... That wasn't even the point of that post. Of either post, even. Could you at least try to acknowledge the rest of what I'm saying? :/

Look, Curse is bad because we've seen people view their powers as curses again and again and saw how badly it turned out, but in many of those cases people were wrong to think that. Even in those cases where it's reasonable to see things that way (like this one), the whole point is that it is reasonable to think of it that way, even if it's unhealthy in the long run. There is a reason why Curse is often the default when it comes to things like "my powers make me want to eat people", and that reason is that any other mindset makes you more likely to descend into villainy.

Starting off with the Tool mindset is starting off with the mindset that ice manipulation may be worth the price of constantly hungering for human flesh even after we almost killed our sister with it. It's not any better when it comes to keeping sanity; it's just bad in different ways than Curse would be.
Ah, I'm sorry for kinda misreading what you said.
I agree with you, but I'm honestly really tired of the whole 'My powers are a Curse' plot. Its relatively reasonable in this situation, but I've just seen it so much I've grown to dislike it. My line of thinking on the Tool/Optimist combo is Elasa going "W-Well, I have this horrible thing, but maybe I can use it! Yeah! I'm sure if I learn real hard about it things will be fine!"
Thats also going to cause long term problems, but ones we can hopefully fix. Its also a much more interesting plot line for me.
Honestly though, I'm more married to Optimist and Student than I'm to Tool. I think Curse is boring and over done as hell, and Gift being the actual for reals psycopath option; but I'd be fine with either of time if Optimist and/or Student are kept. Would prefer Curse over gift though.
Alright, I'm just going to say this right now, no one single choice is going to make Elsa batshit crazy. It'd take a bunch of choices and some really really shitty luck to have Elsa's mind break this early.

The Tool and Realistic setup would lay the groundwork for sociopathy, but that's not batshit insanity. That's more a cold and calculated cunning than her mind snapping and devolving into a raving lunatic.

She wouldn't really be ok, but that's mostly because she would have the reaction of a jaded 30-year-old to the problem, not the reaction of a sheltered 10-year-old. It'd be like if her favorite dog that she raised from a puppy was killed in front of her by random chance and she just shrugged, going, "Well that's life", and moved on.

So I'm fine with you guys picking that. It won't result in muderhobo Elsa. It'll just mean she's way more creepy and manipulative than she has any right to be.

But as I said, nothing's going to set a ticking time bomb in Elsa. At least, not any more than the other choices, and not on their own.

Curse and Gift are both just as safe as Tool, same with the others. It's all about what kind of person you want Elsa to be.

It's NOT a trap.

I did realize that no single choice will drop us into the crazy zone and that none of the choices aren't traps. Even stated the belief that all of the options will have their upsides and downsides. I'm just rather frustrated with the viewpoint that Tool is somehow a safer option than Curse when it comes to keeping Elsa's sanity. Perhaps I emphasized the pitfalls of Tool a bit too much because of that frustration.
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I did realize that no single choice will drop us into the crazy zone and that none of the choices aren't traps. I did state the belief that all of the options will have their upsides and downsides. I'm just rather frustrated with the viewpoint that Tool is somehow a safer option than Curse when it comes to keeping Elsa's sanity. Perhaps I emphasized the pitfalls of Tool a bit too much because of that frustration.

OH, you're fine. I'm just tired as fuck as it's really late, and I kept seeing a discussion revolve around curse vs gift vs tool, which seemed to include the misconception that there's a "Right" option.

There is no right option. There is no "correct" choice or victory to be had with them.

It's just deciding on the type of person you want Elsa to be. So I felt that people bringing up the idea that gift or curse would somehow lead to madness as opposed to tool or that any of them had an advantage regarding madness over the others in general needed clarification.

Which could just be because I can barely stay awake at the moment.

