No, you see.
Centralization is explicitly needed to keep us safe here. Too much is bad, -2 is cutting it close and only even remotely sensible because they help put out some fires.
Actually, no.
Centralization 6 - We are paralyzed
Centralization 5 -
High, it's generating extra strain.
Centralization 4 - Okay.
Centralization 3 - Okay.
Centralization 2 - Okay.
Centralization 1 -
Low, this will trigger collapse if we hit Stability + Legitimacy <= 0 via Order of Execution, rather than at end of turn.
Centralization 0 - Collapse.
This means of our current plans:
[] Partial pullout
[] Greater Mills
[] Lesser Quarry
[] No Kick
[] Min Refugee
This gives us Econ 3, Cent 2, Stability 1 to 2, Legitimacy 3.
Worst Order of Execution point is Econ 1, Cent 2, Stability 0, Legitimacy 3
This means 0 chance of Stability loss from Weather econ damage(biggest possible hit is -3, Econ is 3).
Some risk of Stability loss from defensive failure.
Absolute worst case scenario is losing the defensive action, resulting in losing 2 Econ and 1 Stability, which leaves us at Stability -2, Legitimacy 3, rising to Stability -1 at end of turn.
Still afloat.
[] Partial pullout
[] Lesser Mills
[] Lesser Quarry
[] No Kick
[] Min Refugee
This gives us Econ 2, Cent 3, Stability 1 to 2, Legitimacy 3.
Worst Order of Execution point is Econ 1, Cent 3, Stability 0, Legitimacy 3
This means small chance of Stability loss from weather econ damage(biggest possible hit is -3, Econ is 2).
Some risk of Stability loss from defensive failure.
Absolute worst case scenario is losing the defensive action, resulting in losing 2 Econ and 1 Stability, which leaves us at Stability -3, Legitimacy 3, rising to Stability -2 at end of turn.
Potential crash if Cent is considered low. No crash if Cent is considered high.
[] Partial pullout
[] Greater Mills
[] Lesser Quarry
[] Kick for Main Mill
[] Min Refugee
This gives us Econ 6, Cent 2, Stability 0 to 1, Legitimacy 3.
This means 0 chance of Stability loss from Weather econ damage(biggest possible hit is -3, Econ is 6).
Worst Order of Execution point is Econ 1, Cent 3, Stability -1, Legitimacy 3
Absolute worst case scenario is losing the defensive action, resulting in losing 2 Econ and 1 Stability, which leaves us at Stability -4, Legitimacy 3, rising to Stability -3 at end of turn.
We will crash if we lose the defensive action and fail the order of execution. Centralization irrelevant.
...are the people Kicking looking at how close we are to the bottom Stability wise? Kicking is better
only if we succeed at Order of Execution check with a Mediocre Admin king.
You have to wonder why the Xoh won't give up when the Ymaryn are already at the gate.
We're demanding that a THEOCRACY cease their religious practices?
It would be formed out of the logistics trails linking the main people to the vassals, and would open up more expansion slots, but it would also be very vulnerable.
Probably not too hot an idea until we pull the army back.
Yes, because it will help us hold the country together in two major ways:
1) It's a huge boost for our administration. Easier to use, easier to collate, easier to store, easier to distribute than the clay tablets we're currently using. And administrative efficiency is a bottleneck that's strangling us.
2) Mail service. Letters, proclamations, business transactions, etc. flying back and forth across the nation is a way to tie people together through greater personal, cultural and economic connections that builds on itself rather than imposing bonding exercises from above.
And given our national developments, we're in a position to come up with the idea of wood pulp paper long before comparable IRL civilizations did, which is the key innovation that made paper cheap and available in vast quantities.
We already have bulk quantities of parchment FYI. Paper won't change anything in the short term.
It's looking worse and worse with the reminder that Heroes who don't have legitimate paths to power will take nasty ones instead.
Heh, yes.
For those that aren't aware of the costs
[] [Main] Main New Settlement - Far Eastern Redhills (+1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases Econ Expansion)
[] [Main] Main Expand Economy (+4 Econ, -4 Econ Expansion, potential additional effects)
[] [Main] Main Build Mill (-3 Wealth, -1 Art, +3 Econ, increased potential for innovation)
Special: Main new settlement in far eastern Redhills can produce new provinces. Far eastern Redhills will also give territorial continuity with your vassal and allow for their integration.
That way you know what everything costs us.
New Settlement is also explicitly going to further stress the administration and is exposed to raids from the Thunder Speakers.
This doesn't really seem to fit the fluff when we got the tech up, now that i looked back on that update:
I mean, i understand that the trails are pretty bad in general, but it certainly sounded like "the few most important roads connecting province 'capitals' are gravel, less important are groomed, minor settlements are kind of fucked tho and they all could use more work" to me, not "literally one gravel road"
...Mind, this isn't exactly an important point of contention, but the state of the roads is something i apparently dont have a good grasp on
There IS only one gravel road. Upgrades don't auto-propagate unless we take action to build them or unless private interests want to build them, so the gravel road just goes from the silver mine to Sacred Forest I believe.
Private interests don't build roads because they can't get a profit.
Next turn:
[Main] More Roads - North
[Main] More Roads - North x2
Specifying is necessary. We know from the updates that the south has been entrenching their power against the north for a while. Without specification, they may instead build the roads elsewhere, such as in Redshore or Redhills. Even if the oligarchs don't do that, that may just happen anyway if we leave it to chance. We lose nothing from specifying but may lose something from NOT specifying.
They won't build in Redshore, but if Rulwyna II has Excellent Admin it may be better to leave her to it.
I'm still thinking about what the practical differences between Oligarchy, Diplomacy, and Autocracy are. Remember, any of these can have hereditary power put into them.
Never got an answer I like on a mechanical level, though it was pointed out that diplomacy doesn't work at our complexity and education levels, populism being the default by far. It would seem that an oligarchy would be, by far, our best option, and mostly where we are. Again, keep in mind that Oligarchy doesn't mean it has to be hereditary, though they're likely to make it such.
So, while I disagree with how he viewed them, I do think I have to agree with veekie that we have to start seperating hereditary from various forms of ruler ship. We have a king, after all.
Different axis yes. I'll list down without the benefits to make it clear.
-Non-hereditary - Whoever wants to stand for election can.
-De-facto Hereditary - Whoever wants to stand for election can, but only those in the families have a real chance. We're here
-De-jure Hereditary - Only those in the right families can stand for election.
-Absolute Hereditary - Only direct descent can pass down power. Most common form.
-Anarchy - See Heroic Age Hathatyn
-City-state - Individual settlements affiliated only by culture. Can fight each other.
-Confederacy - Individual settlements affiliated by a network of alliances. Will conflict with each other, but fights more rarely.
-Federation - Individual provinces under a single federal entity, but no central authority.
-Oligarchy - Provinces unified and ruled by a council of elites drawn from each province. Has central authority, but only by consensus
-Oligarchic kingdom - As per Oligarchy, but has a First Amongst Equals King raised from the Oligarches to call the shots. We're here
-Kingdom - Strong central ruler, with power delegated from the king rather than rising up from the provinces.
-Autocracy/Despotism - Absolute central ruler. Not sustainable for a large polity.
-Secular - No religious involvement at all in rule. Kind of rare.
-Oversight - Religion advises secular rulers, but do not command. We're here
-Divine Right - Religion determines Right of Rule, where there's a secular ruler, but they must be confirmed by the priesthood
-Theocratic - Religion directly rules.
All the axis can combine freely, i.e. Theocratic Kingdom is just ruled by Pope, Theocratic Absolute Hereditary Autocracy is God-King, etc.