[X] The curvy girl watching videos.

She's wearing an anime tee and we are an animator.

[X] Ask her about what she's doing.
[X] Ask her about what she's drinking.

It's a weird looking drink but can be played off on trying to decide ourselves. Nico (cousin!) might be familiar with what she's watching, too.
[X] The curvy girl watching videos.

[X] Ask her about what she's doing.
[X] Ask her about what she's drinking.
[X] The curvy girl watching videos.

[X] Ask her about what she's doing.
[X] Ask her about what she's drinking.
[X] The slim girl by the counter.

[X] Ask her about what she's drinking.
[X] Ask if she comes here often.
[x] The curvy girl watching videos.

[x] Ask her about what she's doing.
[x] Ask if she comes here often.
Prologue VI: CAT-VID
[x] The curvy girl watching videos.
[x] Ask her about what she's drinking.
[x] Ask her about what she's doing.

You carefully consider your options and weigh the odds that you might be able to hold a normal conversation with them. The blonde was easily the most attractive in a classical sense but had nothing to really respond to or bring up in conversation. The powerlifter was appealing in other ways but she looked like she wanted to be by herself- and even though you're both active people your regimens are probably at odds. Cardio decreases gains, or so the literature says.

That leaves the girl sitting by herself and watching videos. You feel a little silly for not thinking about it immediately, but the anime t-shirt was a dead giveaway. Once you get close and start talking, you have a topic you can bring into your bailiwick.

On your way, you pick up a mango, banana and pineapple smoothie at the automatic kiosk, something sweet that'll cool you down and hydrate you. The blonde gives you a quick glance, but pays you no mind as you wander off. It feels a little skeevy somehow to pretend to walk past her on your way to another table, but you manage to pace it out in a way that isn't blindingly obvious. As it turns out, she's watching a livestream of some kittens playing inside of an indoor play area in someone's house. By the loops and struts of the text scrolling by, somewhere in the Koreas perhaps.

A white kitten is pounced upon by another, a sibling with smudges of charcoal across its face and brilliant blue eyes. The two wrestle, briefly, and bite at eachother affectionately. The girl breaks into riotous laughter.

You compulsively make a little laugh, as well. She turns around just a bit, having not noticed you.

"Oh, sorry. Am I being too lou-" her speaking voice is soft, a sweet-sounding and well-rehearsed soprano.

"Err what are you doing… I mean watching." You peer again, and kinda-sorta interrupt her as you hastily regurgitate the line you prepared.

"Just a livestream. It's Meow House."

"Meow House?"

"They're like, breeders of cats who use the streaming revenue to help fund the K-SPCA."

"That's cool."

"Sorry, I mean was I laughing too loud? I can leave if it's like a problem or… sorry." She blinks, as if realizing something. "Wait, do you work here? You're not telling me to pipe down?"

"No, I'm actually uh… newish. Nicodemo… but call me Nico." She's mistaken you for an employee. You're not really sure how to take that, but it's probably a compliment about how fit you look, you realize. You break a smile, and try to invite yourself to the table. "Mind if I... uh watch sit?"


"Uh… sure. I'm leaving soonish but I've got half my smoothie left." She replies, turning back to her phone with a smile. "They just woke up for mealtime, so it's going to be fun."

You take the seat by her, nodding. "Nice."

"It's the best part." She says, sitting her phone on the table. Her posture constricts, putting a hand to the chair and squeezing her middle a little with her arm.

The owner, a middle-aged east asian woman scrolls into view on the main camera view, starting to pour out into kibble bowls. A half-dozen kittens swarm around her ankles, followed by a pair of mottled smoke and cloud-colored adults with the same stark blue eyes as the kittens. The kittens clamber over one another and their presumptive parents, tumbling over moments later.

"Hee!" She instantly relaxes a little at the sight, laughing. "The two big ones are Pepero and Yaongi. They got busy and there was lots of hype about Yaongi getting pregnant, and then they had them just a few weeks ago."

"Heh. So what you got there?" You look over to her drink.

The girl swirls the cup idly, shrugging. "Oh it's like… I don't know. Healthy stuff. Banana, avocado, passionfruit and spinach? I just pressed the buttons that matched my mealplan to see how it'd taste."

"How does it taste?"

"Kinda thick? Sweet, almost buttery. You don't even notice the spinach." She takes another sip, and frowns. "Passionfruit was weird, though..."

You nod, and she smiles and returns to her livestream. While it doesn't seem like she dislikes you, you feel a bit like your awkwardness has crept into the situation and made her close up a little. The conversation is about to enter a lull as you watch cat videos with this stranger, who has given you neither her name nor number.

What do you try to do?
[ ] Ask her about her t-shirt as a segue to anime and animation in general.
[ ] Ask her about cats and other animals.
[ ] Ask her for her name.
[ ] Ask her what she's doing later.
[ ] (x0.8) Say goodbye. You'll have another shot someday.
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[x] Ask her about her t-shirt as a segway to anime and animation in general

This is why we chose her in the first place guys....
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[x] Ask her about her t-shirt as a segway to anime and animation in general
Note: Segway is a typo. You don't ride a two-wheeled vehicle across conversation topics.
[x] Ask her about her t-shirt as a segway to anime and animation in general

Nico being an animator is fairly cool from the right perspective- and gives a chance to indicate 'I am actually employed and reasonably successful by the way'. If we're exceptionally lucky she'll be interested in seeing his artwork. Artist over programmer was a solid redeeming choice.
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