Yes, Rulwyna has poor martial. But as a general point - if both the Thunder Speakers and the Highland are now mad at us, we really, really should pull back the troops. Especially given how fuck important the iron in the Red Hills is. Let's just weather out the storm.
It really depends on the nature of the vote. If the war vote is what our civilization does in general, returning should be fine given it should benefit from both Rulwyna's knowledge and the King's heroic martial saying this is a good thing to do. If it's just hers, then it's more questionable. For example it could be that the Hope the King wins quickly just delegates the decision to him, and with his martial score, he would be one of the best judges of the risk reward of the iron mines being taken or how likely it would be and he responds appropriately. After all, his diplomacy and administration aren't really bad, they're just not great.
It really depends on the nature of the vote. If the war vote is what our civilization does in general, returning should be fine given it should benefit from both Rulwyna's knowledge and the King's heroic martial saying this is a good thing to do. If it's just hers, then it's more questionable. For example it could be that the Hope the King wins quickly just delegates the decision to him, and with his martial score, he would be one of the best judges of the risk reward of the iron mines being taken or how likely it would be and he responds appropriately. After all, his diplomacy and administration aren't really bad, they're just not great.
He also would only look at the immediate risks and rewards, rather than the centuries-long scope we care about. Short-term, there's little real benefit for them if they steal our ironworking knowledge, but long-term it's a devastating blow to our advantage over our neighbors.
Yeah, Poor Martial doesn't mean that losing Redhill wouldn't be even more disastrous...for the matter, conquering Xohy is itself going to be disastrous due to Admin overreach.

We want them beaten silly, not conquered.
Our King wants them conquered.

Conquering them will trigger a failure cascade

Also about the centralization argument you guys do realize we have super high hierarchy too which means lower centralization will no let us actually command that hierarchy right?
That's not how Hierarchy works.
-Low Centralization, Low Hierarchy - Everyone does the best they can locally.

-High Centralization, Low Hierarchy - System is highly dependent upon having a skilled leader and is more fragile when the leader is bad.

-Low Centralization, High Hierarchy - System is complex and does most of the work on it's own, but corruption and system exploits creeps in more easily due to complexity masking them.

-High Centralization, High Hierarchy - System is running a Command Economy, which takes stress because of extremely high administrative load.

That's a reasonable rationale for not taking -2.5 option and I can respect conservatism, but it is not an argument against -1.5 at all.

And taking refugees is never needless, *especially* if we are the ones who have created them. Not taking at least -1.5 would go against not only CA, but also Justice, because it was us who have created them.
Note that we STILL have a chance of taking up to a -2 hit from Redhill damage if we don't defend it(and currently people are moving towards gambling that we can get away with not doing so)
I'm reading it more like this, so we might have even less leeway

Centralization 6 - We are paralyzed
Centralization 5 - High, it's generating extra strain.
Centralization 4 - Okay.
Centralization 3 - Okay.
Centralization 2 - Can no longer react, but touching Stability + Legitimacy <= 0 via Order of Execution doesn't explode us.
Centralization 1 - Low, this will trigger collapse if we hit Stability + Legitimacy <= 0 via Order of Execution, rather than at end of turn.
Centralization 0 - Government reform but doesn't collapse us if Stability + Legitimacy > 0. May die next turn from being unable to fix problems.

@Academia Nut What does it mean to lose the capacity to react? Do we lose certain midturn options(Wildcat (not that we'll take it), midturn Main, etc.) or does it skip the midturn entirely?
Except reaction votes are on the mid turn. By the next mid turn we will be at least at Centralization 3, if not 5(because you can bet the provinces will be Enforce Justice happy if we don't use it first)
You know I think we should get a second opinion @Academia Nut what does our war chief think about the chance of the HK and TS working together to raid red hills?
I'm pretty sure she knows that they are working together to do this because she intercepted some messengers from HK to the TS in the update, and a thing to remember is she hits all the points for a Intrigue hero.
Note that we STILL have a chance of taking up to a -2 hit from Redhill damage if we don't defend it(and currently people are moving towards gambling that we can get away with not doing so)
And taking in more refugees damages HK economy, making them less likely to damage us in war.

Besides, stab hit from losses is nothing compared to loss of ironworking monopoly anyway.
I'm pretty sure she knows that they are working together to do this because she intercepted some messengers from HK to the TS in the update, and a thing to remember is she hits all the points for a Intrigue hero.
We know that they are working together what we do not know is where they will strike the target being redhills is mere speculation from someone who is poor on the topic of war. Hell if there target is iron then another target is the Red banners or the lowland minors since they know iron working as well.
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Yes, but is the first time we are to blame, at least partially, for it, so I expect the probability to be higher.
Actually not true either. We've screwed with the other polities before. Ironically, it was through Cosmopolitan Acceptance and its precursors.

Hmmm... yeah, you've basically prompted your closest neighbours to develop alternate methods of stability restoration to deal with your draining their population. If I remember correctly you did crash the Western Confederacy doing this.
We've destroyed the Western Confederacy. This was the Pioneering Spirit combo.

Since basically the only vote in contention is the one about the boats, I will reveal the fact that taking very large influxes of refugees, especially if it includes actual territory, has negative effects on the polity been drawn from. In most cases recently you have been drawing +2 Econ from three or more groups, so they get a bit of narrative grumbling but it doesn't actually impact their Econ score.

