I'm reading it more like this, so we might have even less leeway
Centralization 6 - We are paralyzed
Centralization 5 -
High, it's generating extra strain.
Centralization 4 - Okay.
Centralization 3 - Okay.
Centralization 2 -
Can no longer react, but touching Stability + Legitimacy <= 0 via Order of Execution doesn't explode us.
Centralization 1 -
Low, this will trigger collapse if we hit Stability + Legitimacy <= 0 via Order of Execution, rather than at end of turn.
Centralization 0 - Government reform but doesn't collapse us if Stability + Legitimacy > 0. May die next turn from being unable to fix problems.
@Academia Nut What does it mean to lose the capacity to react? Do we lose certain midturn options(Wildcat (not that we'll take it), midturn Main, etc.) or does it skip the midturn entirely?