But, yeah, I just wanted to make it clear to everyone that the options are options, not a trap I'm waiting to spring on you.
Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 31, 2017 at 2:56 AM, finished with 82 posts and 17 votes.
  • 18

    [x] A tool
    [x] Optimistic
    [x] The Student
    [x] A tool
    [x] Realistic
    [x] The Acolyte
    [x] A tool
    [x] Optimistic
    [X] The Squire
    [X] A curse
    [X] Pessimistic
    [x] The Acolyte
    [x] A tool
    [x] Realistic
    [X] The Squire
    [X] A curse
    [x] Realistic
    [x] The Acolyte
    [X] A gift
    [x] Realistic
    [X] The Squire
    [X] A gift
    [X] Pessimistic
    [x] The Acolyte
    [x] A tool
    [x] Optimistic
    [x] The Acolyte
    [x] A tool
    [X] Pessimistic
    [x] The Student
    [X] The Squire
    [X] A gift
    [X] Pessimistic
    [x] The Student

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 31, 2017 at 10:51 AM, finished with 94 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 31, 2017 at 11:34 AM, finished with 95 posts and 26 votes.
So guys are we gonna make Elsa a yandere for Anna or just a plain loving sister. I honestly want to get this discussion setup now really
Ah, I'm sorry for kinda misreading what you said.
I agree with you, but I'm honestly really tired of the whole 'My powers are a Curse' plot. Its relatively reasonable in this situation, but I've just seen it so much I've grown to dislike it. My line of thinking on the Tool/Optimist combo is Elasa going "W-Well, I have this horrible thing, but maybe I can use it! Yeah! I'm sure if I learn real hard about it things will be fine!"
Thats also going to cause long term problems, but ones we can hopefully fix. Its also a much more interesting plot line for me.
Honestly though, I'm more married to Optimist and Student than I'm to Tool. I think Curse is boring and over done as hell, and Gift being the actual for reals psycopath option; but I'd be fine with either of time if Optimist and/or Student are kept. Would prefer Curse over gift though.

I totally understand being tired of the Curse plot. In fact, I considered that briefly when I picked it; I'm really tired of that old thousand-trod trail too. If it weren't for the fact that Elsa was introduced to this power via nearly murdering her beloved sister with it, that alone probably would've been enough for me to pick Tool myself. However, with that kind of trauma in mind, I can't see any other way working out without implying other types of mental issues, ones that would be harder to work with or fix. (Using a very quick, very sleep-deprived guess as an example, that Tool + Optimism Elsa sounds like she'd have denial issues.) I figured it'd be better to just have faith that the QM could make that terrible cliche work out somehow.

Curse is comparatively easy when it comes to finding fixes, anyway-- we just need an objective outside source to convince us we can use our powers for good. Such as a handy-dandy Anna, a la canon Frozen. :V Okay, I don't actually think Curse will be that easy, but at least the problem is more clearly visible and understandable.

(edit: So it doesn't seem like I'm focusing too much on what can be fixed more easily-- I also just prefer an Elsa who, at ten years old, cannot fathom how anything could make the fact that she wants to eat people better. Sets a nice, hard line in terms of morality, there.)

So guys are we gonna make Elsa a yandere for Anna or just a plain loving sister. I honestly want to get this discussion setup now really

Yandere if we catastrophically fail at not going crazy, because at that point why not just go all-in. Otherwise, yanderes are inherently bad at sanity, so I'd rather not.
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Functional sociopathy is likely one of the better options for Dark Disney. I'd rather be BBC Sherlock then mind break halfway through.
[x] A gift
[x] Pessimistic
[x] The Acolyte
That The Silence is really tempting tho.

But now I want Anna to be the Corvo to our empress.
So now I will push for a stealth!royalassasin!Anna
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[X] A curse
[X] Optimistic
[X] The Student
However, I can't help but giggle at all the people picking Tool and Realistic. FYI, going down that path is laying down some good groundwork for a sociopathic Elsa. It's hardly set in stone, but, well...you aren't exactly doing yourself too many favors.

I'm totally fine with that, but I thought I ought to inform you that Tool and Realistic does not equal totally sane, rational, and A-okay Elsa.

Alright, this does sort of frustrate me a bit. The fact that acknowledging this inborn ability as not inherently good or evil, along with being realistic about the world and our family and not going too far in either direction of hopefulness, results in a likely Sociopath. Like choosing the options that seem to me to be the biggest indicators of true maturity means that Elsa is or grows to be emotionally stunted and incapable of human empathy. Is this a "the children who can think with this level of clarity tend to be cold and non-empathetic" thing? Because that may have merit, and being able to transition and mature our worldviews over time would be good reason to start with Optimistic and eventually grow up by realizing how imperfect the world and people are. It would also more closely resemble what most would consider a normal healthy childhood.

[x] A tool
[x] Optimistic
[x] The Acolyte

Monk honestly sounds like the best option for controlling our Hunger, and gaining true discipline and maturity.
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