You are currently drawing from one group and one group only a very large number of people. In a weird twist of fate though, the Hathatyn aren't entirely screwed due to other factors.

It was significant, but the big issue was that the cities were all interdependent, and once that broke down each city fell into a death spiral of not enough land under control to feed population -> populations contract from death/emigration -> fewer soldiers to beat back the bandits and control the countryside -> less land under control to feed the population.
We almost destroyed the Hathatyn but they ended up dying later anyways.

What you can do is apply sufficient pressure to drop their stability to the point where they fracture and the remnants are either more to your liking or can be dealt with as minor powers instead of major civilization structures.

I don't even know why we bother going for traditional wars when we already have a clear way to destroy other civilizations. Through the power of charity and friendship!
Actually not true either. We've screwed with the other polities before. Ironically, it was through Cosmopolitan Acceptance and its precursors.

We've destroyed the Western Confederacy. This was the Pioneering Spirit combo.

We almost destroyed the Hathatyn but they ended up dying later anyways.

I don't even know why we bother going for traditional wars when we already have a clear way to destroy other civilizations. Through the power of charity and friendship!

Not with the intention to destroy though. War is, well, entirely another ballpark.

EDit: Well, it was half-deliberate with Hathatyn, but intent to help eas always still there.
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Honestly the current situation seems to be the greatest crucible that our civilization has ever had, if we come out of this intact and manage to resolve some of our issues (which we should be able to do if we don't collapse) we are in a position to become the regional power and control the lowlands. If that occurs we will with in a very short period of time become a major global power and be in a good place for the next thousand years. The other option is we collapse and get to basically start over with a rump state.
I have to say, it's kinda funny how we're simultaneously annoyed at how our centralization is too high and we have so many good ways to raise of while simultaneously are scared of lowering it to entirely safe levels to do those raising actions.

Getting an extra +1 Stability via Enforce Justice would be super useful right here, and we're looking like we're gonna skip on it due to people being afraid of... What, randomly losing 2 Centralization with no warning and breaking us?
Losing 1 is a thing we've seen happen like once or twice this whole quest, so it makes a lot of sense to keep a buffer. But is gaining an extra point of Centralization buffer really worth losing a point of Stability?
We know that they are working together what we do not know is where they will strike the target being redhills is mere speculation from someone who is poor on the topic of war. Hell if there target is iron then another target is the Red banners or the lowland minors since they know iron working as well.
Okay. I'm still not particularly enthused with letting our King hit Xoh hard enough they fold and become another vassal we have to defend, and, defending Redhill sounds like a good idea.

With that said I am bowing out of this because I ain't feeling the required interest needed to argue in this thread right now.

Thank you for sharing your opinions, I'll probably end up talking to you about something else later, that we may agree on or not.
We know that they are working together what we do not know is where they will strike the target being redhills is mere speculation from someone who is poor on the topic of war. Hell if there target is iron then another target is the Red banners or the lowland minors since they know iron working as well.

Iron working is only one half of the equation. The other is the knowledge on how to identify, mine, and smelt iron. Attacking redhill and grabbing a few miners and smelters would be the prize.
[X] [War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Greater permission (-3 Wealth, -1 Art, -2 Centralization, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They accepted all who came (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Mill] Greater permission (-3 Wealth, -1 Art, -2 Centralization, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jul 3, 2017 at 3:43 AM, finished with 66988 posts and 76 votes.
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
I have to say, it's kinda funny how we're simultaneously annoyed at how our centralization is too high and we have so many good ways to raise of while simultaneously are scared of lowering it to entirely safe levels to do those raising actions.

Getting an extra +1 Stability via Enforce Justice would be super useful right here, and we're looking like we're gonna skip on it due to people being afraid of... What, randomly losing 2 Centralization with no warning and breaking us?
Losing 1 is a thing we've seen happen like once or twice this whole quest, so it makes a lot of sense to keep a buffer. But is gaining an extra point of Centralization buffer really worth losing a point of Stability?
Centralization is to us as Stability was to the Spirit Talkers.
[X] [War] Withdraw main forces to defend Redhills, leave vassals and Red Banner
[X] [Boat] New design: Size
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Greater assistance (-3 Art, -2 Centralization, Stallions very pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They were helping to create refugees, they should help more (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)

Eh, so long we don't hit 0 Cent, we won't break up.
And we're unlikely to hit Stab+Leg=0 anyway.

Pump out the Cent and double main trails repeatedly
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Lesser permission (-2 Wealth, -1 Art, -1 Centralization, +2 Econ, potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They accepted all who came (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Boat] New design: Seaworthiness
[X] [Mill] Greater permission (-3 Wealth, -1 Art, -2 Centralization, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation)
[X] [WC] Lesser assistance (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, Stallions pleased, ???)
[X] [Main] Sacred Forest Renewal Completion (-2 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Art)
[X] [Refugee] They accepted all who came (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Mill] Greater permission (-3 Wealth, -1 Art, -2 Centralization, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation)

Less centralization means more roads.

[X] [Refugee] They were helping to create refugees, they should help more (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)

This seems like a good opportunity to steer the wars impact on our values a bit.