Also some thoughts on a few things:

If we make it obvious to the TH and HK that troops return, we may be able to spook them to pull back. They won't know if Xoh has fallen and Phygrif is leading that army, if the Red Banner are also coming or what other forces are there. It may well become a game of chicken where we have to bluff our way out of a conflict. And using lots of torches to make your army look bigger is a time honored strategy. Nevermind that the Blackbirds will be able to operate on their home ground.

Alternatively, if we do end up fighting, and win, the HK and TH may well collapse after losing that many troops in a situation this dire. They are used to high casualities, but at this time they can't afford all that much.

If we lose and they do get the secret of Iron, all is not lost either. Like us, they need infrastructure first (Surveys and get lucky, opening mines, fueling the forges and getting it in widespread use). And forests. And at least the HK will have trouble with the forests as they are already suffering horribly for the lack of those. Not sure with the TH.

They also lack Iron Blooded, which is incredibly useful.

So at best, it will take them 3 turns until they can field Iron. That is, 3 turns where they can beeline it and don't have to put out all the fires from climate change and economic contraction caused by us vamping on them.

Speaking of refugees, if Phygrif is forced to retreat but negotiates a peace treaty, it's unlikely he can get Moloch Calls banned, that only works with an occupation (which should collapse the Xoh right quick as MC is their best stability source). But if he can't get MC banned, he might well hit upon the genius idea of freeing all the slaves, which will probably cause the Xoh economy to crater.

Thats probably what the medium refugee wave is. The slaves our army freed on the way and told that they are free to either help the army, or head to Ymaryn territory and get a new life save from the lowlands shitshow.

The last was an idea for land management and how we will probably do it IC. And hopefully, make it more palatable for the more strident opponents. Because at some point, it will happen.

So basically, the problem many have is that they imagine some patricians get land assigned, manage it, get rich and are beyond the reach of the lands inhabitants.

Which is a valid possibility depending on stability and legitimacy at the time.

But an equal possibility, and one we should aim for, is to assign managent on the village level.

It's both the easiest for our society to grasp, most practical and it actually enforces accountability.

Essentially, the Village Chief gets to manage the lands around his village. At this level, I think we are still democratic. It's just the upper levels that are highly oligarchic because of the level of education you need there.

By keeping the management this small, we ensure that responses are fast and tailored for local conditions, while proximity to his people means the Chief can't fuck around too much or his people will remove him, one way or another. It's fairly hard to push people around in a village of a hundred souls if anyone can leave whenever or just punch you if you are being an ass.

The downsides is that they don't look at the big picture as much and may damage the land or plant cash crops that bring a lot of money, but in bad years risk famine.

To counter land damage, we have the priests and shamans. Religious Authority is probably a benefit for this as it means people listen to the priests even if they don't understand it. The priests are also our researchers and at this point probably advice farmers on how to manage their land for longterm benefit.

The demands of the state are more problematic, but are probably easiest solved via the Census. Count how many mouths need feeding, account for losses and disasters, assign budget and then contract villages to plant that much food for this money. Administratively, the only hard parts are the calculation and buying up the harvests.

At the end, food gets distributed again as bwylls, surplus is either sold abroad, stored or processed for beer and the like. Or just gifted. Whatever.

As always, corruption will be a factor, but thats the same with taxes. And here, it's fairly easy for a taxman to look at the fields and make a guess and compare with reported yields.

@Academia Nut

Is this realistic for the Ymaryns development or still too complex?
*Wakes up and crawls out of foxhole. Glances at throne.*

"Ah, you are awake! Such glorious times we had in your absence!"

*Picks up a plate of potatoes and eyes them suspiciously. While gobbling them.*

Edit: Plan "Gain 3 centralization in all the best ways" sounds like a go to me.
*the vampiric spirit blinks owlishly*

"Yes, it is good to be back in the land of waking. Sleep talking is difficult. Sadly I am still quite weak, and it will be at least another full day and night before I can fully participate."

*eyes potatoes suspiciously*

Plan 3 Cent in the best ways is nice, but does put us in yellow again, which is exacerbating our problems.

The demands of the state are more problematic, but are probably easiest solved via the Census. Count how many mouths need feeding, account for losses and disasters, assign budget and then contract villages to plant that much food for this money. Administratively, the only hard parts are the calculation and buying up the harvests
We have word from AN that the palace is what we need after trails in the short term, plus the Census is better after the palace. It can be our admin cap stone to put the final nail in our current admin problems.

