Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

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There once was a world of fantasy where a small nation is being plagued with all sorts of...
Intro and Prologue: Character Generation
There once was a world of fantasy where a small nation is being plagued with all sorts of problems. So many problems, one would say it was cursed. Barbarians raid their border villages and towns. Bandits rob their trade routes. Pirates plunder their coastal populations. The corrupt lurk within to undermine the nation for profit. And, worst of all, more powerful hostile nations eyed the poor nation for conquest. To many, it seemed that this poor nation is the toy of fate. Indeed, many would think that it will fall within a short period of time and be forgotten.

However, the poor nation had one final gambit that they used.

At a certain repeating point of time, the dimensional barriers that separate this fantasy world from others thin and weaken; to the point where, with a powerful spell, groups and parties can summon a champion for their cause, one that might lead them to greatness. However, the cost of this spell is indeed great. This poor nation pooled a great fraction all of its resources into the spell, hoping that their efforts will pay off.

And it did, in a way.

In the past, champions would something out of a fantasy book: Strong warriors, guile adventurers, powerful mages and priests, the works.

However, they did not summon any of those.

Instead, they summon you.

You are the leader of a small organization, formerly existing in a world without magic. Your old world relied on technology, science, and mundane means to get things done. You and your company was summoned by a twist of fate to aid the poor nation in its time of need. Whatever if you will succeed or fail is still unknown…

But, before the tale unfolds, let's answer some basic questions:

Your name is:
[] Write-in name

You are:
[] Male
[] Female

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[] Yes
-[] (Post a picture of yourself then!)
[] No

Your organization's name is:
[] Write-in name

Your organization is:
[] A private defense company (+1 Martial Action)
[] A negotiations consulting company (+1 Diplomacy Action)
[] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)
[] A private spy and intelligence organization (+1 Intrigue Action)
[] A small research firm (+1 Learning Action)
[] A missionary organization (+1 Piety Action)


Hello and welcome to a Teleported Modern/Sci-Fi company meets Fantasy CK2 quest. This will be a side project to burn off some steam if I get temporarily stuck in the other two quests I am currently running. This means that Update speed will vary heavily and that quality might vary heavily (although I try to do my best in quality anyway).

First of all, some rules:
  • Standard SV posting policy applies here. Hopefully people are intelligent enough to get this.
  • No spamming nor griefing.
  • While there is an overall plot to the quest, I will not try rail-road you guys. This means that your choices do matter in the quest, a lot more than normal.
  • Do not assume that 1 is always an automatic failure, but know that 100 is a critical success. Expect great (and maybe funny) things to happen then…
  • I encourage omakes to be written. They will be rewarded with bonuses.
  • There is only one difficulty for this quest: reasonably hard (not Lunatic mode!)
  • I will announce when voting is closed and I will roll the dice then.
Character Sheet
Character Sheet:

Name: Joan Frank
Species: Human
Age: 29
Occupation: The Frank Foundation's Owner, Founder, Head of Research and CEO

Martial: 9 + 3 = 12 (While your fighting skills and practical combat are still far below par in comparison to a professional, you are getting better now that you have some real combat experience and knowledge.)

Diplomacy: 14 + 0 = 14 (You had to be charismatic and good-looking in order to have a moderately successful company, although you are not top notch by any means.)

Stewardship: 14 + 1 = 15 (A moderately successful company requires quite a bit of skill with managing fiances and other affairs. Also, thanks to a bit of training from Sunnia, you are learning to adapt to the new world's economics.)

Intrigue: 10 + 0 = 10 (You do not have too much skill in spying nor espionage, mainly because you do not have too much of a need for such skills, until now...)

Learning: 20 + 1 = 21 (You are quite an intelligent and gifted person. You are top of your class both in high school and in the university, consistently. This does help in the day to day research of your company. And, thanks to recent experiences in the new world, your intelligence and mastery of all things science just keeps on getting better and better.)

Piety: 10 + 0 = 10 (While you are not exactly hostile to any religion, you were not really a believer in any religion either...)


