[X] [March] No, stay at home
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
@Academia Nut
Administrative chief: now that the settlements are denser and using charcoal, are there reports of people dying in home under suffocation?

Farming chief: are our forests in danger of shrinking due to charcoal and other use?

Have we developed iron nail?

Trade chief: Do we have regular trade with southern hill people?
[X] [March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
[X] [March] No, stay at home
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
As pblur said.

The knights Charge the enemy with élan and slaughter it in glorious melee was the standard battle doctrine for large parts of Europe in the late medieval period.

After all it worked 7/10 times.
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[X] [March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] [Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] [Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
Well, seems like the vote's pretty set.

Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 1539 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0

Task: March
[50][March] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[16][March] No, stay at home

Task: Caravan
[68][Caravan] Attempt peaceful contact

Task: Challenge
[49][Challenge] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
[17][Challenge] Study Tailings (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights)
[2][Challenge] Study Metal (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights)

Total No. of Voters: 68
[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial, -2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)
also divide the shamans in to two camps metal speakers and normal shaman
[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial,-2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

I take it we're all agreed to take 2 Main actions relating to the Challenge next turn - "Study Metal / Study Tailings" + "Study Health / Build Mine"? We should definitely be aiming to complete this in 2 turns, in case of bad rolls or new requirements/opportunities.
[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial,-2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

I take it we're all agreed to take 2 Main actions relating to the Challenge next turn - "Study Metal / Study Tailings" + "Study Health / Build Mine"? We should definitely be aiming to complete this in 2 turns, in case of bad rolls or new requirements/opportunities.
Nope. We want to switch policy. Some people want to switch to progress, others want to switch to balanced.
Challenge Plan

1. [Main] Study Tailings (-1Stab)
1. [Secondary] Policy: Balanced/Restoration
1. Free Secondary, more Survey Lands if we don't find another Mine? Stability option?

2. [Main] Study Health
2. [Main] Study Metal (-1Stab)

This leaves
3. [Main] Build Mine (-1Stab)

We need an iron mine before the 3rd turn is complete. Surveys are not guaranteed to find what we need. After finding a site, it takes a turn to build the settlement and another turn to build the mine.
As such it makes a lot of sense to take the Survey immediately, so that if it fails we aren't completely screwed.

That means that we can't use the provinces to do Study Metal/Tailings at all. That hurts.

That makes me think that Policy:Balanced is by far our best option, since they'll be able to deal with any outside problems, boost our economy, and establish the settlement.

Turn 1:
[Main] Study <Metal/Tailings>
[Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[Secondary] New Settlement - <Iron location>
[Main] Study Health
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] Study Stars

Turn 2:
[Main] Build Mine
[Main] Study <Metal/Tailings>
[Main] Restore Order
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] Study Stars

This would actually complete all the requirements by the second turn, though it's rather unlikely that everything will work out this perfectly. Still, Policy - Balanced shows its worth here.

@Academia Nut
If a [Secondary] New Settlement is created at an iron site, can it still be used to establish a mine the turn after?
(Despite the fact that at turn start it still wouldn't have paid out its econ)

So I like your two plans. I'll put up a best case scenario where we find that Redhill is Hematite Land, as well as one where it isn't found to be and we find no where to do it.

Turn 1:
[Main] Study <Metal>
[Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[Secondary] Grand Sacrifice
[Main] Study Health
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] Study Stars
I believe we should take metal when the Provinces are likely to study health because we don't want them to derp it up and accidentally strengthen the Belief. Study Health + Tailings just logically sounds like they are going to find something bad and mix it up and strengthen Weapons of the Gods.
Study Metal will take -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability. Grand Sacrifice is taken and it takes -2 Econ and gives +1 Stability. This leaves us (after the march if we take it which is -2 by itself) at 4 Econ, 1 Mysticism, and 1 Stability. The Provinces will fulfill the Study Health half of the Study Health + Metal/Tailings taking -1 Econ to do so taking us to 3 Econ. +4 Econ from Expand Economy, and +1 Mysticism from Study Stars. So the turn ends with the stats being 1 Stability, Max Legitimacy, 7 Econ, and 2 Mysticism. So we have a net resource flow of -2 Econ and -1 Mysticism and +0 Stability. About as good as we are going to get.

