Bandit Clan Quest (Borderlands Series)

Eh... I'm going to have to say no. Something like that seems possible for the Borderlands setting, given stuff like Lab Rats, but most mutants like that were made by slag experiments, which aren't exactly something your character has undergone at this point?
[X] Take his offer

We can cap him later. If we establish ourselves as only ruling through force we will be screwed in the long run especially becuase we are no great fighter. Better to talk to him a bit and figure out if he can think long term.
Can we experiment with slag later and make our body builder look like Gatling Gull?
Also, will there be vault hunter boss battles?
Fear the one who has some critical thinking skills.
Ah yes the "fear things that are actually useful" spiel. Want to throw out the guns too?
Basically we will need:
Farming and water filtration.
Competence for warding off death world super creeps and other jackasses with guns.
And i'm not even getting into research because there are some interesting possibilities with Borderlands tech.

Basically killing competence because it is being careful (like us) is bad long term. Besides, we can always kill him later if need be.
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[X] Kill him, then assert your dominance over the rest of his gang.

We are the one in charge, we don't know this guy at all. We have no reason to trust him.

Also, we're bandits, not some hippie commune.
Ah yes the "fear things that are actually useful" spiel. Want to throw out the guns too?
Basically we will need:
Farming and water filtration.
Competence for warding off death world super creeps and other jackasses with guns.
And i'm not even getting into research because there are some interesting possibilities with Borderlands tech.

Basically killing competence because it is being careful (like us) is bad long term. Besides, we can always kill him later if need be.
But he's not a thing. I'm not gonna throw out a gun because a gun is a tool. Tools don't creep into your room at night and strangle you, and they certainly don't bargain for their life.

Basically, what you're putting value in is our lack of ability to control him. And when everyone is a criminal, sounds like a bad idea.
I'm gonna go ahead and call the vote.
Adhoc vote count started by Vindictus on May 17, 2017 at 11:13 PM, finished with 41 posts and 16 votes.
Vindictus threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Asserting Dominance Total: 88
88 88
Asserting Dominance
You make a show of considering it. "You've got a point... But," The gun in your hand barks as you pull the trigger, and the other convict's head explodes in a plume of gore. "You just ring all of my Stranger Danger warning bells."

The room is silent as the now-headless corpse of the other convict leader slowly topples over. Honestly, the guy wasn't even wrong- You'd be better off with more people working for you than otherwise, even if the person making that case was sketchy as fuck. You step forward, and gesture towards the now cowering rival gang.

"Now, allow me to make my offer. I'm the Boss, and you all work for me. Be part of my gang, do what I want, or you end up like good old Stranger Danger here."

There is silence for a moment, before one of the rival gang members responds. "You know, I never liked Steve anyway."
+15 Convicts

With that taken care of, your newly enlarged gang sets to work scouring the bunker for anything useful. There's almost nothing in the way of food- A couple of beat up old vending machines that get torn open, and the contents of one abandoned lunchbox that smell like they've gone a little off- but the armory is full of guns and ammo, and the bunker is secure enough that you're pretty sure a handful of people could keep it secure against most things.
+25 food
+250 combat rifles
+100 pistols
+100 shotguns
+50 sniper rifles
+1 Dahl Security Bunker

Near the end of the scavenging, one of your underlings taps you on the shoulder. "Uh, Boss, you're going to want to see this."

You're led to the top of the facility, where a small garage holds... Your eyes must be playing tricks on you, because those look an awful lot like Dahl jet fighters.

"They ain't working." You turn, and see the bodybuilder you came with. "They must have been brought in for repairs, because they've all got parts damaged or missing, and at some point all of the electronics systems got torn out, so there's no way to run 'em. They've still got working engines, though."

"... And you know this because?"

The big guy laughs. "I was a mechanic, before the authorities traced a few less-than-legal aftermarket modifications back to me. Anyway, I think I could probably fix these puppies up, if I had the parts- The tools are all here- but I've got no idea where to get those. If I can get these up and running, though..."

You can imagine- though obviously, it's just an 'if'. And... "I'm a bit more concerned with food. We don't have enough to last a week."

"Shit, really?" He whistles through his teeth. "Well, still- if you find any electronics, or busted up vehicles for salvage, could you bring 'em back here? Because that'd be great."

Yeah, sure.
+5 Busted Jet Fighters
- Bodybuilder converted to Mechanic

Congratulations, you have acquired a base of operations.

A base of operations needs to be staffed by a certain minimum number of people to remain secured. A secured base can resist and repel attacks from rival gangs, wildlife, and other aggressors, but if a base is left unsecured, a rival gang can simply walk in and take it over. Leaving human resources on staff beyond the minimum requirements grants an additional defense bonus.

A base of operations provides a safe place to manage several types of operation from. Operations take three major forms- Scouting, Offensive, and Diplomatic.
Scouting operations gather information about the local area, rival groups, and resources nearby.
Offensive operations attack specific targets to damage opposition or gather resources.
Diplomatic operations allow you to form treaties or alliances with rival groups, or take them over.

An operation must be managed by a Hero unit. Additional Hero units provide bonuses to the operation.

Congratulations, you have acquired a specialist.

Specialist units provide access to a new resource, or a new way of utilizing resources, beyond what could be performed by untrained labor. Specialists can still be used as general Human Resources, if necessary.

Available Human Resources
35 Convicts
1 Mechanic

Available Heroes
'The Boss'

Available Guns
250 combat rifles
100 shotguns
100 pistols
50 sniper rifles

Secure bases (Does not require Hero unit):
[] Secure Dahl Bunker (Min. 10)

Perform Operations (Requires 1 hero unit per Operation):
[] Scouting Operation
- [] General Scouting
[] Offensive Operations
- [] Fire magic missile bullets into the darkness
[] Diplomatic Operations
- [] Talk to:
-- [] Yourself?

Sample vote block for reference:
Secure Dahl Bunker (15 Convicts)
Offensive Operation (20 Convicts, 'The Boss')
- Attack Rakk Nest
[X] Secure Dahl Bunker (20 Convicts)
[X] Scouting Operation (15 Convicts, 'The Boss')
- [X] General Scouting

I feel more comfortable leaving a majority of our troops here to secure the base. After all we don't really need a huge group to do some scouting.
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@Vindictus is it possible to upgrade our base? Like add hydroponics or communication arrays?
That sort of thing would require a specialist. Right now you've got a mechanic, who knows enough about electronics to plug a control board into a vehicle or install a pre-built rear view camera and such, but not anywhere near enough to set up and maintain a communications array.
[X] Secure Dahl Bunker (20 Convicts, The Mechanic)
[X] Scouting Operation (15 Convicts, 'The Boss')
- [X] General Scouting
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That sort of thing would require a specialist. Right now you've got a mechanic, who knows enough about electronics to plug a control board into a vehicle or install a pre-built rear view camera and such, but not anywhere near enough to set up and maintain a communications array.

Thanks just wanted to know if we have the option.

[X] Secure Dahl Bunker (20 Convicts, The Mechanic)
[X] Scouting Operation (15 Convicts, 'The Boss')
- [X] General Scouting
[X] Secure Dahl Bunker (20 Convicts, The Mechanic)
[X] Scouting Operation (15 Convicts, 'The Boss')
- [X] General Scouting