Learning Tactician: Your quick and sharp mind made you a fast learner of proper combat strategy, tactics, and fighting techniques. With each passing battle and as more battles are fought, you are growing... (+1 Martial)

Master of Medieval Fortifications: Your company's extensive redevelopment and improvement of Medieval Fortifications technology yielded deep insight into their strengths and weaknesses, as well as enhanced your already vast mind by adding a bit of knowledge from the world of architecture. (+2 Martial, +1 Learning)
Leofarinian Economy Knowledge: Thanks to Sunnia's efforts in teaching you, you start to have a better insight and understanding about Leofarinia's broken economy and ways to improve it. (+1 Stewardship)
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Organization Sheet
The Frank Foundation

<Insert Cool Logo!>

Wealth: 287

Income: 144

  • Herbalist's Services (15)
    • The Hired Herbalist
  • Tenant Rent (25)
  • Herbalist's Farm (15)
  • Iron Mining (35) (RENTED)
  • Tailor's Shop (8)
  • Butcher's Shop (8)
  • Battlefield Salvage Shop (19)
  • Trade Income, Ironhil: (14)
  • Iron smelter (15) (RENTED)
  • Small Factory (15)
Expenses: 66
  • Herbalist's Services (10)
    • The Hired Herbalist
  • Tenant Rent (10)
  • Herbalist's Farm (5)
  • Iron Mining (15) (RENTED)
  • Tailor's Shop (3)
  • Butcher's Shop (3)
  • Battlefield Salvage Shop (4)
  • Basic Recruitment Program, Lvl. 1 (5)
  • Basic Training Program, Lvl. 1 (5)
  • Iron smelter (10) (RENTED)
  • Small Factory (8)

Base and buildings:

Headquarters Building

-Integrated Science and Technology Center
-Summoning Halls
-Small Factory
-Firearms Machine Shop (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Village of Greenhill:

Active Iron Mine:
Garrison: None

Captured Fortified Mining Camp:
Garrison: None

Total Personnel and Units

Dedicated Combat groups:

Tier 1:
  • (4) Thorn Throwers
  • (3) Tamed Lesser Wolves
Tier 2:
  • (2) Basic Foundation Spearmen
  • (4) Basic Foundation Archers
  • (2) Basic Foundation Swordsmen
  • (1) Lesser Shield Angel
    • Angelina
  • (1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental
    • Fira
  • (1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental
    • Oceana
  • (1) Copper Archer Statues
  • (1) Copper Polearm Statues
Tier 3:
  • (11) Veteran Foundation Spearmen
  • (5) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen
  • (6) Veteran Foundation Archers
  • (1) Copper Lion Statue
  • (1) Copper Faux-Griffon Statue
Tier 4:
  • (2) Veteran Black Rabbits Bunny-Vanguards
    • Rebecca, the Commanding Officer of the group.
  • (1) Veteran Sunset Phalanx Pike-bunnies
    • Commanding Officer of the group.
  • (1) Veteran Stone-Breaker Berserkers
    • Vania the Violent, the leader of the group.
  • (1) Veteran Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers
    • Alice, the Commanding Officer of the group.
  • (1) Veteran Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry
    • Commanding Officer of the group.
  • (1) Veteran Golden Wolves Berserkers
    • Commanding Officer of the group.
  • (1) Veteran Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers
    • Victoria, the leader of the group.
  • (1) Basic Foundation Infantry
  • (3) Veteran Old Tower Warrens Bunny-Marauders (-5% Loot Rolls)
Tier 5:
  • (1) Veteran Foundation Archer-Maxim Group
Dedicated Intrigue groups:

Tier 2
  • (3) Basic Agents
Tier 3
  • (4) Veteran Agents
  • (1) The Shadows of the Nine
    • Agent Nine, the leader of the group.
Tier 4
  • (2) Tricksters

Dedicated Research and Development:

Tier 3:
  • (3) Science/Engineering Teams
    • Raymond Evans
Generalized Personnel Groups:

Tier 2:
  • (1) Priestess Initiates
    • Sister Catherine
Hybrid Purpose groups:

Tier 3:
  • (1) Enlightened Torch Dark Elvish Light Mages (Martial, Learning)
    • Jennifer, Head Mage of the group.
Tier 4:
  • (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins (Martial, Intrigue)
    • "Stiletto", Head Assassin of the group.
  • (1) Sniper Agents (Martial, Intrigue)
  • (2) War-Sisters of the Mace (Martial, Piety)
    • Sister Melancholy
    • Sister Hollybrook
    • Sister Leona-Marie
Durable Assets:

Vehicles and Mounts
  • (2) Company Vans
  • (5) General-Purpose Horses
Weapons and Armor
  • (3) Pistol Kits
  • (2) Shotgun Kits
  • (1) Carbine Kits
  • (1) Laser Pistol Kits
  • (4) Heavy Armor Kits
Machinery Items
  • (10) Robotics Kits
  • Wreckage of Various kinds:
    • Mall Security Robots
  • (12) Bottles of Unknown Enhancers
  • Shipment of Divine Material
  • (2) Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll
  • Major Summoning Enhancer Scroll
  • Divine Skeletal Dragon Bones
  • Summoning Ritual Books (Costs for tasks related to summoning decreased slightly, Chances of Success increased slightly)
  • Dead bodies of various kinds
    • Humans
    • Bunny-people
    • Dark Elves
    • Werewolves
    • Lesser Wolves
  • Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi
  • Unknown Herbs and Flowers
  • Ironhil informants lvl. 0.7
  • Old Tower Warren surveillance lvl. 0.7
  • Kingdom of Xelma informants lvl. 2
  • Chest full of documents (A chest full of documents looted from Xelma)
Other Military Assets:
  • Very Organized Forces (+5 Martial)
  • Plans and Strategies (+5 Martial)
  • Basic Recruitment Program, Lvl. 1 (+1 Tier-2 combat group every turn)
  • Basic Training Program, Lvl. 1 (1d3 groups of at most Tier 3 gets improved)
Other Research Assets:
  • High-Tech Computer Network (+5 Learining)

Diplomacy Status:

The Temple of the Divine Word (Level 1): Honored
Village of Greenhill (Level 2): Exalted
Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison (Level 1): Celebrated
Order of the Steel Helm (Level 1): Content
Princess Athene the Wise (Level 1): Content
Old Tower Warren (Level 1): Celebrated

Research Status:

Architecture-Medieval Fortifications: Lvl 7 (Perfectly Advanced)

Biology-Monster Types: Lvl 0 (Basic)
Biology-Humans: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Biology-Bunny People: Lvl 2 (Somewhat Advanced)
Biology-Dark Elves: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Biology-Thorn Throwers: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Biology-Magical Theory: Lvl 0 (Basic)
Biology-New World Flora: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Biology-Unknown New World Flora: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)

Chemistry-New World Flora: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Chemistry-Unknown New World Flora: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Chemistry-Basic Poison Gas Weapons: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)

Industrial-Basic Industry: Level 1 (Little more than Basic)

Magical-Fundamentals: Level 2 (Somewhat Advanced)
Magical-Holy Magic: Lvl 0 (Basic)

Medical-Modern Medicines: Lvl 2 (Somewhat Advanced)
Medical-Modern Soaps: Lvl 2 (Somewhat Advanced)

Military-Modern Firearms: Lvl 1 (Little more than Basic)
Military-Medieval Armor: Lvl 4 (Quite Advanced)
Military-Medieval Ranged Weapons: Lvl 4 (Quite Advanced)
Military-Ballistics: Lvl 4 (Decently Advanced)

Theology-Temple of the Divine Word: Lvl 2 (Somewhat Advanced)
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People of significance:


Sunnia of Lightwood Forest

Name: Sunnia of Lightwood Forest
Species: Sun Elf
Age: 200

A young Sun Elf logistics officer hailing from the Lightwood Forest Sun Elf tribes and coming from a merchant's family. A recent graduate of Leofarinia's military academy, her first assignment was to serve Joan Frank and her company with her skills and knowledge. Ever since, she serves company faithfully as its Stewardship advisor...


Martial: 16 (Graduated with good grades in military tactics and strategy. She is also handy with a sword as well.)
Diplomacy: 11 (Most elves are naturally charismatic and good-looking, although Sunnia will need a bit more practice to be a top-notch diplomat.)
Stewardship: 17 (She is well-trained as a logistics officer and has a merchant's background. Counting and managing money comes quite naturally to her.)
Intrigue: 8 (Although she knows the value of military intelligence, she's not that special in the field of espionage, not to mention that the Sun Elves have a natural disdain for spying.)
Learning: 11 (Not stupid in anyway, but she does not have enough scientific training and knowledge to work in a modern science lab, she's quite average in this regard.)
Piety: 11 (She is a follower of the Temple of the Divine Word, but she's not overly knowledgeable nor devout to the religion.)
Georgia of the Unhallowed Marsh Warrens

Name: Georgia of the Unhallowed Marsh Warrens
Species: Bunny-Person
Age: 28

A seasoned warrior, commander, and trainer hailing from the cursed Unhallowed Marsh Warrens. To fulfill Joan Frank's favor, the Leofarinian Army hired the Bunny warrior to serve Joan and her company as a Martial adviser. Strong and wise in the field of battle, she pledged her loyalty to Joan Frank and help her win many battles...