Mid turn
This will be Challenge related. Try for the Stability raising option. Or fulfill one of the other requirements, preferably tailings study. Generally speaking having positive Stability will be really helpful for this.
War is probably coming from the East since my easy prediction was right and the Thunder Speakers rebellion got smashed flat. The system the Thunder Horse have going breeds more rebellion and resentment however so we gotta watch that closely. Then again the Thunder Horse might also need to consolidate their hold again. At least the Thunder Speakers won't be directly attacking us! With this they can't do that silly "Well beat your heads in for what you did!" stuff they were talking up. Now they are too busy guarding their masters and their masters see no reason to attack us.

Turn 2:
[Main] Build Mine Redhill
[Main] Study <Tailings>
[Main] Restore Order
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] Study Stars

Annnnnd we're done. This fulfills the Mine Requirement and the Tailings individual study Requirement. This will take -4 Econ and -1 Stability for the Mine. And -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, for the Tailings study. Before the Provinces can act we are at 2 Econ, 0 Mysticism, and -1 Stability. So with Restore Order who recently proved themselves not to be useless (Yay!), we hope they get us to 0 Stability, the +4 Econ of Expand Economy means we are at 6 Econ and Study Stars pushes us to 1 Mysticism. Net Resource flows are -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Stability. But this is survivable.

[X] Yes, send out the warriors (-5 Martial,-2 Econ)
[X] Attempt peaceful contact
[X] Survey Lands (-1 Econ, improved odds of success)

I take it we're all agreed to take 2 Main actions relating to the Challenge next turn - "Study Metal / Study Tailings" + "Study Health / Build Mine"? We should definitely be aiming to complete this in 2 turns, in case of bad rolls or new requirements/opportunities.
Sort of. It won't be us the kings Maining the Study Health. Instead see above in Notgreat's or my plan, we leave the Provinces to do Study Health while we do metal or tailings (I'd prefer metal personally to cut down on possible derpage). We can finish it in two turns though.
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Sort of. It won't be us the kings Maining the Study Health. Instead see above in Notgreat's or my plan, we leave the Provinces to do Study Health while we do metal or tailings (I'd prefer metal personally to cut down on possible derpage). We can finish it in two turns though.
Are we sure that having a Province perform the action counts for the challenge?
I take it we're all agreed to take 2 Main actions relating to the Challenge next turn - "Study Metal / Study Tailings" + "Study Health / Build Mine"? We should definitely be aiming to complete this in 2 turns, in case of bad rolls or new requirements/opportunities.
Mine is contingent on finding a site. Its build after its found. If luck doesn't decide to favor The People with the half turn zero action its going to have to be spammed.
[Main] Study Health
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] Study Stars
Useless. Study metal/tailing must be simultaneously with study health.
Guys, we need to combinethe study health and metal. Don't forget that.
I agree with your plan's idea, but I highly doubt that things will go that nicely. Our provinces are likely to need to deal with outsiders with a few of their actions, dealing with the South or the East.
If possible we may want to get the mine on the first turn, since that way we'll get all the glorious stats that it provides us.

Useless. Study metal/tailing must be simultaneously with study health.
It is, those are the expected province actions. The provinces are aware of the requirements and are thus extremely likely to take Study Health when we take our Study Metal/Tailings.

Nope. We want to switch policy. Some people want to switch to progress, others want to switch to balanced.
Progress doesn't actually do what we want it to since provinces won't take actions which cost us stability. I'm pretty sure most of the people who want Progress just haven't noticed that ruling. (I was among them initially as well)
Establish a way of maintaining communications reliably across thousands of kilometres and a way to make the steppes be more favourable for agriculture rather than herding and you can conquer the steppes, yes.

Then build the March as you simply don't have the logistics to hit them otherwise.

Yes. They won't take Stability reducing actions, but stuff like Study Health they will take.