Or at least that's how I want to do it based on available information.
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By keeping the management this small, we ensure that responses are fast and tailored for local conditions, while proximity to his people means the Chief can't fuck around too much or his people will remove him, one way or another. It's fairly hard to push people around in a village of a hundred souls if anyone can leave whenever or just punch you if you are being an ass.
I think you are underestimating the difficulties, both practical and psychological, of leaving your home to go elsewhere.

Consider. Even in modern society, people complain about being treated horribly by landlords all the time. This is despite the fact that in such a situation, you could typically move without having to change jobs or move away from friends and family.

Moving in general is a huge pain, and also a big burden financially if you are living paycheck to paycheck - and that is just moving a couple of blocks in a city. The type of moving you would suggest also means leaving the lands that your parents and grandparents have worked, leaving the community you grew up in, and leaving the neighbors, friends, and extended family that form your social group.

I'm not saying that there aren't ways to ensure village Chiefs are kept in line - but expecting the village residents to move if things get bad isn't going to cut it.
[X] [War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They accepted all who came (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
There was a good point about that refugee vote. If we don't kick it's safe to take the level 2, and that could help make sure we get good intel on the upcoming invasion. This does leave us with less econ and lots less LTE, but a single mill will be enough to hold us over for a little, so it makes sense to go with that. Preventing damage to Greater Justice and Cosmopolitan Acceptance is important, though both are likely secure enough that this would just be pushing for an evolution.

However, the +1 econ and LTE from Greater mills is actually really important now. We are at 8 LTE. That is EXTREMELY low. The difference between 10 and 11 LTE is actually quite noticeable. While we will get a little (+1?) from Divine Stewards, it's still so hideously low that it's easily worth the slight problems of Cent 2. (At least, when we immediately make it back and get stability from it)

[X][War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X][Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X][Mill] Greater permission (-3 Wealth, -1 Art, -2 Centralization, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation)
[X][WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X][Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X][Refugee] They were helping to create refugees, they should help more (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)

Kick+Mills would also be reasonable, but that means taking the minimum refugees and the votes are a lot further off there.
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[X] [War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They accepted all who came (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
With mills now a thing we also have to include Art and Wealth.
Nah, while those stats can be converted into LTE they should be counted separately for our purposes. LTE is actually useful as a short-term tool due to Expand Economy being so efficient and our refugees also taking slots.

With the 2x Cities we're maintaining, LTE in the long term is pretty much entirely safe. It's only in the short term when we're low on it that we need to worry.
I think you are underestimating the difficulties, both practical and psychological, of leaving your home to go elsewhere.

Consider. Even in modern society, people complain about being treated horribly by landlords all the time. This is despite the fact that in such a situation, you could typically move without having to change jobs or move away from friends and family.

Moving in general is a huge pain, and also a big burden financially if you are living paycheck to paycheck - and that is just moving a couple of blocks in a city. The type of moving you would suggest also means leaving the lands that your parents and grandparents have worked, leaving the community you grew up in, and leaving the neighbors, friends, and extended family that form your social group.

I'm not saying that there aren't ways to ensure village Chiefs are kept in line - but expecting the village residents to move if things get bad isn't going to cut it.

Ymaryn system, at least in the cities, seemed to make moving very easy.

And yeah, the psychological part will be the biggest hurdle. I'm more counting on small, tight-knit communities to keep the Chief honest. After all, a lot of these people are going to be his relatives and friends. They will be in his monkey-sphere. Most likely, any belligerence and corruption will be aimed at the central government when taxes are collected. That will be troublesome, but it keeps personal abuse to a minimum and even today, no one likes the tax collector or bureaucracy.

Btw can someone explain to me why seaworthiness wins over Size?

I get that Lake Ymaryn is getting harder to navigate, but I thought the main issue we had with trade was that our main trade partners in the lowlands kinda implode (which was apparently fixed when we took the Lowland Minors).

Wouldn't size be better for us to enable bulk shipments of less valuable goods, thus increasing basic trade between our Provinces/Colonies/Marches?