Martial: 22+2+2=26 (She is a skilled tactician, strong warrior, and an expert trainer hailing from a population of Bunnies that is plagued with frequent attacks by undead. Logically, she needs to be this good at fighting just to make it into adulthood in her world. Recently, she also demonstrated the ability to run effective (if small) armies and train warriors in various forms of combat...)
Diplomacy: 8 (Having dedicated herself to the art of battle and war, she has no training nor interest in talking to solve problems, especially if fighting would get the results she wants just fine.)
Stewardship: 8 (Her life does not give opportunities to learn math beyond the basics, and she stated that she rather have someone trusted to do the math for her.)
Intrigue: 10 (She has some familiarity of the concept of stealth growing up, but she is no spy.)
Learning: 10 (Not stupid in anyway, but she does not have the education background to work in a modern lab.)
Piety: 10 (She is a follower of the Temple of the Divine Word, since they helped our her Warrens a lot, but she's not super knowledgeable nor devout to the religion.)


Head of the Frank Foundation Armed Forces: Her efforts in organizing the Frank Foundation Armed Forces and becoming its leader have helped her in developing leadership and tactical skills needed to lead this new army... (+2 Martial)
Master Trainer: Sword, spear, shield, tactics, traps, or horsemanship. Whatever a warrior needs to learn, Georgia is certainly capable in teaching whatever the warrior requires. And she can do it en masse... (+2 Martial)

-Annabelle Hope, Head Priestess of the Temple of the Divine Word
-Sister Melancholy, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-Sister Hollybrook, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-Sister Catherine, Priestess Initiate for the Temple of the Divine Word
-Raymond Evans, Senior Researcher for The Frank Foundation
-Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
-Gordan, the Village Head of Greenhill and former adventurer from Aquaguard.
-Rebecca, the brave Commanding Officer of the hired Black Rabbits group.
-Commanding Officer of the Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies
-The Hired Herbalist
-Vania the Violent, the leader of the hired Stone-Breaker Berserkers group.
-Angelina, that summoned Lesser Shield Angel that you have named.
-Jennifer, Head Mage of the Enlightened Torch Mages group.
-"Stiletto", Head Assassin of the Red Knives group.
-Alice, Commanding Officer of the Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers group.
-Commanding Officer of the Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry group.
-Commanding Officer of the Golden Wolves Berserkers group.
-Fira, that summoned Lesser Divine Flame Elemental that you have named.
-Oceana, that summoned Lesser Divine Water Elemental that you have named.
-Victoria, the leader of the Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers group.
-The Hired Herbalist.


Bloody Bethany Bunny

Name: 'Bloody' Bethany Bunny
Species: Bunny-people
Age: 30

A Bunny-person Bandit who has crossed paths with Joan Frank and made a fool of her by kidnapping one of the Frank Foundation's science and engineering teams. Despite looking like a unremarkable bandit at first, key information revealed by a talented network of information brokers revealed that she is a lot more than she seems.

Important facts in her history, as reported by Green, the information broker of Greenhill, Joan Frank:
-Born to a highly populated Bunny-people tribe within the Kingdom of Brava, Leofarinia's hostile neighbor to the north.
-Joined that kingdom's army at the age of twelve, served well before retiring at age of twenty-one for other opportunities.
-Started up a mercenary band known as the Swords and Bones, was quite successful.
-Many suspect that the more organized "bandit" attacks on Leofarinia's northern border were actually raids done by Swords and Bones mercenaries on behalf of Brava, though no proof could be found.
-Recent correspondence obtained by Green's greater information network revealed that Bethany was secretly hired by Brava to "discreetly" investigate Leofarinia's Summoned Hero and do whatever she can to hinder him or her.
-Recent correspondence also obtained by Green's greater information network revealed that Bethany also have secret contacts with the Kingdom of Xelma, Leofarinia's hostile neighbor to the east. The nature of the relationship is purely a loot-and-plunder-to-cash business.
-Has recently bribed, converted, or otherwise turn many of Green's greater information network agents to her cause, weakening and greatly upsetting many of Green's powerful friends.
-Was spotted around the no-man's desert region south of Leofarinia and Xelma, searching for something… ancient but powerful. Rumors had it that the hostile sands holds numerous ruins, some of them otherworldly in origin...

