Puppy Love (Worm)

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by 00mega on Sep 4, 2017 at 8:55 PM, finished with 49 posts and 40 votes.
Waking up Winslow
Winslow still needs your help! She needs to wake up from the bad dreams! You know how to do that! You start to lick her face and EW! EW EW EW EW EW! Bad taste! Bad taste!

You scrape your tongue against the metal boxes, the clean ones, and get rid of the awful, no-good, bad-taste goop that's on your tongue. After a few likes, you start to taste metal instead of bad taste, so you stop. You still need some water to get rid of the bad taste completely but it's good enough for now.

With that crisis averted, you turn back to Winslow and try to figure out what went wrong. Her face is clean, so why did you get the goop on your tongue?


Oooooooh! Your tongue is too big! You meant to lick her face but you also licked her hair and there's bad goop there. Well, that's easily solved. You just need to get smaller again!

You're small again! Yay! Now you're cute and fuzzy and you can wake up Winslow without getting goop on your tongue. You immediately get to it.

At first it doesn't seem like it's work, Winslow just keeps muttering in her sleep, but you keep at it and eventually she calms down a little and her eyes flutter open.

"Wh-what? I'm… free?" Winslow pushes herself up off the ground. Sitting up, she looks around and spots you. "A puppy?"

You bark to say hello. Yes! You are a puppy! Winslow should pet you and call you a good boy! You saved her so you're a good boy! Your tail begins to wag in anticipation.

Winslow doesn't pet you though, or call you a good boy or pay any attention to you at all! Rude! Instead she just looks around some more. "What time is it? How long was I in there? How did I get out? What… what's going on?"

Oh no! Winslow is panicking! Quick, apply pupper to the face! You leap up onto her body, scrambling a little to stay there, and start licking her face! Puppy kisses make the bad feelings go away!

"Wha- Hey! Hey, stop! Yes, hello. Yes, you're a good boy. Please stop now. Please- Whaa!" Winslow stops panicking thanks to your kisses! Success! She even starts to laugh a little, even as she asks you to stop. But you don't! No mercy until all bad feelings are banished! Unfortunately, you might have been a little to forceful with your licks because Winslow leans back until she loses her balance and falls.

You're safe though! You land on Winslow, nice, warm, soft Winslow. Although you do get some off the goop that was on her, on you. Oh well. As long as it isn't in your mouth.

"Owww…" Winslow groans a little, before pushing herself back up, dislodging you from your spot on her chest. You fall to the ground and tumble a bit before popping back up, panting happily. Fun!

"Wait, what the...?" Oh! Winslow fell on the door of the metal box, the one you tore off to free her. Now she's staring at it with a funny face. She holds her hand out over the claw marks you left, comparing them. Wow! Her fingers are so much smaller!

Winslow looks at you wide eyed. "Did… did you do this?"

You bark happily again. Yep! You did it! You saved her, you're a good boy!

[] Show her how you get did it and get big!
[] Don't get big.

So how much longer does this vote have.
Quest updates when the lazy author stops being a lazy loser or whenever somebody complains about the slow update speed.
Last edited:
[X] Don't get big.

The less PRT & Protectorate, the better.
The less PRT & Protectorate, the better.
I'm fairly certain they are avoidable either way. After all, Taylor isn't exactly prone to joining herself in the timelines she gets powers. Doubt she'd try to make us join, especially since we are just a puppy.

Anyways, I'm completely torn which way to go. I can see fun either way, with her knowing we got powers, or her thinking we are just a puppy for a while.
I'm fairly certain they are avoidable either way. After all, Taylor isn't exactly prone to joining herself in the timelines she gets powers. Doubt she'd try to make us join, especially since we are just a puppy.

Anyways, I'm completely torn which way to go. I can see fun either way, with her knowing we got powers, or her thinking we are just a puppy for a while.
i say let her know plus her reaction alone should be worth it.:p :lol:rofl:
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Sep 10, 2017 at 10:46 PM, finished with 78 posts and 51 votes.
[X] Show her how you get did it and get big!
I'm now wondering what would happen if we met Rachel.
who is Rachel?
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Sep 10, 2017 at 10:47 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Sep 10, 2017 at 10:50 PM, finished with 12 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Sep 10, 2017 at 10:50 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.