Puppy Love (Worm)

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You wake up in a field of grass. You yawn and get up. There's nobody around and it's dark out...
Waking up


Title Incoming. Please Hold.
Somewhere else.
You wake up in a field of grass. You yawn and get up. There's nobody around and it's dark out. It's night time! Cool! Look at the moon! Hi Moon! Pretty moon! You howl at the moon to say hi.


The moon doesn't say anything.

Oh well. You don't know where you are! You're lost! That's not so good... but that just means you get to explore until you figure out where you are! Exploring is fun! You start to walk abound the field, investigating everything. There's some white powdery stuff making lines on the field. It smells weird and tastes bad. You whine and paw at your tongue, trying to get the bad taste away.

It doesn't go away.

You whine some more and try licking the grass instead. There's all these little drops of water on the grass and that tastes better. Bad taste gone away, you go back to exploring.

There's some metal post-things at the ends of the field. You sniff them. They smell like metal. You don't lick them though! You learned from the white powder that you shouldn't lick random stuff. You're smart!

There's nothing else in the field...

Oh! There's a building! You run over to look at the building and you only trip once! It's big and squat and made of brick and covered in paint! There's blue and green and red and black and all the pretty colors! Oh, the paint forms letters! You know this... A-B-B. ABB.


That's not a word! You try again.

E-8-8. E88. That's not a word either! Most of those aren't even letters, they're numbers! You can't spell words with numbers!

Oh, look! There are some letters underneath the paint. They're made out of metal and stuck to the wall. W-I-N-S-L-O-W. Winslow! That's a name!


Why is there a name on the side of a building?


Oh! Maybe Winslow lives in the building! And that means Winslow must have painted all the pretty pictures on the building. You want to meet Winslow! You want to watch him paint! Maybe you can help him learn to spell! You rush off towards the door.

There's a splash and your paw gets wet. You yelp and jump back in surprise. When you land, you shake the water off you paw. Once it's dry you look at what you stepped in and IT'S A PUPPY! HI PUPPY! YOU'RE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY AND CUTE AND FLUFFY AND CUTE! You want to meet the puppy. You say hi and the puppy barks! Oh, that's so cute! You reach out with a paw to pet the puppy and the puppy does the same! It wants to shake! Good boy, shake!


You put your paw down and the puddle just ripples. The puppy is just a reflection. How disappointing.

.... Wait.


If the puppy is a reflection...

And if you have paws.....





This is the best day of you're life! You're a puppy! A PUPPY! You can't believe it! This is best thing ever! You're going to chase squirrels and get pets and play catch and fetch sticks and get belly rubs and people will give you free food and you get to pee wherever you want and oooooh, the belly rubs and the ear scratchies and you're so CUTE! With your big eyes and floppy ears and itty-bitty paws and a little black nose and fluffy....

Um, wait. What color's your fur again?

[] Red (Fire)
[] Brown (Earth)
[] Black (Shadow)
[] Gold (Light)
[] White (Ice)
[] Dirty Blonde (Lightning)

Hey guys, what's up? I'm RexHeller and welcome to Puppy Love, the Worm quest of love and puppies. Inspired by @TheBleachDoctor's Meow Quest, here you play as Case 53 puppy. That is to say, a puppy that became a Case 53, not a Case 53 that got turned into a puppy. Soon, you'll be bringing the love and fluffyness of a puppy to the grimderpness of worm but for right now, just pick which element you want for your super powers.
I'm divided between Red and Black.

Red for puppy shenanigans involving inadvertently setting everything on fire. Adorably.

Black for puppy shenanigans involving being unintentionally terrifying as we pop out of every shadow to lick people's faces.
[X] Dirty Blonde (Lightning)

Take my yes. Take all the yes.
[X] Gold (Light)

This should be awesome, at least until something literally gives us Cancer of the Puppy. After all, this is Worm, and we can't have nice things.
[X] Dirty Blonde (Lightning)

This choice is the best because it lets us fight against Shadow Stalker when she tries to bully Taylor.
[X] White (Ice)

Puppy shenanigans involving romping around in the snow. In the middle of summer.