[X] Try talking to the other servants
-[X] "So...anyone else noticed the lopsided master gender ratio?"
Okay so I'm going to call it now, Lancer is counter guardian Sakura or something like that. As for the evidence I have to this theory; first there are the physical similarities with the most obvious being the matching hair/eye colour but there is also their height which matches (we estimate Lancer to be about 150 cm tall and Sakura is 156 cm tall according to the wiki). My next piece of evidence is the fact that she knew we were Medea, despite only just meeting us and the fact that we had just changed our appearance (there is also the fact that she somehow knew exactly which drawer in Rin's kitchen contained a white apron).

Another hint was her behavior towards Shirou, the first being the lovestruck manner of how she interacts with him and the second being how her first instinct once Shirou left to talk to Rin was to cook them a meal which from what I remember lines up with Sakura's personality perfectly (Also notice her reaction to Shirou comparing her and Sakura's cooking).

Finally what really made it click for me and what made me check the previous posts was the Ribbon, what I think we can all agree was probably the catalyst for Lancer's summoning, and why Shirou would feel the need to hang onto it. Well I checked and the colour matches the Ribbon we see Sakura wear in almost all of her appearances. This would neatly explain why Shirou was hanging onto it because he knows it's Sakura's and wishes to return it.
Okay so I'm going to call it now, Lancer is counter guardian Sakura or something like that. As for the evidence I have to this theory; first there are the physical similarities with the most obvious being the matching hair/eye colour but there is also their height which matches (we estimate Lancer to be about 150 cm tall and Sakura is 156 cm tall according to the wiki). My next piece of evidence is the fact that she knew we were Medea, despite only just meeting us and the fact that we had just changed our appearance (there is also the fact that she somehow knew exactly which drawer in Rin's kitchen contained a white apron).

Another hint was her behavior towards Shirou, the first being the lovestruck manner of how she interacts with him and the second being how her first instinct once Shirou left to talk to Rin was to cook them a meal which from what I remember lines up with Sakura's personality perfectly (Also notice her reaction to Shirou comparing her and Sakura's cooking).

Finally what really made it click for me and what made me check the previous posts was the Ribbon, what I think we can all agree was probably the catalyst for Lancer's summoning, and why Shirou would feel the need to hang onto it. Well I checked and the colour matches the Ribbon we see Sakura wear in almost all of her appearances. This would neatly explain why Shirou was hanging onto it because he knows it's Sakura's and wishes to return it.

We must be really weirding her out. As far as she knew, we were a spooky, Yandere caster, but then the first she learns of us we're a cute assassin who serves the side of goodness.

Do you think she's interpreting what she's seeing as a tendency for Medea to actually try and act however she thinks will endear her to her Master? Because that's how I see all the other time travelers seeing it.

We must be really weirding her out. As far as she knew, we were a spooky, Yandere caster, but then the first she learns of us we're a cute assassin who serves the side of goodness.

Do you think she's interpreting what she's seeing as a tendency for Medea to actually try and act however she thinks will endear her to her Master? Because that's how I see all the other time travelers seeing it.
No idea since we have no way of knowing if this is a Sakura from the canon timelines or an offshoot of the quest timeline. Although if I had to assume that she is from a canon timeline then I would say she is from a Heaven's Feel timeline where Shirou dies at the end.
[X] Offer to cure Hakuno
If you look at Medea's legend, this is something she can do. It is also a potion, so we could learn it rather quickly.
[X] Offer to cure Hakuno

Oh, yeah, we're a legendary witch. We can probably cure a case of the wasting disease easily.
[X] Try talking to the other servants
-[X] "So...anyone else noticed the lopsided master gender ratio?"

So its best extra protagonist and the "not Rin route" girl.

For Servants we have us as Medea with memory issues as Assassin, possibly a counter guardian Sakura as Lancer, Mordred as Saber, a dead Herc berserker, Archer Nobunga (im still wondering how the fuck she managed to kill Herc), and Rider Medusa, that only leaves Caster from the standard servant lineup, which makes me wonder how both Rani and Hakuno can have a Servant when all but one are accounted for. I suspect one of them managed to summon one of the nonstandart classes. And i really hope its Rani with Hakuno having summoned caster Tamamo.
Archer Nobunga (im still wondering how the fuck she managed to kill Herc)
She's multiplicatively stronger against people the older they are. So they get bonuses against old heroes, and Hercules is one of the oldest. Like, two to three thousand years old. Her baby slaps knocked his head off. It's why Rin felt like she was being punched by a normal person, she's a young girl.
She's multiplicatively stronger against people the older they are. So they get bonuses against old heroes, and Hercules is one of the oldest. Like, two to three thousand years old. Her baby slaps knocked his head off. It's why Rin felt like she was being punched by a normal person, she's a young girl.
Doesn't she also have an anti-divine skill?
[X] Try talking to the other servants
-[X] "So...anyone else noticed the lopsided master gender ratio?"
She's multiplicatively stronger against people the older they are. So they get bonuses against old heroes, and Hercules is one of the oldest. Like, two to three thousand years old. Her baby slaps knocked his head off. It's why Rin felt like she was being punched by a normal person, she's a young girl.
I just looked it up and you are right, her true Noble Phantasm is absurdly effective against Herc who has both A rank divinity and a very high mystery. She probably one shot him through godhand.
I just looked it up and you are right, her true Noble Phantasm is absurdly effective against Herc who has both A rank divinity and a very high mystery. She probably one shot him through godhand.
Yeah, remind us not to ever, ever make her angry. Or get in a game of tag with her.

Because we're explicitly mentioned in her skill description, as somebody who'd be on the receiving end of a fist worthy of Heracles.
I just looked it up and you are right, her true Noble Phantasm is absurdly effective against Herc who has both A rank divinity and a very high mystery. She probably one shot him through godhand.
Of course said noble phantasm also make Nobu naked for some reason. That said the NP I got for this Nobu is my own creation so it won't be the same. The general idea of fuck you oldies is still the gernal idea of the NP.
Och, yeah, there's a plan. We give her some signature disguising artifact, distract him while she walks up, then she knocks the block off of the oldest hero.
Exactly, although I would have a backup plan since Gilgamesh sort of has all the bullshit in that arsenal of his. Although depending on who these last two Servants are it might be easier or harder to achieve.
Yeah, remind us not to ever, ever make her angry. Or get in a game of tag with her.

Because we're explicitly mentioned in her skill description, as somebody who'd be on the receiving end of a fist worthy of Heracles.
I doubt she would need her NP to fuck us up, Caster and Assassin are not known for their great staying power in direct conflicts, we are better at suddenly appearing then flipping over the table and disengaging thanks to our net skills.

So if Gilgamesh ever becomes hostile we should do everything in our power to make sure she hits him with it.
He fulfills both criteria in that he has high divinity and pretty much the highest mystery of any heroic spirit. And if we manage to gank him by surprise it should be over pretty fast.
Unless he somehow manages to pull a NP out of his shiny ass to save said shiny ass. Because Gate of Babylon doesn't need the user to be powerful.