Sort of. If in support of a crisis or challenge or the like, yes, but otherwise they will tend to shy away from spending stats below 6.

Here we go every body this shows (if you click on the little arrow in the quote to see the full post) that indeed the Province actions do count towards the Study Health + Metal/Tailings. He actually answered your question @DocMatoi.

Back to putting in my worst case.

I agree with your plan's idea, but I highly doubt that things will go that nicely. Our provinces are likely to need to deal with outsiders with a few of their actions, dealing with the South or the East.
If possible we may want to get the mine on the first turn, since that way we'll get all the glorious stats that it provides us.

It is, those are the expected province actions. The provinces are aware of the requirements and are thus extremely likely to take Study Health when we take our Study Metal/Tailings.

Progress doesn't actually do what we want it to since provinces won't take actions which cost us stability. I'm pretty sure most of the people who want Progress just haven't noticed that ruling. (I was among them initially as well)
I know, I'm working on a worst case right now.
You know, I like the optimism in this thread. The problem is, AN has literally told us that we are going to be attacked.
It is, those are the expected province actions. The provinces are aware of the requirements and are thus extremely likely to take Study Health when we take our Study Metal/Tailings.
The provinces also have to build enough mysticism to even do the studies. Also if the survey doesn't strike metal on the half turn they have to find a metal mine. You can let them handle basically everything else except the duel main requirement. That is ignoring:
You know, I like the optimism in this thread. The problem is, AN has literally told us that we are going to be attacked.
Yes... and if they aren't going all in it may do little real damage or not. I'm personally expecting to have a mid turn decision on this point. Depends if they bounce or not.
You know, I like the optimism in this thread. The problem is, AN has literally told us that we are going to be attacked.
Yeah, I don't actually expect it to get done in 2 turns, since that requires almost everything to go perfectly.

Here's a more reasonable/pessimistic plan:
Turn 1:
[Main] Study <Metal/Tailings>
[Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced
[Secondary] New Settlement - <Iron location>
[Main] War Mission
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] Study Stars or make the New Settlement into a [Main]

Turn 2:
[Main] Build Mine
[Main] Restore Order
[Main] Build Boats
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] War Mission

Turn 3:
[Main] Study <Metal/Tailings>
[Main] Grand Sacrifice
[Main] Study Health
[Main] Expand Economy (The Law)
[Secondary] War Mission
edit: And even this one has 4 semi-available actions since we technically don't need to take any stability boosts... though I'm almost certain that we'll be able to take at least one and we really want to avoid dropping back to -2 Stability.
The provinces also have to build enough mysticism to even do the studies.
Technically we only need 1 more Mysticism, and that can be provided by making the Mine and triggering Canal. It's also very likely that the provinces will take Study Stars since we've been told that they like that action (though that's less certain now that Expand Economy is super-powered)
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@Academia Nut
Does it have to be an iron mine or would any type of metal do?

It can be any kind of metal.

I think the 1/4 locked means that 1/4 of our forest is going into providing charcoal, so we can make 3 more Mines before we're dooming our forest. (We don't want to get that close to the limit though)

This is correct.

Administrative chief: now that the settlements are denser and using charcoal, are there reports of people dying in home under suffocation?

Farming chief: are our forests in danger of shrinking due to charcoal and other use?

Have we developed iron nail?

Trade chief: Do we have regular trade with southern hill people?

No reports of anything like that outside of actual fires.

This is already being reported as no.


Only a little bit, but some trade with the Hathatyn, yes.
Balanced is probably better since we've been told that provinces won't take stability-costing actions, even on Progress.

Balanced means we we will trust the provinces to provide us resources and deal with outside threats while we deal with completing the challenge, and they know the exact requirements so they'll be working to help us and will take Study Health when they can. Progress is thus just worse than Balanced right now, since it can only help with Study Health which can be taken on Balanced anyway.

I think the 1/4 locked means that 1/4 of our forest is going into providing charcoal, so we can make 3 more Mines before we're dooming our forest. (We don't want to get that close to the limit though)
Study health doesn't get doubled to a main IIRC, only having the progress policy will do that.