The luxury argument that they are annoyed with is to a large part because thats the only worthwhile thing to trade, and they can't really export anything to buy it from the south (or sell to buy stuff from the Trelli). But if they could export Timber and Grain to the south, they get to compete again. Roads are still absolutely necessary, but infrastructure would be a bit less problematic.
[X] [War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
-[X] [Main] Kick the Megaproject (Pay 1 Stability, gain another Main action)
[X] [Main] Main Build Mill
[X] [Refugee] They accepted all who came (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Apparently I had some typos in my earlier vote!
Ymaryn system, at least in the cities, seemed to make moving very easy.

And yeah, the psychological part will be the biggest hurdle. I'm more counting on small, tight-knit communities to keep the Chief honest. After all, a lot of these people are going to be his relatives and friends. They will be in his monkey-sphere. Most likely, any belligerence and corruption will be aimed at the central government when taxes are collected. That will be troublesome, but it keeps personal abuse to a minimum and even today, no one likes the tax collector or bureaucracy.

Btw can someone explain to me why seaworthiness wins over Size?

I get that Lake Ymaryn is getting harder to navigate, but I thought the main issue we had with trade was that our main trade partners in the lowlands kinda implode (which was apparently fixed when we took the Lowland Minors).

Wouldn't size be better for us to enable bulk shipments of less valuable goods, thus increasing basic trade between our Provinces/Colonies/Marches?

The luxury argument that they are annoyed with is to a large part because thats the only worthwhile thing to trade, and they can't really export anything to buy it from the south (or sell to buy stuff from the Trelli). But if they could export Timber and Grain to the south, they get to compete again. Roads are still absolutely necessary, but infrastructure would be a bit less problematic.
Because disrupted trade is caused by two things, our local land neighbors starting to implode and the rough seas making getting to trelli and our other partners difficult. Seaworthiness fixes the sea half.

Nah, while those stats can be converted into LTE they should be counted separately for our purposes. LTE is actually useful as a short-term tool due to Expand Economy being so efficient and our refugees also taking slots.

With the 2x Cities we're maintaining, LTE in the long term is pretty much entirely safe. It's only in the short term when we're low on it that we need to worry.
Ehh, see the edit I made. I treat them as a part of the LTE machine myself because mills is one of the few actions that just creates LET.
Ehh, see the edit I made. I treat them as a part of the LTE machine myself because mills is one of the few actions that just creates LET.
LTE creators:
1) New Settlements/provinces
2) Mills
3) Divine Stewards bonus
4) Mines (Iron or Copper)
5) Black Soil
6) Boats
7) Aquaduct

LTE consumers:
1) Crisis damage
2) Massive Walls

edits in italics
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Ya know I am actually kinda curious how big our massive walls are, because 4 econ is nearly a third of our cap...
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 3, 2017 at 2:22 PM, finished with 67160 posts and 102 votes.
[X] [War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X] [Boat] New design: Speed
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They were helping to create refugees, they should help more (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[X] [War] Hope the king wins quickly
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They were helping to create refugees, they should help more (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
Ya know I am actually kinda curious how big our massive walls are, because 4 econ is nearly a third of our cap...
4 Econ is the total we can get out of a local village. Without the True City bonuses, we'd have to have a dedicated settlement doing nothing but maintaining the walls for every set of massive walls we built. (That and feeding themselves.)
Amusingly, if we can actually pull everything off, Phygrif may well be remembered as Phygrif the Great as it's unlikely that records of our precarious situation will survive. For historians (or the Ymaryns later history) he is likely to be portrayed as the one that liberated countless slaves from the Xoh oppression and put the Ymaryn on the map as one of the great Empires. Nevermind the treatment of conquered populations, which many will attribute to his doing rather than what the Ymaryn do in general (this being our first war of conquest where it becomes obvious)
That hurt me to read because I know it's likely. Historical accuracy when
4 Econ is the total we can get out of a local village. Without the True City bonuses, we'd have to have a dedicated settlement doing nothing but maintaining the walls for every set of massive walls we built. (That and feeding themselves.)
Preeeeeetty amusing.

Border fort towns I guess is one way that can go.
Wait, another thing I'm confused about. What's the difference between Econ and Econ Expansion? Is Econ Expansion the potential for growth?
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jul 3, 2017 at 2:38 PM, finished with 67166 posts and 102 votes.