Walking forward it seems like the two master saw us as they simply stood there watching us. Upon closer inspection I saw that the both of them look very different. One seems to be a female with Indian origins though that purple hair of hers is something you most likely wouldn't see in India along with her purple set of eyes with glasses. The other was obviously Japanese though she was one of the most plainest looking Japanese girls I have ever seen with a blank face and brown wavy hair just passes her shoulders. The Indian looking girl was wearing some sort of lab coat while the other wore a school uniform that I didn't recognize. Next to the two of them were the presence of two servants.
Oh, hey there Hakuno and Rani.

Man, Rin's harem powers are really the best to get those two involved.

[X] Try talking to the other servants
-[X] Try to see how open their masters would be to 'collaboration'
[X] Offer to cure Hakuno

A reason to grab some hairs for the ever growing feed it to Shirou disguise potion stock.

Though probably not a good idea until she's cured.
Wouldn't want the disease to be cloned.
[X] Try talking to the other servants
-[X] "So...anyone else noticed the lopsided master gender ratio?"
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Sep 2, 2017 at 1:42 PM, finished with 43 posts and 21 votes.
Dang it I can't take this. Sorry guys but I'm gonna have to put this quest on hiatus. My writing mood is currently gone for the week and I kinda have School to go back to. Sorry about that. I'll try to come back to this quest if I can.
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Please ignore the fact that this quest had been on a 7 month hiatus - 18
[X] Offer to cure Hakuno

I didn't see why I couldn't. I mean, I (I think?) am Medea after all. It shouldn't be all that hard to pull off. Although the tricky part is actually getting them to agree to me helping them, that or they'll stab me in the back. I'll still probably do it, because making dumb decisions is what I do best apparently.

Dispelling my presence concealment, I walked over to a nearbty bench and sat down. Clearing my throat I called out, "hey, if there's anyone interested in magical cures, Assassin's your gal!" I sat there for a while. I wondered what Lancer's thinking, maybe she's nodding her head in approval or maybe she thinking of several escape plans to bail me out of the possible shit storm I may be brewing.

What I did not expect was a young girl clad in blue with pale skin and blonde hair to appear next to me on the bench. She had a dignified air around her, short hair held with a black bow and a long flowing black scarf that flowed in the wind. "I heard you had cure for my master. What proof do you have of such claim, Assassin?"

Raising an eyebrow at her I asked, "and you are?"

"You may call me Saber."

Primary Class: Saber?
True Name: ???
Gender: ???
Alignment: ???
Armament: Sword?

Strength: C
Endurance: E
Agility: A+
Prana: E
Luck: D

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: E
For a saber, this rank is oddly low. Overall pretty much useless except for most cancelling most modern magecraft.

Riding : E
For a saber, this rank is oddly low. Overall she can only use normal mounts and vehicles.

Personal Skills:




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

"Saber you say..." Well, suddenly things went from shit to deeper shit.

"You say my name as if it surprises you. Why is that?"

"Because I had met another Saber, or so I thought."

The girl kept a straight face the entire time. Her word had an unpassionated but professional tone. "You don't say? Could that supposed Saber be a fake of sorts?"

"How do I know you're not a fake Saber yourself?"

"How do I know that your supposed cure is not poison, Assassin?"

"Point, point." I gave a shrug. "It's really hard to trust someone when you're embroiled in a bloody battle for an all powerful wishing device."

"I concur." She simply said. "I'll keep that proposal of yours in mind, but I'll be watching you. Children do make shockingly great killers after all..." She disapated from my sight.

I sat there for a while. "At least I tried," I said to myself, going once more into my presence concealment.

It was another half an hour before Rin had come out with Shirou following just right behind. She was fuming, face red as she stomped out of the courtyard and into the street, Shirou doing everything he can to calm the angry magus. I sighed to myself, a servant's work is never done.

After the two masters have gotten a good distance away from the church, I spoke into the mind of Rin. "Hey, master? You feeling okay?"

"Stupid priest and his stupid contacts, WHY CAN'T THIS WAR GET ANYTHING STRAIGHT?!" Stalking up to a tree just out of sight and ear of any outsider, she started to kick it repeatedly as it shook from each impact. I could feel the prana pulsate from her legs.

Seeing as she's clearly too deep in her anger to hear me, I floated over to Shirou before reappearing. "So, what's gotten her all worked up this time?"

With his good hand, he scratched the back of his head as he did his best to recall what had transpired. "Well... As far as I can tell, there are only supposed to be seven servants in all right? Well she just found out that there seems to be more servants than there are supposed to be and well... you see the results. That and something about another Berseker running around. So tell me," his eyes took on a more serious look. "How bad do you think this is?"

[X] Well I can swear by the gods that this entire war has gone down to depths that even a rabbit with a pocket watch woundn't go to.

[X] Can you please elaborate on that part with the Berserker?

[X] Huh, funny. Just met a servant to claims to be a Saber.

[X] Write in.
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[X] Huh, funny. Just met a servant to claims to be a Saber.
-[X] Which if I had to guess means there is another set of servants running around, so someone is either exploiting the mother of all loopholes or something has gone horribly wrong with the grail itself.
--[X] So to answer your question Shirou, as bad as Zeus and Hera's love life.
Do we know about the Great War, Red vs. Black, being a thing that can happen?

I'm inclined to just say the Grail is probably damaged and can't be trusted to work anyway, even if someone does win. Draw in as many as we can and solve what's going on here. We should be able to do a hell of a lot. Item Creation B is a hella bullshit.
Do we know about the Great War, Red vs. Black, being a thing that can happen?

I'm inclined to just say the Grail is probably damaged and can't be trusted to work anyway, even if someone does win. Draw in as many as we can and solve what's going on here. We should be able to do a hell of a lot. Item Creation B is a hella bullshit.
It's mostly a simple logical deduction, if there are 2 extra servants running around then ergo it is not unreasonable to assume that there are others and since both of those extras are from different classes then it's reasonable to assume that the others would be as well.
Is my vote still valid though?


[X] Huh, funny. Just met a servant to claims to be a Saber.
-[X] Which if I had to guess means there is another set of servants running around, so someone is either exploiting the mother of all loopholes or something has gone horribly wrong with the grail itself.
--[X] So to answer your question Shirou, as bad as Zeus and Hera's love life.

It makes no mention of a Great War and it's perfectly reasonable to suspect something's fuck up or someone fucked things up so it's valid.