Puppy Love (Worm)

[X] Dirty Blonde (Lightning)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ChildishChimera on Aug 26, 2017 at 5:03 PM, finished with 78 posts and 62 votes.
[X] Dirty Blonde (Lightning)

I didn't know this was something I wanted until just now.
Puppy Heroics
[X] Dirty Blonde (Lightning)

That's right, you're blonde! You're covered with fluffy blonde fur, darker on your back and face and fading to near white on your belly. You're so cute and fluffy! Something about blondes having more fun rises up from your fuzzy memories but that's just silly. You're a puppy! You can't have more fun than a puppy! Puppies are the pinnacle of fun-ness.

With that settled it's time to get back to… wait, what were you doing?

Oh, right! You were going to find Winslow and teach him how to spell. You start walking around the walls of Winslow's house, looking for a way in. Eventually you come across a pair of metal doors. You push on them with your paws but they don't budge. That's disappointing but you have other ways of getting in. You start scratching at the door with your claws, whining and barking until you catch Winslow's attention and he lets you in. It's only a matter of time now.




You're bored now.

You decide that Winslow isn't going to let you in, which is really, really rude of him. Who would ever say no to a cute, little puppy like you? A rude jerk, that's who! Or even worse, a cat person!


But you're sure that Winslow isn't a cat person. He made all that pretty art after all! So he's probably just a bit of a jerk and it's proven that exposure to puppies has a one hundred percent conversion rating of jerks to not-jerks. That's just science!

Now you really need to get inside! Not only do you need to teach Winslow how to spell, you need to save Winslow from his own jerkiness! You start walking around the building again, looking for a different way inside. There are lots and lots of windows around the building but they're all closed and have metal on the other side of them. That seems kind of silly to you. What's the point of having windows if you just cover them up so you can't look outside?

Still, you manage to get lucky. One of the windows is missing! There's just some brown paper covered over the hole and you can tear through that easily enough. Takes you a couple of jumps but eventually you managed to get your claws into the paper and pull yourself through, leaving a puppy-sized hole behind you.

You fall to the floor and roll a couple of times before coming to a stop. You try to get up but the world is all spinny and slidey. You wind up nearly teetering over but you catch yourself. Stupid world, stop spinning!

You pause for a moment and let the world settle back down. Good! Now you can look around without feeling dizzy. It looks like you're in a long hallway, with lots and lots of metal… things lining the walls, with the occasional door to break things up. You wonder what the metal things are. They have doors, so maybe they're supposed to be boxes? Tall, metal boxes? That makes as much sense as anything else you guess.

Still, it's clear that this place is even bigger than what you first guessed. If you want to find Winslow, you're going to have to track him down. You start to focus on sniffing him out, letting all the smells around wash over you. There's a lot of human scents, like really a lot, and you have no idea which one belongs to Winslow.

There's another scent though. It's wafting in from a distance so you can barely smell it but it's absolutely disgusting. Like something was left to rot for a long time. Normally, you'd ignore that scent and try to get as far away from it as possible. But from the direction the scent is coming from, you can hear echoes of a particular sound: whimpering.

You immediately start running towards the scent and the sound. Somebody's in trouble! Somebody needs help! You have to help them!

Left here…

Right here…

Left here… No! Right! You meant right!

Another left…

Eventually you find the source of the bad scent, another metal box thing. This one has disgusting goop leaking out the bottom and you can hear somebody inside, crying. You're kind of scared, what if there's a goop monster in there, but it sounds like whomever is in there needs your help. You're just going to have to be a brave puppy.

You try banging on the metal door and scratching at it but nothing happens. You're too small and weak to open it. If only you were bigger…

Suddenly, you are bigger. Much bigger. Cool! You wish you had some steak!

Nothing, drat. Maybe it just works when you need to help… somebody… oh right! Getting back to the task at had, you claw at the door again and this time your claws sink right into it. With you claws hooked into the door, you pull, ripping the door right off with a screech of tearing metal. It's surprisingly easy. You like being big!

Somebody falls out of the the metal box. It's a girl! That means it's not a goop monster! YAY!

Wait… Could this be Winslow? She's the only person in the building, she must be Winslow. But that means… Winslow is a girl?! Cool! You don't know why that's cool but it's cool!

Unfortunately, Winslow doesn't look so good. She's covered in the disgusting goop, and it looks like she's having a bad dream. Her eyes are shut tight, she's twitching and shivering, and she's muttering things like "stop," "help," and "let me out." She still needs your help! But how do you help?

[] You need to wake her up!
[] You need to clean her up!
[] You don't know what to do! You need to find somebody to help!



[X] You need to wake her up!
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Sep 4, 2017 at 1:09 AM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Sep 4, 2017 at 3:26 PM, finished with 44 posts and 35 votes.
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