Shard of Virtue Online [MMO Quest]

[X] Female
[X] Cleric

We could go Shaman, but I think Inquisitor will have better results.
[X] Female
[X] Cleric
I hope for Shaman or Magister later on.
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So, the vote is currently tied at 8-8 for Cleric/Pyromancer. I'll give this another hour and a half or so; if there aren't any follow up votes, I'll probably close it with my usual 'authorial tie breaker vote'.


Guess I'll tiebreak in favour of Cleric, since it's the one with more discussion (and because BlackHadou was in favour of 'whatever unlocks Paladin' :p). Unlocking Pyro isn't super difficult anyways :p.
Adhoc vote count started by Flintlock on Jun 21, 2017 at 1:48 AM, finished with 34 posts and 18 votes.
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[Session 1] Character Creation Pt.2
As you lock your starting class in, your vision abruptly fades to black. Curious, considering there were still a full four tabs along the side of the character creation menu that hadn't been filled in yet. Sound and sight slowly return, muffled and blurry at first. Your vision has an oppressively grimy, yellow filter laid over it, giving you a pretty good idea of what you're going into, despite your inability to actually see what's happening.

You're currently standing ramrod straight, as two figures in front of you talk. You try to grasp control of your ostensible avatar, but your movements seem sluggish and muted, as is usually the case with this sort of cutscene. You suppose you'll just have to ride it out until you're given control back.

Finally, the sounds become distinct enough that you can understand what the voices are saying.

"-felike. Distressingly so."

"Sir, she's awake. She can hear-"

The first figure turns. The angular bulkiness of his silhouette resolves itself into heavy, jet black armour. He looms over both your and his associate; an old man, clothed in hooded, white robes decorated in vaguely mystical patterns. Though his helmet obscures his face, you can feel him pin his associate with his gaze.

"Cardinal, I would not overstep my bounds, if I were in your...position."

The cardinal shifts uncomfortably, before falling silent. Even as the armoured man turns his attention back to you, the cardinal continues to cower. You note they've gone with the same style as the old games; almost aping a sort of hand-drawn anime look.

It's actually a little disconcerting in first person 3d.

"Release the bindings."

An uncertain nod, and the old man raises a glowing hand. You greedily snatch control of your avatar and roll your neck and shoulders. You gauge the movement as more or less a one to one recreation of your movement in reality. So far, it seems they've done an adequate job. With how much everyone was raving about the technical side of the game, you suppose proper avatar-self synchronicity is the least you'd expect.

"Now, Tuldur, I suppose it's time for us to test your claims. You will be expected in the training room, recruit."


[] "Yes, sir."
[] "Whatever you say, tutorial man."
[] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[] Write-In.

You try to answer, but your voice only seems to echo through your head. The man strides out of the room, which you're finally able to take stock of. You can't see an actual light source; no windows, no torches, no lights. You wonder if the filter is some actual, in-game effect representing the light, rather than an artistic thing. Making out the details with the filter is hard, but walls seem to be made of a sort of worked metal. Probably iron. There's a austere quality to the untreated steel; it's not particularly worn, but it still feels...Old. And out of place, considering Shard of Virtue is solidly fantasy. Whatever's happening here is probably some plot thing.

The Cardinal clears his throat, his reticence to offend is maintained, as the sound is as timid as anything else he's said.

"I would...Not dally. Lord Suresteel is... Not known for his patience."

A box of text pops up, obscuring your vision.

Is this your first time controlling a virtual avatar?
Yes No

Follow Lord Suresteel to the Training Room to continue the tutorial.

You wonder if this is skippable somehow. You mash the mental buttons, but there isn't an immediate response. You shrug and head to the next room. It's about the same as the last; but smaller. More claustrophobic. A single table and a training dummy are the only other inhabitants.

"Hmmph. Alright, recruit. The cardinal has assured me the ritual has granted you what would take a normal acolyte years of dedicated faith to be awarded."

He move to the table and hands you an odd looking...Thing. It's wood and white paint; a stick that splits into two prongs, both of which end in a crown-like series of regular triangles. His voice takes a disdainful lilt, that implies he's sneering behind the helmet's visor.

"Show me."

You're fairly certain this is all deliberately confusing and vague.

Again, a text box fills your vision.

Cleric Abilities: Favour of the Gods
This is your Icon; the basis for channelling holy energy and your primary tool as a Cleric.
Raise it above your head while standing still to invoke the gods and begin powering it.

A little odd. And a little gimmicky, you think. Not entirely what you expected of the class.

...What did you expect, anyway?

What sort of background do you have as a gamer, that Shard of Virtue Online would appeal to you?


[] MMO Expert (Focus: Mechanics)
[] Action Game Afficionado (Focus: Mastery)
[] VR Veteran (Focus: Awareness)
[] Shard of Virtue Fan (Focus: Lore)

* * * * * * * *

So, I should probably explain the specifics of the four primary skills.

Mechanics governs the MC's ability to complete rote tasks, or those where consistency is the goal/difficulty. This can be anything from completing a raid without dropping your spell rotation to crafting thirty bandages.

Mastery governs the MC's ability to complete tasks where immediate precision and/or speed is the deciding factor. This could be hitting a weak spot on an erratically moving target, or parrying a flurry of incoming attacks.

Awareness governs the MC's situational problem solving in regards to 3D space. This applies to both environmental problems such as evading surprise attacks or spotting hidden objects, and to party management.

Lore governs the MC's knowledge of the game world and system. This applies to recalling the history of Shard of Virtue, to remembering boss attack patterns, to evaluating items/builds.

There'll probably be a bit more time of this vote, since I have work tomorrow.
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[X] "Yes, sir."
[X] VR Veteran (Focus: Awareness)

voting for 2 cus I can't decide. @Flintlock is this permissible?

E: We're a cleric. Grouchy cleric giving newbs advice and giving noobs sweet death is the path. Thus, Awareness so that we're perfect and can give better advice.
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aw man, I'm not sure about the first vote cause I hate being mean to NPCs, but also The first option doesn't really do much in terms of personality.....

Second one, I'm willing to be convinced about too....
[X] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[X] Shard of Virtue Fan (Focus: Lore)

If we are going to be a Healer, then I want to be This kind
[X] "Yes, sir."
[X] Shard of Virtue Fan (Focus: Lore)

Lore will probably necessary with Cleric.
[X] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[X] MMO Expert (Focus: Mechanics)

Grumpy healer go.
[X] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[X] MMO Expert (Focus: Mechanics)
[X] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[X] Shard of Virtue Fan (Focus: Lore)
[X] "I'm gonna enjoy fucking you up when you become a raid boss, you know that right?"
[X] Shard of Virtue Fan (Focus: Lore)