Reported Stats:

Martial: 24 (Skilled warrior in her own might, although there are individuals with more talent and strength elsewhere in the world.)
Diplomacy: 21 (Charismatic and good-looking, she knows how to talk-herself into other people's pants and wallets.)
Stewardship: 16 (A successful mercenary company requires skill in management and she has it, although it is not extraordinary.)
Intrigue: 24 (Well, she tricked you and quite a lot of other people… that should account for something.)
Learning: 11 (Not stupid by any means, but she probably more interested in fighting and tricking people than to develop more technology or magic. However, she is interested in better ways of killing people and screwing with them (both meanings apply here.))
Piety: 3 (Not a believer in any religion; considers all gods, goddesses, and religions as false. Ironically, rumour has it that she is seeking god-like power to become just like one, even though she does not believe in gods or religion. Maybe she is starting a cult of personality...)

-Princess Asalya Se Xelma, Member of the Xelmian Royal Family and Overall Head of the Xelmian invasion into Leofarinia
-Willo Fa Cata, Xelmian Noble and General of the Invasion's Northern Front
-Catyla Fe Myla, Xelmian Noble and General of the Invasion's Middle Front
-Star-La Fe Yalya, Xelmian Noble and General of the Invasion's Southern Front
-Jennya Fe Miaya, Xelmian Noble and the Invasion's Chief Merchant of Logistics, and
-"The Black Beast", Loyal Chief Spymaster of probable Xelmian background.
-Princess Katyra Se Xelma, Member of the Xelmian Royal Family and Overall Head of the Xelmian Expedition into Stormy Sands Desert
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Can somebody say DEUS VULT?!

[X] Plan Modern Crusade

Your name is:
[X] Freida De Gullero

You are:
[X] Female

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes
-[X] Fancy Enough

Your organization's name is:
[X] The People's Crusade

Your organization is:
[X] A missionary organization (+1 Piety Action)
Last edited:
[X] Plan Jormungand

Your name is:
[X] Koko Hekmatyar

You are:
[X] Female

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Jormungand

Your organization is:
[X] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)
[X] Plan Joan
Your name is:
[X] Joan Frank

You are:
[X] Female

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes
Your organization's name is:
[X] The Frank Foundation

Your organization is:

[X] A small research firm (+1 Learning Action)
Last edited:
[X] Plan Jormungand

God bless firepower! The scared black powder will cleanse this sinful world and set it anew.

I did not misread the mange, this is my interpretation of it.
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[X] Seamus Sebastian Steel

You are:
[X] Male

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Hyperion Industries

Your organization is:
[X] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)
[X] Plan Jormungand

God bless firepower! The scared black powder will cleanse this sinful world and set it anew.

I did not misread the mange, this is my interpretation of it.
were are you getting firepower from his plan is manufacturing XD
Looking at all the options, I really think the Missionary is best equipped to handle uplifting and operating technological and societal backwaters.

Their operations are usually set in foreign disaster-prone and war-torn areas after all, and that describes the Kingdom that summoned them perfectly.
[X] Seamus Sebastian Steel

You are:
[X] Male

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Hyperion Industries

Your organization is:
[X] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)
[X] Plan Agents of Kingsmen

Your name is:
[X] Alfred Kingsman

[X] Male

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Kingsmen

[X] A private spy and intelligence organization (+1 Intrigue Action)

"Manners maketh man"
- Alfred Kingsman
[X] Seamus Sebastian Steel

You are:
[X] Male

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Hyperion Industries

Your organization is:
[X] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)
[X] Seamus Sebastian Steel

You are:
[X] Male

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Hyperion Industries

Your organization is:
[X] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)
[X] Plan Jormungand

Your name is:
[X] Koko Hekmatyar

You are:
[X] Female

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] Jormungand

Your organization is:
[X] A small manufacturing company (+1 Stewardship Action)

Somebody just voted in my favorite anime character into a CKII quest? Good thing I wasn't drinking anthing or I would do a spit take.