise you made to Rin.
Tohsaka ends up formally allowing you to stay, but as punishment for 'lying' to her, you'll have to act as her temporary assistant for some experiments. Due to the Geis Scroll, there's also no backing out. You feel like your father finds some sort of pleasure in Rin torturing---no, experimenting on you, as he just chuckles when you complain.
Time flies, and you find yourself heading back to school. You're mornings are now occupied by the Archery Club, and you find that shooting arrows at targets is therapeutic. For some weird reason you found that you were always good with it, and after constantly placing in first place you became recognized as a prodigy.
Gained Skill in Archery!
Archery: 45/100 You are near the peak human potential when it comes to Archery. It's as if in a past life you were a master.
You find that another school year is starting, and as a boy of eight years old, you got a lot of work to do. What do you spend time on in the next year?
Pick 3
[] Projection Magecraft. There are more steps to tracing, unlock them.
[] Reinforcement, it would be a good supplement to what I already know.
[] Exercise, I got to stay fit.
[] Alteration, I feel like this will unlock the next step.
[] Swordsmanship, something about it just calls to me.
Pick 2
[] Spend more time with Rin, as her assistant.
[] Spend more time with your father, maybe he'll reveal the reason for all of his trips?
[] Spend more time with Ayako Mitsuzuri, your Archery Club Teammate
[X] Reinforcement, it would be a good supplement to what I already know.
[X] Exercise, I got to stay fit.
[X] Swordsmanship, something about it just calls to me.
[X] Spend more time with Rin, as her assistant.
[X] Spend more time with your father, maybe he'll reveal the reason for all of his trips?
[X] Reinforcement, it would be a good supplement to what I already know.
[X] Exercise, I got to stay fit.
[X] Swordsmanship, something about it just calls to me.
[X] Spend more time with Rin, as her assistant.
[X] Spend more time with your father, maybe he'll reveal the reason for all of his trips?
[X] Reinforcement, it would be a good supplement to what I already know.
[X] Exercise, I got to stay fit.
[X] Swordsmanship, something about it just calls to me.
[X] Spend more time with Rin, as her assistant.
[X] Spend more time with your father, maybe he'll reveal the reason for all of his trips?
[X] Reinforcement, it would be a good supplement to what I already know.
[X] Exercise, I got to stay fit.
[X] Swordsmanship, something about it just calls to me.
[X] Spend more time with Rin, as her assistant.
[X] Spend more time with your father, maybe he'll reveal the reason for all of his trips?
Rin really has no sense of self-preservation. I mean, i wouldn't expect Kiritsugu to kill kids without reason, but he still has the reputation of the Magus-Killer.
[X] Reinforcement, it would be a good supplement to what I already know.
[X] Exercise, I got to stay fit.
[X] Swordsmanship, something about it just calls to me.
[X] Spend more time with Rin, as her assistant.
[X] Spend more time with your father, maybe he'll reveal the reason for all of his trips?
Rin really has no sense of self-preservation. I mean, i wouldn't expect Kiritsugu to kill kids without reason, but he still has the reputation of the Magus-Killer.
Rin doesn't know about Kiritsugu, due to being too young and her not finding it odd that Shirou has the last name Emiya. As far as she knows, Kiritsugu can't use magecraft and she probably thinks that Shirou is too much of an idiot to actually lie about it anyways.